Lei Hu suddenly reported: "Commander, I found that four people have been following us."

"Huh? Is it a pedestrian?"

"It's not like, they have followed the convoy for two streets."

Is it a Hydra person?Wang Yue ordered: "Catch it."

Lei Hu immediately led the scp team members to touch it.

Rasu, who was driving the car behind, said, "Are we still following? They seem to have stopped."

Ah Fu said domineeringly: "Keep following, I want to see where they hide the spell."

"They're here."

Ah Fu cast a glance and sneered: "There are only a few people, I'll get them done."

Before Lei Hu walked up to Ah Fu, he heard the strong man shout: "My name is Heihu Ah Fu, you are ready to die!"

Lei Hu instantly felt that he had found the wrong person, maybe this person was simply a fool.

Ah Fu jumped up in the air, and kicked Lei Hu with a flying kick: "The cheetah gallops, the gazelle leaps, and the black tiger traps the lamb."

Lei Hu dodged, took out a gun and pointed it at Ah Fu's forehead.

Ah Fu immediately froze and spread his hands helplessly: "Okay, you won."

"Take them all back, from becoming D-class personnel."

Ah Fu and the funny B trio were all pushed back to the base.

"Commander, those 4 people are from Walloon, and they are here to find the spell."

Wang Yue snorted coldly: "I haven't looked for him yet, he came to the door first."

Lei Hu took out a dragon head item: "This is what they use to find the spell."

"Spell tracker, yes, let Jackie Chan find this thing."

The Red Queen suddenly said, "Commander, a subway station near Zeers Academy for Geniuses was attacked. According to the description, 8% of the person attacked may be Eric Lanshere."

Now that the law is about to be promulgated, the mutants can't sit still.

Wang Yue murmured, "It's time to see Charles."

"Ding" a voice suddenly sounded in my mind.

Wang Yue opened the panel.

Wang Yue

Containment point: 25200 points

Guard points: 3020 points

966:531:02 remaining time for next containment SCP-03 "The Monster That Deprives You of Sleep".

(New task) Temporary transfer of SCP-049 (Plague Doctor) containment remaining time 241:06:51.

(New Quest) Build a Portal.Required materials: a continuous and stable energy source (eg: Cosmic Rubik's Cube)

Have a new mission?It actually needs a cosmic magic cube.

Now it's a bit tricky to hold the Cosmic Rubik's Cube!Who knows if Thanos will appear suddenly.

"System, I want to exchange Pandora team members."

The guard points were instantly reduced to 20 points.

Pandora's logistics force: the main responsibility is to prevent Abel from falling into murderous desires, and to clean up the follow-up. (20/100)

It seems to be of little use now.Abel hasn't come out yet!

"Order the Pandora team to continue to contain the Holy Master, and the Nine-Tailed Fox team and I will go to Zeers Academy for Geniuses."

Wang Yue looked at Estes and asked, "Who is stronger if you fight Magneto?"

Estes thought for a while and replied: "I haven't seen it before. I probably have six or four. In fact, if one is not careful in the battle, he will die directly."

Wang Yue nodded slightly. His ability can now lift 30 tons of objects, and the speed of the increase in ability has slowed down, and it has almost reached its peak. With the addition of the Nine-Tailed Fox Squad, it should be very easy to accommodate a few mutants.

"It's time for Magneto to prepare a containment room for you."

One one one one one one one one (dividing line)

Magneto walked out of the subway station with Little Rascal.

The entire subway station has been completely surrounded by police.

The Inspector shouted: "Stay still, put your hands up and put them on your head."

Magneto looked at a group of policemen pointing guns at him, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

Gently raising his hands, all the police cars present were pulled into the sky by an inexplicable force, and then fell down.

The police panicked, but quickly calmed down and continued to point their guns at Magneto.

Magneto just tilted his head slightly, and all the guns in the hands of the police were released, floating in the air and pointing at their respective masters.

The policemen in the ordinary world had never seen such a situation before, and they were immediately frightened and stood where they were, not daring to make any moves.

Magneto said disdainfully: "Useless humans and weapons."

Suddenly, the saber-toothed tiger beside him grabbed Magneto by the neck.

"Enough is enough, Eric, let them go."

Magneto glanced at the saber-toothed tiger in surprise, and instantly understood that it was his old opponent.

"Charles has what it takes to stand up."

The saber-toothed tiger said: 'Why did you catch her, she's just a child. '

"You want to save her? Then you have to kill me first. Then what's the point of what you did? They engraved numbers on the foreheads of our compatriots through laws."

"it's not like that."

Magneto said angrily: "Then kill me first and then prove it!"

Under Charles' control, the frogman with the naughty kid on his side tried to slip away quietly.

Magneto turned ruthless, and controlled a pistol to fire directly.

The inspector closed his eyes in fright, and slowly realized that he was not dead. When he opened his eyes, he found a bullet floating in the center of his forehead, approaching constantly.

"Want to try your luck, Charles. I can't contain all the bullets."

The guns in the audience were automatically loaded, and some police officers were already shaking with fear.

