It was the first time that he was beaten so embarrassingly by a mortal with an indigenous weapon, and he couldn't swallow his breath.

Loki let go of the scepter, allowing it to automatically float by his side.

He started to make mudras, and the scepter around him gradually became brighter, obviously he was about to amplify his moves.

But the scp foundation doesn't care about that.

The first law of containment of the SCP Foundation: When you see abnormal behavior in the containment during combat, please remember, don't hesitate to shoot directly.

In an instant, six 'Restrainer' missiles directly hit Loki who was still preparing to strike.

A puff of gunpowder smoke dissipated.

The crater made by the bomb got deeper.

Loki was still lying at the bottom of the pit and staring at the sky in a daze. The scepter fell to the side, and the battle suit on his body also disappeared.

Forget it, let's just get caught by them, it's not that I can't beat it, it's just that someone needs to cooperate with the plan, anyway, the Chitauri will return as soon as they arrive.

Seeing that Luo Ji was not resisting, Lei Hu carefully took Luo Ji into custody.

Then pick up the dropped scepter.

Suddenly someone shouted: "Hey! That's the property of S.H.I.E.L.D."

The six Viking battle armors immediately raised their gun barrels to face the person coming.

The agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. looked at this weapon of war and couldn't help taking a step back collectively.

But Coulson continued to walk forward with a smile on his face and said, "That is the property of S.H.I.E.L.D., sir."

Just as Lei Hu was about to refute, he heard a cold voice and replied domineeringly: "Now it's ours."

A beautiful figure fell from the sky, it was Esdes.

Coulson still had a smiling face, but Captain America and Natasha stood up behind him.

The situation was a little tense, and Bruce Banner was a little overwhelmed.

Quietly hid on the side of the foundation, and confirmed his position.

Seeing Bruce Banner leave, Rogers frowned secretly, a little upset.

Loki saw that the two sides were about to fight, and couldn't help but want to add fire.

Quietly open your palm.

Suddenly touched a ball?

Lei Hu said: "What you are holding in your hand is a bomb. If you make any restless moves, I will detonate it."

The Second Law of Foundation Containment: If there is any strange behavior after the contained object is controlled during the battle, please do not hesitate to fill every position of its body with bombs to prevent it from moving further. If there is any abnormal movement, please press the detonation button device.

Helpless, Loki could only give up provocation.

"Ma'am, he took something from S.H.I.E.L.D., so he should be in our custody," Steve Rogers said.

"Hehe! We are an organization established for the safety of the world. He threatens the safety of the world, so it belongs to us. If you take any action to attack the SCP Foundation, then you will be arrested on charges of crimes against humanity." Estes Cursing one's lips, who wouldn't pull the banner!

Natasha couldn't help but pulled Rogers, lowered her voice and said, "Banner belongs to them, we can't figure it out now."

Rogers nodded, because he had read Banner's information and knew how powerful Banner was, not to mention being targeted with missiles.

Estes looked a little impatient at S.H.I.E.L.D. who hadn't flinched.

The temperature in the block dropped rapidly, and frost appeared on the ground, and it continued to expand and spread.

Even the flames caused by the missiles couldn't stand the freezing temperature and gradually extinguished.

Rogers stared at Esdeth with a solemn expression, took off the shield in his hand, and prepared to fight.

Coulson realized that the situation was not right, he stood up against the spreading frost and said: "Maybe we can talk, we don't want others, we just want him to answer a question."

Estes thought for a moment and said, "Okay, you can ask."

Coulson took out a sound wave shielding device and placed it in front of him.

Then he asked Loki, "Where is the Rubik's Cube?"

Loki said cooperatively, "In the atrium."

"I mean the specific location."

Loki smiled cheaply, turned to look at Estes and said, "This is the second question, don't you care?"

Estes smiled and said, "It makes sense, well, you're done asking, and I'll take it away."

Coulson:? ? ? ? ?

"Wait a minute, I haven't asked yet!"

"Call Nick Fury to talk!"

Then Loki was installed on a device, and a large transport plane passed by in the sky, grabbed the balloon floating in the sky, and took Loki away instantly.

Coulson could only watch Loki drifting in the wind and disappearing from sight.

"Hey! Let the director come!"


"Commander, the target has been contained, here is the photo."

Wang Yue cast a glance and was startled immediately: "This is Loki?" Loki's standard crown and spiritual scepter are really eye-catching.

