But there is only a thin layer, after all, it is really short of metal.

Instantly rushed to the ceiling.

Magneto sensed that the metal was slipping away from his grasp, but it wasn't enough to want to rush out.

Gritting his teeth, he pushed with the last bit of strength in his body.

May be too tired, eventually passed out.

At this moment, a team of SCP security personnel wearing gas masks rushed in.

"The captain let him run anyway."

Chen Xi looked up at the hole leading to the sky, gritted his teeth and said, "Notify the ground troops to continue chasing."

Pointing to Magneto who fell on the ground, he said, "The strength of the potion is not enough. Next time, change to a stronger potion."

"I'm afraid he won't be able to bear it! He may die directly."

"It's okay! If you die, just die! He wouldn't have lived for a few years. If he wasn't considered a containment object, he would have been a D-class."

"Yes." The security officer hesitated and asked, "Will this be too cruel?"

Chen Xi's eyes instantly turned cold: "Are you new here?"

The security personnel nodded: "I am a new member recruited by the United States."

Chen Xi said seriously with a straight face: "I'll just tell you once, there are no human rights in the foundation, only control, containment and protection, and no personal opinions or ideas can be mixed."

"Yes" the security officer replied loudly.

"Go and check to see if there is any metal left behind."


Chen Xi said to the Red Queen: "This person is not suitable for guarding the base, transfer him to another department!"

"Okay! Scheduling later, the commander asked you to go to his office."

Chen Xi's expression turned pale, it's over, she's going to be scolded.


After listening to Chen Xi's report, Wang Yue fell into deep thought.

I really didn't expect Magneto to help Barton escape.

"Queen Red, is the special containment room for mutants ready?"

"Now it's 90% complete and ready for people to live in."

"Turn Magneto over there, have you found the other little girl who can make mutants disappear?"

"No news."

Anyway, Magneto must have reached some kind of deal with Barton, otherwise Magneto is not so kind.

Let him live with Lao Wan when he receives the little girl.

one one one one one one one one (file) one one one one one one one

Mind Scepter

Item #: SCP-M017

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: Experimental research by Dr. Kane.

Description: SCP-M017 is a scepter approximately 50 centimeters in length with a spike at the top, and a gemstone emitting blue light embedded in the center of the spike.

SCP-M017 normally emits a blue glow from gemstones, but occasionally turns pink.It will make those nearby fall into rage, restlessness, excitement and other emotions.

People who fall into rage will be extremely aggressive, and people who fall into restlessness will try their best to make themselves feel safe. The emotional impact is very slight and can be awakened by others.

The gemstone of SCP-M017 cannot be removed, and it is protected by a layer of energy film inside, which cannot be cracked by violent means.

It was discovered in the United States in 2014.

Evaluation: It feels like someone is watching this gem......

Experiment 1-1

Dr. Kane approaches the psychic staff.

Pick up and wave.

After about 1 minute, the spiritual scepter turns pink.

Dr. Kane was affected into a rage.

Kane: Bow woof! ! !

In the end, he was taken away from the scope of the psychic scepter and isolated for 72 hours.No abnormality.

end of experiment

Experiment 1-2

Order two D-class members to touch the psychic staff.

Two D-Class members were separately affected by Rampage.

D-1: What are you worried about!

D-2: Look at you!

D-1: Take a look and try!

D-2: Just try it!

D-1: Damn, I can't fix you anymore!

The two D-class members took a big shot because they glanced at each other, sobered up after punching each other, and then fell into a violent struggle.

But by observing the relationship between the two D-class members is not harmonious.

Experiment record cleared.......

The experiment is over.

Chapter 87 Red Right Hand

"Commander, the World Security Council has requested a video conference."

Wang Yue asked suspiciously: "What kind of moth are they trying to do? Get on it!"

The virtual projection begins to show what a conference hall looks like.

Six members have been seated, why are there six, and there is a black bald head.

Alexander Pierce took the lead and said: "Mr. Wang, your actions have had a serious impact on the public opinion in the urban area. Even people all over the world know that New York was attacked by terrorists. You even used missiles. I hope you can tell me an explanation."

Wang Yue sneered, and when he came up with such a great prestige, he asked the Foundation to explain it. After the battle, the Foundation erased the amnestics of the surrounding 5 kilometers. The chair asked: "Is there an impact? Isn't it cleared by us?"

Alexander Pierce, looking at Wang Yue who didn't care, couldn't help feeling angry: "Please correct your attitude, this is the image of the leader of the foundation?"