Charles, who was sitting in the car, let out a sigh of relief, letting go of the saber-toothed tiger and the frogman.

However, Magneto didn't seem very happy, and there was a trace of disappointment in his eyes.

"Charles, you are too cowardly, this is your weakness."

The three boarded Mystique's plane and left smoothly.

The bullet hanging in the center of the inspector's forehead also lost power and fell down with a "ding".

The inspector touched his forehead in disbelief, leaving only a small dent.

Chapter 61 Zell's Academy for the Gifted

Charles took a deep look at the helicopter in the sky, and sighed helplessly: "Why can't you understand my thoughts!"

Ororo said: "Principal, let's go back!"


As soon as Charles arrived at the academy, he discovered that there were two huge spiritual forces appearing in the academy.

Charles looked at Jean Grey: "Is there a guest?"

Qin Gelei nodded and said, "It's Estes and Wang Yue."

"That's what I want to see, maybe it can give us some help."

When Ororo and Charles entered the reception room, Wang Yue had already been waiting for a long time.

Wang Yue cut to the chase and said, "Professor, I heard that you are in a little trouble now."

Charles still kept a faint smile: "It's nothing, it's just meeting an old friend, it's a small thing."

Wang Yue sneered inwardly, pretending at any time.

"Professor, killing all human beings is no small matter!"

"It's just kidnapping one person, it's not the destruction of all mankind! And we're going to rescue the little rascal."

Wang Yue said to the watch: "Nine-tailed fox, bring Senator Kelly in."

Charles frowned, Congressman Kelly was the main person who initiated the registration of mutants bill, how could he be here.

Wang Yue smiled and said, "We found an interesting mutant when we came here, so we brought it along."

Charles didn't know what Wang Yue wanted to do, and waited quietly for Senator Kelly to arrive.

After a while, two Nine-Tailed Fox members entered the room with Congressman Kelly on their arm.

Just letting go of his hand a little bit, Senator Kelly's body slipped to the ground like water.

The body is weak and boneless, only the head can barely maintain its original shape.

Charles asked in surprise, "Is he also a mutant?"

Wang Yue shook his finger: "Of course not, he was turned into this by Magneto. You can see what happened by looking at his memory."

Charles suspiciously put his hands on Senator Kelly's head to check.

The power of the mind brings Charles into Senator Kelly's memory as a bystander.

Charles saw Senator Kelly strapped to a large metal instrument, and the platform of the metal instrument was slowly lowered.

Eric stood weakly in it, and he looked older at this time, looking like he might die at any time.

With the support of Mystique, Eric walked slowly towards Senator Kelly.

Physical weakness did not hinder the smile on Eric's face.

He whispered softly in Congressman Kelly's ear: "The future belongs to the mutants... compatriots."

Representative Kelly lying on the ground suddenly twitched continuously. His skin and muscles became transparent and rippled like water. The blood vessels in his body were clearly visible, and water stains continued to seep out of his body surface. Finally, his whole body gradually turned into a puddle of clear water and disappeared completely. .

Charles had to withdraw his psychic power, and murmured, "What is he going to do?"

Wang Yue said with a smile: "He wants to turn all human beings in the world into mutants, but the machine has major flaws. The radiation emitted will indeed give ordinary people superpowers, but it will not take long for the gene chain to break, just like his so."

"Then why did they catch the little rascal?"

"Little Rascal has a special ability. She has huge energy that can be used as the energy source of the conversion instrument, but in fact Magneto thinks too much. Even if Little Rascal dies on the instrument, she can convert people in this state at most. .”


The door of the reception room opened suddenly.

A man with messy hair but exuding the aura of a tough guy rushed in.

"Professor, we were wrong, Magneto's target is not me."

Charles nodded: "I already know that his target has always been the little rascal."

Wang Yue couldn't help looking at this tough guy, feeling a little excited in his heart, is this Uncle Wolf?Sure enough, he is a man among men!If he joined the Pandora team, wouldn't he no longer have to worry about Abel messing up things.

Need to find a way to get Logan over here.

Wang Yue said immediately: "Professor Charles, even if you bring back the little rascal, you can't avoid the Mutant Registration Act."

Charles also understands that the direct conflict between mutants and humans is too deep to be resolved by a bill. Even if the bill is passed, it will only intensify the conflict between humans and mutants: "What do you want to say?"

"I mean, I have a way to make mutants appear in front of the world openly, without being afraid of other people's strange eyes."

Charles frowned and became vigilant: "What do you want to do?"

Wang Yue said with a smile: "Joining the SCP Foundation, our foundation has always taken the protection of the earth as its mission, whether it is mutants or human beings, we are the objects of our protection."

Wang Yue glanced at other people's reactions and continued: "I can create a mutant company. Mutants who want to live an ordinary life can join it and use their abilities to work. Mutants who want to become superheroes can enter the SCP Foundation and become a guardian." Heroes of the world."

Charles waved his hand: "I've thought about this kind of thing a long time ago, but there are always people hunting mutants, and the greed of human nature can't be stopped."

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