
Panting heavily, he leaned against the wall.

Looking back, I was relieved to find that I didn't catch up.

Don't dare to stay where you are now, and continue to move forward.

A breeze blows.

A burst of coolness enveloped the director's whole body.

Suddenly, a pair of pale hands stretched out from behind.

He couldn't catch his breath and passed out.


"Commander, the field agents discovered a strange event in a place in Tokyo, Japan, and it is still happening." Honghouhui reported.

"Japan?" Wang Yue was a little confused: "What can Japan have in such a small place? Eight million ghosts and gods or Yamata no Orochi?"

The Red Queen said: "It is described as a floating woman in white, which has caused 54 deaths and 6 missing, and its influence is still expanding. The Japanese police and other special organizations have no choice but to block the block, but now The scope of anomalous activities is expanding, and the strange thing is that every time an anomalous person kills people, they are carried out in front of a large crowd, and if you face an anomalous person alone, you will be stunned at most."

"What kind of characteristic is this? Does the anomaly want to execute humans publicly?" Wang Yue murmured.

"No!" Suddenly Wang Yue thought of a possibility!Why is the public execution in front of the crowd, is it possible to scare the other crowd.

In this way, it is more likely to be scp2006.

"Ask Zhang Wen to go! Pay attention, it may be scp2006." Wang Yue said.



The Red Queen's voice echoed in the base: "Order to return to the people on a snowy night, and the b-group Fenglangshan task force will send personnel to Tokyo for abnormal containment, and leave immediately."

At the moment when the broadcast was about to end, the Fenglangshan task force had already boarded the plane to Tokyo.

Zhang Wen asked solemnly: "Red Empress, do you have any specific information about the target?"

"According to the clues, the anomaly is a woman in white clothes that can maintain levitation. The appearance is similar to that of the horror movie Sadako. She often haunts the Hengdian area of ​​Tokyo, Japan. The anomaly can approach quietly and is suspected to have the ability to sneak. She once killed 24 people with her bare hands. Humans, curly hair killed 26 people, frightened 4 people to death, including 12 policemen and 3 samurai. In most cases, the killing will be carried out in front of a large number of people, and it is suspected that there is a certain sense of satisfaction after the killing. And a single encounter is abnormal The abnormality will turn into various bugs, including terrorists with guns to intimidate. It is highly suspected of scp2006." The red queen said.

The main thing is that I don’t know what the place where the movie is shot in Japan is called. I think it’s not appropriate to write a book directly, so let’s go to Hengdian!Easy to understand.

Zhang Wen frowned, Sadako?A kind of ghost!

If it is really scp2006, the consequences will be unimaginable. No one knows how many horrible things scp2006 has seen in the city. According to intelligence analysis, there is an 8% possibility that it is scp2006.

It seems that we need to find a few people to lure us.

"Queen Red, I need some D-class personnel."

"Received, the D-class personnel will be dropped to the target location by airdrop." The Red Queen said.

"Yeah!" Zhang Wen nodded: "Find some stronger ones, or those who cooperate with each other tacitly."


Zhang Wen said seriously to the other team members: "This time we are facing the k-level containment object scp2006. Remember, you must pretend to be afraid when you see him for the first time, and then negotiate first to induce. If the negotiation fails, force Containment."


In the night...a Quin-jet fighter hovered invisible over Hengdian, Tokyo.

The whole Hengdian was pitch black, but the surroundings were brightly lit.

The Japanese Self-Defense Forces have completely sealed off the entire Hengdian.

Such a huge police force has attracted a group of desperate reporters, frantically exploring what happened inside.

No one noticed that more than a dozen black figures silently fell from the sky into Hengdian.

"Someone! Be alert!"

The black special effects battle suit did not reflect a single ray of light.

completely hidden in darkness.

"It's the reporters! I'm going to drive them away."

Zhang Wen grabbed the moving team members and said: "Don't move, anything here may be scp2006, observe for a while."

I saw two people, a man and a woman, crawl into the blocked area.

The cameraman immediately picked up the camera to broadcast live.

Zhang Wen frowned and pressed a button on the suit.

"Strange? Why is there no signal?" The male cameraman checked the equipment and said.

"Ouch!" The female anchor chopped off her feet angrily, and cursed, "Why are you so useless! You lost the chain at a critical moment."

The cameraman said with an aggrieved face: "I don't know either! It was fine before I came in, maybe it happened when I climbed over the wall just now."

"Forget it, Video Bar should be one step faster than other radio stations!"

"Okay!" The cameraman immediately picked up his shoulders and started shooting.

"Hi everyone! This is the channel's news time. As you can see, we are now in Hengdian, Tokyo..."

Suddenly the cameraman trembled all over, pointing tremblingly at the back of the female anchor.

Seeing the trembling camera, the hostess scolded immediately: "What are you doing? You can't even do a good job with the camera!"

