Drop some bombs from time to time to delay the scp security personnel's pursuit.

Suddenly, I met a security officer at the intersection.

The security personnel just wanted to raise their guns and shoot.

But Barton immediately approached and grabbed the muzzle of the gun, lifted it up, and hit the security personnel's stomach with the top of his knee.

Although the security personnel forcibly took a knee shot, they still reacted quickly. They immediately let go of the gun in their hands and drew their knives to slash.

Barton seized the neutral position, took out an arrow, and stuck it directly at the security personnel.

Get away immediately.

The security personnel struggled to get up, but an electric current suddenly burst out from the arrow, and the whole body trembled, and finally fell to the ground powerlessly.

Barton's clothes were also torn because of the knife, so he simply tore off his camouflage, making it easier to escape.

Glancing at the location on the watch, he was not far away from the other team, but all the red lights were on, obviously dead in battle.

Just turning a corner, I saw a team with a nine-tailed fox painted on their bodies looking for objects.

Take a piece of material from the corpse.

It is the metal iridium.

Reach out and take out an arrow with a flashing red arrow.

Facing the crowd, let go.

In an instant, the arrow was shot in mid-air, and the arrow exploded immediately.

But there were no casualties.

Chen Xi (Captain Nine-Tailed Fox) licked the corner of her mouth and said, "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Barton's face was serious. It's not like he hasn't seen someone who can hit the arrow, but seeing it in this situation is different.

Draw out an arrow again and shoot.


The arrow was blasted in the air again, but this time it was green smoke.

"No, it's poisonous gas, cover your mouth and nose!"

When the fog cleared, it was found that the Nine-Tailed Fox team was not there at all.

And Barton disappeared with the metal iridium.

"This is not poisonous gas!"

"It seems nothing happened."

"Queen Hong, have you figured out what it was just now?" Chen Xi asked with an ugly face.

"It's a green smoke bomb."

"Fuck, this guy is crazy! What kind of things did he bring!" Chen Xi said, "Queen Red, locate him for me."

"Target is heading towards the SCP-M11 special containment chamber."

Containment room?I ran to a dead end, let's see how you go!

"Set off."

Barton ran all the way with the metal iridium, not knowing where he was.

Suddenly, he saw an electric door in front of him.

Secretly said: Not good!

Just as he was about to retreat, he heard footsteps in the passage again.

His expression changed a few times, and he finally ran to the switch.

Count the number of flashes of the switch in my heart.

The light in the eyes flashed, 1.5 seconds?

Immediately, he sprinted to speed up, and skipped the switch dangerously.

Chen Xi, who was chasing after her, was shocked when she saw this scene.

This is not something everyone dares to dance.

Yaoyao fired a shot at Barton's back.

The bullet passed through the electric current from the switch, spinning and hitting Barton's shoulder.

In an instant, Barton's entire left hand was paralyzed by the electric current carried by the bullet.

But still insisted on moving on.

Suddenly Barton found that the material of the wall around him had changed. It was no longer made of steel, but a wall made of special materials.

The front doors are all wooden.

A sign on the wall read: NO METAL.

"What is this place."

But no matter where it is, as long as it is not a steel wall, there is a chance to blow it out.

A blasting arrow blew through the wooden door.

Barton found that there were various firearms behind the door, which were also made of special materials, and even the bullets were made of ceramics.

Button had a bad feeling, but he still chose to move forward.

An old man with white hair sat quietly in a transparent room.

Suddenly he sensed something, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face...

one one one one one one one one (file) one one one one one one one


Item #: SCP-M016

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Expired

Description: SCP-M016 is an adult male with a height of approximately 182 cm, who claims to be a god, and whose appearance is no different from a normal person.

SCP-M016 has a special body: it has super physical strength and strength, and can lift 50 tons of weight.Loki's lifespan far exceeds that of humans, he is resistant to conventional damage, and immune to all diseases and poisons on the earth.Loki can recover quickly from ordinary physical injuries.

SCP-M016 is proficient in illusion, can be invisible, create multiple phantoms, and can perceive what is happening in phantoms, and can remotely control phantoms to make actions or speak.

However, the phantom cannot use abilities, and will not disappear after being attacked, and is completely controlled by SCP-M016.

SCP-M016 itself can summon a golden suit at any time. The suit is extremely defensive, and it is known that light missiles cannot penetrate or damage the inside of the suit.