Seriously: "Arrange personnel to test Loki immediately, and keep the spiritual scepter in isolation."


"By the way, we must confirm whether this is Loki's real body, he is best at illusion."

Lei Hu patted his chest and said, "Commander, don't worry, just leave it to me."

At this time, Barton had already penetrated into the magic star base with the help of Loki's illusion covering his body.

But he was stumped by an electric door in front of him.

Tucao said: "What foundation, S.H.I.E.L.D. is not so strict, and the switch is still open all the time."

Patton clearly knew that this was the Roswald defense switch, and the spark appeared every 1.5 seconds, and the card had to be swiped to have a 4-second gap.

If the switch is stopped directly, the alarm device will be activated automatically.

Now with the help of Loki, he can enter the base invisibility, but the invisibility will not last long.

Can only bypass the switch.

Barton continued to grope forward, and suddenly came to a containment room made of special materials.

Some looked curiously.

An astonishing scene was discovered.

Wang Yue stood in front of Luo Ji and said, "Take off his clothes first, and then research to see if he is a real person."

Lei Hu nodded: "Okay, but do you want to use the portrait of scp-096? After all, if it wasn't for Loki, there would be no way to resist it."

"Inappropriate, what if we see it too."

Button tightly covered his mouth, not daring to make a sound.

It's hard to believe that the new owner I just followed is about to lose his virginity.

no!It must be stopped!

"Hi! Why are you here?" a scp member on patrol yelled.

It was only then that Barton realized that his time for invisibility had arrived. Fortunately, he had already put on the uniform of the SCP Foundation, otherwise he would have been discovered.

"Oh! The officer asked me to stay here."

The scp team sized it up and said, "If you tell me to keep watch, don't look around, be careful to become a D-class personnel."

"Yes, I understand."

The scp team nodded and continued patrolling.

Barton saw no one, immediately took out the bomb and installed it on the door.

Press the detonation button without hesitation.


Chapter 85 Barton Invasion

The door of the containment room remained motionless, not even a scratch appeared, it was only slightly blackened by the smoke from the bomb.

Barton looked at the door in front of him in surprise, not understanding what material it was made of.

The Red Queen was keenly aware of the guard's abnormal behavior.

Data analysis....

60% ..

99% ..

Analysis complete.

There is a 100% chance of planting a bomb.

There is a 99.9% chance of spying.

The probability of guard neuropathy attack was 0.01%.

Instead of sounding the alarm, they secretly mobilized the cameras to check the situation of the entire base.

It was found that there were 4 guards in the material room, and their behavior was abnormal.

Data analysis....

60% ..

99% ..

Analysis complete.

There is a 100% chance of spying.

Immediately said in Wang Yue's earphone: "Commander, the base has been invaded, 4 people in the materials room suspect that the materials have been stolen, and a person outside the SCP-M016 containment room is trying to blow open the door of the containment room."

Wang Yue suddenly thought of one thing, maybe Barton came to steal something, and immediately said: "Close the exit of the base, let Jiuweihu kill the people in the material room of the team, and send someone to clean up the entrance by the way."

When Loki heard what Wang Yue said, he immediately knew that Barton had started to act, and said with a smile, "I'll let you know what cruelty is when I go out later."

Wang Yue slapped Luo Ji on the head with a backhand: "You still want to run, don't you! Lei Hu, put some chains on him, with clicks, let him experience what cruelty is."


Wang Yue didn't worry about the intruders running away at all, because once the connecting vents of the entire base were closed, the steel walls with a thickness of 50 centimeters would drop down.

All the large vents will be converted into multiple small vents, and there is no way to climb out unless the person can shrink their bones.

After Lei Hulian clicked the device, he smiled cruelly and said, "Say it or not."

Loki:? ? ?

"Don't say yes! Electrotherapy starts."

Rocky laughed and said, "You may not know that I have been electrocuted since childhood."

"Hehe!" o(`ω?*)o


Barton was stunned when he saw this scene outside. Is it so crazy?

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps.

Draw the bow and set the arrow, with a serious face.

Just when Wang Du stepped out of the passage with one foot, he immediately predicted the position and prepared to shoot the first arrow.

However, no one came out, and a black object flew in the air.

A flash bomb flew straight over.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Barton quickly fired an arrow to push the flash bomb back, then turned and ran.

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