"You... behind your back!"

Chapter 122 Containment Fear Support

"Behind me, what happened behind me?" The female anchor interrupted the cameraman impatiently.

He turned his head and glanced casually.

Suddenly, he found a white figure standing behind him.

Trembling with fright, he crawled into the cameraman's arms without hesitation.

He asked in horror, "What is this?"

The cameraman swallowed, trying to calm himself down a bit.

Now I have the fragrance in my arms but I have no luck to enjoy it. I think of the rumors outside that many people have died because of ghosts here.

At first, I still dismissed it, thinking it was just a trick by the Self-Defense Forces, or a tragic fight between clubs, so the entire Hengdian was blocked.

But now it seems that there are ghosts.

But it doesn't matter, there are rumors that this ghost doesn't kill unconscious people.

"It's okay! I...I have a solution." The cameraman patted the female anchor's butt.

Then, under the hopeful eyes of the female anchor, she passed out gorgeously.

female anchor:? ? ? ?What is the solution?

Looking up again, he found that the white figure had arrived in front of him at some point.

Long snake-like hair fluttering in the wind, pale face, withered arms.


"Boom!" The female anchor also fainted instantly.

The white figure smiled with satisfaction, and muttered to himself: "Be afraid of me! Mortals, hehe!"

On the way to leave, the appearance is constantly changing, and finally freezes as a snake-like creature crawling into the building.

There is no doubt that it is scp2006, but Zhang Wen is a little puzzled. There are many people who died in the hands of scp2006, why didn't they kill those two people just now.

"Go and check those two people!"

After a while, the team members walked over with the female anchor in their arms and the cameraman in their hands.

Throw the cameraman on the ground casually.

"Captain, this man is pretending to be unconscious, and this woman is really unconscious."

The cameraman jumped up in an instant and ran into the darkness.

In the next second, he was kicked back by a big foot.

The cameraman looked around in a daze. They were all armed men with weapons. He asked in horror, "Who are you? What are you going to do?"

Zhang Wen patted his face and said, "Do you know what's going on here?"

The cameraman nodded hurriedly: "I know, I know, don't kill me."

"Just know! Don't worry, I won't kill you!" Zhang Wen smiled kindly.

Waved a palm knife and stunned the cameraman.

Zhang Wen said: "Hide it, and wait until the end to cleanse the memory."

"Captain, the D-class personnel have arrived, do you need an airdrop?"

"That's it! Ambush."

A few streamers flew over Tokyo and fell to the ground in an instant.

Four things like dormant pods descended from the sky and inserted into the ground.

The drop pod lights come on.

"D9524, d9525, d9526, d9527 please cooperate with the task force to complete the task."

Four figures appeared on the ground.

The leader is muscular, red-haired and mustache, looking mighty and extraordinary in the mountains.

The other three looked a little thin and dazed.

Zhang Wen was stunned when he saw the D-level personnel.

Asked in a low voice: "Red Empress, why are these four?"

"You said that you need someone who is stronger, or who has a tacit cooperation. These four people perfectly meet all your requirements." The Red Queen said.

These four people in the base are called the Funny B Four. Ah Fu is a late-stage secondary disease, and the other three are completely stupid. But when the three of them participated in monitoring scp173 together, the three of them blinked back and forth perfectly In time, scp173 didn't move a step from the beginning to the end, which can be regarded as a tacit cooperation.

Zhang Wen sighed helplessly.


It also meets the requirements.

"Ah Fu! Did the Foundation let us go?" Lasu asked.

"How is it possible? Didn't you hear that we should cooperate? Wait... there is movement." Ah Fu narrowed his eyes, his muscles bulged, and his fingers were shaped like tiger claws: "The black tiger digs out its heart!!!"


A dull voice sounded.

Afu raised his head suspiciously.

"A crayfish????"

What came into view was a crayfish with a height of three meters!

Blood was still flowing on the crimson armor, it was obvious that the killing had just been done, and the 3-meter-long tentacles were slightly probing.

The two pairs of dark red big turtles just touched each other lightly, and then they made a steel-like clashing sound.

Rasu pushed his glasses: "This is a big lobster."

The four of them didn't have any fear in the face of such a huge monster, and even had a little excitement.

"There is no such delicacy in the foundation!"

Ah Fu nodded in agreement: "Yes! I didn't expect to have extra meals, so I can eat enough now."

At the same time, Zhang Wen's voice came from the earphones: "This is the containment object, pay attention, he will make you have illusions, in fact it is a woman in white, but if killed by the illusion, the real self will also be brain-dead. Objective: Negotiation ...."

But the four of them didn't listen at all, they were drooling at the lobster, and even threw away the earphones in annoyance.

Crayfish shook his head slightly, and found that these people didn't seem to be afraid at all.

Some doubts, isn't this scary?

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