SCP-M016's usual weapons are two short swords about 50 cm in length, made of special materials.

Evaluation: A weak god......

Chapter 86 Magneto's Hope

"Commander, Patton has entered Magneto's containment chamber."

"Activate the poisonous gas and let Nine-Tailed Fox deal with it," Wang Yue said.


"Erasure is allowed if Magneto has any other ideas."


Barton was gradually approaching the containment room, but the closer he got, the more uneasy he felt.

The bullet left in the left shoulder became extremely active whenever it stopped advancing.

Rolling around in the flesh and blood, the current situation has no time to take out the bullets, so he can only bite the bullet and go down.

Suddenly, the bullets in his body crazily hit the front, and the bow and arrow in his hand flew into the passage along with the metal iridium.

But Barton didn't have ATC. The intense pain in his shoulder made Barton fall to the ground.

Finally, the bullets broke through the flesh and flew into the passage together.

Barton panted loudly, and continued walking. This is the only way out, so we can only take a gamble.

He tightly held a pistol without any metal objects in his hand, which was the only remaining weapon.

When I first came in, I didn't understand why ceramic firearms were equipped as standard, but I still brought one just in case.

Now I finally understand.

Various metal objects melted in the air together with the metal iridium, forming a steel needle and crashing into the containment room at a very high speed.


The steel needle hit the toughened glass of Magneto's containment room, but it just made a small crater. You must know that the glass wall is 10 cm thick.

Magneto frowned: "How hard is this thing?"

The steel needle melted again to form countless iron balls, which hit the glass of the containment room at high speed with the same frequency, trying to shatter the glass by resonance.

However, half a minute passed, and there was not even a trace of the glass, let alone a resonant response.

The tempered glass in the containment room has three layers. The outermost layer is strong in shock resistance, and the middle glass is tough. As for the inner glass, it is not glass at all, but a hard object made of transparent jelly, which is extremely resistant to blows. , has a certain toughness, mainly to prevent the four corners of the toughened glass from internal biological attacks.

The outside is protected and cannot be opened at all.

Magneto's exclusive cell, even scp-049 does not have this treatment.

When Barton arrived, he saw that Lao Wan was still insisting on hitting the glass.

Barton, as an eighth-level agent, of course also read Magneto's information, and said with a wry smile: "The metal iridium I have worked so hard for so long is used by you for this!"

Magneto also noticed the person coming, and a row of steel needles quickly surrounded Barton, asking, "Who are you?"

"Barton, an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., I'm here to investigate the evidence of crimes committed by the Foundation." Barton lied.

Magneto smiled and said: "I didn't expect you SHIELD to find evidence! I thought you would go straight up!"

Barton suddenly became serious: "I can rescue you!"

"How can I save it? These are all high-strength glass. Do you have a bomb?" Magneto sensed carefully, and Barton no longer had any metal objects on him.

Button pointed to the steel needle in the sky and said, "My bomb has been made into a needle by you, and the gunpowder is still sprinkled in the passage!"

"Then what can you do?"

"You send me out, and I will bring bombs to save you. I saw that these walls are made of composite panels, which cannot withstand your abilities."

"Hahahahaha!" Magneto sneered, "And then you ran away?"

Button shook his head and said seriously: "No, I will come again, my task has not been completed yet! They are almost here, you should think about it!"

Magneto slowly lowered his face, hesitated for a moment, and said, "I can send you out, I don't need you to save me, you just need to give this to the Brotherhood."

A steel needle quickly condensed into a sign in the air, and it fell into Barton's hands, with German written on it.

Before Barton came, he looked anxiously, and another extremely slender steel needle was inserted into Barton's wound.


Steel travels around the bone to the spine.

Each spine has a bit of steel embedded in it.

"Your spine is inlaid with steel. Only I can take it out in this world. If you fail to fulfill your promise, these steels will stay in your body forever!"

However, Barton had already collapsed to the ground, his face was pale, and his whole body was wet with soybean sweat.

"I...I want...a...something...give me the iridium metal..."

Magneto saw that Barton was still able to speak, with an expression of admiration on his face: "Okay."

The metal in the air fused together, and then a metal ball was peeled off.

"I'll send you away."

Barton nodded, enduring the pain and standing on the metal plate.

The metal on top of the head deformed into a dome, protecting Patton.

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