The Red Queen suddenly projected down and said: "Commander, the five countries of the world (here dare not write the resident countries of the world's United Nations, for fear of being banned) recognize our position, and it is estimated that 1500 billion US dollars will be credited in batches within a year, but they have A little request."

Wang Yue curled his lips: "It's only 500 billion U.S. dollars, which seems like a lot, but it's actually not enough for me to build a few bases. What did they ask for?"

"The five countries set up a monitoring team to monitor the flow of funds, and in the future, the foundation's personnel will need to be supplemented by personnel from the five countries."

Wang Yue Wang Yue sneered: "They think really well. They want to take me out of the picture. I agree with their conditions. When the Red Queen selects personnel, remember to use the memory clearing device on all the spies."


Thinking about the 500 billion US dollars that will arrive soon, Wang Yue couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "It's finally started."

Chapter 75 recruiting members

"Commander, the monitoring team has been established and will arrive with the first funds in three days."

Wang Yue nodded: "Let Jiuweihu go to various countries to select personnel and start expanding the foundation. I will personally select Huaxia."



The plane of the scp foundation has not yet landed.

Wang Yue felt that several huge spiritual forces were constantly examining him.

A mysterious department popped up in my mind!

Spear Bureau!

Headquartered in China, it has 15 members, 16 airships and a S.H.I.E.L.D.-like science department.It was founded by Zhang Heng (the inventor of the seismograph) and is now led by Zheng Xian.

A mysterious department!If it's not the Spear Bureau, it's other departments.

I can't find any more specific information at all, and it's not clear whether the Shenspear Bureau exists or not.

Due to the characteristics of Huaxia, there are very few other events, so it is naturally difficult to find special departments.

Judging from what happened before, I should be in the Marvel-19999 universe, not the main universe, at least the plot is closer to the Marvel-19999 universe.

And it's even more exciting here.

As soon as he got off the plane, a group of soldiers with live ammunition came to greet him.

The leader was dressed in a suit and looked extremely serious.

"Hello, I am the director of Huaxia National Security Bureau, Zheng Qiang!"

Wang Yue's eyes were fixed, and he looked up and down, but he didn't feel anything special.

"Hello, I'm the president of the SCP Foundation, Wang Yue!"

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, President Wang, I will accompany you to select soldiers this time, please come here! I've already booked a famous hotel, why don't you go to the base after dinner!"

Wang Yue smiled and waved his hands: "Don't bother me, I have a lot of things to do. SCP-966 has been discovered in Russia. There are a huge number of them. I need to contain them as soon as possible. Go directly to the military base!"


Zheng Qiang's face remained unchanged, and he glanced at the secretary behind him.

The secretary nodded, walked aside and made a phone call.

"I don't know what kind of species President Wang mentioned about SCP-966?"

"Scp-966 is also known as the sleep killer. It is a humanoid monster that can only be seen when it is invisible. It can only be observed when the wavelength is 700-900 nanometers. He can deprive other creatures of their ability to sleep until the target completely collapses , will eat him."

Zheng Qiang's complexion gradually became serious, and he hurriedly asked: "Can the weapon hit SCP-966?"

Wang Yue shook his head and denied: "Even if it is attacked, scp-966 can wait for 3-5 minutes before recovering from all injuries."

"Is there anything that works on him? A laser gun?"

Wang Yue looked at Zheng Qiang in surprise: "Have you developed a controllable laser gun?"

Zheng Qiang waved his hand modestly: "No, it's just in the experiment, not mass-produced yet."

"I don't know about lasers, but lead can effectively intercept the wavelength emitted by scp-966."

Zheng Qiang nodded and stopped talking.

After a while, the convoy arrived at a secret base in China.

A military base that made even Wang Yue sigh. The mountain was hollowed out and a military restricted area was established inside.

The moment the assembly number sounded, 5000 people gathered in the entire playground within ten seconds.

Everyone is the strongest fighter selected from each base.

The serious military appearance and neat military posture are unmatched by any country.

Wang Yue couldn't help sighing: "After all, Huaxia has the strongest soldiers!"

Zheng Qiang smiled, walked to the center of the playground, and shouted: "Individuals of you will be selected into a secret organization, an organization that will not be remembered by anyone, an organization that can only dedicate their lives, I don't want to say any other unnecessary words, and those who don't want to can quit now at any time."

The entire playground was silent, and no one chose to quit.

Zheng Qiang showed a satisfied expression.

"Very good! You are the pride of the motherland, and you will face unknown dangers. People who join this organization basically have no chance of returning alive. Tell me that you are afraid to shoot."

"Not afraid"

The deafening answers resounded throughout the valley, and all the soldiers looked forward with confidence. No matter whether it was difficult or difficult, they could not stop the determination of the Huaxia soldiers.

(Salute to my book friend, he is about to become a soldier, and also to all Chinese soldiers, born in China, no regrets in this life!!!!)

Estes beside him couldn't help being shocked by this group of cute fighters.

"I've never seen such a soldier with full of military spirit. If I had such a soldier, I would have unified the North long ago!"

Wang Yue asked suspiciously: "Aren't your subordinates pretty strong too!"

Estes curled his lips and complained: "They are strong because I am strong enough. In fact, they are just a bunch of wine bags and rice bags. They are useless at all. I only use them to collect the spoils of war, otherwise I can't collect them by myself."

