The steel bars on the wall of the Statue of Liberty were separated, forming 36 round steel balls around Magneto.

When he raised his hand, more than 5 steel balls flew towards Esdesh at a speed comparable to bullets, and the other [-] circled around the instrument.

A huge ice wall condensed in front of Esdeth, blocking all the steel balls, and the entire wall flew towards Magneto.

Wang Yue took the opportunity to get close to the instrument and activate the telekinetic power. He could easily lift 35 tons of power, but he couldn't even enter the energy circle generated around the instrument. The five steel balls flew towards Wang Yue instantly with the sound of breaking through the air.

But the closer it gets, the slower it will eventually stand still.

Just as Wang Yue breathed a sigh of relief, another steel ball flew out from the side and instantly shot through Wang Yue's leg at supersonic speed.

The severe pain from his thigh made Wang Yue unintentional to control his ability, and he fell from the air. Fortunately, Ororo caught him on the ground.

Estes noticed that Wang Yue was injured, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, and he activated the rabbit charm and disappeared instantly.

Magneto snorted coldly in disdain. Although he had just passed the energy to the little rascal and fell into a period of weakness, but in time, he was absolutely sure of defeating Esdeth.

Opening his hand towards the ice wall, a large piece of steel was absorbed in the air into an iron ball and hit the ice wall.

After doing all this, Magneto touched his sweat and said to himself: "I'm really old."

The iron ball forcibly shattered the ice wall, and continued to slam back with unabated power.

But Esdeth did not appear behind the ice wall at all.

"not good."

Magneto felt a coolness behind him, and quickly pulled back a steel ball and shot it behind him.

An ice crystal long sword pierced Magneto's abdomen from behind, and the steel ball also pierced Esdesh's shoulder at supersonic speed, taking away a large piece of flesh and blood.

The two fell to the ground at the same time.

Enduring the severe pain, Wang Yue anxiously rushed over to embrace Esdeth, and quickly flew to the sky.

The battle was over by the time the X-Men made their way to the top.

Logan ran into the instrument desperately, stretching out his steel claws to try to stop the instrument from continuing to operate.

However, the strong repulsive force generated by the rotation of the instrument even bends the Adamantium alloy.

Magneto fell to the ground and said with difficulty: "It's too late, you can't stop it."

Jean Gray yelled, "You're wrong, people here are going to die."

"I'm not wrong, I just want to find a way out for the mutants."

Qin Grey shook her head: "I saw Congressman Kelly die in front of me. What you activated was not the X gene, but another ability. It has huge flaws. Soon those heads of government will die. You can only increase the mutation. A war between man and man."

Magneto shouted resolutely: "Impossible, I have done experiments."

The energy generated by the instrument was no longer limited to the sky above Liberty Island, but began to spread to the surroundings, covering Ellis Island in just a few seconds, and quickly spread to downtown Manhattan.

Citizens throughout downtown Manhattan also stopped their movements and noticed the light emanating from the torch in the hands of the Statue of Liberty.

Someone even shouted loudly: "God sent a miracle."

Some hesitated and said, "That's the Statue of Liberty, not God."

"it's the same."

Logan's steel claws always reached the rotating instrument, rubbing violent sparks.

Little Naughty's strand of black hair turned white, crying and saying: "You go, I really can't do it."

Logan didn't say a word, but continued to grab forward firmly.

A red laser shot into Logan's back helped him push a bit into the instrument.

It was at this critical moment that the instrument collided with Logan and exploded instantly.

Both Little Rascal and Logan were blown out, and the spreading energy gradually disappeared.

The citizens in the distance were immediately confused:? ? ?

"Where is God?"

"Why is it gone?"

"I don't know, I'll send you to see God and ask!"

Wang Yue also took Estes back to the base for immediate treatment.

After waiting for a while, I finally breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Esdesh's charming face again.

Estes twitched his eyelashes a few times, opened his eyes, and laughed out loud when he saw Wang Yue's appearance.

"What's the matter, what are you laughing at?" Wang Yue touched his face, "There's nothing!"

"It's nothing but your hair."

"What's wrong with my hair?" Wang Yue touched it with his hand, because the high-speed flight caused his original delicate hairstyle to be completely ruined.

Estes said softly: "Boss, you should not intervene in battles of this level in the future!"

Wang Yue immediately sat there in embarrassment, hesitating and saying: "I just want to help you."

"Don't worry, I'm strong enough, you just need to command."

Wang Yue nodded helplessly, but said in his heart: It's time to strengthen the wave.

Chapter 64 Doctor Dog

"Red Queen, how is Liberty Island?"

"Commander, the conversion instrument was destroyed by Logan, and it contains Mystique, Frogman, Saber-toothed Tiger, and Magneto. It is currently being rushed back."

"How is the Nine-Tailed Fox Team?"

"There were no casualties, but it is unclear whether the body will experience abnormalities when they switch the center of the instrument."

Wang Yue frowned and said, "Bring back the Nine-Tailed Fox Unit, let them all undergo inspection, observe for a week and make sure that their lives are not in danger, and then carry out the mission, so we should give them a vacation."

"Yes. Commander, is Magneto healing?"

Wang Yue sneered: "Cure him, I'm still waiting to use him for experiments!"

