Barton frowned and said, "It's not Rocky, continue!"

The crowd moved on.

Just a few steps away.

Kai Lirui suddenly felt a palpitation, and her face became very ugly.

Immediately stop.

"what happened?"

Kai Lirui patted her plump chest and said, "I don't know, I feel a terrifying presence in front of me, and I dare not approach."

Deadpool looked weird and said to me: "How terrifying, is it more terrifying than purple potato head?"

Deadpool often says some incomprehensible words, everyone is used to it, the more you talk to him, the more he can BB, just leave him alone.

Barton glanced at the room marked scp-682, not wanting to do anything unexpected, so he immediately said, "Changing the road."

At this time, Loki in the containment room was being interrogated.

Dr. Kane pushed his glasses, looked at the glowing scepter in front of him and said, "You need to answer the next question seriously."

"What will happen if I don't answer seriously!"

An electric current hit Loki instantly.

"Ahhh!" Loki's elegant aristocratic appearance became very friendly to the people after Kane slightly modified it.

The soaring braids and scorched face make it fashionable.

"That's what it looks like when you don't cooperate."

"Okay, the first question: will you be affected by it when you use the spiritual scepter?"

Loki hesitated for a moment and said: "It will be affected, it feels like losing my mind."

"Second question, why do you dare to call yourself a god if you don't have the highest divinity?"

Loki was stunned for a moment: "What is the supreme divinity, I am a god!"

Kane pouted: "You are the weakest god I have ever seen!"

Loki suddenly felt something, and chuckled lightly: "What other god have you seen? Odin?"

"You don't need to know, the third question, if you are an ice giant, is there reproductive isolation between you and the Asgardians?"

Loki's face twitched, and he said seriously: "I am the king of Asgard!"

"Do you think Odin will let an ice giant sit on the throne of Asgard?"

Kane's words instantly hit Loki's pain point.

"I'll say it just once, I'm the king of Asgard!" Loki growled.

The scepter in front of Kane suddenly burst out with a powerful energy, piercing Kane instantly, even though there was a barrier of nearly [-] centimeters, Loki's control of the scepter still existed.

The scepter floated up out of thin air, and the energy gathered again.

A fiery light bombarded the door of the containment chamber.

The experimenters immediately sounded the base alarm.

"Warning! SCP-M016 is about to breach containment, please security personnel quickly remove the threat!"

"Warning! SCP-M016 is about to breach containment, please security personnel quickly remove the threat!"

"Warning! SCP-M016 is about to breach containment, please security personnel quickly remove the threat!"

Security personnel from across the base immediately converged on SCP-M016's containment chamber.

Barton, who was looking for Loki, suddenly remembered that the house number he had seen before was SCP-M016.

It happened that a team of security personnel ran past, and Barton recognized at a glance that it was the team from the previous battle.

Nine-tailed fox!

Button immediately said: "Go, follow the security personnel, they know where the person is."

Chen Xi ran a few steps and stopped suddenly.

He looked behind suspiciously.

I only brought three people with me, so how could there be extra footsteps.

"Captain, what's wrong?"

Chen Xi waved her hand: "It's okay, let's move on!"

Chen Xi paid attention secretly and found that the footsteps had disappeared.

"Queen Red, check to see if there are any outsiders at the base."

"No suspicious person was found."

Chen Xi shook her head, maybe she was just hallucinating, it must be because she was too tired recently.

After cleaning up Loki, it's time to recuperate.

Barton and the others quietly stayed where they were, not daring to move.

"What a sharp feeling!"

Barton's face was a little ugly. If the foundation's special forces were composed of such people, wouldn't it be a barrage of soldiers?

Deadpool nodded in agreement, but he couldn't say anything, and had to shut up for the sake of money.

When Barton rushed to the containment room of SCP-M016.

The entire containment room has been surrounded layer by layer.

The scepter in his heart was still bombarding the door of the containment room.

To Loki's surprise the gate didn't change in any way.

All the energy emitted by the scepter was transferred to other places by the conversion device on the gate.

