3 D-class personnel were ordered to eat the meat of SCP-3035 after a brief barbecue.

D-1: It is chewy, chewy and delicious.

D-2: Feels a bit like chicken.

D-3: Why does the meat I eat have a foul smell?Experimenter: What you eat is butt.

After 24 hours, D-class personnel successively experienced increased body sweating.

D-class personnel enter the bathroom and refuse to come out within 36 hours.

Within 38 hours, three D-class personnel were found dead in the bathroom.

The cause of death was severe dehydration, and may have hallucinations before death.

The experiment is over.

Comment: Maybe we should invite Chinese chefs to study how to detoxify, then the foundation will get a lot of income.

(popular science)

The Site is a hidden facility among Foundation facilities, meaning that the existence of the facility is known to the public, and secondary facilities are usually disguised by government or subsidiary backgrounds.

Sites are usually built closer to the population center.Hence the need for camouflage.

Chapter 54 The Destroyer

Wang Yue asked, "Where is Thor?"

Lei Hu immediately replied: "They are in a small shop in a small town, and with them are four men and a woman in medieval costumes."

Wang Yue murmured, "It should be Thor's follower!"

The Red Queen suddenly said: "Commander, abnormal energy fluctuations have been found, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. has surrounded the location."

A gleam of light flashed in Wang Yue's eyes, and he thought: The opportunity has come.

"Tell the Pandora team to go immediately, tell them not to fight recklessly, and collect Thor's blood as soon as possible."

The sky of the small town is covered with dark clouds, and the dark clouds form a vortex extending slowly from top to bottom, and a ray of colorful light can be seen from time to time in the vortex.

Suddenly, the vortex rushed to the ground in an instant, and a weak shock wave spread out.

The smoke gradually dissipated, and a gray-white steel armor appeared in the center.

Everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D. pointed their guns at the steel armor vigilantly.

Agent Sitwell said to Coulson: "This, is it something Iron Man made?"

Coulson replied helplessly: "I don't know, that guy never told us."

Coulson took a horn and stepped forward, shouting: "Hi, you are using an unauthorized weapon please identify yourself."

The off-white steel armor stopped, looked down at Coulson in front of him, and the face armor moved.

Coulson: Well!It fits well!

But there was no one inside the face armor, only the raging flames inside were exposed.

Coulson felt a little bad, and shouted: "Run." He quickly turned around and looked for cover.

A massive burst of flame from the Destroyer armor bombarded the S.H.I.E.L.D. vehicle.

The agents immediately returned fire, but the bullets hitting the Destroyer could only make a "ding ding ding" sound.

The Destroyer turned his head slightly, and the pillar of fire shot out left a deep ravine on the ground. Any S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who approached was instantly severely burned, and those who were hit directly were directly vaporized.

In the distance, the Pandora team quietly watched SHIELD being attacked, showing no intention of helping.

A team member held up a telescope and said: "The target is about 2.4 meters high, made of metal, the bullet is ineffective, there is flame inside, the energy source is unknown, and the purpose is unknown. It is temporarily judged to be Euclid level."

Captain Pandora said: "Look for its shortcomings."

The team member with the binoculars took a closer look and said: "1. The target is only a flame attack, and the G-35 freezing grenade can be used to freeze the target. 2. There are small gaps between the steel of the body, and sharp objects can be used to intersperse them. 3. The face is sprayed. It will open when fired, and it can be seized to launch a bomb in the face and detonate from the inside."

Captain Pandora nodded slightly, and ordered: "Action, pay attention to keep a distance from the target and do not touch, so as not to cause abnormal reactions." '

The Destroyer armor saw that the person in front of him was no longer a threat, so he ignored it and walked towards the town.

Suddenly an RPG bombarded Destroyer, the flames dissipated, and the steel on his body didn't even have a trace of scorched black.

The Destroyer armor turned to look at the Pandora team, opened its face and began to charge the flames.

I saw three grenades flying into the Destroyer's body precisely.


The flames inside the Destroyer were instantly extinguished, and the frost from the freezing grenade even overflowed onto the Destroyer's surface.

"Javelin, hold it down."

Five javelins with clues were inserted through the gaps in the Destroyer's armor. One end of the steel cable was connected to the Destroyer, and the other end was inserted 5 meters underground, so that the Destroyer could not move.

Seeing that it was effective, Captain Pandora shouted: "Grenade, cool it down."

More than ten G-35 freezing grenades exploded beside the Destroyer, forming a two-meter-high ice sculpture.

The whole operation was extremely quick and it took only 30 seconds to trap the Destroyer.

After waiting another minute, the Destroyer remained motionless inside the ice sculpture.

Captain Pandora said: "Containment is complete, call a transport plane to bring it back!"

"Captain, look!"

"En?" Captain Pandora turned around suddenly, and found that there was a flash of fire in Destroyer's body, and the frost began to melt rapidly, and he broke free from the shackles of frost in the blink of an eye. The high temperature in his body melted the javelin hooked on his body into hot molten iron.

The Destroyer's face opened again, and more violent flames spewed out than before.

Captain Pandora looked solemn, and shouted: "Conceal, he's Keter level."

