He complained in his heart: He must be a doctor of the same type as this lunatic, even if he becomes a vegetable!The province of the scourge of the world.

The man in black turned to look at Wu Tuo, and said flatly, "I cured him."

Wu Tuo's pupils shrank, and cold sweat streamed down his forehead instantly. Did he become that kind of thing?

The man in the black robe shook his head: "Stop talking, you can freely watch and study my notebook. It records my life's painstaking efforts, and it is also the greatest medical notebook. I allow you to read it. By the way, don't go looking for the cure. Just let him stay where he is."

(Scp-049 is happy to disclose his notes to the experimenters in the original archive experiment)

Then continue to invest in the operation.

Wu Tuo dubiously opened the notebook, and the whole notebook was densely covered with strange characters, but none of the characters on the paper were recognizable, and he had never even heard of such characters.

Cursed secretly: This lunatic.

"Sir, what should I call you?" Wu Tuo's hand touched the long knife again.

The man in black paused for a moment, without turning his head: "I can't remember, just call me 049."

"Okay, Mr. 049......"

Wu Tuo's face was cloudy and cloudy, and the evil in his eyes was gradually replaced by hatred, and he swung his long knife at SCP-049 forcefully.

049 seemed to notice something and turned around.

The cold light of the blade shone in 049's pupils, and the whole room suddenly became murderous.

"Then please go to hell!!!"

Chapter 72 Riot

Seeing the blade gradually approaching.

SCP-049 stood there blankly, as if he hadn't reacted.

But his eyes were as sharp as the eyes of an eagle.

Wu Tuo clearly felt that it was not because he was afraid and forgot to move, because his eyes seemed to be looking at a dead person.

Wu Tuo couldn't help but increase his strength again.

Suddenly, a figure rushed out from the side and stood in front of SCP-049.

It was the old man who had been "cured".

The thin body unexpectedly erupted with great strength.

He firmly grasped the blade with one hand, but the blade also cut into his palm.

The blood flowing from the palm of his hand didn't make him feel the slightest pain, but his gaze became more and more ferocious.

Wu Tuo tried to draw out the long knife with all his strength.

But the blade seemed to be fixed in the old man's hand and could not be moved at all.

SCP-049 walked out behind the old man, blocked the exit, and said coldly: "I want to help you, but you want to kill me. I want to know why?"

Wu Tuo was stiff all over, feeling a chill wrapping himself.

"You killed my friend, and you still want to use my mother as a test object!"

When SCP-049 heard Uto's answer, his body trembled slightly and he was extremely excited. He shouted: "What do you mean by killing him? I cured him. I made him no longer infected by the plague. I saved him."

SCP-049 shook his head again, and said a little lonely: "You mortals can't see the plague at all, that's why the world chose me to research a cure for the plague, and only I can stop the plague."

Wu Tuo also understood that if he didn't do anything else, he might die here today, so he hurriedly said, "Wait a minute, if you can let me see the plague, I will believe you."

"I don't need you to believe me, and I don't need to be recognized by people. I'm just a lonely person. I just need to complete my mission. I thought you were qualified to be a respected doctor. But it doesn't matter. You can also contribute to curing the plague." The simple words revealed his firmness and determination.

Wu Tuo couldn't help scolding: "You crazy."

The plague doctor approached slowly and stretched out his hand to him.

Wu Tuo looked at the hand with the black leather sheath in horror.

The fear of death continued to magnify in his heart, a hot air was left along the body, and the entire small room was filled with an unpleasant smell.


Suddenly the door was opened.

A young man rushed in and shouted loudly: "Uto! Uto! Kaiwen is crazy, killing people everywhere, you go and stop it!"

Suddenly, the boy saw a man in strange clothes in Wu Tuo's house, and Wu Tuo even stabbed someone with a knife, and said in a panic: "Wu Tuo? You actually want to kill Uncle Kai...... .?"

When Wu Tuo saw someone barging in and blocking him right in front of him, he was overjoyed and immediately let go of the long knife, pulled the young man over, pushed him towards the epidemic doctor, turned around and jumped out of the window.

The young man was betrayed by Wu Tuo before he could figure out what was going on. He struggled and threw himself into the arms of the epidemic doctor, and then fell silent in an instant.

The epidemic doctor ignored Wu Tuo who had escaped, turned around and carried the young man to the table, took out the surgical knife and started a new round of experiments.

There was a terrifying laugh in the small room: "I will use another method this time."

A moment later, Kai Wen, covered in black blood, dragged Wu Tuo's body into the room.

At this time, the whole village was full of silence without the noise of the past, which seemed a little strange.

Located in a hidden place near the village.

A bald black woman in a warrior costume saluted the person on the throne.

"Okoye, what's the matter?"

"King, a group of refugees has appeared near us and is approaching the defensive border."

The elderly black man sitting on the throne suddenly became serious: "What happened, why are there refugees?"

"Nearby villages were attacked by a group of rabies-like humans, so that they couldn't survive and wandered around."

