SCP-682 swayed back to the corner: "Foundation! Come out to clean the floor!!"

Chapter 69 The Plague Doctor's Surgery

Lei Hu's face twitched a few times.

Also wash the floor!Bring you food?

"Start the hydrochloric acid spray and wash away those stumps."

SCP-682 felt a little tired after being soaked in hydrochloric acid.

Bracken also disappeared with the discharge of hydrochloric acid, but there was still a trace of a human figure on the ground.

The representative of Huaxia nodded: "This 682 is really unusual. Can you let us visit other storages."


"I mean, I'll just take a look and not go in."

Lei Hu:?You actually teased me?

In the end, the scientific research team was forced to leave the base by the angry Lei Hu!

"Commander, the scientific research team has already left. From a more analytical point of view, except for Huaxia, there are Hydra people in all countries, and some people have unknown organizations."

Wang Yue nodded: "Continue to follow, be careful not to be discovered, just lock the approximate location."


"How do countries rate us?"

Lei Hu shook his head and said: "They think that SCP-682 can't resist heavy weapons, so there's no need to be so cautious, but Holy Master and they attach great importance to it."

"Are you an expert at home? It's really important."

Wang Yue looked at the panel in his mind

Wang Yue

Containment point: 15600 points

Guard points: 15520 points

966:305:02 remaining time for next containment SCP-03 "The Monster That Deprives You of Sleep".

(New task) Temporary transfer of SCP-049 (Plague Doctor) containment remaining time 003:06:51.

(New task) To build a portal: Required materials: a continuous and stable energy source (eg: Cosmic Rubik's Cube)

The epidemic doctor will arrive soon, and you don't know where it will come?

The storage point has been saved for half a month, and it's time to shake people.

"System, how many storage points are needed for the return task force on a snowy night."

The detailed information of the returning task force on a snowy night immediately popped up in my mind, a troop composed of Chinese people, everyone in the troop is formed by the most elite members of the entire Huaxia scp foundation, it is a completely independent operation The total number of troops is as high as 3000, and they are divided into four special teams: Group A: 'Yangguanxue' (1000 people with 10 points in total); Group B'Fenglangshan'; Group C'Huguwei'; Team 'Flying Kite Flag'; Team E 'Fish Dragon Array'; Team F 'Changyang Mountain'; Team G 'Langhuan Pavilion'.Each group has 100 containment points and 1000 people respectively.

Selected contingents cost 3 times the price.

Wang Yue was taken aback immediately: "There are so many people."

Thinking about it, China has a vast land and resources, and there are countless capable people and strange things. According to China's national strength, it is enough to recruit elites from a few bases.

"Wouldn't it cost 90 guard points to exchange all of them? It's a bit expensive!" Wang Yue gritted his teeth and asked for it!Now the foundation also needs some Huaxia people, otherwise the Huaxia region will not develop well: "Exchange 300 people from Team B 'Fenglangshan', and exchange 20 people from Pandora Task Force."

The guard points in his mind were immediately reduced by 15000 points.

scp-049 is coming.

On the contrary, Wang Yue was not worried anymore, and had already prepared measures to deal with SCP-049.

With the files from scp-X9, there is no need to use the life of the team members to test the capabilities of the contained objects like the original foundation.

Moreover, there is a new type of lavender-flavored container flight chamber developed by Dr. Dog, which can be locked directly on it, and everything will be fine.

"Queen Hong, have you found any traces of SCP-049?"

"Commander, no trace of SCP-049 has been found so far."

Wang Yue looked at the time on the panel again.

It has been reset to zero!Isn't it in the city?

One one one one one one (a dividing line you can't see)

Due to the backwardness of the area and the extremely poor sanitation conditions in the village of Laklewen in Africa (I made it up), most of the people here are sick. Some people have also been to the love hospital in the city, but most of them have not received treatment.

Wu Tuo squatted at the door, listening to the mournful cry of his seriously ill mother in the room.

