An old man in Huaxia said: "The country sent us here to complete the risk assessment. Let's see if we can discuss it, so we can go back and explain it!"

Wang Yue's voice sounded in the earphones: "It's okay, show them, they will use them in the future."

Lei Hu stopped blocking and led everyone into the laboratory.

"It's ridiculous, you just sent a dog to interrogate me? I think you were not born when I ate dog meat!" Shengzhu's eyes lit up red, and he didn't care about the cutting machine on his body.

Kane's face changed slightly, his eyes flickered.

After a while, the blade of the cutting machine was completely scrapped, but the stone carving was still firm without breaking a single skin.

Kane said in a deep voice: "Bring a laser cutter, I don't believe I can't cure you."

The powerful light beam was concentrated at one point, and quickly dissolved the holy master's stone carving into a pothole, but the holy master was blessed by the dog charm, and spent 10 minutes in the process of self-healing, burning, and then healing.

"Even if I can't use the full power of the spell now, you can't help me. Hahahahaha!!"

Kane's expression remained the same, but he changed the position of the instrument and pointed it at the dog talisman.

The Lord hurriedly said: "If you destroy the talisman, the power will fly away, and you won't get it. It will only return to my body."

A beam of laser light hit it, and the dog charm only persisted for 5 minutes before cracks appeared.

The Lord is also full of joy waiting for the power to return to his body. After all, it is better to have a fool to work for him, so as to save himself from preparing for the ceremony.

A moment later, the dog charm made a slight "click", and a light group turned into a dexterous Chinese pastoral dog, circling several times in the air.

Under the surprised eyes of the Holy Master, he jumped into Kane's body.

Lord:? ? ? ? ?

Kane: Unexpectedly, within reason, everything is under control.

"What did you do? I'm going to kill you, Hidden Corps!"

one one one one one one one one (file) one one one one one one one

Holy Lord

Item #: SCP-M015

Object Class: Safe (tentative)

Special Containment Procedures: Contained within Site 001, at least 30 kilometers away from the spell.A 100% shadow-free containment room, all personnel of Class A and below are prohibited from entering.It is forbidden to talk to it.

Description: SCP-M015 is a prototype panlong stone sculpture with a diameter of 2 meters. It is made of an unknown material and has an extremely hard body. There is a dragon head in the center that can speak.

There are twelve locations on the body of SCP-M015 inlaid with charms.

SCP-M015 can summon the Shadow Corps, but its strength is greatly reduced. The maximum number of Shadow Corps summoned each time is 50 people.

Shadow Corps


SCP-M015-1 is a humanoid that appears from a shadow. This creature has no life signs, cannot be captured, and absolutely obeys the master's orders.

A special soldier who can walk through the shadows of any object, and whose body strength is about that of a human.

SCP-M015-1 can carry any object no larger than its own size through the shadows.

Evaluation: Hehe!I can't think of any other uses for it other than grinding tofu.

Experiment 1-1


The demon in Alessa's body immediately took control of Alessa's body after seeing the Holy Lord.

Demon: Lord, you have betrayed us.

Holy Lord: You forced me.

Devil: You killed us, are you right 65 brothers locked underground?Right its the Seven Great Demons?

Holy Lord: I will find a way to rescue them.

Demon: I will eat you!

Then the demon hides and does not want to see the Holy Lord.

Chapter 68 Foundation!Come out and wash the floor!

In an instant, several ninjas in black rushed out from all corners of the laboratory and rushed towards Kane.

Kane's face changed, the dog's mouth opened slightly, and the dog's head retracted into the mecha.

The mech slightly bent its knees, jumped out of the encirclement of the Hidden Corps.

A large net shot out from the wall of the laboratory, wrapping all the hidden corps together.

Kane nodded in satisfaction: "Yes, I finally caught the Shadow Corps, and I didn't waste my expression. Get ready for the operating room, I want to dissect!"

The Lord stared dumbfounded at Kane preparing the operating table face to face.

Are you playing with me?I thought to myself: Back off.

A cloud of shadows appeared on the ground, and the Shadow Corps disappeared into the dark world together with the net.

Kane froze in place holding the scalpel.

Lei Hu said weakly: "They disappeared in the shadows."

"?......I saw it." Kane looked at the Holy Master: "Since they ran away, I will dissect you.

The scientific research teams of the five countries also recorded everything solemnly. Once a creature that can escape into the shadows at any time assassinates the president, it is very likely to trigger World War III.

Bracken stared at the Holy Master hanging on the wall with some excitement.

If you get this, does it mean that the organization can secretly rule the world.

Bracken quickly calmed down his excited heart, and his eyes showed firmness: This news must be passed back.

Quietly, he made a look at a scientific researcher from another country.

The scientific researcher didn't seem to see it, and continued to discuss the characteristics of the shadow creatures with the surrounding scientific researchers.

