"Oh!" Loki replied lightly and didn't continue to pay attention. After all, he was just a dead person, wasting energy.

Deadpool was scorched black all over, and he spit out a mouthful of black smoke.

"Exciting!!! It's been a long time since I've been so exciting." Turning around and finding the charred corpse on the ground, he said with some regret: "The big breasted brother is dead, and I still want to have a cannon with her!"

Loki frowned, how could there be such a person!

vulgar!Indecent!It doesn't match my temperament!

"Barton, I want to open the portal, you prepare."

After speaking, the scepter in Loki's hand began to accumulate energy, and the huge energy gathered again.

The lightning on the ceiling was completely out of control and struck Loki automatically.

But in the next second, it was offset by the spiritual scepter.

Deadpool looked at the spiritual scepter in surprise, and murmured, "Gem? The purple potato head is coming!"

Suddenly the door of the containment room opened automatically.

A gust of cold air spread along the door into the containment room.

Wherever it went, it turned into ice crystals.

A tall, blue-haired woman walked in.

Estes has arrived.

"Loki! The god of tricks, it's a pity that you were arrested last time without fighting with you."

Loki, who was in control of the scepter, also had a solemn face.

Relying on Button is absolutely unstoppable for Esdeath.

He smiled and said, "I have paid attention to you a long time ago. You have the ability to control ice, and you are also a descendant of the Frost Giant. Why don't you join me?"

"Hehe! You are not qualified enough!"

Raising his hand, the sky filled with ice crystals flew towards Loki.

Attempt to interrupt the energy accumulated by the scepter.

But without exception, all were bombed.

"Barrier! Even if you open the portal, you can't escape."

Button took the opportunity to shoot a sharp arrow.

However, the arrow was frozen from the inside to the outside before it reached Estes.

Exploded into a pile of ice crystal debris.

The explosive bomb carried by the arrow was destroyed before the countdown could be counted down.

"Are you the female version of Iceman?" Deadpool asked like a curious baby.

Estes turned cold: "Speak up!"

Instantly freeze Deadpool's mask.

Seeing that Deadpool couldn't breathe, he was lying on the ground struggling frantically.

Suddenly another carp stood up and turned over.

"How about it, does my performance just now look like it?"

Button immediately ordered: "Stop playing, hold him back."

"This won't work! I can't handle such a strong character."

Barton frowned: "Do you still want money!"

"Nobody owes me money and doesn't pay it back."

"Then how are you going?"

Deadpool stretched out a slap: "Add money!"


Deadpool who has been affirmed is like a person.

Stand in front of Loki.

No matter how many ice crystals flew in the air, they were smashed by the two knives, and the ice crystals splashed.

Estes smiled disdainfully. In the face of ability, a person with physical self-healing ability can never beat an ice-type ability user.

Especially a character like Estes who has absolute control over his abilities.

Ice crystals gradually accumulated, freezing Deadpool's feet, making him unable to move.

Slowly spread from bottom to top.

When Deadpool also discovered this, it was already bad.

In an instant, an ice crystal penetrated Deadpool's chest and remained inside the chest.

The ice crystals burst and moved back and forth within Deadpool's body.

Even people with strong self-healing ability can't bear this kind of pain.

However, what surprised Estes was that Deadpool didn't fall to the ground because of the pain.

Instead, he kept yelling, "It's so cold! It's so cold!"

Not affected by the ice crystals in the body at all.

"Very good! Then freeze you completely."

In an instant, a huge chill descended on Deadpool's body.

The blood in the body gradually solidifies from a liquid state.

Deadpool froze in place, without any change on the outside, but the inside was completely in the form of ice crystals.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew towards Estes.

The subconscious mind of the battle reacted instantly.

A wall of ice formed in the air.


Ice crystals splashed everywhere!

A huge fist punched through the ice wall.

It was only ten centimeters away from touching Esdesh's face.

It's a red tank!

Even being shocked by high voltage only made him unconscious for a few minutes.