The king's face turned cold. This matter is not simple. I am afraid that someone came here at the behest. He ordered: "Strictly investigate and see if someone is targeting us. If there are other people behind us, they will be eliminated immediately."

"Yes." Okoye hesitated and continued, "Then... what about those refugees?"

The king let out some indifferent eyes, left the throne, walked slowly in front of Okoye, and patted her on the shoulder lightly.

He said earnestly: "Okoye, you are still young, I know you are very kind, but you need to understand that we cannot let other countries find out that we have Zhenjin, once I aid refugees, the risk of exposure is too great, I My people have to be accountable, and they are not my people, and I cannot help them."

Okoye looked at the king with even more respect and admiration. After all, this is a king who truly considers his people.

Okoye nodded heavily: "Yes, I understand."

The king waved his hand: "Go and check!"

"Yes" Okoye saluted the king again, and then exited the palace.

Only the king was left in the entire palace, which seemed a bit empty.

"Who could it be? Using biochemical weapons."

One one one one one one one one (I bet you can't see my dividing line) one one one one one one one

After red, a video is projected.

Said: "Commander, serious riots have been launched in many places in Africa, and the number of rioters is as high as more than 3000."

"What does it matter to us? We don't meddle in the affairs of the government."

"Commander, these people have become irrational, and after killing people, they will take away the corpses. After a while, dead people will also join the riot."

"Oh?" Wang Yue watched the video carefully.

Three African refugees ran wildly in front, and a group of people in ragged clothes were chasing wildly behind them.

Once someone fell or was exhausted, he would be fisted by those who were chasing him, and then someone would drag the corpse back to a village.

"It's a bit like a zombie! Red Queen, does the umbrella do anything in Africa?"

"Commander, the actions of the Umbrella Africa branch have not been checked, but they have noticed what is going on here now. They are preparing to arrest."

It doesn't look like something the umbrella does!Could it be scp-049-1?

"It is very likely that it is the epidemic doctor. He called all the troops near Africa to investigate the situation."


One-one-one-one-one-one (experiment) one-one-one-one-one

Experiment 1-1

Experimenter: non-doctoral fellow (book friend)

Non-positive role doctor personnel level: Level 4

Use fillers to plug the spell holes on the body of the scp-M15 Lord.

Experimental record:

Adopt C30 commercial concrete (concrete)

After all the plugging, the C30 concrete has no stickiness and can be removed at will after solidification, which is not practical.

Pouring with molten iron

Pour 890-degree molten iron on the position of the main hole.

After solidification, the molten iron covered the body of the Lord, but it fell off automatically after 90 hours.

Using expansion hexagonal screws

Expansion screws are inserted into the holes of the charms, and laser welding is used to forcibly weld them.

After 100 hours, it did not fall off.

The experiment is over.

Holy Master: Don't let me come out, or I'll fuck you to death.

Evaluation: Now he should be just a statue.

Chapter 73 Containing scp-049

"Commander, 100 members of Group B 'Fenglangshan' have arrived near the target and are exploring."

"Zhang Wen (Captain Fenglangshan of Group B) is fully responsible for you this time. Pay attention to the umbrella and other national troops. If it is scp-049-1, they must all be eliminated. Heavy weapons are allowed. The fighters of the Pandora team will provide you with firepower support."


Zhang Wen (Captain of Fenglang Mountain in Group B) put down his tactical tablet and said to the team members around him: "First send the drone to see what's going on in the village."

The three drones lifted off in an instant.

Zhang Wen (Captain Fenglangshan of Group B) took out the walkie-talkie and said, "Call Team Pandora, I need you to patrol around."

"Pandora One received."

"Pandora [-] received."

After a while....

"Attention Fenglang Mountain, there is a mercenary team stationed 22 kilometers to the north of you, and a group of people in the northwest are chasing and killing other people."


At this time, the drone's picture has been sent back.

The small village was full of dead bodies, and the blood condensed into a stream flowing out from the center of the village.

But there is no silence of death - some "living people" with different postures bring a weird and lively atmosphere here.

Some have broken half of their body, crawling slowly; some have their heads between their legs, and move around like crabs; some seem to be the most malicious joke of the Creator, putting together many illogical and frantic limbs .

The smell of blood drifted to a very distant place with the cold wind. Zhang Wen could smell the pungent smell of blood in the wind at the camp five kilometers away. It was like passing by the slaughterhouse, even worse than that. To thicken.

A black-robed man wearing an eagle-beaked mask suddenly walked out, and seemingly randomly picked a few corpses and brought them back to the room, as if he was picking his favorite pork in the vegetable market.

Zhang Wen recognized at a glance that it was the scp-049 epidemic doctor.

Immediately communicated: "Found the epidemic doctor, call Pandora to drop the lavender bomb immediately."

"Pandora One received."

There was a roar in the sky.

A Quinjet canceled its stealth and flew straight towards the village.

The epidemic doctor also discovered that there was an abnormality in the outside world, which seriously interfered with his operation.

He rushed out the door angrily.

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