Nick Fury doesn't like this kind of arrogant person, but he clearly feels a kind of aristocratic elegance.

Shouted: "Sir, please put down your weapons."

At the same time, four guards with guns approached slowly and surrounded the mysterious figure.

"I think you should put down your weapons." The mysterious figure said slowly, "After all, I am the god you should worship."

Chapter 78 Vikings

Nick Fury laughed mockingly: "God? It's the invaders, right!"

The mysterious figure glanced at the security personnel who surrounded him, and a contemptuous smile appeared on his face.

"I am Loki, a god, you should learn to be in awe, mortals!"

Lifting the scepter, a blue energy burst out from the scepter instantly.

Four security personnel saw that something was wrong and opened fire immediately.

But all the flying bullets were bounced off by the energy erupted by the scepter, without causing any damage to Loki.

The scepter gradually became brighter, and four blue energy clusters separated from the center and precisely bombarded the security personnel. Four people were blown up and fell to the ground dead on the spot.

Barton also immediately drew an arrow and shot at Loki.

Loki smiled contemptuously, grabbed the arrow flying at high speed with one hand, and threw it aside.

Barton was stunned. For the first time, someone could catch his arrow.

It seems that simple arrows are useless to him, and he quietly pressed the button of the quiver with one hand.

He drew out the arrow again, and before he had time to place the arrow, he was blown away by a powerful shock wave, and the bow and arrow fell aside. Fortunately, it was not directly attacked, otherwise it would be the end of death, even if it was like this, Barton would not feel well.

Loki looked around, the laboratory was in a mess, and no one could resist anymore. As for the black bald man who spoke at the beginning, he didn't know where he went now?

Loki thought with some disdain: say the most tricky words, and run the most embarrassing way.

Patton got up from the severe pain still in his body, and drew out a pistol to fight back.

Loki looked at Barton who stood up forcefully, with a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

Picking up the scepter, shaking it and pointing at Barton.

Barton was horrified to find that he couldn't move, and could only watch Loki come forward.

"You are different!"

Loki picked up the scepter and tapped it on Barton's chest, a light blue light spread across Barton's body, and Barton's pupils changed from black to blue.

Loki smiled in satisfaction, and let go of his control on Barton.

By the way, Dr. Eric Shavig was "attracted" again, after all, this person used it very well before.

(Dr. Eric Shavig was controlled a long time ago, you can see Thor's easter egg.)

Nick Fury quietly hid aside, and was shocked to find that Barton was not attacking Loki, which was not like the former Patton agent.

Although I don't know what happened, it must not be a good thing.

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube must not be lost!

Nick Fury quietly put the Rubik's Cube into the box, ready to evacuate.

"Put it down, I really need it."

Nick Fury stopped and looked at Loki: "There's no need to be so nervous!"

"I come from God's Domain, and I shoulder a great mission. I will lead you to create a perfect world."

"What world?"

At the same time, Nick Fury gave Barton a wink, wanting Barton to stop Loki, so that he would have time to take away the Rubik's Cube.

Barton made a gesture to indicate receipt, then turned to Loki and said, "Boss, he wants to delay the time! This place is going to explode, we'd better get rid of him as soon as possible."

Nick Fury: ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

With a look of shock on his face, Barton actually rebelled.

Loki shook his head: "You don't understand my mission at all, goodbye!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Barton shot Nick Fury in the chest casually.

Nick Fury fell to the ground.

The three picked up their suitcases and left straight away.

Since Barton is now a level 8 agent with great authority, no one stopped him along the way, so he left easily.

When Hill saw Barton, he asked suspiciously, "Who is he?"

Button didn't change his face and said: "The director's guest, the director was looking for you just now!"


Although a little suspicious, Hill let them go because of Barton's trust.

Suddenly Nick Fury's voice came from the intercom, "Barton has rebelled, the Rubik's Cube is in his hands, stop them."

Hill's complexion changed drastically, and he immediately got into the car to give chase.

Stepping on the accelerator frantically all the way, he finally caught up with Barton. Rocky, who was sitting in the back seat, expressed a "friendly" gesture to Hill.

Hill gritted his teeth and bumped into it without hesitation.

But Barton's car disappeared in place like a phantom.

"Fake?" Hilton was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly reported: "Button was not caught, he ran away."

Suddenly, the earth began to shake; houses collapsed; roads cracked, and buildings were instantly wiped out.Huge boulders rolled down and flew relentlessly towards the agents, all of which lasted only a split second as the entire base sank into the ground.

Hill looked at the ruins in front of him in shock, and a marinated egg appeared in his mind.

Some sad nostalgia: In fact, the braised egg is very good, at least he has done a lot for SHIELD.


"Director?" The original sadness disappeared instantly, and Hill asked in surprise.

"I think we're in big trouble."


"Commander, a strong earthquake was detected at a S.H.I.E.L.D. base east of New York, with a large number of radiation and energy eruptions."

Could it be that the Rubik's Cube appeared?Wang Yue immediately asked: "Is there any video image?"

"No, that is a shielded area. I think we need to have our own satellites, otherwise we will always be restricted by other countries."

