Considering that scp-096 has become invisible and cannot be seen, but it is still determined to be in the containment room, it was decided to change the containment room.

It is planned to modify SCP-096's containment chamber into a movable block.

Use the inward squeeze method to squeeze SCP-096 into an immobile space.

The whole body is wrapped in bandages to make it look like a mummy.

Shelling the abdomen to take out the snake charm.

(The plan has been approved and is being implemented)

Chapter 51 Scientific Cockroaches

Thor and Dr. Eric Savage just sat down at the bar!

Thor confided a little sadly: "You know what, I messed up everything and did all the wrong things."

Dr. Savage reassures: "Not knowing everything is not necessarily a bad thing, as long as you start asking the right questions."

"For the first time in my life I didn't know what to do."

Dr. Savig filled Thor with wine: "Then let's have a drink first!"

Suddenly the whole bar trembled, and it only lasted for a few seconds before returning to calm, and the crowd in the bar just went quiet for a while before continuing to do their own thing.

"How can there be an earthquake here in Mexico?" Dr. Savig said.

Thor murmured: "Could it be someone from Asgard?" He immediately ran out the door with a face full of joy.

Because the small earthquake also interrupted Coulson who was talking to Wang Yue, Coulson turned his head and asked, "What's going on?"

An agent said: "Sir, the Northwest Territories is the source of the vibration, the specific cause is not clear."

Wang Yue looked at the panel, and sure enough, the countdown of scp-3035 had reset to zero, could it be caused by scp-3035?

Then X9 should be here, Wang Yue tentatively said: "X9?"

X9: "Commander, I'm transmitting scp-3035 data."

"Has scp-3035 arrived yet?"

X9: "Scp-3035 has arrived with Site-173."

"How far has scp-3035 evolved?"

"Commander, Site-173 has two entrances and exits. There may be about 1 SCP-3035 inside. The combat power is about equal to that of the US Navy SEALs, with heavy weapons. There may be other living SCP personnel inside the base."

Wang Yue's face was solemn, once so many sco-3035 fight, it will be war!

"If I directly use missiles to destroy the base, will it kill them?"

"Site-173 was built with nuclear explosion-proof standards, and nuclear bombs with a yield of less than 500 tons cannot be destroyed. Moreover, there are a lot of black technology from the SCP Foundation in the base, which is exactly what you need right now."

"What if poisonous gas is used? Like cockroach medicine."

X9: "The scp foundation has already tried. When some scp-3035 die, other scp-3035 will evolve targeted immunity. When the foundation euthanized it, it did not know this, which led to its breach of containment of."

Wang Yue murmured: "It seems that we can only attack by force."

Everyone came to the vibration source together, a huge crater with a diameter of 3000 meters, with a huge artificial building in the middle, and Site-173 was engraved on the upper left of the building.

Wang Yue waved his hand: "Surround the two entrances and exits, kill them immediately when you see them."

Coulson also leaned over and asked, "What is this?"

"scp3035 containment base."

Wang Yue said to Estes: "Stay here."

Estes nodded, a burst of blue light erupted from his body, and a 5-meter-high ice wall surrounded the entire crater, leaving only one entrance and exit, and several helicopters hovered above.

Suddenly, two tentacles protruded from Exit A, and a strange creature with a height of about 1.8 meters stood curiously at Exit A and looked out.

Wang Yue gave him a hand and pulled it back.

The black shadow floated uncontrollably in front of Wang Yue.

A cockroach that walks upright?It's not tight, it just walks upright, the legs become thick and powerful, the four arms have evolved the same palms as humans, the five fingers are flexible, and they can use or make tools.

The face is just an enlarged version of the head of a cockroach, and the back is still the shell of a cockroach, which is very likely to have the flying ability of a cockroach. The most bizarre thing is that you can actually see the 8-pack abdominal muscles.

After a little research, he clenched his fists casually, and the scientific cockroaches suspended in the air were squeezed and crushed by an invisible force around them.

Wang Yue said in surprise: "Even the internal organs have evolved to resemble human beings."

Estes saw scp-3035 frowning all the time, obviously disgusted.

Coulson was also dumbfounded, and asked in shock: "Is this an alien?"

"No, this is the cockroach on the earth, a cockroach that can imitate other species and evolve infinitely." Wang Yue glanced at Agent Sitwell: "You are responsible for dispersing the crowds that may exist around, and don't let them touch any A powerful individual."

Agent Sitwell glanced at Coulson, who was on the phone, then nodded and turned to leave, but his fingers kept clicking.

After making the phone call, Coulson came forward and asked, "Are you going to station troops here?"

Wang Yue nodded: "Leihu, put those Vulcan guns over there, and arrange the anti-corrosion missiles."


The corners of Coulson's eyes twitched. I'm afraid you want to die. You are so arrogant in New Mexico!

"If you set up a military base like this, you will definitely be discovered by the U.S. government. Those five hooligans are not called for nothing."

Wang Yue smiled mysteriously: "I know, but soon they won't have time to care about me."

"What do you mean?" Coulson asked solemnly.

Wang Yue smiled and walked away, leaving only Coulson to keep guessing what would happen to make the five hooligans unable to make a move.

"Xiao Ai, come in with me!"


one one one one one one one one (file) one one one one one one one

science cockroach

Item #: SCP-3035

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: All known instances of SCP-3035 are currently contained at the defunct Foundation Containment Site-173. Site-173 (a decommissioned Foundation site) has two entry points: Entry Point A and Entry Point B.

