Wang Yue said with a smile: "That's because you don't have enough power. We are different. We are an organization that protects the world. We have the resources and the ability to protect the rights of mutants. Besides, how long can your school protect mutants? Five years or ten years?" Years, Charles, you're running out of time, you're getting old."

Charles remained where he was, silent.

Of course Wang Yue understood what Charles was worried about.

"Charles, what is the reason why you set up a mutant academy and taught them to use their abilities? Isn't it to give them the ability to live alone? Now I will give you a chance to let them walk on the streets openly. If you If you are worried that I will study them, you can also join the SCP Foundation and act as a mutant management."

Charles shook his head and said, "Let's wait until the little rascal is rescued! Now we need your help."

Seeing the excited expression on Ororo's face, Wang Yue nodded in satisfaction. The goal has been achieved, and the next thing is to wait for an opportunity.

"Of course, I'd be happy to help."

A group of people walked underground......

Charles put on the brain wave enhancement device, ready to find Eric's location.

Just as the instrument was turned on, Charles fell to the ground in convulsions as if he had been shocked by an electric shock.

Cyclops and Ororo hurriedly carried Charles to the infirmary, but Charles had already fallen into a coma, but fortunately his life was not in danger.

A trace of regret flashed in Wang Yue's eyes. He wanted to see how powerful Charles would be after being enhanced, but now he was blistered.

Wang Yue said to Cyclops: "My people just sent news that Magneto has been found, let's go now!"

Chapter 62 Liberty Island

"Where is he?"

"Summit meeting at Ellis Island tonight, Magneto is next to the Statue of Liberty."

Cyclops nodded. "We crossed the Washington Bridge and flew low into Goddess Island."

Logan asked, "What about the guards and patrolmen?"

"What else can I do, of course it's knocking me out." Wang Yue said with a smile, "Don't worry, they won't remember what happened tonight."

Everyone boarded the X-Men's Quinjet plane and was ready to take off.

The basketball court of Zeers Talent Academy opened automatically, and the roar of the engine woke up the sleeping students.

Wang Yue pressed the button of the watch.

Two Quin-style fighters also silently took off next to Zeers Academy of Talents.

Eric, who was standing on the top of the Statue of Liberty, was operating the instrument, suddenly looked up at the Washington Bridge, and said, "Be alert, they are coming."

Mystique and the Frogman nodded and turned to leave.

Eric frowned, how could there be three planes?Is there any other helper?

Little Naughty asked with some fear: "Do you want to kill me?"

Magneto showed a kind smile: "Yes."

"Why?" Little Naughty looked at Magneto in puzzlement.

"Because there is no tolerance and no peace in this world. It is the same everywhere in the world. Those in power persecute the vulnerable groups arbitrarily. But after today, the people in power all over the world will join the vulnerable groups, and that will be an opportunity for mutants to rise."

Magneto said to the saber-toothed tiger: "Take her to the instrument, let's start!"

Turning his gaze to the sky outside, he murmured: "Before then, we need to clean up some small bugs."

Reach out with one hand and squeeze it tightly.

The wings of the three Kun-jet fighters instantly deformed and twisted, losing power, and the metal of the fuselage gradually collapsed and compressed.

Without hesitation, Wang Yue opened up all his telekinetic power to resist the continued compression of the metal, but the entire plane still fell into the sea and was compressed into a huge metal ball by Magneto.

When the nine-tailed fox team found that the wing was damaged, they parachuted directly. Instead, all members landed safely on Liberty Island and quickly drew their guns to prepare for the attack.

Magneto glanced at the Nine-Tailed Fox team members on the ground with disdain, and shook his hand casually.

In an instant, all the metal objects on Nine-Tailed Fox were twisted and scrapped.

Fortunately, they knew about Magneto's abilities when they came here, so they didn't carry any metal on their bodies except guns.

Magneto turned and walked towards the instrument, and said, "My ability will be weak after being passed on to the little rascal, Saber-toothed tiger, stay and protect me."

The huge instrument began to rotate, continuously extracting the energy from the little naughty body.

On the ground, the unarmed nine-tailed fox team members looked at each other, threw away the garbage in their hands, took out a transparent pistol, and continued to touch the museum inside the goddess statue.

When the last nine-tailed fox team member entered, the small Statue of Liberty standing at the entrance of the museum slowly opened its eyes, revealing yellow snake pupils.

Chen Xi gestured to seize the favorable terrain.

The ten Nine-Tailed Fox players scattered in a formation of three, three, and four.

Suddenly, the three Nine-Tailed Fox players turned the corner and met the captain Chen Xi.

"team leader?"

"Chen Xi" said: "I found the target, you guys come with me."

But the three Nine-Tailed Fox members stayed put and continued to point their guns at "Chenxi".

"Chen Xi" frowned: "Are you disobeying orders?"

The three immediately determined that this person was not the captain. Since the containment of SCP-096, the Nine-Tailed Fox members have a faint smell on their bodies, but this Chen Xi has a scent on him. Captain Chen Xi never wears perfume. He said Perfume will stimulate the human sense of smell and long-term use will make the sense of smell less sensitive, so they are not allowed to use it.

A Nine-Tailed Fox member shot this "Chen Xi" in the leg without hesitation.

"Chen Xi" couldn't dodge in time and was hit on the calf, and his whole body rolled like a wave in an instant, and finally turned into a strange woman with blue skin.

Mystique still wants to continue to resist with her extraordinary physical skills.

But the Nine-Tailed Fox members are all elites among the elites, and the three teamed up to take down Mystique in minutes.

