"Commander, I have developed a mutant suppressor." Kane pointed to the collar and said.

"That's it?" Wang Yue looked at it carefully and asked, "How far can this go!"

Kane smiled proudly: "It can completely suppress the x gene, and the effect range is 30 meters, and 30 to 50 meters will weaken the effect of the x gene. If you wear it, you will become an ordinary person, and the inside Switches and locators can be added, and remotes can be added. I call it Kane 2.0.”

"Very good, have you done any experiments?" Wang Yue asked.

"Of course, I did an experiment with Deadpool. It was very effective. I asked the D-class member to wear a collar to attack Deadpool. He didn't resist. He killed Deadpool with a submachine gun, but he still couldn't die. The wound was in the It started to recover after leaving the suppression collar, and now Deadpool is practicing his sword skills crazily. Maybe his brain is cramping!"

Wang Yue nodded. Sure enough, Deadpool had a special buff.

"How is Professor X doing now? The Red Queen."

The Red Queen said: "Professor X is still in a coma. According to the brain wave detection, it's more like a dream and can't wake up."

"That might be better, let's give Professor X one first!" Wang Yue said.

"Okay." Kane nodded: "Commander, I want to do an experiment!"

"What experiment, you still want to apply?" Wang Yue asked suspiciously.

"I want to shut Deadpool's mouth. He's so annoying. The guards watching him can't stand it for an hour. He talks 24 hours a day, 14 hours a day. All the robots I built were burned by his noise. .”

Wang Yue: ...

"Forget it, add a soundproof layer to his containment room!"

Kane seemed a little disappointed, his ears drooped, and he replied weakly: "Yes!"

The Red Queen said, "Commander, the current vice president has stepped down, and the election for the vice president has begun."

"How is Pence doing recently?" Wang Yue asked.

"He agreed to our conditions and said that he would run for president in the future. He is already using his influence to contact rare resources."

"Three days, as long as he can send resources within three days, I agree to support him. After all, gonghedang is not just him." These three words cannot be written

"Roger that!"


When Wang Yue walked into the reception room, he immediately saw the bald man drinking tea leisurely with his legs crossed.

"What's the matter! He actually ran over to find me in person."

Nick Fury said calmly: "You guys did the nuclear bomb incident!"

Wang Yue shrugged: "No! Didn't the US authorities find the murderer? It's none of my business."

"Hehe!" Nick Fury sneered: "Those little guys don't have such weapons, you must know what's there, otherwise the troops you left there would have evacuated long ago."

Wang Yue waved his hand modestly: "No! I just can't bear to see the chaos of war, so I keep them there to help them guard against people with ulterior motives."

Nick Fury sneered again: "Tell me! How much have you done with SHIELD's bright head!"

"Is there?" Wang Yue asked suspiciously, "Maybe people misunderstood it."

"I read it wrong! You are ashamed to say it." Nick Fury took out a photo and threw it on the table: "Look, it was the time when the movie theater exploded. Before my people arrived, you had already packed up. Leave me a mess. People from the World Security Council come to me for meetings every day, and what is going on? My people thought that SHIELD had already finished the investigation, and I just figured it out now."

Wang Yue said seriously: "I don't know about this, how could they do this! Don't worry, I will give you an explanation."

Nick Fury waved his hand: "There is no need to explain, I only have one condition."

Wang Yue raised his eyebrows, knowing that there must be something wrong with Nick Fury: "Say it! I will never refuse if I can do it."

"I want a sum of cash, and I want Barton to bring it back."

"Impossible, I'm so poor that I can't get out of it, and you're asking me for money." Wang Yue flatly refused.

Nick Fury took a sip of the teacup, and said lightly: "I got a strange thing recently. I heard it's called the Fate Spinning Machine. It was brought back from a killer organization, but it doesn't matter to SHIELD. It's a bit tasteless."

"Oh! 5 million dollars, I let Barton carry it back, but I have to see that thing."

Nick Fury nodded: "Send it within three days."

After saying that, he turned and left.

About where the money is used!You don't need to guess to know that it is Nick Fury's own small coffers. After all, it is still very expensive to raise a team by yourself.

"Fate Spinning Machine! I seem to have heard of this somewhere." Wang Yue murmured.

Suddenly the red queen appeared, and a video was played: "Commander, there is a change in the rock coffin of scp076!"

In the video, the chains of the sarcophagus fell off automatically, and a man with a bare upper body came out.

Roaring loudly at the camera: "Who spilled ink! I'm going to kill you!"

Chapter 120 Abel's Revenge

Wang Yue smiled: "Who inked him? Very thoughtful."

"Personnel number d9526, Ah Fu." The Red Queen said.

"Oh! This middle school brat, where is he now?" Wang Yue asked.

"Just because I ran away from a mission, I was appointed to clean up SCP173's containment room!"

Wang Yue nodded: "I'll go talk to Abel!"

"Yes, this is the arrangement!"

The entire base moved again because of Abel's awakening.

The guards quickly rushed to set up heavy weapons near the containment room of SCP076.

Abel may break through the foundation's containment wall at any time, so Abel must be severely injured as soon as possible.

At this time Wang Yue came to the control room of scp076.

Watching Abel pull out a heavy hammer from the void, and slammed it on the wall of the containment room.

The whole room shook a few times with this huge force.

"Abel, stop your behavior." Wang Yue's voice sounded in the containment room.

But Abel, who had red eyes, had already lost his mind and beat the wall frantically.

The weapons in his hands are constantly changing, and each attack can leave a deep dent in the wall.

"I've lost my mind!" Wang Yue looked at Dr. Kane beside him and asked, "How long can this wall last?"