The representative of Huaxia sighed: "Is this the object contained by your foundation? It is really...very special."

Lei Hu shook his head: "No, it's just a Safe-level creature, which is the lowest level here. Now I'll take you to meet the Keter-level creature, it's the real overlord."

"This is still the lowest level!!!"

Everyone came outside the containment of SCP-682.

Through the glass of the containment room, a huge creature can be seen crawling in a corner and sleeping.

SCP-682 is no longer the 5-meter lizard before, and now just looking at its body will feel heavy pressure.

It was obvious that there was a nearly 3-meter wall in the middle of the containment room, but everyone still didn't dare to make a sound, for fear of waking up the monster.

Lei Hu introduced: "This is SCP-682 Indestructible Evil Lizard. It cannot be killed by human means. It has a high degree of intelligence. It has a strong self-healing ability and its body is evolving all the time."

Lei Hu turned to look at Bracken and said, "I have a task for you. Have you seen the hairs on the ground? Just take one back."

Bracken said in horror: "You madman, I am the representative of the United States, if something happens to me, you will be finished."

Lei Hu sneered: "Send him in."

Bracken struggled crazily and roared, but his eyes were calm and terrifying.

The half-resisting half-comfort was sent to the containment room.

Bracken knew very well that he might not be able to go back, but as long as someone could bring the news back, everything he had done would be worthwhile.

Just entering the containment room, Bracken instantly changed his appearance, appearing extremely cautious.

Lei Hu smiled and said to the American scientific research team: "Your scientific research personnel are still special forces?"

The American scientific research team also discovered the abnormality of Bracken. He was airborne before. His superiors said that his scientific research achievements were amazing, and all of them were confidential files. He was directly named the captain of this operation. Now it seems that there may be a problem. .

If scientific researchers have little energy to do other things, let alone have the skills of special forces.

The shadow in the darkness suddenly looked up at Bracken.

"Is it lunch time? It's not enough!"

Bracken faced SCP-682 directly, and could even clearly feel the strong wind exhaled by 682 on his face.

The whole person froze in place, the bead of soybean sweat dripped continuously, and the clothes were completely soaked in sweat.

Bracken swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said calmly: "I... I am not food, I am the representative of the United States, and I am here to negotiate."

SCP-682 didn't reply, just stared at the food in front of him quietly.

"As long as you promise to return to the United States, I can take you out."

SCP-682 sneered disdainfully: "And then get caught again?"

"No, with us protecting you, they dare not do anything, I assure you." Bukaken quickly swore in the name of the United States.

"Just you? You take me out first, and I agree. "

Bracken nodded: "Okay."

He punched himself hard on the face, knocking out a tooth immediately.

SCP-682 and everyone in the lab were stunned.

scp-682: New containment?It is still masochistic, will it affect me if I eat it?

Everyone: "This monster can also affect people's minds? Let people beat themselves?

Bracken wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

He picked up his teeth and explained: "This is the latest technology, K5 bomb, just a little bit can blow through the hardest steel in the world."

Lei Hu watched Bracken install the bomb with more interest, and had no intention of sounding the alarm at all.

The researchers said worriedly: "The K5 bomb is very powerful and is mainly used for penetrating shock blasting. Are you not worried at all?"

"The containment room is made of a 3-meter-thick high-strength special alloy, which is more than enough to resist nuclear explosions. It's just a small bomb, so don't worry."

Bracken mounted the bomb on the wall and immediately hid behind SCP-682, using SCP-682 to avoid the blast of the bomb.

SCP-682 also watched the little tooth turn red with some hope.


A loud explosion sounded.

The wall of the containment room was only slightly dented, but overall it was still safe.

SCP-682 turned to look at Bracken: "It seems that you can't do it."

At this time, Bracken looked extremely embarrassed. Although he was not directly hit by the bomb's shock wave, in this closed containment room, only the aftermath of the shock wave caused bleeding from seven orifices.

Bracken looked at the location of the explosion in disbelief, and murmured, "How is it possible? How is it possible?"

SCP-682's head moves closer together.

Bracken turned ruthless and shouted, "I have another way."

"Oh? What way." But scp-682's tone showed distrust.

"Low down, don't let them hear you."

scp-682 lowered his body slightly, poking his head forward.

Bracken took a few steps forward, and stretched out his slightly trembling hands to caress the skin of SCP-682.

In an instant, the next hair on the neck turned and ran.

"I got it, open the door quickly. Quick!!!"

Everyone was shocked! ! !

SCP-682 realized that he had been cheated, stomped his foot on the ground angrily, and rushed to Bracken in an instant.

The paw flicked lightly in the air.

Bracken, who was running, suddenly realized how he had fallen, and looked back.

He saw that his lower body was already in the mouth of SCP-682.

What finally came into view was a pair of giant claws that fell from the sky.

When scp-682 moved away, the ground was blood-red, and the human form could not be seen at all.

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