A flame hit two scp members head-on, and the two scp members were vaporized in an instant before they had time to react.

Wang Yue also came to the town, saw this scene from a distance and immediately ordered: "Pandora team evacuates, let the SCP-M008 containment fight!"

Captain Pandora said somewhat unwillingly: "Retreat, set it up at a distance, and give it a shot if you have a chance."

On the throne of Asgard, a young man exuding an aristocratic air saw this scene, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Sure enough, the atrium is weak!

Looking at the four warriors who came to the Destroyer, Loki's eyes flashed with killing intent.

Since you want to follow Thor, go with him.

Wang Yue came to Thor quietly, and said with a smile: "Tor, your chance has come."

"what chance?"

Wang Yue took out a delicate small box and said seriously: "This is your battle. I will provide you with the most precious medicine from our foundation. As long as you have one breath, it can save you."

Thor reached out and took out the medicine in the box. It was pink and translucent, and when he pinched it with two fingers, it was still elastic.

Asked in disbelief: "You really didn't lie to me?"

Wang Yue nodded solemnly.

Thor was silent for a while and said, "Why did you help me? I want to know."

"Because you and I have the same purpose, we are considered allies."

Thor swallowed the medicine in one gulp, chewed it: "Not bad, it's a little sweet." Then he turned and ran towards the Destroyer.

The captain of the Pandora team quietly asked: "Commander, do we have this medicine? Can you make some for me, and don't give it to those foxes, after all, they are just housekeepers."

Wang Yue raised a finger to indicate a small voice: "How could there be such a medicine? It's QQ candy."

Captain Pandora looked confused, QQ candy?Commander, is it really okay for you to do this?Look at Thor who is running with pity, poor baby, good luck! ! !

Dividing line one by one one one one one one one (file) one one one one one one one one

Destroyer Armor

Item #: SCP-M009

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: Disassemble scp-M009 into 204 individual parts, and freeze them separately in a cold storage. The adjacent parts must not be less than 300 meters away, and an absolute low temperature of 0 degrees below zero must be maintained.

Description: SCP-M009 is a 2.4m humanoid armor that covers everything except the eyes.Made of unknown metal, indestructible.

SCP-M009 is composed of 204 parts, and each part is a separate whole, which can be rotated arbitrarily and cannot be destroyed.

SCP-M009's metal parts are engraved with inexplicable symbols.The location of SCP-M009's energy drive could not be located.

When SCP-M009 is activated, it can ignite a high temperature of up to about 3000 degrees, but it will be wrapped in metal armor so that no temperature will leak out.A high-temperature flame column with a diameter of 20 cm can be emitted from the face, which is extremely destructive.

SCP-M009 is suspected to be wearable.

Evaluation: A humanoid cremation furnace?Special Design.

Experiment 1-1

D-class personnel are ordered to wear the Destroyer's arm part alone.

The D-class personnel put on part of the armor on the arm, but the armor did not respond.

Experimenters electrified the armor in an attempt to activate the arm armor.

D-class personnel electrocuted.

Conclusion: Destroyer metal does not conduct electricity, but it does conduct electricity when living things are inside the metal, for unknown reasons.

The experiment is over.

Experiment 1-2

Order D personnel to put on the lower part of the Destroyer armor.

When the D-class personnel are finished wearing them, the Destroyer armor will automatically shrink to fit their body shape.

The leg strength of the D-class personnel has been greatly improved.

The D-class personnel attempted to breach containment, but a burst of flame suddenly appeared from the Destroyer armor and instantly vaporized the D-class personnel.

The experiment is over.

Chapter 55 Thor Rise

Sif and the three samurai also started to act.

Sif walked to the other side and said, "Divert him."

The three samurai nodded. After years of fighting side by side, they knew exactly what Sif was going to do.

(The Four Warriors of Asgard, Sif, Hogan, Fandral, and Vostagg. Because most book friends don’t know their names and they didn’t appear in the movie, so let me introduce them.)

Hogg turned around and lunged, putting his hands on his lap and nodding at Vollstagg.

Vostagg grinned, shook the giant ax in his hand, and jumped onto Hogan's palm with a vigorous step, using his strength to fly up.

Vostagg is very confident in this trick, and Braun can definitely defeat the Destroyer after all trials.

He raised his huge ax in the air and shouted: "For God's Domain!!!"

Seeing something flying over, the Destroyer casually raised his hand and knocked Vostagg away.

Vostagg lay on the ground and stared at the Destroyer.

Loki, sitting on the throne of Asgard, smiled with satisfaction.

This is what will happen to you for disobeying the king's order!

The Destroyer gradually approached Vostagg, the flames in his body began to use his face.

Just as the flames were about to shoot out, a long sword pierced the Destroyer's throat from behind.

The flames in the Destroyer's armor also gradually extinguished, and finally lowered its head.

Vostagg also immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Sif stood on the Destroyer, smiled at Vostagg and said, "Good job."

Suddenly, the flame in the Destroyer's body ignited again.

The whole body of steel began to rotate, and Sif, who was standing on the back of the destroyer, faced the destroyer by the way.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Sif immediately jumped to the ground, but a steel palm hit Sif on the back.

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