A golden portal appeared in the sky, and a magnetic sound came.

"You're getting stronger!"

A white figure stepped out of the portal.

He faced Wang Yue.

The leaves blown by the breeze outside the portal are rustling, and a ray of sunlight shines on Gu Yi through the portal.

The sun is just right, but the wind is hot.

Seeing Wang Yue's dazed gaze, Gu Yi frowned slightly.He patted his cheek lightly.

A question appeared in my mind: Is there something on my body?

A white dress fluttered slightly.The golden sunlight refracted down from the bald head, shining brightly, like a Buddha.

Even though he is a man, he is full of seductive charm.

"What are you looking at?"

"It's so beautiful!" Wang Yue reacted immediately, and quickly covered his mouth.

Gu Yi's original indifferent expression instantly subsided, and he walked slowly towards Wang Yue.

"Master! Wait! I have something to say! I didn't mean it! I didn't mean it!"

Gu Yi ignored it and slapped Wang Yue's chest with his palm.

After a while, Wang Yue opened his eyes, looked up and down, and found that he was floating in the air, and there was another person in front of him who maintained the posture of being slapped.

Wang Yue was stunned: What's the matter?Out of body!Isn't this the treatment of Doctor Strange?Am I the next supreme mage?

Gu Yi raised his head to look at Wang Yue, and waved his hand lightly.

Wang Yue flew all over the world in an instant.

Countless strange spaces, giant beasts emitting light on the seabed, and pterosaurs sleeping in volcanoes.Eight demons in the barren space.The demon group sealed under the earth, the skull riding a motorcycle, the huge cemetery on the overseas islands.I even saw a spooky gate with the words "Gate of Hell" written on the plaque.

In an instant, Wang Yue returned to himself, as if what happened just now was an illusion.

Wang Yue asked in shock: "Is what I saw just now true?"

"Of course, the World Tree is connected to the Nine Realms. There are countless small spaces in the world, and most of the spaces are used to suppress some demons."

"Why did you show me these?" Wang Yue hesitated for a moment and continued, "Do you want me to be the supreme mage?"

Gu Yi said indifferently, neither sad nor happy: "No, although your mental strength is strong, but your magic is completely negative. Or you don't believe in magic at all."

Wang Yue scratched his head in embarrassment, is it that bad?

"I saw the future, even if you come, you can't change the future, it's just that he was seriously injured."

Wang Yue said solemnly, "Thanos?"

"Yes, I'm running out of time! I'm going to teach my heirs. After I leave, before the new generation of supreme mages grow up, they don't have time to manage the creatures in the earth's space."

Wang Yue understood in seconds: "So you want me to take over those creatures?"

Gu Yi nodded slightly: "That's right."

"What's good?"

Gu Yi stared at Wang Yue, "What benefits do you want?"

"I want the next generation of supreme mages to join the foundation. Our philosophy is to silently protect the world. I believe I can help him."

Gu Yi hesitated for a moment: "That's his business, he decides for himself."

Then turned to leave.

Wang Yue smiled brightly. With the strength of the foundation, it is not trivial to bring a surgeon into the foundation, even if he is rich.

There was another magnetic sound from the portal that hadn't been closed yet.

"I hope you don't bother him until he becomes the supreme mage."

The excited smile instantly collapsed.

The space waved again, and the mirrored space disappeared.

Wang Yue looked up and saw Estes, Kane, and Lei Hu were all in the office.

"Commander, are you okay!"

"What can I do! Don't worry, I am very strong. What is Kane doing!"

Kane said solemnly: "I think we need a space anchor anchor, otherwise someone will be able to freely enter and exit the Foundation." (edited)

Wang Yue nodded slightly: "Propose this as the first sequence, and make it as soon as possible."

Lei Hu handed over a document: "Commander, this is Nine-Tailed Fox's medical report."

"Specifically, according to the observation that there is no life-threatening situation at present, a total of 4 Nine-Tailed Fox members have undergone physical mutations, 2 have enhanced speed, strength and endurance, and [-] have broken genes and are still reorganizing themselves. The one who is still alive The security guard has the ability to make his fingers burn, but it will consume body substances, which can also be replenished through the repair instrument."

"? That means he is a consumable?"

Lei Hu nodded: "In a sense, yes."

one one one one one one one one (file) one one one one one one one


Item #: SCP-M012

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: Normal containment room.

Description: SCP-M012 is a female with a height of 1.75 meters.Its anomalous properties are blue skin on the body and yellow snake-shaped pupils.

SCP-M012's skin is composed of a special hair-like substance, which is normal to normal human skin when in contact.

SCP-M012 can simulate anyone it has ever seen, and the pupils, fingerprints, and voiceprints are exactly the same.

