"All right!"

Colossus asked: "Where is Estes taking us? It doesn't look like he came to rescue us."

Logan shook his head: "We're all already like this, of course not. I guess it should be some kind of SCP organization that wants to recruit us? I've seen this kind of situation a lot."

Bobby hesitated: "No way! We didn't wear handcuffs either!"

"That's because they are absolutely confident that they can suppress us at any time." Wolverine glanced at Bobby and said, "Each of them is the top elite among human beings. If they really resist, I think you will all die except me." .”

Colossus listened for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Except for the sound of the wheels, the whole team moved forward without any sound.

Estes is more and more satisfied with the red right hand, the military discipline is strictly prohibited, there is no unnecessary nonsense in the battle, and the physique is strong.It can even be said that they are the king of soldiers per capita. I really don't know how the foundation trained this group of people.

If I had this army at the beginning, I didn't need many, as long as there were 100 people, there would be no rebels.

Looking at the forest behind him, Estes showed a vague smile and murmured, "A good gift!"


"There are booby traps, call mine-sweeping experts."

After a while, he finally made a huge discovery.

They actually left behind a boy!

The soldier took out the tranquilizer gun without hesitation and fired.

The boy fell to the ground.

"It's okay, there is a delivery! I should be able to find out who that group is."

A soldier nodded in agreement, caught a man so that he could at least go back to do business, grabbed the boy by the collar and put it on his shoulder.

"It's so heavy!"

A soldier laughed and said, "You must be lying! Would you like me to take care of your wife for you?"


Suddenly, there was a faint countdown sound.




The soldiers looked around warily.

Confused: "Who is talking?"

"Captain!" A soldier pointed to the boy on his shoulder and said, "It seems that he is talking."

"Impossible, it's a strong anesthetic, he can't bear it."

"It's really him who said it." Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, the soldier quickly put down the boy and let them listen.

The captain also poked his head suspiciously.



Surprised!There is still this kind of mutant ability, and he can speak without opening his mouth.

But why does it feel like that kind of thing!

Shouted fiercely: "That's a bomb, run!"

"Boom" There was a huge explosion in the forest, and the flames shot into the sky.

Together with the nearby soldiers and equipment, they ascended to the sky together. At that moment, they saw the old lady selling matches.

A soldier quickly reported: "Sir, we lost a total of 26 people and three helicopters."

"Why so many?" Stryker asked.

"A team finds a human bomb, and then you know it."

"Bomb?" Stryker angrily kicked a mutant child unconscious, and cursed: "You idiots, can't bombs be distinguished from people?"

"Soldiers who survived said that the bomb was so imitated that they couldn't see it."

"Let them continue to search to make sure there is no threat around." Stryker calmed down his emotions.

Loss is loss!It doesn't matter anymore, anyway, the brain wave enhancer is coming.

Stryker looked at the passages all around made of alloy, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

He nodded and said, "Let's begin!"

A soldier rolls out an instrument!

Pupil Simulator!Also called holographic projection.

Automatically align to the center of the gate, and a moment later a lifelike eyeball appears in the air.

The door to the brainwave room opened automatically.

"Welcome Professor X!"

Stryker smiled and walked into the darkness.

Along with Stryker's progress, one after another lights up.

Stryker gently touched the brainwave enhancement device and said, "Take everything we need!"

one one one one one one one one (file) one one one one one one one

(Because someone complained to me that he couldn't understand the scp file, he also checked on Baidu! But Baidu has too many introductions, and I don't want to read it.

Therefore, the scp files I added are all simplified by myself. Book friends who know it don’t need to read them. Those who don’t know are welcome to join the scp foundation family!Because I did not join Abel, so the individual content cannot be disclosed, otherwise it will be spoiled)

SCP-076 Abel

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: The containment chamber is to be located 200m below sea level, with tunnel entrances located in bedrock within a seismologically stable zone.The only entrance to the facility is an elevator shaft with reinforced blast doors every 50 meters constructed of 20 cm thick protective material.Lift shafts should be filled with seawater when not in use.

In the event of a complete containment breach, final contingency measures are to be implemented: flooding the entire facility with seawater and sealing off all shaft access for at least 24 hours before recovery can be considered.This measure must have resulted in the death of all facility personnel.


SCP-076-1 is a 3m long cube formed of black speckled metamorphic rock. Both the exterior and interior of SCP-076-1 are deeply carved with patterns that do not correspond to known civilizations.Based on radioisotope analysis, the object is approximately ten thousand (10000) years old.On one side there is a door, locked by a lock approximately 0.5m wide, surrounded by twenty (20) smaller lock rings.The key has never been found since its discovery, making the door impossible to lock once closed.

In the center of the space is a 2.13-meter-high sarcophagus, which is fixed and sealed by several chains of unknown construction and material, one end of which is attached to the inner corner of SCP-076-1.

SCP-076-2 appears to be a lean male Semitic, in his late twenties.Black hair, gray pupils, olive skin, 30m tall, 1.96kg in weight, covered with a large number of tattoos describing obscure and mysterious images (mostly forming the face of a squinting demon), ranging from subtle to exaggerated.While a subject is within SCP-81.65-076, it is technically dead.

