The task given to them by the emperor is to find out what happened in Song Dynasty.

But Lu Ren knew very well that no matter how many people he brought, they were bound to add mobs to the group of fourth natural disasters, so why did he bring people from the East Factory to die?

Even if he wants to be a boss once, he can't do without his younger brother, but isn't there someone from Yuhuatian and Xichang?

His purpose of coming here is very simple. First, to see what has become of this place. Second, how did the group of fourth natural disasters identify the people who infiltrated here?

There can't be dedicated task NPCs and automatic search, right?

If there is a chance, it would be even better to see Zhao Ji's state.

Entering here leisurely, Lu Ren was thinking about the arrangements he made before leaving.

Gu Santong is free in advance, he can let it go!

There is no way, he went to the Song Dynasty with the idea of ​​turning the whole martial arts back 20 years. Eunuch Cao will probably never return, and then he will become Zhu Wushi. He can't let Gu Santong add trouble to him, right?

Anyway, it's useless, so let the ancient three links be free.

As long as he honestly hides with Su Xin and Cheng Shifei for a while, and when he occupies Zhu Wushi's body, then there will be no problem.

And after he left Daming and specially created opportunities for Zhu Wushi to do something, I believe that Zhu Wushi was not in the mood to find Su Xin for the time being.

[A follow-up book recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years!It’s really easy to use. I use it to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here..]

Now Zhu ignores it, wishing for him to die!

Su Xin's disappearance, Zhu Wushi probably guessed that he did it, but Zhu Wushi never thought that Su Xin had come back to life, and it was precisely because of this that Zhu Wushi's attention was on him.

If Gu Santong hadn't been following his orders and constantly provoking Hulong Villa, Zhu Wushi would never have listened to the emperor's order and sent so many people to chase after Gu Santong, and even went out in person.

Now that Gu Santong doesn't harass him, Zhu Wushi can free up his strength to deal with the emperor, and it's too late for him to be happy.

When he becomes the Ninth Five-Year Master, whether it is Tianxiang cardamom or Suxin, he can find it slowly.

Even, Zhu Wushi may not have no intention of using his power to force Lu Ren, Eunuch Cao, to bow his head.

Of course, these things are his speculations about Zhu Wushi. In this comprehensive martial arts world, Lu Ren is not sure whether the little emperor has the cards to fight against Zhu Wushi. He can only say that the opportunity has been given to Zhu Wushi, and Dongchang will also Silently cooperate.

Lu Ren thought about Gu Santong and Zhu Wushi, and the previous communication with Su Xin appeared in his mind.

Do not misunderstand!

What can he do with his eunuch body now?It is also impossible for him to use his brain to do something to this troublesome woman like Su Xin. Whether it is Gu Santong or Zhu Wushi, it is very troublesome.

It's just that, if he set the ancient three links free, Su Xin and Cheng Shifei would naturally have to be returned. Whether it was finding Tianxiang cardamom to cure Su Xin, or helping her find her son, in the eyes of this woman, he, Eunuch Cao, was still considered a good man. . …


The private remarks of the people serving and monitoring Suxin, and some rumors that her son Cheng Shifei heard from the street made a certain woman who had been asleep for more than twenty years feel a little bit worried.

"Eunuch Cao! You know the truth, tell me, can I really make San Tong feel at ease?"


At that time, Lu Ren was a little confused.

"Before I fell into a coma, I kept thinking about two questions, why San Tong didn't want to marry me, obviously me and him... At first, I always thought it was because he was playful, and I could wait for him."

"I've also been thinking, why would he like me as a royal, and even disobeyed the first emperor's order for me, an ordinary woman. What kind of woman has he never seen before? I don't know martial arts, and I'm not stunning. attracted him?"

"It wasn't until a few days ago that I heard Fei'er say those things in the market, and I didn't seem to understand something... But does this mean that the two men I met in the past were not sincere to me? I love three Tong, but he never said he loved me..."

"Even after escaping from the prison, San Tong has been chasing him. Even Fei'er has never seen him. Now, he suddenly said that he wants to live in seclusion with me. Can I really live with him in peace?"


"Su Xin! This is all fake! The person I love is you!"

Gu Santong, who had been looking at this side, couldn't help but rushed over.

