The body instantly transformed into a blue python.

The length of the head and tail is close to 20 meters, and the body is as thick as a bucket, and every swing of the body breaks the ground.

There was even half of a human's body hanging from the corner of the python's mouth, as if it had just eaten.

He raised his huge head and leaned forward slightly.

A deep and hoarse voice sounded: "Tremble! Mortals!"

Ah Fu was stunned: "Snakes can talk?"

"I don't know, but yes! I think... let's run!" Rasu said.

Ah Fu looked at his fist, then at the giant python that was almost as tall as the building, and sighed helplessly.

"Run!" The whole person flashed dozens of meters like a sharp sword out of its sheath.

The three of Lasu were stunned, and even the task force was taken aback by Ah Fu's speed.

In less than three seconds, Ah Fu had disappeared, a speed that even the world sprint champion could not achieve.

The giant python nodded in satisfaction, obviously this trick was effective for them.


A flaming white light hit the giant python, and a hole was instantly blasted out of the originally hard skin.

Flesh and blood flew, and blood flowed down the giant python's body, forming a small river.


Originally, I wanted to let the D-class members test the characteristics of scp2006 to see what they could turn into, but now I completely extinguished this idea.

Just hit it!

The huge firepower instantly suppressed the giant python, making it back again and again.

But the giant python didn't make any roars!

The figure fluctuated again and transformed into a skinny woman in white.

The long hair flew towards the members of the Yimin task force in an instant.

I saw that team member moved slightly, took out a gun from behind, and pulled the trigger.

A burst of fire spurted out in an instant, burning all the black hair that swept over in an instant.

Zhang Wen sneered, since he knew the characteristics of scp2006, there must be corresponding measures.

Suddenly the size of scp2006 changed again.

A white object popped up in an instant, hugging his face tightly under Lasu's horrified gaze.

Chapter 123 Induction

A white object popped up in an instant, hugging his face tightly under Lasu's horrified gaze.

The slender tail strangled Lasu's neck, shrinking tighter and tighter like a boa constrictor.

Rasu couldn't breathe immediately, his face was flushed red, and he couldn't move his tail even with all his strength, and opened his mouth involuntarily, wanting to breathe more air.

"Wait! Don't open your mouth!" Zhang Wen shouted.

But it was still too late.

The oviduct of the facehugger has already been inserted into Lasu's throat, injecting the next embryo.

The mission was completed, the face hugger let go of its tail, gradually withered and stiffened, and fell to the ground and turned into a ball of ashes.

Rasu panted heavily, and asked, "What is this?"

"Face hugger! According to the content of the movie, it should hatch within a day, but it may be faster."

"What is a face hugger?" Lasu continued to ask before realizing the importance of the matter.

Zhou beside him gestured quickly and said, "It's the opposite sex, you know, it will eat you and come out of your body."

"What!" Lasu's face turned pale in an instant, and he stretched his fingers into his throat, trying to spit out what he had swallowed.

But the embryo develops so fast that it has already stuck to the stomach wall and started sucking blood.

Zhang Wen immediately arranged: "Call the base, controlled scp2006 in a short time, and now need a completely enclosed room."

"Received! This is the Huaxia branch, and the base has been arranged in Changbai Mountain." Moss scp central branch director said.

"Yes." Zhang Wen put the pale Lasu into a glass box, and immediately boarded the plane.

"Captain, what should we do here? Someone saw the giant python, and the live TV here is open to the whole of Japan. It's inappropriate to directly erase the memory!"

Zhang Wen thought for a while, and said: "Go get some poisonous substances and drugs to plant here, and then interfere with the TV station, saying that this is a large-scale drug that caused people to collectively fall into hallucinations, so just clean individual people."


Lasu looked at his stomach in horror, and the equipment around him had already scanned the shape of the embryo inside.

Looking at the growing embryo, Lasu said with a look of despair: "Am I going to die!"

Zhang Wen comforted: "We will destroy it before it hatches."

Rasu shook his head and said calmly, "Give me a knife! I'll take him out."

"D-class personnel are not allowed to hold weapons without permission." After Zhang Wen finished speaking, a tranquilizer shot knocked Lasu unconscious.

"Maybe you'll feel better this way!"

In fact, when scp2006 entered Lasu's body, Lasu had already died in Zhang Wen's heart, and now he was just a container for scp2006.

Class D has no human rights at all!If someone must be sacrificed, it is best to be a D-class member.

When the plane arrived at Changbai Mountain base, Lasu's stomach was already slightly distended.

There may even be signs of abdominal peristalsis.

Moss immediately ordered: "For the operation, take it out first. The entire base closes all storage and vents, and adopts an automatic oxygen supply system. Those who have direct or indirect contact with SCP2006 must participate in isolation and observation for one month. Violators are allowed to be killed directly." .”


But the moment he was pushed into the operating room, a ferocious head pierced through Lasu's chest and protruded out.


A small lizard crawled out of Lasu's chest, and the blood on its body gradually slid off, revealing a bright silver shell. The sharp blade at the tail swung slightly, easily cutting through the protective tempered glass.

Jumping in front of Moss, his body grew into an adult alien in a few seconds.

The originally small species immediately transformed into a perfect killing weapon, opening its mouth, and the sharp blades in its mouth gleamed with light.

The saliva was rich in acidic substances, and when it fell to the ground, white smoke rose.