However, SCP-076-2 will occasionally awaken, and in fact "resurrect", completing all vital processes necessary to sustain human existence.Subject will then attempt to leave SCP-076-1.If it succeeds, the subject falls into a trance and tries to find the nearest human, ignoring any other creatures in its path.Upon contact with a living human, SCP-076-2 will enter a berserk state and attempt to fight and kill any human it comes into contact with.To date, only the subject's death has effectively ended its berserk behavior.

Termination of SCP-076-2 is often difficult due to its exceptional physical abilities.It possesses superhuman strength and speed, and while not invulnerable, exhibits a remarkable ability to ignore pain and blows, and to persevere despite injuries that would debilitate an ordinary human being.

The most unusual ability of SCP-076-2 is the ability to materialize bladed weapons out of thin air.Clips of slow-motion footage show the weapon actually being pulled from a tiny space rift described as a "hole in space".The footage also shows that the above-mentioned weapons are made of a completely non-reflective black substance, which looks like "a void of dark space."Due to the rapid disappearance of said weapon once it leaves SCP-076-2, its structure cannot be analyzed at this time.

SCP-076-2 has been effectively killed several times by a variety of methods:


Postmortem examination of SCP-076-2 revealed that it possessed a set of internal physiological systems that were radically different from normal humans, as documented in [DATA EXPUNGED].

Chapter 90 Jason

Chapter 90 Jason

In a small dark room.

Charles woke up slowly and found himself tied up in a wheelchair.

He tried to shake his body from side to side, but he still couldn't break free.

"You finally woke up!"

Charles immediately used his psychic ability, but there was a sharp pain in his brain in an instant.

Ability is also forced to interrupt.

"Don't waste your efforts, you are wearing a brain neuroinhibitor, which I researched especially for you. As long as you try to exert your ability, he will interrupt you with severe pain."

Charles looked around and said, "Where's Scott?"

"Don't worry, I'm just letting him learn something new. You know that all too well, don't you?"

Charles also understood that this was revenge, and said slightly apologetically: "I'm sorry about your matter, you want me to help you cure your son, but mutants are not a disease..."

"You bullshit!" Stryker yelled, "You're more afraid of him than I am, and a year after Jason (Master of Illusion) came back from your school, my wife died, of hallucinations. Did you know He hates us, he blames us for being what he is now, so he takes pleasure in torturing our thoughts, my wife used an electric drill to get into my brain in order to get rid of those horrible fantasies in my mind."

"He's a powerful mutant."

Stryker nodded amusedly: "My child is still a master of fantasy."

Suddenly, Charles discovered that Stryker's follower was also a mutant, and said, "Even if you hate mutants so much, you still don't want to be a companion with her now?"

Stryker shook his head, grabbed the woman's hair and pulled it over, took out a needle and stabbed it at the neck: "They are not my companions, they are my subordinates, as long as they are well controlled, they are still very capable."

"Do you want to control mutants?"

"No, no, mutants are easy to control. As long as they have a little fame and money, they will naturally be controlled, but the difficulty lies in how to find them. Except you." Stryker stared at Charles's reflective bald head, Hope lit up in his eyes: "No one else can do it except you can't think of it."

Charles smiled: "Do you think your needles can control me?"

"Of course not, these medicines are too little for you, and your power is too strong, we have to find another way."

Stryker tidied up his clothes, clapped his hands and said, "Allow me to introduce you to mutant number 143. His brain will secrete a substance that can make you hallucinate, but it is still in the experimental stage."

A young man sitting in a wheelchair with dull eyes was pushed in.

"Jason!" Charles said with a look of shock: "This is your son! Stryker, are you crazy?"

Stryker said coldly: "No Charles, my son is dead, he is my test subject, don't worry, it will be your turn soon."

Even though Charles had seen the hearts of countless people, it was the first time he met such a cold-blooded person, and he felt a coldness enveloping his whole body just by talking.


"Commander, we have recruited 18 mutants this time, but there are only 2 adults."

Wang Yue nodded: "Who?"

"Colossus and Logan."

Wang Yue smiled playfully: "I heard that you seem to have taken in a disciple, right?"

Estes looked frosty: "No!"

"It's okay, just to appease some mutants, I don't mind."

"Really do not have!"

"Okay! Ask Logan if he wants to join the Pandora team. I think he and Abel will get along very well."

Estes thought about Abel's characteristics seriously, and shook his head: "Not necessarily, what if Abel can have a weapon that can break Edmar's alloy!"

"Wolverine isn't going to die anyway, so he's the perfect fit to control Abe's madness."

"Then what if Abel shows up with a meat grinder?"

"This..." Wang Yue hesitated for a moment, the meat grinder didn't seem like a weapon!But the ghost knows how many weapons Abel has. If the meat grinder is really one, let's trick Logan into it first.

"Queen Red, bring Logan here."

A moment later, a strong man with a beard walked into the office.

Logan immediately asked: "Why do you want to arrest mutants?"

"I didn't arrest them, I just provided the mutants with a safe place to settle down." Wang Yue spread his hands and said.

Logan sneered: "Then let us go now!"


Logan looked like he knew it a long time ago, and slowly stretched out three steel claws.

Showing a hint of killing intent, he stared at Wang Yue closely. If he couldn't give a reasonable explanation, he could only strike first. Logan was absolutely confident that Esdesh couldn't stop him at such a short distance.

Wang Yue slowly raised his right hand.

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