The old man who was about to get up to meet the man in black froze suddenly.

The breath of life dissipated invisible.

The old man's family members noticed something was wrong and immediately asked loudly, "What are you doing?"

"He got the plague, you got the plague too, and you need treatment too."


The scene was in an uproar, and the surrounding crowd immediately took a few steps back. Although they were uneducated, they had all heard of the severity of the plague.

The old man's family members were also taken aback. They looked down at their body and touched their foreheads.

Great!I didn't feel that there was anything wrong.Are you lying to me?

"How is it possible, I feel very..."

Before he finished speaking, he found a hand touching his forehead, and he fell to the ground in a moment of darkness.

The man in black nodded in satisfaction. After all, it is rare to encounter two at once.

Wu Tuo and the group around him were stunned. They couldn't figure out why they fell to the ground after touching it. Is this person dead or not?

Some even thought they had seen the Grim Reaper.

"Come and be my assistant."

Wu Tuo walked over in a daze, wondering whether to ask him for help, what if his mother didn't die of illness but was touched to death by him?

"What are you staying for? Hurry up and carry it in, I need to study it carefully."

Wu Tuo stammered: "I...I...I miss my mother..."

The man in black casually interrupted Wu Tuo's words.

"It's okay, I can save your mother even if she dies, don't worry, work quickly."

Holding a dead body, he went into the house first.

Utop recalled again his mother's moans of pain.

Sighing helplessly, she silently thought: Give it a try, if there is really no other way, maybe death can help her out.

When Wu Tuo entered the room with the corpse in his arms, the man in black was already ready.

Take out the small bag that you carry with you again.

Under Wu Tuo's shocked eyes, he took out a [-]cm long knife, a pair of tweezers, and various surgical tools, and finally solemnly took out a notebook.

Wu Tuo looked down at the bag on the table, and then at the long knife.

I reached out and gestured a few times, but I couldn't figure out why a small bag less than 20 centimeters in size could take out so many things, and there was also a long knife, which didn't look like a doctor's equipment at all!

Doctors should not be all in white coats, and then say solemnly: Sir, you should take medicine!

Why do I feel more and more like a lunatic?

The man in black picked up the scalpel and began to sterilize it, then stabbed it into the old man's abdomen, muttering incessantly: "It's not this one, and it's not this one, ah! I found it, it's this one."

The scene was extremely bloody.

Wu Tuo couldn't bear to watch it, so he went out and squatted at the door.

What happened today was too fantastic for him. When he just carried the black young man, he clearly felt that the man's body was gradually getting colder, more like a...... … A dead man.

Wu Tuo remembered something, stood up suddenly, and ran to the entrance of the village.

Sure enough, Kai Wen was still standing there blankly.

The children around picked up stones and hit them in the face, but Kaiwen didn't fight back.

This is not like him at all. If anyone dared to do this before, he would be beaten to death.

Wu Tuo walked over cautiously.


"Can you hear it?"


Seeing that Kai Wen didn't reply, Wu Tuo reached out and touched Kai Wen.

In an instant, Kai Wen's eyeballs rolled, staring straight at Wu Tuo.

One one one one one one one (dividing line)

Wang Yue kept wandering in the office.

"Red Empress, it's been three days and there's no news about SCP-049?"

A phantom of the earth is projected in the air, marking the area that can be monitored at present.

"Commander, no SCP-049 or similar creatures have been found so far. There is no way to explore remote and backward places."

The brows could not help but wrinkle again.

Where will it go?seabed?space?Or the moon?Could it be possible to hide in the slums?

"Send Fengxueyegui people to search for information, mainly to search for backward areas. Let the Pandora team dispatch all the fighter planes to search for them on the high seas. After all, the possibility of falling in the sea is quite high."

The captain of the Pandora team immediately replied: "Yes"

Turn around and prepare to hand over the defensive position to the Nine-Tailed Fox Team.

The captain of the Pandora team sneered when he saw Chen Xi approaching with a red face.

"Sao Fox, I can finally move."

Chen Xi looked extremely exaggeratedly surprised: "Oh, the reckless team! This is going to be on duty! Remember not to arrest the wrong person this time!"

The day before yesterday was red and found a creature that was extremely similar to scp-049. The Pandora team quickly dispatched all members and arrived in the UK within 2 hours, but it was embarrassing that they rushed in and pointed their guns at their faces. They found out that this was a cosplay conference. One student just played medieval plague doctor.

When he entered the door and saw a group of Pandora players surrounded in all directions, he was paralyzed with fright, and the Foundation could only solve it by performing a comprehensive amnestic wipe of the surrounding 3 kilometers.

The captain of Pandora's team sneered: "I can beat ten of you with your physique."