Moss immediately yelled: "Ahhh! It's scary! Don't hurt me!"

"Fear me! Mortals! I am the mighty alien! Tremble in fear!"

"Oh! Non-powerful aliens, please don't...don't hurt me!" Moss said tremblingly.

Zhang Wen also curled up aside in horror, watching Moss perform quietly.

"Hahahaha!" Alien was very satisfied: "I scared you!"

Moss patted his chest and took a deep breath: "Yes! I was almost scared to death by you, I was about to have a heart attack."

"What did you bring me here to talk about?" the alien asked.

"Just a question, why are you killing people?" Moss asked.

"Oh! It's very simple! After research, I found that human beings are more afraid of death. Changing into other things can only scare some human beings. There are always some who are not afraid, but they are all afraid of death. When they see me killing people, they will be immersed in fear among."

Moss was a little thankful that scp2006 hadn't seen a nuclear bomb, otherwise, it might not be a k-level problem.

That would put the whole world in fear.

"Okay! Then you can live here now!" Moss said in a low voice: "I have a lot of extremely scary movies here, and the previous rule is one movie a month. Don't tell others that I am breaking the rules. .”

"Okay! But I have to provide 50 people every week, and I want to inspect my results."


After shutting scp2006 into the containment room, the entire base immediately began a general cleaning.

All places must be baked by a flame above 300 degrees.

All personnel and equipment that came into direct or indirect contact with SCP2006 are to be destroyed.

The base entered a 30-day emergency lockdown.

"Minister, there's no need to do this!"

"Shut up!" Moss sternly reprimanded: "This is a K-class containment, you must be careful, and there are many shapes of aliens, if scp2006 can also secrete small alien embryos, I am afraid that the entire base will die. Moreover, once the aliens have formed a scale, they can only use nuclear weapons. The use of nuclear weapons may not necessarily kill SCP2006."

"Also! No one is allowed to underestimate scp2006, go back and get the punishment yourself." Moss said.



Too scary

Item #: scp2006

Object Class: keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP2006 is contained in an airtight containment cell. scp2006 must be continuously monitored for changes, and changes should be logged immediately.All personnel approaching scp2006 are required to first attend a performance training class focused on expressing fear and surprise, but it is currently planned to cancel the training class.

Once a month, scp2006 will be awarded at least one low-quality horror movie or sci-fi movie with horror elements.

Description: scp2006 is an anomalous spherical entity, 50 cm in diameter in standard mode. scp2006 states that its goal is to cause a feeling of fear or dread in as many humans as possible.To this end, scp2006 is capable of altering its shape, mass, size, density, chemical composition, and sound in any way it wishes.Currently, there is no known way of harming scp2006.The upper limit of its shapeshifting ability is unknown, and it is currently believed that there is no upper limit.

At present, it has been found that scp2006 can change into green snake, giant lobster, Sadako, terrorist, alien, and predator. The most frequently used appearance of scp2006 is Alien vs. Predator in which the aliens, including the Japanese movie Sadako, have been zombies.

SCP2006 can speak while using the appearance of a non-speaking creature, SCP2006 will usually try to startle anyone who approaches it, but after that, it will become affable and friendly.But currently scp2006 contacts and believes that human beings fear death.

Although scp2006 often states that its goal is to try to create as much fear as possible, scp2006 is not good at discerning which concepts can cause fear in humans, and will continue to find new ways to achieve its goal.This poor recognition ability extends to human emotion discrimination, as scp2006 is unable to discern slight mood swings that are obvious to humans.

Comments: If you made a scary Infinity Stones movie, would it turn into Infinity Stones?

Chapter 124 Finding Faults With a Black Bald Head

"Commander, scp2006 has been contained, but the target no longer cares about the cuteness of the past." Honghouhui reported.

Wang Yue nodded: "It doesn't matter, the main thing is to stop contacting the outside world in the future, set up a few film companies, make some movies for it to watch, and enroll D-level personnel in an acting cram school."


Wang Yue looked at the panel.

Wang Yue

Containment point: 12200 points

Guard points: 94690 points

Next containment scpscp106 "Scary old man" remaining time 096:02:03.

The new task temporarily transmits the remaining time of scp457 Lord of Fire's containment at 702:10:59.

New task to build a portal: required materials: a continuous and stable energy source, such as: Cosmic Rubik's Cube completion progress 80.

A new mission has appeared, and it is actually the legendary Balrog.

Wang Yue smiled, this is easy to handle, as long as it is imprisoned in the submarine base, if it dares to break through the containment, the Balrog will die.

"Commander, President Achuan proposed to increase the foundation at the World Conference, but it was eventually rejected by the Four Nations Alliance." The Red Queen said.

"Negation? Or the joint negation of the four countries?" Wang Yue frowned, as if he didn't have much enmity with other countries!How did that happen! "what's going on?"

"A Chuan publicly proposed to increase funding, but secretly notified other countries to oppose it, and even publicized that the foundation's power is too strong and should be weakened immediately!"

"Hmph!" Wang Yue sneered: "Sure enough, he is more like a businessman than a president. But it doesn't matter, anyway, the money can be obtained from other places soon."

"Dong dong dong!" There was a knock on the door.


Kane ran into the office excitedly, and handed a collar to Wang Yue.

Wang Yue was stunned for a moment, what's going on!Is it for me to walk the dog?

"Kane, what's wrong?"

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