At the critical moment, he almost succeeded in sneak attacking Esdeth.

Frost instantly spread to the whole body of the red tank.

But the red tank just shook his body casually, and the ice crystals on his body burst instantly.

A tank that is completely out of meat is still difficult to get.

"Go" Loki called.

The portal has been fully opened.

But Estes was a little unwilling to let Loki leave.

Muttered: "Moke Potmo!!!"

A blue light spread throughout the room.

The light disappeared in the next second.

Patton and Red Tank have been completely frozen.

With the protection of the psychic scepter, Loki escaped the oncoming cold, turned around and jumped into the portal.


Dr. Kane came over and said, "It's okay, with the rays I just sent out, I have located the location of the Rubik's Cube."

Esdesh, who used the big move, looked a little pale.

"Ask Zhang Wen to encircle the target area! The war is about to begin!"

Chapter 1 and One Hypnotized New York

"Sir, Loki broke through the containment and took away the spiritual scepter!" Lei Hu said.

"Only by him?" Wang Yue was a little confused. If it was just a Loki, he might not even be able to get out of the containment room, so why would he break through containment.

"It was rescued by Barton, and there were also Red Tank, Deadpool, Red Devil and a woman of Kailirui. They were all captured successfully, and Kailirui died."

"Oh! It's a little difficult now."

Originally planned to imprison Loki, and then take the opportunity to take away the Rubik's Cube, so that the World Security Council can't find the Rubik's Cube, at most it is only suspicion, and there will be no other actions. Now the battle in New York is unavoidable. If you want to get the Rubik's Cube, you must Get it before S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Have you found the location of the Rubik's Cube?"

"Dr. Kane has located the location of the Stark Group's building, with an error of about 50 meters. The Red Right Hand and the Fenglangshan Task Force are already on their way."

The building of the Stark Group is located in the city center. Once it is fought, the whole world will know it, which is not conducive to the hidden development of the Foundation.

Wang Yue said: "Activate a large-scale hypnosis device to hypnotize the whole of New York. Let everyone evacuate New York on their own within 30 minutes. Contact General Ross and ask him to arrange some people to guard the intersections of the city. Lockdown in New York. When it's over, do a massive memory cleanse, including the military."

"Yes!" Lei Hu turned and left.

After thinking about it for a while, Wang Yue still wanted to tell General Ross that large-scale wars would be difficult to win without the participation of the military.

"Queen Red, connect me to General Ross."

A white-haired general is projected in front of him.

"Hi! What's the matter, Mr. Wang? Why do you think of me, an old man?"

Wang Yue said solemnly: "General Ross, there will be a war in New York next, I hope you can transfer some people to participate."

Ross smiled and said, "War? With whom?"


"Are you kidding! Where are the aliens from?" But seeing Wang Yue's serious face didn't look like a joke, Ross also put away his smile: "Is there really going to be a war?"

Wang Yue nodded.

"Okay, but according to the law, I can only send a small number of troops into the city. Large troops must be approved by Congress or authorized by the president, otherwise I have no choice."

"I need you to be ready, and that's a credit to you."

Ross smiled, nodded, and ended the call.

At this time, SHIELD also intercepted the rays emitted by the Rubik's Cube.

Banner clapped his hands: "There is a gamma ray reaction!"

Nick Fury asked, "Where is the location?"

"Stark Building!"

Tony, who was still chewing his snacks, suddenly widened his eyes: "What? At my house?"

"Yes, if he wants to use the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, he must find a place with sufficient energy, such as a nuclear power plant, or your main energy supply station."

Tony's face changed, and the steel suit instantly armed his whole body.

"I'll go back first!"

"Tony calm down, don't be reckless!" Steve wanted to hold Tony back: "This is not about one person."

Tony shook off Steve annoyedly: "Everyone else called my house and you still told me to calm down."

After speaking, he jumped off the space carrier and flew into the distance.

Steve secretly sighed, it seems that Tony still doesn't have the spirit of chivalry!

Turning around, he said, "Let's go too!"

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