Wu Tuo has nothing to do. He has already been to the hospital, but he was driven back. Wu Tuo still remembers the hateful face of the American doctor: he has no money to see any disease, and it is a high-risk infectious disease. If you have money, I will Only in order to save you, in fact, I did not make money, I just use your money to do your business.

Wu Tuo hammered the wall angrily, and the house shook and scattered some dust.

Suddenly, I found a mysterious visitor coming from outside the small village.

Dressed in a black robe, wearing a pottery mask with an eagle mouth mask.

Slowly walked towards a place that could barely be regarded as a village.

The civilians in the village also spotted the strangely dressed traveler, looking at its spotless clothes and silver mask.

The villagers also gathered more and more, and their vision became worse and worse.

"Are tourists from other places here?"

Wu Tuo patted his companion on the shoulder and said in a low voice, "Kevin, I bet it's silver, it must be worth a lot."

The black-clothed youth named Kai Wen nodded in agreement, staring at the black-robed man intently, and couldn't help sweetening his lips: "It must be very rich."

"Let's go ask him for help! These tourists often send out some food."

"Okay, your mother is seriously ill, you go first!"

Wu Tuo understood that the first person to ask for help would usually get a lot of supplies, so he nodded movedly.

He immediately walked up to the man in black and said, "I need help. My mother is seriously ill. I really need help. Can you take me to the hospital?"

The man in black slowly turned around and looked at Wu Tuo.

Wu Tuo suddenly felt a little pressure, and his hunting instinct told him that this man was dangerous.

But Wu Tuo didn't believe his intuition, he clasped his hands together and said sincerely: "I didn't lie to you, I really need help."

Suddenly, a pair of hands stretched out from the side and grabbed the silver-white mask.

Wu Tuo was surprised to find that it was Kai Wen!

"Kevin, what are you doing?"

Kai Wen didn't answer, and just when his hands touched the mask, he collapsed to the ground in an instant.

Wu Tuo hurried forward to check the situation.

"Kevin? What's wrong with you? Kevin!"

Putting his hands under Kevin's nose, he found that he had stopped breathing.

Wu Tuo looked at the man in black in disbelief: "What did you do? Why did you kill him, why?"

The man in black ignored Wu Tuo.

Take out a black box from your body.

turn on.

Inside are surgical tools.

"you are a doctor?"

The man in the black robe still did not answer, and began to perform the operation in front of the whole village.

Sadly, no one in the whole village stood up to speak out for Kai Wen, and they all stared at the face of the man in black and kept discussing.

The operation by the man in black was very fast, and it took only a few minutes to complete it.

Looking at Wu Tuo again, he said, "I'm a doctor, I can help you."

Wu Tuo took a step back in fright.

Suddenly, he found that Kai Wen, who was lying on his feet, began to squirm and barely stood up.

It's just that the eyes are dull, and the arms are drooping, as if there is no spine.

How is it possible, Kai Wen was already dead just now, how could it be possible to be resurrected again?Could it be that he just fainted just now and was saved by this strange man?

Wu Tuo nodded. After all, he has no money. If he drags on, his mother will really die, so he can only try: "Okay, I will take you home. Kevin, you go back first, and I will explain to this gentleman What happened just now."

Kevin just stayed where he was and didn't move.

Suddenly, the man in black robe saw an old man and stopped immediately.

one one one one one one one one (file) one one one one one one one

Epidemic doctor

Item #: SCP-049

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Contained in a standard secure humanoid containment unit.SCP-049 must be sedated before attempting to transport it.During transport, SCP-049 must be secured in a Class III humanoid restraint harness (including locking loops and extension restraints), and supervised by at least two armed guards.

SCP-049 is no longer allowed to interact directly with any Foundation personnel, nor will any additional cadavers be provided for surgery.This order is to continue indefinitely until a consensus can be reached regarding the continued containment of SCP-049.

While SCP-049 is generally cooperative with most Foundation personnel, its emotional outbursts or sudden changes in behavior must be countered with increased force.Under no circumstances are any personnel to come into direct contact with SCP-049 during an outbreak.If SCP-049 appears aggressive, the sedative effect of lavender (L.multifida) can be used to control it.Once sedated, SCP-049 will generally become docile, and will return to containment with little resistance.


