Thor said: "As far as I know, the only ones who can do this are the Frost Giants, and they must use the Ice Box to do so."

"You mean the legendary Frost Giant?"

Thor nodded: "Come on, let's go in and have a look."

"Hey, there is an army! You don't want to live anymore, wait for me."

A moment later, the scp team escorted Thor and Dr. Shavig to Leihu.

"Sir, two suspects were caught peeping at Site-173, do you want to add D-class personnel?"

Lei Hu saw that this was not a containment object?It can be regarded as half of my own, and immediately waved his hand and said: "No, you go down!"

Then he said to Thor with a serious face: "What's the matter with you?"

Just as Thor and Dr. Savage were about to speak, they suddenly called out.

Lei Hu turned his head and asked, "What's the situation?"

The scp team member said with a strange look: "Two scp-3035 came out of channel A."

Lei Hu frowned and said, "Isn't it just two scp-3035s? Just execute them directly. Why don't you raise an alarm?"

"Sir, you should take a look for yourself!"

Lei Hu: "?" What kind of mystery is playing.

Walking to the entrance of passage A, Lei Hu was stunned when he saw the two scp-3035 clearly.

what's the situation?It's two scp-3035's that's right, but the problem is that one is wearing a black suit and the other is wearing a white officer's uniform.

Lei Hu murmured: "It feels a bit like the commander and General Esdes!"

Lei Hu ordered: "Try shooting a few shots."

A row of bullets shot towards the entrance of passage A, and the SCP-3035 in a suit confidently extended a hand.


Two instances of SCP-3035 were beaten into a sieve.

Lei Hu said with a speechless face: "Is the direction of their evolution wrong? I feel that the talent is a bit crooked, and something strange has been added."

The scp team members next to him were also surprised, thinking how amazing it was!There is no ability to evolve Commander and Estes at all!If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have raised the alarm.

Dr. Savig asked a little excitedly: "What is that, is it an alien? My experiments over the years have finally paid off."

Lei Hu interrupted blankly: "No, those are just earth creatures."

"You are kidding me, how could there be such a creature on the earth! It seems to be intelligent, why do you want to slaughter him, why!!!"

Lei Hu put on his sunglasses helplessly: "If you want to know why, look here."

Dr. Savage saw Leihu take out a small metal stick with question marks all over his face. Does this thing have secrets about aliens?Bring your face closer.

A blinding white light flashed...

Dr. Savig said with some confusion: "? Where is this? What am I doing? Wasn't I in the bar just now? Thor?"

Thor on the side was stunned, magic?delete memory?The people in the atrium have grown to this extent.

"Thor, why are we here?"

Thor saw Lei Hu's gaze from a distance, thought for a while and said, "SHIELD brought us here, it's all right now, let's go!"

Dr. Shaweige said cursingly: "SHIELD, take my equipment and beat me back, this thing is endless."

Lei Hu watched their leaving back and took out a small notebook and wrote: Thor, the God of Thunder, is immune to amnestics and is suspected to have strong mental power.

In the main control room, Wang Yue took out a USB flash drive and plugged it into the computer, and suddenly the lights in the base flickered.

"Commander, I have successfully entered the Site-173 site control system."

one one one one one one one one one (SCP-3035 file) one one one one one one one one one

Experiment 1-4

Presented by: Estes

Cockroaches can survive in low-end environments, but the cockroaches near the equator are much larger than those in other areas, so we decided to simulate the environment.

Order the Red Queen to continuously create air conditioners in Site-173, greatly reducing the temperature in the base.

Within 24 hours, scp-3035 appeared a little irritable, and began to conflict and fight internally.

Within 36 hours, SCP-3035 began destroying ventilation equipment.

Experiment failed: scp-3035 will destroy devices that output cold air.

Experiment 1-5

Submitter: Wang Yue

In view of the nature of scp-3035 and the shortage of food within Site-173.

Throw in 100 kangaroos of an aggressive species covered in poison.

24 kangaroos were eaten in 100 hours.

Approximately 36-1500 instances of SCP-2000 died within 3035 hours.

About 48 SCP-1800 died within 3035 hours, but a few lucky ones were immune to the virus.

72 hours later, another 100 kangaroos were released with the poison, but no SCP-3035 died.

After 96 hours, portions of SCP-3035 began to mimic a kangaroo's hind legs and pockets.

The experiment is over.

Evaluation: Maybe we need nuclear peace......

Chapter 53 Laser Weapons

"Connected to the terminal.

Already connected to the weapon system.

Entered into the containment room, found abnormality. "

How could there be an abnormality, Wang Yue immediately asked: "What happened?"

"Commander, the terminal in the strategic material storage room cannot be accessed, and it seems to be completely destroyed."

"Maybe it was just destroyed by scientific cockroaches. Queen Red called up the monitor to see how many SCP-3035 there are."

The main console shows the battle situation of various ice crystal cavalry. The ice crystals created by Esdeth are extremely strong. The scientific cockroaches can only break a little skin with firearms alone, and the use of RPG in time can only cause single-digit casualties.

Suddenly, a scientific cockroach dressed in gray and blue appeared in various places, and the firearm in his hand was also different. It was obvious that the magazine was a dark blue energy battery, and what was fired from the muzzle was no longer bullets, but high temperature. laser.

The light blue light shot at the Ice Crystal Cavalry instantly melted a hole the size of a bowl, and its power continued to penetrate the entire Ice Crystal Cavalry regiment without weakening at all.