When SCP-M012 is re-simulated, the body simulates the clothes of the target person, and the clothes belong to the skin of SCP-M012.It can simulate a hard steel-like substance, but its strength is low and cannot be compared with normal metals.

Physical fitness is superior to ordinary people, which is the limit physical fitness level of human beings.

Evaluation: Existence in men's dreams.

Experiment 1-1

Command SCP-M012 to simulate a D-Class subject to observe changes in its behavior.

SCP-M012 simulates the appearance of the commander, and asks to release itself.

Switch back to prototype after being clicked.

Experiment 1-2

Command SCP-M012 to simulate a dog.

SCP-M012 refused and yelled at the experimenter, and refused after being clicked.

After the 8th click, SCP-M012 simulated a peerless beauty trying to seduce the experimenter.

The experimenter applied to the superior for a replacement due to brain congestion.

Eventually Dr. Kane took over.

Kane: I'm asking you to impersonate me.

Mystique: Isn't it still a dog?

Kane: angry

Chapter 67 Research team

(It wasn’t like this originally, but I rewrote it when talking about American politics, and it always felt like something was missing)

The Red Queen suddenly said: "Commander, the scientific research teams from various countries have arrived."

Wang Yue nodded: "Let Leihu take charge, we can only let them watch SCP-682, and execute any other actions directly."


. . . . . .

Lei Hu walked in front of the scientific research teams from various countries, and said calmly: "We allow you to go in and watch, but you also have to remember your responsibilities and promises. If you violate the regulations, you will be killed directly."

The scientific research teams from all over the world are all arrogant and arrogant. They are obviously here for vacation, and they even cursed: "Whatever you are, finish it quickly, I still have research when I go back!"

A few of them looked more serious, but they didn't take Lei Hu's words to heart at all.

Lei Hu only explained once before leading the scientific research team into the containment room.

Red Queen's voice came from the headset: "The fifth member of the American team, that young man is releasing the micro-robot."

Lei Hu suddenly stopped, turned around and walked towards the American scientific research team.

The young man's face changed slightly when he saw Lei Hu approaching.

He held out a hand and said, "Hello, I'm the head of the United States, Bracken, what can I do?"

Lei Hu also said with a smile on his face: "Nice to meet you Bracken, I want you to cooperate in an experiment later, are you interested?"

"Of course, my pleasure."

Two scp members immediately stepped out and put the bomb collar on Bukaken.

The entire American scientific research team exploded in an instant.

"what are you doing?"

"I ask you to let him go in the name of the United States and the United States."

Scientific research in other countries has no intention of helping while squatting on the sidelines and watching the show.

Bracken said calmly: "I will tell my superiors about this matter. If you let me go and apologize to me, I can pretend that nothing happened."

Lei Hu said indifferently: "Yes, you can make reports as much as you want, the premise is that you can complete the experiment, otherwise you don't want to go out."

Bracken trembled slightly, suppressing his anger forcibly: "I hope you can shoulder this responsibility."

"Don't bother you."

An old doctor asked: "Why are our people arrested, why don't you arrest them, you are discriminatory."

Lei Hu was speechless for a moment, he was really talented when he caught a spy and could still bring out discrimination!You must know that once the problem of discrimination is exposed in the United States, the consequences will be very serious. Although there are countless discrimination problems in the United States, they are all carried out on the ground.

"He's a spy." After Lei Hu finished speaking, he turned around and continued walking regardless of the controversy of the crowd.

Suddenly, a sound of mechanical operation came from behind.

Everyone looked back one after another, and saw a simple and small mecha approaching, with a ......

dog head? ? ? ? ?

(Friendly reminder: Kane is a B-level abbreviation dog.......B)

"Dr. Kane, you finished her report so quickly?"

"It's Thunder Tiger!" Kane nodded the dog's head, "That's right, you'll be honest after being electrocuted a few times. That's how Abel came here."

Lei Hu gave a thumbs up: "It's amazing! After all, it's a professional, so do you want to see that stone sculpture?"


The people behind talked a lot.

"Did I get dazzled just now?"

"It seems that there is indeed a golden retriever driving a Gundam."

"It looks like it's still a high-level person."

"Didn't you say that after the founding of the People's Republic of China, you are not allowed to become refined?"

"Maybe it's a foreign dog!"

Everyone hurriedly followed, quietly observing the golden retriever.

The golden retriever walked into a laboratory, and a dragon-shaped stone sculpture could be seen hanging on the wall through the transparent glass.

Kane talked to the experimenters for a few words, and saw two people in yellow clothes walking towards the cutting machine.

Lei Hu pressed a button, and instantly the wall lowered to block the front, shouting loudly: "This is confidential, you are not allowed to watch it."

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