Wang Yue: "Okay! You come to the selection! I really don't understand it very well!"

Estes nodded, waved his palm, and the ice crystals condensed all over the sky instantly.

Zheng Qiang's pupils constricted and his face was solemn. After all, such a large-scale and precise control ability is really rare.

Quietly wrote down Esdesh's specific file, and watched the selection again with a smile on his face.

There was no commotion among the soldiers in the audience, and no one looked up at the sky, which shows how disciplined the Chinese soldiers are.

The ice cones in the air slowly solidified, no more, no less, exactly [-].

Snowflakes began to fall inside the mountain.

Estes waved his hand again, and the ice cone fell instantly.

Hit in front of everyone.

There are also countless soldiers reacting instantly, and the soldiers evade.

Still others stayed where they were, as if nothing had happened.

Estes nodded in satisfaction, and said to Zheng Qiang: "We will take all those fighters who evaded."

Zheng Qiang waved his hand: "Impossible, there are more than 5000 people in this base, and you and I want 4000 people without showing the value of a specific point."

Wang Yue interjected at this moment: "I want 2000 people."

Zheng Qiang's eyes were fixed, and he was about to refute.

Wang Yue added: "I promise that 1000 people will stay in Huaxia, and the other 1000 people will belong to the International."

Zheng Qiang hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "They have to switch defenses with the 1000 people left behind every once in a while."


Wang Yue sneered, and secretly said: Sure enough, the country cannot completely trust the SCP Foundation. If the defense is not changed after a period of time, then these selected people will not have any loyalty to the Foundation, but they never imagined that the Foundation has a large-scale Amnestic technology.

The Red Queen also sent a message at this time that the situation in various countries is almost the same as that in China, and defenses must be changed at regular intervals.

In addition to the establishment of the monitoring team, there is no doubt that they want to hollow out the foundation for their own use.

Chapter 76 Potts Insomnia

After Zheng Qiang sent Wang Yue away, he went to a meeting room in the military base.

Many generals in military uniforms have been waiting for a long time.

There were no security personnel in the entire meeting room, no secretary, and it was obviously a secret meeting.

"Zheng Qiang, what do you think of this SCP foundation?"

A resounding voice sounded, and the leading commander asked first.

Zheng Qiang stood up and nodded slightly to salute the commander.

"I think the scp foundation is a very strong force. I have observed their president. He was a little surprised when he met me for the first time! Obviously not because I am the director of the National Security Bureau. I suspect he knows what we are preparing Plan, also know that I am the first candidate, and secondly, according to the report of the supernatural person, Wang Yue himself has extremely powerful mental power. The woman next to him is stronger, but she is his subordinate. I think the scp fund It will be an extremely realistic organization. I finish my speech."

The commander nodded and said: "The United States has S.H.I.E.L.D., the UK has the Knights of the Round Table, Japan has the Samurai Corps, and Russia has the Cyborg Organization. Now there is an additional scp foundation. China has always been relatively peaceful and stable, but I think the plan It is necessary to begin."

The other generals nodded in agreement.

The commander glanced around and said again: "I recommend Zheng Qiang to be the director of the new organization. Do you have any objections?"

"But he..." A general was stared at by the commander just as he opened his mouth. The general wiped the cold sweat off his head: "I...I support it."

Everyone glanced at each other, and finally chose to support.

"Okay." The commander said to Zheng Qiang with a smile: "Guoan, get out of the way! From now on, you will be in charge of the supernatural organization, what's your name!"

A cold look flashed in the commander's eyes: "It's called the God Spear Bureau!!!"


"Commander, the five countries have recruited a total of 10000 people, but each country must have 1000 people stationed in its own country, and the defense must be changed at regular intervals."

Wang Yue nodded slightly, and ordered: "Recall 5000 people for memory hypnosis, and order the remaining 5000 people to search for traces of scp-966 in various countries."

"Commander, Tony Stark is here."

"Call him up."

Before he could finish speaking, there was a knock on the door.

A slovenly man walked in.

"Tony, why did you do this?"

At this time, Tony's complexion was dark, and there were two big dark circles on his eyes, his hair was greasy, even in locks, his clothes were stained with countless traces, and there was a sour smell.

Tony said anxiously: "I'm fine, I want to use the restoration device, something happened to Potts."

Wang Yue wondered, "Is Potts injured?"

Tony shook his head: "She has insomnia and hasn't slept for 4 days. I've tried all the doctors, but nothing works."

"Okay, treat her first."

Tony didn't answer, and hurried downstairs to pick up Potts and put him in the restoration instrument.

Potts is now extremely thin, and his original alluring figure is gone forever. He stares blankly at the ceiling without any reaction.

Restoration instrument starts to operate...

Tony breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the display of the repair instrument shows...

Gender: Female

Physical state: weak

Symptoms: None

The repair is over.

Tony froze in place, and murmured: "How is it possible, how is it possible? The restoration device is broken?"

Wang Yue took a closer look at Potts. He had clearly suffered from insomnia for four days but did not feel sleepy.

Where have you seen this symptom?

Suddenly remembered the newly arrived containment: scp-966, isn't it just a monster that deprives people of the ability to sleep.

"Tony don't worry, I have a solution."

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