Chen Xi waved her hand: "You are reckless, can't I compare to you? Change your guard and get out."

"Hmph, if it wasn't for the mission, I'd pluck all your hair."

Chapter 71 Stryker

The red queen in the office is reporting to Wang Yue.

"Commander, I still haven't found any trace of SCP-049. The Snowy Night Returning Team is exploring in Africa."

Wang Yue pinched the bridge of his nose, one day without scp-049 being discovered, the danger would be greater by one day.

He murmured, "It's really possible to hide!"

"Commander, we are too small to cover the globe."

"Can't cover the whole world?"

A bald figure slowly appeared in his mind.

He could definitely find SCP-049, but should he go after him?

"Queen Red, is there any news from Charles College recently?"

A three-dimensional void projects a portrait of a person.

"Yesterday, Colonel William Stryker of the U.S. Army applied to the President of the United States to arrest mutants. The President of the United States has secretly authorized the troops to assemble. The specific actions have not been saved by computers and are not yet known."

"Oh?" Wang Yue smiled knowingly: "Colonel Stryker, you really helped me a lot."

This action by Stryker will be a catalyst for mutants to join the SCP Foundation, as long as they realize that Professor X can't protect them, they will choose a new shelter again.

It's a good time, but without Magneto attracting Professor X this time, I don't know what Stryker will do.

It's just that Charles is mentally strong and can't erase his memory at all. He must wait until Charles is under the control of the SCP Foundation before he can use Charles' ability with confidence.

Otherwise, what if it gets blackened.

"Red Empress, let Ivan Vanke research a tactical helmet that can shield mental power, and it may be used in the future."


A new containment has appeared on the brain panel, but this one should be well contained.

Wang Yue

Containment point: 15600 points

Guard points: 520 points

966:240:02 remaining time for next containment SCP-03 "The Monster That Deprives You of Sleep".

(New task) Temporary teleportation of SCP-173 (Little Peanut) Containment Remaining Time 714:06:51.

(New task) To build a portal: Required materials: a continuous and stable energy source (eg: Cosmic Rubik's Cube)

One one one one one one one (dividing line)

Wu Tuo hesitated for a long time at the door, and finally stepped into the house.

There was a bruise on the left cheek, his face was swollen, his whole body was covered with dust, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

Wu Tuo glanced at his mother lying on the bed, and finally fixed his eyes on the man in black robe who was doing the operation, with a glint of gloom flashing in his eyes.

Recalling the scene just now, I can't help but feel scared.

I just touched Kaiwen lightly, but I didn't expect to be punched by him and flew away.

Those eyes that had no focal length stared at him instantly as if they were looking at prey, and roared like a wild beast, rushing over, obviously wanting to kill him.

Kai Wen's power became so great that he couldn't stop it at all.

Fortunately, he was familiar with the terrain there and ran fast, otherwise he would probably die there.

It was just after I left that there were other people's screams, I didn't know what happened, and I didn't dare to look back.

Kai Wen is dead, and now he is no longer a human being, and has become a...... a...... a monster who doesn't know how to describe it.

A man with infinite strength but no soul.

The friend who killed him must not let him hurt his mother, a flash of determination flashed in Wu Tuo's eyes.

He must die!

I can't let him touch me, but anyone who is touched by him will go to the ground inexplicably. I have to find a weapon, otherwise I'm afraid I will lie on the table waiting to be dissected.

His eyes moved slowly to find the weapon in his hand, and finally fixed on the [-] cm long knife.

Quietly picked up the long knife.

Quietly approaching the back of the man in black.

Suddenly the voice of the man in black rang out.

"Have you gone to see the person who was healed by me?"

Wu Tuo panicked and quickly put down the long knife.

Xiuzhuang said calmly: "Yes, I saw it, he is very strong and powerful now, and he has become stronger than before."

"Hahaha, do you really think so? I used the latest researched treatment method for that person."

The man in black stopped the operation, and excitedly took out his notebook to show Wu Tuo.

"You see, although there are still some deficiencies, I can feel that as long as I do more research, the perfect cure will soon be discovered. At that time, I will save the world and put an end to this plague."

It's a pity that that page of notes is full of strange words, Wu Tuo can't understand at all, so he can only smile brightly.

"Sir, you are amazing! Can you teach me medical skills?"

The man in black was taken aback.

"You are the first person to make this request to me." The eagle's beak moved a few times, falling into memory: "At the beginning, some respectable medical personnel also wanted to study with me, but it was a pity that he could not see it with the naked eye. The existence of the plague."

"What then?"

The man in black said sadly: "Later... (pause)...he was cured, but unfortunately he became a vegetable. He is a real doctor."

Wu Tuo lowered his head slightly and paid a little respect.

"He made a sacrifice in the fight against the disease, he must be great."

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