The energy was dissipated before it even touched the door, so how could it destroy the containment room!

Dr. Kane has recovered and is looking at the scepter floating in the air with a sad face.

The output of energy also creates a barrier around the staff.

I haven't thought of a way to break the barrier yet.

Chen Xi asked at the side: "Dr. Kane, your experiment has made a lot of noise!"

Kane touched the dog's head embarrassingly: "I just want to confirm whether the scepter has any connection with him. In a sense, the experiment was successful."

"Is there a way to turn it off?"

"Yes" Kane said seriously: "It needs something with the same energy to penetrate into it and resonate with the scepter to turn it off, or Loki stops controlling the scepter."

Chen Xi looked at Kane in a daze: "Where can I go and get you another scepter."

"Then wait for Loki to end! Anyway, energy can't penetrate the containment room."

Suddenly, intense gunshots rang out outside the containment room.

A huge figure forcibly charged the security personnel with countless bullets.

Chen Xi immediately drew out his gun and rushed out.

He saw a red and black dual-sword samurai rushing forward recklessly.



A swirling silver bullet flew towards Deadpool.

The double swords are played like flowers in the hands of Deadpool.

Facing the flying bullets, he chopped down with a knife.

Chen Xi said with a look of shock: "It was cut in half, the contents?"

Press a button on the pistol.

It's a "chug" to Deadpool.

"You are lying, you are a pistol!"

The double knives were constantly flying in the air, and sparks were constantly flickering on the blades.

Chen Xi emptied a magazine and found that Deadpool was still standing.

Deadpool touched the bullet holes on his body.

Somewhat embarrassed, he said, "It hurts so much! My knife skills seem to have regressed."

Bullet holes in the body expel bullets in seconds.

The transformed Deadpool is even more terrifying than Wolverine.

After all, Deadpool is the real immortal body! !

[-] (file) [-] (simplified)

Treasure Map


Item #: SCP-175

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: Disabled.

Description: When inactive, SCP-175 appears as a sheet of yellowed parchment, slightly larger than normal paper size.The edges are cracked and have a weathered and brittle character.But in fact, SCP-175 has a flexibility that is not commensurate with its appearance, and it is completely invulnerable to any external damage.All attempts to divide SCP-175's paper body have failed.

SCP-175 enters an active state, and exhibits something truly special. The distance at which SCP-175 can be activated varies according to unknown factors: ranging from 30 meters up to several kilometers.

When SCP-175 is "activated", its appearance will change and appear as a map or other similar text or form pointing to the location of the item's burial. When SCP-175 is "activated", it does not change its size, but its appearance will change due to the thought patterns of the seeker or the object buryer. Changes include changes in the writing medium, writing instrument, and writing style.

After the indicated burial is exhumed, or the object is removed from the vicinity of the burial, SCP-175 will revert to its original state of blank parchment.

Chapter 99 The War of the Passage

(If you want to watch Dragon King Zishui, please join the group: 1060446744, the password is the title of the book)

Chen Xi felt a little headache.

Playing styles with strong self-healing ability will be particularly aggressive, trading injuries for injuries, not easy to get close to, and you may be judged if you are not careful.

At this time, a mechanical arm stretched out.

Dr. Kane!

A product jointly designed by Kane and Tony Stark.

The bright silver body, the streamlined breastplate, the two arms hanging down to the knees, and no head, brought the speed and strength to the extreme.

"I come!"

Kane, who has the dog charm, is not afraid of death, Chen Xi nodded and retreated decisively.

Deadpool screamed: "What are you, a dog or a baboon! The dog rode a baboon?"

Kane snorted coldly: "You seem to have a strong self-healing ability, I am very interested!"

"Sorry, I'm not sexually interested in dogs!"

"Speak up!"

He punched Deadpool with a punch.

Deadpool didn't resist at all, he was knocked into the air and fell to the ground.

There was a big hole in the chest cavity.

Kane didn't hesitate, and continued to catch up and attack.

Chen Xi's eyes turned to a big guy.

red tank.

The massive body is the first target of the Foundation's fire.

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