Description: SCP-049 is a humanoid entity, 1.9 meters tall, whose appearance corresponds to that of a medieval plague doctor.While SCP-049 appears to be wearing thick robes and ceramic masks denoting its occupation, these garments appear to have grown from SCP-049's body over time1 and it is now almost impossible to connect the garments to the underlying Separate body shapes.Nonetheless, X-ray examinations have shown that SCP-049 does have human skeletal structure beneath its surface.

SCP-049 is capable of speaking in several languages, but prefers English or Medieval French2.While normally friendly and willing to cooperate with Foundation personnel, SCP-049 can become irritable and even aggressive if it senses the presence of what it calls "the plague".Although the precise nature of this plague is currently unknown to Foundation researchers, it appears to be of great concern to SCP-049.

SCP-049 will become hostile to human subjects it deems to be affected by the plague, often to a degree that should be contained.If left unchecked, SCP-049 will usually attempt to kill the human individual; SCP-049 is capable of stopping all physiological functions of an organism through direct skin contact.The reason for this occurrence is unknown, and autopsies of victims of SCP-049 have been inconclusive. SCP-049 has shown frustration or remorse after killing people, stating that such actions do little to help eradicate the "plague", but then generally roughs up the corpse with the equipment contained in a black medical kit 3 that it always carries surgery.Surgery often results in the manifestation of SCP-049-2, but not always "successfully".

Instances of SCP-049-2 are cadavers resurrected through SCP-049's surgery.These entities do not appear to retain their original memory or mental functions, other than rudimentary locomotion and response mechanisms.Although these entities are inactive, rarely moving and usually ambulatory, they can become extremely aggressive if provoked or directed by SCP-049. SCP-049-2 exhibits active physiology, but differs significantly from currently known human physiology.Despite these changes, SCP-049 always states that these entities have been "cured".

Evaluation: A real genius doctor (funny).

I will write the 049 experiment tomorrow.

Chapter 70 During Surgery

The old man suddenly felt a little uneasy and raised his head.

The two looked at each other.

Old man: Tourists are here, and business is here?

Wu Tuo found that the man in black was a little excited and trembling slightly.

A hoarse voice came: "I've been searching for so long but haven't found it. I thought it didn't exist here. I didn't expect that there are traces of plague in this world."

Wu Tuo seemed a little nervous, and hurriedly asked, "What plague? Is there a plague here? How did you find out?"

You must know that places like Africa are most afraid of plague. Once a plague occurs, a village will be wiped off the map.

Wu Tuo still vaguely remembers that once a plague broke out in a village, the entire village was forcibly quarantined by the US military. The chief went to the American Love Hospital every day to intercede, hoping that they could help with treatment.

But every time they were beaten back, only 200 of the more than 50 people in the village died.

In the end, all the US garrisons were infected, and the American Research Institute agreed to study the vaccine.

Regardless of the risk of being infected, the chief immediately ran into the village to tell the villagers the good news.

Even the infected U.S. troops around them believe that a small virus can be cured at any time, so there is no need to be nervous, and continue to wait for the good news with peace of mind.

But three days later, the American Institute of Medicine said that a vaccine had been developed, and all infected people were asked to wait in the village for the vaccine to arrive.

Everyone happily gathered together to wait for the rescue supplies.

But what greeted them in the end was a bomb that fell from the sky. The entire village and the infected U.S. troops inside were completely destroyed. There is still a bomb hole on the ground today.

The next day, the U.S. military gave the news that the village was occupied by a terrorist organization, and the U.S. military had to pay a heavy price to clear it out. However, [-] heroic U.S. soldiers sacrificed their lives. The U.S. once again defended world peace with their lives.

The man in black pointed at the thin old man with his long eagle beak.

"It's him, he needs to be treated."

The man in black walked forward quickly, and under the surprised gaze of the old man, he skillfully reached out and wiped the old man's throat.

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