At that time, Lu Ren had nothing to say, and the rumor came from him, and Gu Santong, who knew the source of the rumor, almost quit.

Naturally, it is impossible for Lu Ren to go along with the rumors that originally came from him. Now and then, if he really experiences Zhu Wushi's life, he can't still bear this reputation.

It's just that it's all false to say now, and no one will believe it unless there is a real hammer.

People talk about money, destroy bones, and now Zhu ignores the situation with Gu Santong. It can be said that it is no different from Zeng Shen's murder. People can't stand it. When one person after another is talking about this matter, Even Su Xin, who experienced it personally, couldn't help but doubt it.

The true feelings can be thought of as a fake face for disguising, and you can also make up your own reasons to make up a lie.

"Miss Suxin, if you lived with Gu Santong for a period of time, wouldn't you be able to know the truth? Whether there is anything between Gu Santong and Shenhou, only the three of you know best, don't you?"

In this way, the unconfident Suxin, the old Gu Santong, and the newly-acquainted son Cheng Shifei went to live in seclusion. At that time, Cheng Shifei was unwilling and was beaten up by Gu Santong.

"If you don't want to live in seclusion, practice your martial arts well! When you finish your martial arts, as long as you don't disturb me and your mother, you can go wherever you want!"

Riding a horse, walking leisurely forward, thinking about these things in his mind, Lu Ren was perfunctory to the people of Yuhuatian and Xichang.

Suddenly, the world in front of him seemed to change, Lu Ren felt startled in his heart, a sense of uneasiness flashed across his heart, but quickly disappeared, but the horse under him was always panicked, as if crazy, barking forward dash.

On the other side, the people and horses in the West Factory were also in a mess, not only the horses, but also the crowd was in panic, even Yuhuatian looked restless and impatient.

Lu Ren turned his head to look at the people in Yuhuatian and Xichang, with a trace of surprise on his face: "Eunuch Yu, you may see something on your head..."

Yu Huatian raised his head abruptly to prevent the sneak attack from above his head, but he didn't see anything, his face was sullen, and he felt that he was being teased by this Cao Zhengchun again.

"Eunuch Cao! Now is not the time to joke around! Now that people are panicking, there must be something wrong. They must have been ambushed. The most urgent thing is to find the person behind the scenes!"

"Eunuch Yu! Have you entered the area where the fans have lost contact?"

"No! It's still a little ahead, and it will take about three hours to ride the horse."

Hearing Yu Huatian's answer and connecting with what he saw, a flash of clarity flashed in Lu Ren's eyes, and with a complicated face, he understood the reason for such a change.

The territory belonging to the fourth natural disaster... has expanded again!

Lu Ren and everyone in the West Factory who entered this area also experienced changes.

They... have blood streaks on their heads!

It's not just them, even these crazy horses have blood streaks on their heads, Lu Ren is no exception, but...

Why can't Yuhuatian and the others see the blood bar, but he can?

1 Thirty chapters bright blood bar. .

Chapter 131 I used to mix 4399

"System, can you see it?"

"See what?"

"Blood bar!"


"Host! If we are sick, we must go and treat it!"

Hearing the system's answer, Lu Ren fell silent.

He did see the blood streaks on his head, and the blood streaks on the heads of everyone in the West Factory, but neither the others nor the system on his body noticed this.


Swallowing, Lu Ren's scalp felt a little numb, why did such a thing happen?

Could it be...he has been digitized long ago, becoming a member of this group of fourth natural disasters?

Keep taking deep breaths, let yourself calm down, and then analyze a little bit.

Zhao Ji?

No!If it was influenced by Zhao Ji before, then the system should also be affected...

Lu Ren's heart sank, as if he had thought of something, he looked at the chaotic people in front of him.

"You can rectify here at ease, check the surroundings, I will go ahead and have a look..."

Lu Ren left behind these words, and without waiting for Yu Huatian to speak, he turned around and walked forward.

On the side, Yu Huatian, who watched Lu Ren disappear, his complexion changed slightly, his lips moved slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but he stopped talking after looking at the people in Xichang.

Lu Ren can ignore the people in the West Factory, but he can't just give up on this group of men. The casualties during the mission are acceptable, but now that he doesn't even know where the enemy is, he can't just ignore it, right?

