Tony turned around immediately and asked anxiously: "Is there any way, save Potts quickly."

"Since when has she been unable to sleep?"

Tony thought about it a little bit: "It was about 5 days ago, when she went to Russia to handle company affairs."

Wang Yue nodded slightly, and said, "The Red Queen, let the Nine-Tailed Fox team go to Tony's villa and arrest SCP-966."

"Yes, the team has already set off."

"Is scp-966 a new containment?" Tony asked in astonishment.

"Scp-966 is a monster that can deprive people of the ability to sleep. It should be entangled with Potts."

Tony trembled slightly: "Can it be solved? What about Potts!"

"Take Potts and follow me."

Everyone walked into the underground base.

Wang Yue opened a room in the containment room.

"Just put Potts in."

Tony looked at the simple room, without any treatment equipment, forced to suppress his anger and said, "It's that simple? Don't you want to rescue it?"

Lei Hu answered: "This is the containment room used to hold SCP-966. The entire room is made of lead, which can effectively isolate the influence of SCP-966 on Miss Potts."

Tony put Potts on the bed in the room suspiciously.

Potts fell asleep almost instantly without any reaction.

After repeatedly confirming that Potts was fine, Tony turned around and left.

"Where are you going?"

The steel suit on Tony's body covered his whole body, and he roared angrily, "I'm going to kill those things."

Wang Yue waved his hand: "What can you do when you go, you can't see it, and your current weapon is difficult to kill SCP-966, you should stay with Potts, I will take care of it there."

Tony hesitated: "Okay, but I want to participate in the research of scp-966."

"Okay, it would be even better if you can invent a weapon that can directly deal with SCP-966."

Tony nodded, looking at Potts in a deep sleep and felt a little comforted.

"Have a burger? I'm hungry."

Lei Hu pointed in the direction of the restaurant: "There are."

"Can you get me one?"

"No, I am B-level, you are C-level, and I am your boss. You have to figure this out."

Tony: "Didn't you still be C-level last time?"


"Okay, I'll go by myself." Tony said helplessly: "You will feel better when I get to A-level, and I don't care about you now."


The nine-tailed fox has arrived at Tony's villa.

Chen Xi immediately ordered to set up a blocking net to prevent scp-966 from escaping.

All of them wear eyes that can detect wavelengths down to 800 nanometers.

"The first team acts, the second team intercepts."

Jarvis also received Tony's order, and very cooperatively closed the other exits of the villa, leaving only one gate to enter and exit.

The Nine-Tailed Fox Team cautiously entered each room to search.

"Captain, an SCP-966 was found lying on the bed in the bedroom."

"Catch it directly."

scp-966 looked curiously at the team members who entered the door, and secretly said: Here comes the food again.

Suddenly a large lead net was cast down.

SCP-966 sensed that the situation was not good, and let out a low growl threateningly.

But the Nine-Tailed Fox team didn't care at all, they trapped SCP-966 in the net with one hand and dragged it out.

"Captain, I found one."

Chen Xi frowned: "Leave a team to investigate the surrounding area to prevent other SCP-966 from escaping."

Chapter 77 Cosmic Rubik's Cube

Chen Xi reported: "Commander, only one SCP-966 was caught, and it was identified as a female. No other traces of SCP-966 were found near the villa."

"Directly send people to start the experiment, specializing in the research of weapons against it."

Tony immediately said: "Just leave it to me to research weapons, no one else is needed."

Wang Yue looked at the serious Tony and finally nodded in agreement.

The Red Queen suddenly said: "Commander, the Huaxia branch has captured 966 scp-3, and Russia has captured 1."

Wang Yue wondered, "How did they find SCP-966 so quickly?"

"Head of the Huaxia Branch: Dr. Moss persuaded the authorities to set up an insomnia hospital. Anyone who has symptoms of scp-966 will gather together and find that scp-966 is very fast. There is an scp-966 in Russia that was accidentally captured SCP team observed."

"This method is good, let's promote it in several other countries! Watch out for their nests."


Wang Yue looked at the panel in his mind

Wang Yue

Containment point: 15600 points

Guard points: 14690 points

The remaining time of next containment scp-2521 "●●|●●●●|●●|●" is 640:02:03.

(New task) Temporary teleportation of SCP-173 (Little Peanut) Containment Remaining Time 452:06:51.

(New task) To build a portal: Required materials: a continuous and stable energy source (eg: Cosmic Rubik's Cube)

Why does the containment have no name, just a row of dots?

Wang Yue was stunned for a moment, what kind of containment is this?

System BUG?

"Dawn! Do you know what containment SCP-2521 is?"