Kane pushed his glasses and said with a smile: "About 10 minutes! But I just added some measures, maybe it can calm Abel down."

"Just give him a try! Otherwise, we won't be able to talk."

"Okay!" Dr. Kane pressed a red button.

Immediately, a white viscous liquid began to be injected into the containment room.

"What is this?" Wang Yue asked suspiciously.

"It's a mixture of some starch and water, also called non-Newtonian body. The more brute force Abel is, the greater the binding force of the non-Newtonian body." Kane laughed.

The non-Newtonian body in the containment room of the interview room has reached a height of half a meter.

The effect is already there.

It was extremely difficult for Abel to move his feet every time, but he could come and go freely with a slight movement.

The non-Newtonian body rose again, leveling with Abe's chest before stopping.

The non-Newtonian body instantly complements the dent made by Abel, and every time he swings and smashes, there will be a violent shake.

Even the arms can't be swung quickly, but if there is no strength, the huge strength will set off the same binding force.

The whole process lasted 10 minutes.

The redness in Abel's eyes gradually faded and he regained his sanity.

Putting away the weapon in his hand, he couldn't help showing a look of disgust when he saw the white object sticking to his arm.

"What is this! Take it away, it's disgusting." Abel yelled at the control room.

"Recovery! Let's talk about it!" Wang Yue said with a smile.

"It's okay to talk, but the person who poured ink on me must be handed over to me." Abel said firmly, and a long knife appeared in his hand again, which also showed Abel's determination.

"No." Wang Yue flatly refused: "He is the property of the foundation."

"Then there's nothing to talk about."

Wang Yue shook his head helplessly: "Let's do this! You don't need to use your own weapons to fight him, no matter the outcome, this matter will be over."

Abel replied confidently: "Okay!"

joke!As a containment object, how could he be afraid? The foundation will definitely strengthen A Fulai to maintain the balance of combat power, but so what, there is only one result.

"Where is he now? Tell him to come over." Abel asked.

"Yes." Wang Yue turned around and said to Kane: "Didn't Jackie Chan bring back a tiger charm recently? Get a few charms for Ah Fu to test the strength of the spell."

After a while, Ah Fu, who got the cow charm, rabbit charm and tiger charm, walked into the training ground.

Dad also returned to the base. As a professional spell researcher, how could he miss this battle.

Ah Fu, who has been blessed by the spell, is full of confidence.

Compared with the skinny Abel, Ah Fu's figure is taller, and his angular muscles are obviously full of strength.

Wang Yue asked his father, "What is the effect of the Tiger Talisman?"

"According to ancient books, the Tiger Talisman is very special. It has two functions and can be used in conjunction with the Talisman: For example, if you use other Talismans first, the Tiger Talisman will adjust the balance of each Talisman so that it can perfectly use the energy in the Talisman. But first If you use the Tiger Charm, you will find two extreme light and dark clones, one is full of kindness, maintains compassion, cowardice, and kindness. The other is full of destructive desires, selfish, insidious, greedy, and violent." Dad said.

"Who do you think will win?"

The old man pushed his glasses, and a gleam of light flashed on the lens, as if Conan was possessed, and said slowly: "When Abel doesn't use weapons, his physical fitness is better than Captain America, but his reaction And fighting awareness is terrible. On the contrary, although Ah Fu got the talisman, it is the first time he has come into contact with the talisman, and he may not be able to adapt to the power of the talisman, causing serious mistakes in the battle."

"Oh!" Wang Yue nodded, and immediately felt that the analysis was in place: "So you think Abel will win?"

"No, I choose Ah Fu!"

The people around were stunned for a moment, you still think that the spell is stronger after analyzing your feelings so much.

Perhaps because of being stared at, Dad also felt a little embarrassed, stretched out his index finger and middle finger, and knocked on Jackie Chan's head with a slam dunk: "One more thing, Dad is thirsty and wants to drink tea!"

Jackie Chan rubbed his head: "Okay, it will be delivered right away."

In the training ground, Ah Fu walked to the center of the field and stroked his mustache.

He fisted Abel arrogantly, and said arrogantly, "I am Ah Fu, the black tiger, prepare to die!"

Abel was stunned for a moment. It was the first time he met such an arrogant person. Anyone who dared to speak like this before was dead.

A trace of anger flashed in his eyes: "You are the one who splashed the ink on it! Suffer!"

A Tang knife in his hand moved slightly, and the blade swept across the ground and blew out a blast of wind.

The tip of the knife went straight to Ah Fu's chest.

But Ah Fu, who has the charm, is not a vegetarian. The rabbit charm is activated, and his figure moves behind Abel in an instant.

It was the strong wind brought by the high-speed running that made Abel's clothes tremble.

Ah Fu clenched his fist and threw it at Abel's back.

Suddenly, a cold light flashed beside him.

Ah Fu instantly withdrew his offensive and stepped backwards.

At the same time, he also saw the coldness clearly.

Ah Fu said with a shocked face: "How is it possible! This can all be reflected."

Suddenly, I felt a breeze penetrating through my body, and a chill appeared in my chest.

Ah Fu lowered his head and found that his clothes had been cut open, and a few drops of blood flowed down.

Suddenly, cold sweat rolled down Ah Fu's head.

Ah Fu stared at Abel with a solemn expression.

He secretly rejoiced and said: What a fast knife!If it wasn't for the quick hiding just now, it might be a corpse now.

Suddenly there was another strong wind blowing.

When the sword arrives, the qi arrives first.

The airflow from the tip of the knife alone made Ah Fu's eyebrows ache.

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