The ice crystal cavalry couldn't stand the high temperature either, and their bodies gradually turned into clear water.

With a thought, Estes said to Wang Yue: "Boss, all the cavalry regiments have been killed."

Wang Yue nodded and said, "Can the Red Queen analyze what kind of weapon it is?"

"Commander, there is firearm information in Site-173. That weapon is a C-class C-19 laser gun developed by the SCP Foundation, which can shoot 30 times at the highest power.

The advantages are fast speed, straight beam, high shooting accuracy, and strong anti-electromagnetic interference ability.The laser beam travels at a speed of 30 km/s, aiming means hitting the target.

The disadvantage is that it is still impossible to avoid the limitations of conventional laser weapons, and it cannot fight around the clock. It is limited by heavy fog, heavy snow, and heavy rain, and the laser emission system is a precision optical system, which is also seriously affected by the atmosphere, such as the absorption of energy by the atmosphere and the disturbance caused by atmospheric disturbances. energy attenuation, etc. "

so scary!There was no time to dodge being targeted, Wang Yue asked solemnly: "How many such weapons are there at Site-173?"

"Commander, 19 C-300 laser guns and 1000 energy batteries.

20 C-50 laser guns, sharing energy batteries.


Wang Yue breathed a sigh of relief, it's okay, at least it's less than one person.

The Red Queen suddenly mobilized the monitoring and said, "Commander, a large number of SCP-3035 are already rushing to the main control room."

Seeing troops with laser guns approaching, Wang Yue immediately understood that he couldn't fight recklessly. His own telekinetic power and Xiaoai's ice machine were completely useless in front of laser weapons.

Immediately said: "The red queen marked the exit route, Xiao Ai, let's go."

Wang Yue's watch projected a phantom of the site-173 base, a large number of red dots were gathering here, and a green path was marked: "Commander, the route has been marked, the entrance of the target B channel."

Wang Yue walked out of the main control room and said to Estes: "The interior is completely frozen, and they cannot enter the main control room."

Estes nodded, the blue light on his body spread to the door of the main control room, and a large number of ice crystals condensed inside the main control room to form a wall to withstand the door from the inside.


Wang Yue and Estes moved forward at high speed, leaving a few ice walls at random to ensure that no SCP-3035 would catch up.

When a team of scp-3035 armed with laser weapons was about to run in front of the intruders, suddenly an ice wall rose from the ground, and the unlucky ghosts in front were instantly pushed to the ceiling and squeezed into specimens.

SCP-3035 took out the laser gun without hesitation and shot, and successfully broke through the ice wall, but encountered difficulties again in the next second. There were actually three ice walls at this intersection.

scp-3035: ".......(#`n?)........" Which is the direction they escaped from?

When the Red Queen was about to reach Exit B, she suddenly said, "Commander, there is an SCP-3035 team guarding ahead."

"Do you have a laser weapon in your hand?"

"No, only RPG individual howitzers."

Wang Yue said with a relaxed face, "It's a little meaning."


The corner of Wang Yue's mouth twitched, is it so real?No wonder the Red Queen said 'only RPG' so that's true!

The 3035-member team of scp-7 also reacted very quickly. When they saw Wang Yue, they immediately picked up the RPG and rushed towards him.

The moment the cannon popped out of the hall, it froze in the air.

SCP-3035 didn't understand what was going on, so it touched its head in a very humane way and looked at each other.

The next second when the firing time of the shell was up, a huge flame devoured 7 small cockroaches, and there was a smell of barbecue in the air, which made people's appetite greatly increased.

Wang Yue and Estes ran out of the entrance of passage B holding back their nausea.

Wang Yue couldn't help cursing: "What kind of cockroach, it still smells like barbecue meat, it's my first bold idea. (I'll see you for the specific idea later)"

Lei Hu ran over and took out two photos and said, "Commander, you may need to see this."


Seeing the two SCP-3035s in the photo, Wang Yue looked familiar, and said in surprise, "Did they imitate me and Xiaoai?"

Lei Hu nodded.

Wang Yue suddenly became interested: "Have you caught it? Does it have the ability of me and Estes?"

Lei Hu touched his head and said in embarrassment: "They were directly smashed to pieces, and the corpses were incomplete. At first I thought they had evolved abilities, fact, they only evolved clothes."

Wang Yue: "......"

There are a lot of wonderful things every year.

"Periodically capture SCP-3035 to see if they can evolve abilities! Anything else?"

"Thor and Dr. Savage came, but I drove them back with an amnestic. And there are more people in S.H.I.E.L.D. They might want to intervene."

Wang Yue nodded and said: "They can only be allowed to study SCP-3035 in the crater. Anyone who wants to bring out the gene or body tissue of SCP-3035 will be executed directly without reporting."

Wang Yue rubbed his chin, as for Thor!It's time to ask him to donate some blood to study it, but I don't know if it will attract Odin's attention.

Dividing line one one one one one one one one (Site-173 site) one one one one one one one one

Experiment 1-6

Submitter: Wang Yue

Proposed due to the mimetic evolution properties of scp-3035.

Because scp-3035 can imitate the behavior, habits and even body structure of living things.

Put 500 live chickens into Site-173, and observe which scp-3035 evolves the most chicken-like characteristics.

After 3 days, enter Site-173 to capture the scp-3035.

After dissection, it was found that the thigh quilt and chest muscles have obvious chicken structure characteristics.

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