"Don't get angry! If you have something to say, please speak up!"

"Look at what you've done. The damage at the scene is so great that it's impossible not to be seen."

"Didn't DC send someone to restore it!"

Alexander Pierce said again: "I don't think you are suitable to guard that person, let alone he took things from SHIELD."

"No, no, no." Wang Yue shook his finger and said, "We contain creatures that may cause the end of the world. I think Loki has this ability, and S.H.I.E.L.D. does not have the ability to guard Loki, so he is ours." .”

"Hahaha! It seems that you forgot who provided the funds for you. Believe it or not, you will be disbanded after a phone call!"

Wang Yue shook his head seriously: "I don't believe it!"

"Okay, you wait." Alexander Pierce took out a mobile phone and started calling on the spot.

Alexander Pierce also knows that it is obviously impossible to stop the foundation's funding, but it is still possible to suspend the funding for a period of time based on his own face.

The call got through, and he said with a smile: "Hello! Is this Inspector Jakes? I'm Alexander Pierce."

"Oh! It's you! What's the matter?"

Alexander Pierce felt that something was wrong. He obviously belonged to the same authority as Jakes, so logically speaking, he shouldn't be so cold.

"It's like this. S.H.I.E.L.D. has been short of funds recently. I heard that you have a fund that will be transferred to the SCP Foundation. I would like to borrow it temporarily."

"Oh, I don't have any money! The money has already been sent to the foundation."

Alexander Pierce was stunned: "How could this be, isn't it time for funding?"

"None of your business. Beep beep beep beep!"

Alexander Pierce seemed a little dazed when he heard the blind voice coming from the phone.

How dare you hang up on me!

Looking at Wang Yue fiercely, he roared angrily, "It must be your fault! You have violated the funding agreement, and I will explain it to the Congress."

Wang Yue said playfully, "Okay! You go! I'll wait."

Alexander Pierce told other World Council members: "We should register the situation with the countries until the Foundation hand over things."

The rest of the members of the World Council are expressionless, and some are still playing with their mobile phones.

The countries that have long been dissatisfied with S.H.I.E.L.D. have quietly ordered to support the Foundation, and the foundation's method of containing scp-966 has contributed to the countries. How could it be possible for the Foundation to stumble at this time.

I didn't want to attend this meeting. If it wasn't for Alexander Pierce's insistence on holding it, I would have gone there a long time ago. I wouldn't have time to listen to him bbping here.

Alexander Pierce knew what was going on when he saw the expressions on the other members.

The foundation is robbing SHIELD of authority, and it is getting stronger and stronger. Countries obviously want the foundation to check and balance SHIELD.

Sitting in the seat with a sullen face and not speaking.

Nick Fury said: "Actually, there is no need for this. My purpose is not Loki. I just want to get back the things from S.H.I.E.L.D."

Wang Yue spread his hands and said innocently, "I didn't take it!"

"I know"

"Then what are you doing with me?"

(╬◣д◢) Nick Fury yelled angrily: "You're pretending to be stupid!"

"okokok, in this way, you can send someone to interrogate Loki with me, but it must be under my supervision. You know that I am not interested in the Rubik's Cube, so you don't have to worry about snatching your treasure." Wang Yue was convinced changed your appearance.

If I believed in you, there would be a ghost. The first condition I mentioned was the Rubik's Cube.But Nick Fury still said: "Okay, I will send someone to contact you later."

After closing the meeting, Wang Yue looked at the panel.

Wang Yue

Containment point: 16000 points

Guard points: 54690 points

The remaining time of next containment scp-2521 "●●|●●●●|●●|●" is 240:02:03.

(New task) Temporary teleportation of SCP-173 (Little Peanut) Containment Remaining Time 32:06:51.

(New task) To build a portal: Required materials: a continuous and stable energy source (eg: Cosmic Rubik's Cube)

SCP-076 Abel (10:59:59)

SCP-105 Iris (10:59:59)

SCP-657 Reporter of the Dead (10:59:59)

SCP-175 Treasure Map (10:59:59)

SCP-354 Blood Pool (10:59:59)

What Wang Yue saw was a headache. SCP-173 and Abel's troops descended together, but the problem is that there is no portal now, and the descending location is not fixed at all, and it is unknown what troubles will arise.

5 containments at a time, no, 173 containments including scp-6.

How to find it!

Still at this critical moment, the ghost knows if Thanos will come directly.

"System, I want to exchange for the scp task force."

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