Chen Xi's eyes widened, her face full of shock: "Is scp-2521 coming?"

"Yes, you should know what SCP-2521 is. Does it have any characteristics? Why is there no name."

Chen Xi looked at Wang Yue with fear on his face: "Commander, you can't say it! If you say it, I'll be gone."

Wang Yue was stunned: "Why can't you say it?"

Chen Xi gestured a few times, but still couldn't describe clearly.

I found a small notebook and started drawing.

Wang Yue was at a loss, what's going on, can't you tell?

After a while, a few stick figures came out.

When Wang Yue picked up the abstract painting, he could barely see the meaning.

A 2.5m tall humanoid entity with band-like sticky tentacles on the front of the upper limbs, capable of penetrating walls, and will carry away anyone or anything that describes him, unable to comprehend patterns and standards.

"You're saying it can't be described in words, or it would be......."

Chen Xi immediately blocked Wang Yue's mouth, but was slapped away by Wang Yue.

"What are you doing? SCP-2521 hasn't come yet! What are you afraid of?"

Chen Xi scratched her head in embarrassment: "It's not here yet! I'm used to it."

"Since you can't describe it, can you find a code name to represent him?"

Chen Xi shook his head: "No, once you realize that you are describing scp-2521, he can perceive that even the code name scp-2521 cannot be used, only patterns can be described."

Wang Yue rubbed his chin, this thing is really difficult to deal with.

It's a good idea, if you drive a rocket towards the sun, and describe scp-2521 when you can't get out of gravity, will scp-2521 not be able to escape, or scp-2521 won't go on the rocket at all.


S.H.I.E.L.D. Base....

Nick Fury stepped off the helicopter and asked Coulson, "How is it now?"

"Sir, I don't know what's going on right now."

Several people came to the underground base.

"Dr. Eric Savig detected a strange energy coming from the Rubik's Cube about four hours ago."

Nick Fury wondered: "The space agency didn't give Dr. Eric Shavig the right to test it!"

Coulson shook his head. "He didn't do the test. He wasn't even in the room. The Rubik's Cube was triggered automatically."

"What is the current energy standard of the Rubik's Cube?"

"Continuing to rise, after confirming that the doctor cannot be closed, an evacuation has been ordered and is currently diverted by 30%."

Hill said, "Sir, it may be useless to evacuate."

Nick Fury glanced at her: "What should I do, let them go back to sleep?"

"If we can't control the energy of the Rubik's Cube, I think it's useless to hide there."

Nick Fury insisted: "I want you to make sure that the second stage prototype can be safely evacuated."

"Sir! Now is the time to think about these things! Sir?"

Nick Fury ignored it and walked straight into the laboratory.

Looking at Eric Shavig who was busy in front of the instrument, Nick Fury shouted: "What's the matter, Eric Shavig? Tell me the current situation."

"There's something wrong with the Cosmic Rubik's Cube."

Dr. Eric Shavig tried to point at the Rubik's Cube with a detection stick, a small energy shield emerged, and the detection stick was instantly bounced off.

"what happened?"

"The Rubik's Cube is extremely active. I don't know what's going on. Even cutting off the power doesn't do anything. The Rubik's Cube itself is an energy source. There's nothing we can do about it. It really reaches a peak."

Nick Fury observed around the Rubik's Cube a few times: "Isn't that just right? Our goal has been achieved."

Dr. Eric Savig opened up a piece of data: "That's not good, we are not prepared at all, it keeps emitting interference and radiation, but it is not harmful, just some slight gamma rays."

A female doctor suddenly said: "Doctor, there is another pulse."

Dr. Savage went over to check immediately, and said solemnly: "This is not a reaction from our side."

"What? What do you mean, what is our side?"

Barton did not know when he came to Nick Fury: "He meant that this is a gate. We can open the door here, and people on the other side can also open the door. It is two-way."

Suddenly the Rubik's Cube exploded with a small shock wave, and everyone immediately became vigilant.

Energy continuously gathered in the Rubik's Cube, and the entire base began to tremble slightly.

The huge energy of the Rubik's Cube gathered into a blue vortex, which rushed straight to the wall of the base, projecting an azure energy gate.

You can vaguely see the starry sky at the other end.

The entire energy gate exploded instantly when it expanded to a certain extent, and the powerful shock wave shook all the personnel in the laboratory.

Nick Fury got up, staring intently at the location of the energy explosion.

A humanoid figure appeared in the center of the explosion.

Wearing a battle suit similar to that of the Middle Ages, holding a scepter with a diameter of 80 cm in his hand.

The man stood up, his handsome face was slightly feminine, and he looked at them as if he was looking at an ant.

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