Chen Xi, the captain of the nine-tailed fox, led three team members to explore carefully.

Suddenly a figure jumped down from a high place, knocked down a Nine-Tailed Fox player in an instant, and slapped one person flying with his palm. His tongue shot out and rolled up to the high railing, and the whole person quickly flew into the air.

Chen Xi's shots all missed.

The frogman squatted on the railing, stared at Chen Xi and the others intently, and said mockingly: "Poor mortal, you can only add some fun to me."

"bang bang bang"

Three consecutive gunshots came from behind the frogman.

The frogman jumped out of nowhere to avoid the three bullets, with a smug smile on his face.

But soon the whole face froze, and Chen Xi raised his hand and shot the frog man in the abdomen.Because it is a plastic bullet, the bullet is ejected slowly and cannot penetrate the human body.

The bullet left in the frogman's abdomen caused great pain, and the whole person curled up into a ball.

Chen Xi patted his clothes and said, "Which one of you has the smelliest feet? Take off your socks and stuff them in his mouth. I'll see how he sticks his tongue out. It's the first time I've seen a small Safe-level containment so arrogant."

The three Nine-Tailed Fox teams got together again.

Chen Xi asked in surprise: "How did you catch Mystique? She is the most difficult to catch."

"Captain, we found out that she imitated you beyond her capacity."

Chen Xi was full of question marks: "How did you find out?"

Nine-Tailed Fox said proudly, "She doesn't smell as bad as you!"

Chen Xi lowered her head and remained silent, boy, I remember you.

A Nine-Tailed Fox member stepped forward and said, "Captain, use your socks!"

Chen Xi: MMP! ! !

A red laser shot out from the sea, straight to the sky.

Cyclops forcibly pierced through the Kun-style metal ball, and Esdeth activated his ability instantly, and the surrounding seawater was completely frozen before it poured in.

The light blue light continued to extend to the entire sea near Ellis Island, and all the sea water instantly turned into ice crystals.

Those attending the summit on Ellis Island couldn't help sweating when they saw this spectacular scene.

What kind of power is this to be able to do this kind of thing? In ancient times, this should be the god that people worshiped!

When Wang Yue and others set foot on Liberty Island, Chen Xi immediately came to report.

"Commander, 4 people were targeted, 2 people have been arrested, the passage to the top of the Statue of Liberty was destroyed, and all the equipment was destroyed and it was impossible to climb to the top."

Wang Yue nodded in satisfaction: "You did a good job. Continue to stay at the lower tower to prevent other security teams from approaching."


Cyclops and Wolverine looked at each other.

what's going on?Is the battle over before we even started?

Wang Yue looked at Estes and asked, "Xiao Ai, can you defeat Magneto without causing huge damage?"

Esdeth chuckled: "Don't worry, boss, this is my home field, I can beat him with one hand."


one one one one one one one one (file) one one one one one one one

water man

Item #: SCP-M010

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: Data Deletion


Due to insufficient evidence, it is impossible to determine whether SCP-M010's ability is activated by the machine or caused by other reasons.

The body of SCP-M010 is soft and boneless, and it can pass through a round hole with a diameter of about 0.5 cm. When encountering water, it can melt into a puddle of clear water.

When the body of SCP-M010 is in human form, it can send a large amount of water from any part of the body at any time.

Data indicate that no genetic material was present when SCP-M010 became clear water.Even drinkable.

SCP-M010 eventually died of (DATA EXPUNGED) due to physical genetic breakdown.

However, after SCP-M010 died, it turned into corpse water and was not drinkable.

Evaluation: Are you afraid of running out of water when you go to the desert with such a companion?

Chapter 63 Serious Injury

The sky changed suddenly, and the entire city of Manhattan (I mentioned Ellis Island next to Manhattan) began to fall with white snowflakes.

People in the urban area looked at the sky blankly. You must know that this is June, and this is Manhattan. How could it snow?

Hundreds of ice cones formed in the sky and shot at Magneto in an instant.

Wang Yue used his telekinetic power to go around and look for an opportunity to rescue the little rascal.

The saber-toothed tiger looked solemn, and raised the steel plate beside him to resist Magneto.

It's obviously just ice crystals, but when the shot hits the steel plate, it can make pits. Even a saber-toothed tiger can't make a hole due to the powerful impact, so it can only retreat step by step.

Three of the ice cones bypassed the saber-toothed tiger and shot directly at Magneto under the control of Estes.

The saber-toothed tiger didn't care so much, and flew in front of Magneto, blocking the three ice picks with his body.

The self-healing ability comparable to Wolverine forced the ice picks out of the body one by one, and the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Estes chuckled and murmured, "It's late."

Shake pointed at the saber-toothed tiger.

Ice crystals appeared on the body of the saber-toothed tiger in an instant, and the whole body was gradually frozen from the inside to the outside. After a while, the whole body formed an ice sculpture with arms outstretched, standing in front of Magneto.

Magneto was trembling all over and his face was livid, obviously extremely angry.

Finally, an energy ball wrapped around the little rascal's body and gradually swelled and expanded. The instrument began to rotate at a high speed, increasing the energy extraction from the little rascal.

Magneto glanced at Little Rascal with satisfaction, then turned and walked towards Estes.

"As a powerful mutant, he doesn't want to fight for the future destiny of mutants, but prevents the rise of mutants. Don't you want to see mutants have an equal world?"

Estes was a little speechless, why did everyone call me a mutant?

Lazily said: "I don't want to, that will increase my workload, and I'm not a mutant."

Magneto was stunned, it wasn't mutants who still had such powerful abilities.Not to be underestimated.

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