As for the Zells Talent Academy, someone will come to deal with them soon, and then wait until they come to me for help.

Wang Yue opened the panel in his mind. (I will list the classification of the containment in the archives)

Wang Yue

Containment point: 35600 points

Guard points: 4520 points

966:401:02 remaining time for next containment SCP-03 "The Monster That Deprives You of Sleep".

(New task) Temporary transfer of SCP-049 (Plague Doctor) containment remaining time 136:06:51.

(New task) To build a portal: Required materials: a continuous and stable energy source (eg: Cosmic Rubik's Cube)

There can be no more containment points, and the next containment is coming soon.

Wang Yue clenched his fists tightly and said silently: My telekinetic power is not enough to occupy a place in this world and must be strengthened.

"System, I want a second level lottery draw."

A dilapidated box jumped out of nowhere.

Wang Yue opened it without hesitation, and was shocked to find that there were three transparent pills and a formula.

MDT-48-3 (experimental type)

From "Never Ending"

Function: After use, it will increase the speed of brain operation and greatly improve the efficiency of brain development.The ability of thinking and logic is improved, the ability of recall and memory is improved, and the ability of insight is improved.

Drug duration: 30 minutes (I don’t know the exact time, so I’ll keep it short, and I’ll tell you when I get MDT-48) When the drug takes effect, I will be extremely calm and lose emotion.

SIDE EFFECTS: Rapid headache, spontaneous dizziness, intense emotions after the effect of the drug wears off.

Note: Do not use it on extremely intelligent creatures. Unknown changes will occur if the brain development power reaches more than 50%.

Note: The drug will speed up the blood supply to the brain, do not take any other drugs related to the cranial nerve.


Wang Yue's jaw almost dropped in shock, and he actually took out the smart medicine, what a treasure!

Skin Whitening Pharmaceutical Formula

Effects: It has the effect of smoothing, whitening and tensing the skin, and the effect is obvious.

Side effects: none

Note: People without skin, please do not apply

Why isn't it the recipe for smart medicine! ! !

Mentality burst! ! !

"That's okay! At least you can make money. Let's set up a company after the red queen to sell this kind of cosmetic medicine!"


Wang Yue put down the prescription helplessly and said again: "I want to smoke the system for level two."

The containment points on the panel were reduced by 10000 points again, and became 15600 points.

An ordinary treasure chest jumped out of the air.

Wang Yue became excited in an instant, just like opening Esdeth's treasure chest, and said to himself: "Could there be another character?"

Reaching out to open the treasure chest, a soft golden light illuminates the entire room.

The excited expression froze on his face when he saw the contents of the treasure chest.

Stretched out a finger tremblingly, unexpectedly! ! !

Actually! ! !It's a dog?

An adult golden retriever, wearing a small suit, with a pair of glasses hanging on the bridge of his nose, looks very knowledgeable.And it looks so cute, I can't help but want to touch it.

But what's the use, it's not a dog yet! ! !

Wang Yue picked up the golden retriever and looked at it carefully: "Is this dog any different?"

An authentic American accent sounded: "Don't rub your 43-yard face against my head."

Surprised, Wang Yue hurriedly put down the dog in his hand.

"You can actually speak?"

The dog landed on the ground, combed his clothes slowly, and then said: "I am Dr. Kain, a level 4 member of the SCP Foundation, and a librarian of the SCP Foundation."

Wang Yue's eyes widened, and he asked in disbelief: "You are from the SCP Foundation? Are you the legendary Doctor Dog?"

The golden retriever shouted angrily at Wang Yue: "I'm not a dog, I'm a human!!!"

The golden retriever sat on the ground a little lonely, lowered his head, and said sadly: "Although it used to be!"

Wang Yue walked over to pet the dog's head, and comforted him softly, "Sorry! I shouldn't have mentioned your sadness!"

"It's okay, I'm used to it."

Wang Yue stretched out his hand, held his puppy paw, shook it earnestly and said: "I am the commander of the SCP Foundation in the other world, welcome to join the branch of the scp in the other world, Dr. Kane."

(As for the question of whether Kane is a golden retriever: 1. I did not find a detailed description of Dr. Dog 2. The picture released on the scp official website is a kobold, it should be a prank, but it is actually a dog. Interested friends can find it in scp official website search page query "kain" click the first one)

Kane looked up at Wang Yue, and said blankly: "An alien world, what alien world, a parallel world?"

"No, the scp foundation has some unsolvable dangerous containments, and in order to solve the problem for a long time, it decided to expel the alien world to ensure the peace and stability of the original world. Aren't you from the scp foundation? You should know about such a big project of."

Kane tilted his head and tried to think back.

"No, I've never heard of a project to evict containment. Either I'm marginalized and I'm not informed, or I'm not from your Foundation world."

Wang Yue frowned: "Could it be that your memory has been erased?"

Kane vetoed it: "Impossible, the knowledge in my head is more important than you think, because after that incident, I avoided execution at least four times, even in certain situations where execution must be carried out immediately, Survived showing very valuable (and irreparable) knowledge. They couldn't bear to erase my memory."

Wang Yue fell into deep thought, did he really come from a parallel world?It seems that I need to ask X9 next time.

"Do you know what Knowledge Foundation let you go?"

Kane shook the dog's head: "You don't want to know, I became a dog just because I knew."

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