Moreover, now, he still has that sense of uneasiness in his heart, and he can't suppress it all the time. Even if the emperor asked him to keep an eye on the former governor of the East Factory, he can't keep up now.

"It's okay... just let him go away for a while, and after the gang of trash are settled, we can always figure out what he wants to do."


On the other side, Lu Ren was alone. After leaving Xichang's sight, he found an open space and took off his clothes.

When the python suit was taken off, what was exposed was not the inner garment, but an ordinary short coat of coarse cloth.

"Fortunately, I did a little more preparation, maybe I can stop being a boss..."

Lu Ren's eyes flickered, and he buried the python suit he took off on the spot.

Originally, he brought the people from Xichang to lure the group of the Fourth Natural Disaster to appear, to try it out, and he was ready to let Eunuch Cao die heroically.

But it was only the blood bar that he could see, which made him a little surprised.

He was somewhat different from Xichang and even the system, his eyes flickered, and he thought of a certain self he met in the dark space last time, perhaps, that was the reason.

He wasn't sure if his guess was right, but he could try.

Leaving the team alone, he was not too far away from the Xichang team, but moved forward at a leisurely pace, always keeping a distance from the Xichang team.

Not far not near!

All the spies sent here lost contact shortly after entering the mutation area, not only the spies from Dongchang, but also the spies from all the forces in the world.

In the past, Lu Ren was still wondering how the people behind the fourth natural disaster did it, but now, he has some guesses.

As we all know, in front of the fourth natural disaster, no matter who they are, as long as their health bar is on, they can kill them.

The people in Xichang undoubtedly became monsters in the eyes of the fourth natural disaster. …

And he...

Lu Ren's eyes flickered, and the general skill was activated, and he disappeared.


"Quick! Go find it! A new wave of monsters has appeared! The system informs that this wave of monsters is from the West Factory. As long as we solve them, we can unlock the copy of the West Factory!"

"Didn't you say that you have to solve all the bosses outside to generate a copy? Could it be that the border of the map is finally spent?"

"It seems that the map of Ming Dynasty is about to be released! This version of the big game, the map is released very quickly. We haven't even developed all the dungeons in Song Dynasty, and we are about to open a new map."

"This game is very good, but the map is too big and there is no teleportation array. I even missed a lot of dungeons in order to collect monster waves."

"That's right! I missed the dungeon of Dugu inheritance in Xiangyang City last time."

"I'm looking forward to Ye Gucheng's Baiyun City apprentice acceptance ceremony."

"You must enter the ancient tomb as a teacher! Hehe!"

"What are you thinking! The ancient tomb is dangerous. The first time the player went, Xiaolongnv put down the dragon-breaking stone. In order to find the secret passage, the entire Zhongnan Mountain had to be searched, and the Chongyang Palace Taoist who blocked the road was bloodwashed again and again. Again, no one has found the entrance yet."

"That's right! There's no strategy yet, and it will take longer to open the master's door, and with the piss of this game company, a school like the ancient tomb will probably only accept female apprentices by then."

"That's right! It's disgusting! Last time I took off my clothes in another game of his, and he gave me a holy light!"

"What are you doing! The last time I was in Los Santos, I hadn't done anything yet! Before I had time to commit a crime, I was crushed to death by a tank falling from the sky as soon as I went out."

"You say, is there really a problem with this game company? Except for this game, all other games under its name seem to be shut down in an instant, and the last post on the Internet said that many players who were playing the game died directly. I don't know if it's true or not..."

"It must be fake! Use your brain, if it is true, this game can still live? Can the world government allow it?"



On the side, Lu Ren, who was hiding his figure, listened to all this, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

There is such a strong behind-the-scenes existence that there is more than one game?Judging from the situation in this world, isn't it saying that behind the scenes there are many worlds that have been attacked at the same time?

But what happened to Guanfu?

#Lu Ren frowned, feeling more and more troublesome, and glanced at this group of about 30 players.

The strength is not strong, no one found him, it seems that either there is no mini-map, or the mini-map cannot see him.

Is it because of stealth or something else?

Lu Ren frowned, and didn't try to guess like a chicken without a head, and stretched out his hand towards a player.

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