"Put it on the agenda and let the SCP Foundation agents go and find out what's going on."

Wang Yue scratched his head, at least he couldn't find Loki now, as long as he appeared by himself.

"Commander, Ivan Vanke has researched a set of armor."

Wang Yue wondered, "What battle armor, you don't need to report such trivial matters to me."

"This armor is a bit different, I suggest you go and have a look."

"Oh?" Wang Yue got up and went to the laboratory.

I only saw Ivan Vanke assembling a fighter jet.

"Ivan? What about the armor you studied?"

With a toothpick in his mouth, Ivan Vanke tapped the fighter in front of him and said, "This is it."

Wang Yue looked around for three times and found nothing special. He was clearly a fighter.

"Red Empress, isn't the brainwashing a little too much, why don't you go back to the furnace and rebuild it!"

The red queen plays the armor simulation animation.

"Commander, no, this is a deformed armor with two forms, one is a fighter jet, and the other is a armored form."

Wang Yue shouted in shock: "Viking fighter?"

Ivan Vanke actually researched the Viking fighter!

Although there are some changes in details, it is exactly the same as the Viking fighter overall.

Wang Yue looked at Ivan Vanke with serious eyes. Could it be that Ivan Vanke was time-traveled after being brainwashed?

He whispered to Lei Hu: "Strictly monitor him, and take him in if there is any strange behavior."

Lei Hu nodded: "Yes, do you want to brainwash directly?"

Wang Yue thought about it seriously, and waved his hand: "No, just keep an eye on him. Hang a photo of scp-096 on the wall of his dormitory. Once you find something wrong, open the wall and give him a surprise."


Chapter 79 Steve Rogers

"How is the performance of this battle armor?" Wang Yue asked.

"It's very strong. It can reach twice the speed of sound in the form of a fighter jet. It can carry 2 Vulcan cannons (that's the Gatling machine gun, I'm afraid you don't know), 2 missiles, and 6 energy cannons. Using the Ark reactor, the energy is absolutely stable. And It is cheap and durable, suitable for war." Lei Hu replied.

"Do you have a name?"

Lei Hu shook his head: "Not yet, Ivan Vanke doesn't care about this."

"Let's call it a Viking fighter. It is going to be mass-produced. At least 300 of them will be allocated to each site."


The red queen projected a figure and said: "Commander, the newly established cosmetics company has entered the world's top 500, and its market value is still rising. Norman Osborn held an exchange meeting and invited you to participate."

"I'm not free, just ask Estes to go."

"Commander, there is one more thing. The Umbrella Company captured one SCP-049-1 and two SCP-966, and established a new project code-named Nether."

"And this kind of thing, where is their base?"

"There is no record, and the umbrella seems to be guarding against me. Among all the company documents, there is only an empty file with the code name Nether. I can't even determine the location of the new base of the umbrella."

Wang Yue frowned. The ability of the umbrella to capture SCP-966 must be due to the emergence of spies in some countries, otherwise he would never know how to capture SCP-966.

Suddenly there was a loud noise.

Tony Stark and Pozzo walk in.

At this time, Potts has recovered his figure, and he is obviously well-cultivated.

Potts begged bitterly: "Tony, I really don't want to be the president. It's too dangerous. I want to resign."

Tony stared at Potts affectionately: "I need your support, I'm not complete without you."

"You're so smart, you can obviously take Opadry off the table at will, why don't you want to spare some energy to control the company?"

Tony hugged Potts into his arms: "Because I believe in you!"

Wang Yue smiled, Tony is an absolute genius, maybe when he was kidnapped, he guessed that Opadi did it, so the first thing he did when he returned to the company was to shut down the weapon manufacturing, and the stock price of Stark Group plummeted , Tony took the opportunity to take back the company's shares, and then appeared a few times wearing a battle suit, Stark's stock will naturally rise back, and then Opadry can retire.

It's just that he didn't expect Obadai to be so crazy and wanted to kill him directly.

Wang Yue smiled and said, "Potts, have you heard of the SCP Cosmetics Group?"

Potts nodded, puzzled: "I have been using that company's cosmetics again and again, and they are very effective, but why are you asking this?"

"Then are you interested in working for SCP Cosmetics Company? It's my company, and I can guarantee you better cosmetics than those on the market."

Potts looked shocked, and felt a little moved. After all, SCP cosmetics are high-end and relatively expensive. The money he earns alone can barely support his consumption.

Seeing that something was wrong, Tony gave Wang Yue a hard look, and quickly hugged Potts tightly: "Don't listen to him, I have money, I'll buy it for you."

Potts broke away from Tony and said firmly, "But that's your money, I want to use mine."

"It's okay, I'll give you 10 times the salary."

After speaking, Tony hugged Potts and forcibly kissed Potts on the lips.

Wang Yue had an unlucky look on his face, he actually threw out dog food, wishing all the lovers in the world would become brothers and sisters!

But his eyes turned to Estes, his lips were bright, his teeth were bright inside, and his bright eyes were kind, which really moved his heart.

Estes also noticed Wang Yue's fiery gaze, stretched out his small tongue and licked his lips lightly, then turned and left.

Wang Yue: The indescribable.

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