The bullet hit the red tank with a "ding ding" sound, and it couldn't even penetrate the skin.

But existing weapons do no harm to red tanks.

Just one collision of the red tank against the crowd will disintegrate a large number of armed forces.

A random punch can punch a hole in the Foundation's walls.

Every gesture takes a life.

"Slap him in the eye!"

Everyone immediately set fire to the head.

Even with the protection of a steel helmet, there are always a few lucky bullets that go through the eyehole and enter it.

Red Tank closed his eyes subconsciously, his eyelids blocked the flying bullets, but his eyes were still in severe pain.

He simply stopped opening his eyes, remembered a location, closed his eyes and rushed over.

Suddenly, he felt something fall into his trouser leg.

Still haven't figured out what it is.

A powerful explosion erupted in the trouser legs, and all the clothes were burned.

Feel the faint coldness below.


Red Tank couldn't help but gasped.

If the whole body hadn't been strengthened by abilities, I'm afraid I would have no face to meet my ancestors at this moment.

The members of the Foundation couldn't help but gasp.

so hard?

Chen Xi's expression became ruthless, and she wanted to give him something hard.

Reach out and grab an RPG rocket launcher.

Aim at the red tank and pull the trigger.

The red tank immediately turned around and used its back to resist the rocket launch.

After all, I really dare not face hard steel. The body can resist it, but there is always a weak point. What if I can't bear it.

You can't bet on this thing.

The smoke from the rocket launcher gradually dissipated.

The red tank roared angrily, and was about to rush towards the dawn, saving him from firing shells.

The huge body was just about to sprint.

He suddenly stopped and dodged to hide in Loki's containment room.

Zhijian Chenxi stood next to the three Nine-Tailed Fox members who were fighting RPG.

But Chen Xi did not dare to launch.

Three rockets can definitely damage the red tank, but in this passage, he will definitely be wiped out.

Suddenly a red tail pierced towards Chen Xi.

Chen Xi grabbed it with her backhand, and a catcher pressed the attacking red devil to the ground.

The Red Devil without the teleportation ability is not even as good as a soldier.

As far as heads-up is concerned, people from the Foundation can easily defeat the Red Devil.

"Squeeze it down."

"Captain, all the attacking personnel have entered the containment room!"

"Close the door of the containment room and delay."

Dr. Kane also came to Chenxi.

It just looks a little awkward now.

The mech had an arm cut off by Deadpool, and there were countless knife marks on the body, and the circuit inside the mecha could be seen.

Kane got off the mecha, his body hair was also stained with some blood.

Apparently restored later with a dog charm.

Although Deadpool's sword skills have regressed somewhat, the double swords made of Edman alloy are still not resistant to ordinary metals.

"Notify the laboratory, prepare a strong voltage, and no one can run away with these materials." The little dog's head showed a ferocious expression: "I want them all!"

Barton and Kailirui, who were lurking quietly in the containment room, were breaking down the door.

Suddenly a huge luo man broke in.

"Wow! What did you do? Did you fight the intestines?" Deadpool said coquettishly.

"Get out! Don't mess with me."

The red tank said lightly and ignored Deadpool.

Deadpool covered his mouth with an exaggerated look.

A strange sound was vaguely revealed.

"It's so big, so thick, and so ugly, I guess an elephant can bear it!"

The door of the containment room slammed shut, and everyone was locked inside.

Barton asked curiously: "What's the matter, did you lose the battle?"

"No, they have bazookas."

"You can stand it! It's enough to buy a little time."

The red tank was silent, staring at Button.

Deadpool quietly pointed to the lower body of Red Tank.

Barton understood instantly, and continued to cut the iron door.

However, it has been cut for 10 minutes, and only a knife mark less than 30 cm long has been cut.

It takes at least half an hour to cut out a channel.

But now trapped inside time is running out.

Red Tank got a little impatient and pushed Barton away.

"I come!"

He punched me where I was cut.

But the door to the containment chamber is completely different from the outer passage.

The red tank only made a little dent.


The red tank took a few steps back and hit the gate violently.


The entire containment room trembled slightly.

The gate is completely twisted.

"Come again."

It was another charged charge.

Damen finally couldn't bear the torture.

Knocked out by the red tank.

Loki, dressed as an aristocrat, walked out of the containment room.

The scepter automatically fell into the hand.

He smiled with satisfaction: "Barton, you did a good job! Are you looking for these people?"

Patton nodded.

Red Tank said at this time: "It's time to tell me where Eric is!"

"In room scp-M11 in the containment chamber here."

Loki stared at the red tank with some appreciation: "Are you interested in following me? I need a powerful fighter like you."

"No, go away!"

Loki's face changed, and he reached out and tapped the scepter on Red Tank's chest.

However, the strange thing is that there is nothing wrong with the red tank.

"What are you doing?"

"Are you all right?"

Red Tank said strangely: "Do you think a small crutch can hurt me?"

Loki looked at the scepter in his hand in disbelief, and clicked on it again in disbelief.

It has not been controlled yet.

The spiritual scepter actually failed.

At this moment, electricity surged through the ceiling of the entire containment room.

A blinding flash of lightning struck down.

In Loki's shocked eyes......

Chapter 100 Loki Containment Breach

In Rocky's shocked eyes, it fell on the red tank.

A powerful electric current penetrated the whole body of the red tank in an instant, and even the tiny electric current that leaked out made others feel terrified.

Loki immediately patted his chest, breathed a sigh of relief, and murmured: "I was scared to death, I thought I was going to hit me! How embarrassing!"

As for the red tank, Loki is not worried, he looks rough and thick, what can happen if he gets hacked?


In the surprised eyes of everyone, a giant fell to the ground. (The red tanks in the early stage are not anti-click! Dog heads!)

Deadpool shouted in shock: "He's actually afraid of electricity! It shouldn't be!"

Loki's eyes changed from admiration to regret: "I'm afraid of electricity, I thought I found a good opponent for Thor!"

Waved to add a shield to himself, and added one to Barton by the way.

This person has used it well, and Loki is quite satisfied, it's time to save it.

Chen Xi in the control room frowned: "Doctor, will you electrocute that guy?"

"Probably not." Dr. Kane hesitated and said, "Okay! I'll lower the current a little bit, and then shunt it."

The current in the ceiling gathered again.

The current splits into four instantaneously.

Attack the four people standing on the ground.

Rocky and Barton are protected by energy barriers, and all the current is guided into the ground without any injuries.

Kai Lirui was instantly electrocuted into a charred corpse.

Originally, in order to survive in the battle, the perception was adjusted to the lowest level, so that no one would care about her, and with the ability to be invisible, it can be said that anyone can break into the lair.

But I didn't expect that it was because Loki didn't find her and didn't protect her in time to end up on the scene like this.

Loki looked at the charred corpse on the ground in surprise, and asked curiously, "Who is this? When did it come here?"

Barton also found this problem.

"I forgot about her just now, maybe it has something to do with her ability!"

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