The task force classification is transformed in the mind. (My previous classification was not clear. I revised it with the suggestion of a book friend. I will revise the previous classification soon. Thank you to that book friend)

Containment Task Force C

G Engineering Task Force

E-Classified Task Force

T Tracking Task Force

U Latent Task Force

M Combat Task Force

"I want red right hand."


Extraction complete.

Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 ("RedRightHand"-Red Right Hand) (currently 166/total 2000 people)

Task Force Mission: Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 is a task force reporting directly to the O5 Council and used in situations requiring strict operational security.Consisting of the Foundation's best and most loyal operatives, all other information pertaining to MTFAlpha-1 is classified as Level 5.

(Explanation: The Red Right Hand is a member of the foundation dealing with dark affairs, with independent logistics, scientific research, engineering, spies, etc.)

The Red Right Hand of the Foundation once initiated a defection, forming a new force, the Chaos Insurgency.

This must not be the case.

"Appoint Esdes to be promoted to A-level member and take over the red right hand."

Estes gave a serious military salute and said, "Yes, the red right hand wants you to report."

Wang Yue nodded: "Go and organize the troops! The base will be used first before the logistics department arrives."

Chapter 88 X Academy Falls

"Yes" Estes turned and left.

"Commander, Charles has gone to the White House." The Red Queen said.

"White House? Where did he go and who did he go with?"

"According to the ultimatum document, due to the recent intensification of the anti-mutant alliance, he is going to discuss the mutant bill with the president. Now he is on the way."

Wang Yue murmured: "Could it be that the military is doing something again? Who did he go with?"

"I went with Scott, and I just arrived at the White House."

"Order the Red Right Hand to encircle the Mutant Academy now. You don't need to fight the military. You just need to gather the remaining mutants. This is the real chance to recover the mutants."


One one one one one one one (dividing line)

White House.....

Scott pushed Charles into the Oval Office.

Although Charles didn't activate his psychic abilities, he could still feel the excitement and anticipation of the person in the office.

Suddenly I felt a little puzzled, why the president was more excited than me, but he still didn't probe other people's hearts.

Two black-clothed bodyguards in front of the President's Office stopped Scott: "Sir, you cannot enter."

Charles glanced at Scott and said, "It's okay, just wait for me here."

As he spoke, he turned his wheelchair and walked into the office.

The president was busy writing documents and didn't notice the visitor at all.

Charles waited politely and quietly.

After a while, the president put down the documents in his hand, and saw someone in front of him quickly said: "Sorry, you also know that there are many national documents."

Charles shook his head: "It doesn't matter, it must be very satisfying to have a president like you."

The president smiled: "This time I ask you to talk about the peaceful solution to the mutant issue."

These words reached Charles' heart in an instant. Isn't that what he has been working hard for? He nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, I also think that mutants should live in peace with humans, because we are essentially a race."

The president waved his hand: "I'm not talking about this, mutants, you know, no matter how strong or weak they are, when they awaken their abilities, they will cause harm to the people around them, and some people even use the abilities of mutants for their own selfish desires. Crime kills."

Charles realized that something was wrong, so he restrained his smile and said, "Those are just individuals. I founded the Academy of Mutants to teach them to use their abilities in the right direction. We can promote my academy."

"Impossible, how do you solve Magneto, how do you solve the Brotherhood of Mutants." The president denied it.

"Those are just a few mutants, and we shouldn't use a very few people to deny the entire mutant group." Charles retorted: "We should be tolerant."

"Tolerance? The damage caused by one Magneto is worth the consequences of a company's exchange of fire. Oh yes, he can still withstand the bombardment of hundreds of missiles. To be honest, it is really shocking."

"Then how do you solve it?"

At this time, a little girl came in under the leadership of the bodyguards. Charles took a few glances and didn't notice any abnormalities, so he stopped paying attention.

The president smiled strangely: "I think mutants are an extremely unstable threat and should be eliminated."

Charles' complexion changed drastically. He didn't expect such peace at all. He immediately wanted to use his psychic ability to probe the president's thoughts, but he was surprised to find that his ability disappeared and he became a normal person.

The president suddenly laughed, and tore off the mask that was on his face.

Charles said in disbelief: "Strike! What did you do?"

Stryker walked up to Charles with a baton: "This little girl is the latest mutant discovered, and I discovered that her ability is to disable the abilities of other mutants."

Charles stared at the little girl solemnly, and could feel her fear and pain even if he was incapable.

"She..." Charles, who hadn't finished speaking, was knocked unconscious by Stryker.

As for Scott outside the door, he had already been tied up.

At this time, the real president pushed the door open and came in: "I have not issued an arrest order, and don't let me see the dead body of the mutant child in tomorrow's newspaper."

Stryker smiled, nodded and left.

But he sneered in his heart: It means that the mutants have been dealt with, and the president deserves the credit. If he fails to deal with it, he will be responsible for it, but he doesn't mind it, and when he thinks of his beloved wife Stryker, he becomes angry.

"Mutants must die!!!"

Without the protection of Charles, the x academy could easily get into the academy by the military's special forces.

A child who got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom found a group of armed people in the passage.

The next moment, he was knocked down by a tranquilizer bomb.

Move on silently.

Every time he went to a room, he would shoot the sleeping child, and then someone would pack it up and take it away.

Logan, who was sleeping in the room, keenly heard a slight sound of falling to the ground, and Logan woke up instantly.

One turned over and walked to the door, quietly listening to the movement in the passage.

Sure enough, there are people!It stretches out three steel claws made of Adamantium alloy, waiting for the target to come forward.

Suddenly Logan slammed against the door panel.

The spikes fell into the body of a special soldier after entering the door, and the two crashed into another room together.

Also awakens Poppy Drake Iceman (Iceman) in the room.

Logan turned his head and said, "Take the others away, it's not safe here."

Bobby nodded, turned around and ran to Colossus' room, since he doesn't know how to fight, it's true to find his elder brother.

Suddenly there was a burst of gunfire, and when Bobby turned around, he found Logan blocking the bullet with his own body.

"Go! I'll delay them."

Poppy nodded and turned to leave.

Logan forced a charge against the gunfire, and ended the shooter's life with a knife.

The sound of gunfire woke up everyone in the entire academy.

The military noticed that they had been spotted, and simply called three helicopters in the distance to prepare for a large-scale attack.

When passing through the forest, three missiles suddenly hit the helicopter accurately and exploded in the air instantly.

All the students were awakened, and they also discovered that someone was attacking the academy. They each showed their magical powers, and counterbalanced the enemy by piercing through walls, hiding in the ground, and telekinetic power.

But the vast majority were killed with a single shot.After all, they are all children, and their abilities have not been practiced, so they were easily shot by special forces.

Staring at the falling helicopter, Stryker said solemnly: "There are enemies there, build a line of defense here to stop them, call the headquarters and send someone over."

It was very late at night, and Stryker didn't dare to order anyone to go directly to the interior of the deep forest.

Mutants are also getting respite as the military's defenses shrink.

Colossus turned into steel and led a group of children to escape through the secret passage.

Logan came to the garage with Bobby and Rascal, and was about to rush out, when Logan suddenly saw a figure.

There was a feeling of familiarity, as if I had seen this general somewhere, and I decided in my heart that he was definitely an acquaintance.

But the body stretched out three steel claws uncontrollably.

Mingming felt that he had some unpleasant experiences with this general.

"Logan, go! Logan! Logan!"


Suddenly an ice wall blocked Logan's vision.

It was Bobby who used his ability to block the passage, and said with a pale face, "Let's go."

In the end, Logan regained his senses, took a deep look at the ice wall, put away his paws, got in the car and left.

The car didn't drive very far, suddenly countless small red dots appeared on the car body, and the people in the car were also illuminated red.

Chapter 89 Brainwave Room

Logan felt something was wrong, and stepped on the brakes without hesitation.

Little Naughty asked suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

"You've got so many little red dots on you!" said Poppy.

Logan looked solemn: "This is the infrared ray on the gun. I'm afraid it will be difficult to run this time. When you have a chance, don't look back and run directly."

Rascal and Poppy nodded.

Although Bobby has been ordered, Logan's face is still ugly. The little rascal and Bobby (Iceman) in the car are in danger as long as they are shot. The probability of saving them is really small. More gun aiming was never experienced during World War II.

The three got out of the car and raised their hands helplessly.

Logan looked around, trying to find a breakthrough.

A familiar voice came: "Go forward."

The three walked down the road and saw clearly the people ambushing around.

Bobby couldn't help shouting: "Teacher! That's great, you came to save us."

"I'm not your teacher, don't yell." Estes said with a look of disgust. Since entering X Academy, he has shown them what it means to have absolute control over abilities. By the way, he gave Bobby a few pointers. The boy desperately wanted to learn from his teacher.

Bobby acted like I understood you: "Teacher, I know you think I'm a little weak, but you still came to save us, didn't you!"

"No, shut up now, or your mouth will be smashed."

It turned out he wasn't here to save us, Bobby felt a little lost, looked back at the X Academy and lowered his head helplessly.

Logan frowned secretly, these people with guns were so murderous!It seems that they are all veterans of the battlefield.

"Sir, 18 mutants have been recruited, please give instructions."

"There should be no one else, let's go," Esdeath said.

Just after he was escorted into the car, Logan saw Colossus sitting neatly with a group of children.

He slapped Colossus on the forehead involuntarily.

"You were arrested anyway, can't you handle this?"

Colossus shook his head and said, "They brought electromagnets. I can't stand it. Once I use my power, I will be sucked to the wall and can't get down."

Logan froze, electromagnet?Are you so perverted that you even brought the magnet? I can’t stand it! Fortunately, it didn’t work on me.

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