Entrance A (main entrance) has been buried with 4 meters of concrete.Entrance B (vacuum tube transport system) is used for transport and delivery within Site-173. MTF Nu-13 "Rasczak's Roughnecks" (Rasczak's Roughnecks) will establish a temporary stronghold at Entrance B.They are to terminate any instances of SCP-3035 that appear.

About once a week, a package emerges from the vacuum tube system at Inlet B.Often packages will contain various non-anomalous materials (see below).These packages will be placed in a quarantine area, where they will be inspected, recorded and then incinerated.

Entrance to Site-173 is off limits until further notice.

Description: SCP-3035 is a species of Periplanetaamericana (American cockroach, or water bug), capable of simulating the behavior and appearance of any dominant species in its ecosystem, even its strength and body structure.

This mimicry is limited to a fairly superficial degree.For example: SCP-3035 instances can reproduce the coloration and basic behavior of wasps, but cannot reproduce the complex social network and unique communication methods of bee colonies.

Instances of SCP-3035 will imitate each other far faster than other species.This creates a powerful feedback loop: once an individual adapts to a new shape or behavior, all other instances of SCP-3035 will quickly mimic that behavior or shape.

It should be emphasized that all mimicry is a superficial approximation - simply an insect's attempt to roughly 'look', 'imitate' another species.However, regardless of the degree of this mimicry, SCP-3035 instances retain many expected behaviors of cockroaches.

Evaluation: Cockroaches reproduce sexually and asexually. If they are exposed to males for a long time, can the female cockroaches disappear completely, and then a group of homosexuals will be born, which will eventually become extinct naturally.

Experiment 1-1 (unapproved)

Proposed by: Bruce Banner

Drive scp-096 to kill scp-3035

In view of the characteristics of scp-096, if a photo of scp-173 is pasted inside the two exits of Site-096, A and B, is it possible for scp-096 to replace the task force to guard the Site-173 base.

Risk: There is a high probability that SCP-3035 mimics the physical properties of SCP-096.And scp-096's current invisibility is very likely to cause unexpected damage.

Experiment 1-2

Order scp-M006 Aretha to enter Site-173 alone.

Order two D-class personnel to enter Site-006 with scp-M173 Aretha.

The records show that SCP-M006 Aretha became demonized and pulled scp-3035 into the inner world. At first, scp-3035 suffered heavy casualties, but quickly adapted to the rules of the inner world and evolved the characteristics of the inner world.

scp-M006 Aretha cannot effectively kill scientific cockroaches in the other world.

In the end, scp-3035 multiplied in the inner world, and scp-M006 had to disarm the inner world and exit Site-173.

Aretha sends a message to the devil: a group of soulless creatures are not worthy of living in this world. …

Experiments 1-3 (over cruelty)

Proposer: Estes

Order 10 D-class personnel to enter Site-173 and kill each other, only the last D-class personnel can survive.

Clear the passage of SCP-3035 in advance to prevent the direct death of D-class personnel.


Effect: One week later, SCP-3035 was observed to be fighting internally.

Two weeks later, SCP-3035 returned to normal herd status.

The experiment is over.

D-3 was selected as an E-Class Temporary Formation Reserve.

Chapter 52 Enters Site 173

Wang Yue took Estes to A channel.

No SCP-3035 was seen in the passage, and the walls were clean and white, the floor was free of dust, and the facilities were neatly arranged. Only regular cleaning can maintain this appearance.

Wang Yue frowned, did scp-3035 imitate the cleaner?

If there is a cleaner version of scp-3035, it can only prove that they have completely imitated the behavior of the personnel of the entire foundation, and what they will face is not a simple team, but another replica of the foundation.

The two continued to move forward, and at a corner, they encountered a group of scp-3035 wearing special combat uniforms, almost 30 of them.

Both sides were stunned for a while, Wang Yue did not expect to meet the scp-3035 of the special forces, the scp-3035 special forces raised their guns to shoot, but the accuracy was a bit poor, and sometimes they would hit the compatriots in front, but relying on the large number of people , Huge firepower still spread all over the entire passage.

Wang Yue stretched out a hand, and the bullets fired were completely still one meter in front of Wang Yue, suspended in the air, no matter how strong the firepower was, it could not shake the air wall.

The scp-3035 special team was stunned for a moment, and some scientific cockroaches even stretched out a hand to imitate Wang Yue's movements.

Wang Yue pushed his hand forward, and the bullets suspended in the air were returned at a high speed, blasting all the scientific cockroaches in the passage.

Wang Yue looked at their corpses and murmured, "It shouldn't be!"

Estes asked curiously, "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking that this kind of combat power foundation can completely settle it! But why is there still a containment breach?"

"Maybe it's because I'm afraid that the loss will be too serious!"

Wang Yue nodded: "Probably!"

"Where do we go next? SCP-3035's lab?"

"No, go to the main control room. You must let the Red Queen control the base, so that you can observe SCP-3035 at any time in the future."

The two opened the passage door and entered the base hall, and were stunned the next second.

There were countless scp-3035 scientific cockroaches, densely packed, and the originally empty base hall seemed a bit crowded.

Wang Yue finally understood why the SCP Foundation couldn't deal with SCP-3035. There were too many of them. The corner of his mouth twitched: "It's a meeting!"

A blue light emanated from Esdeth, covering the entire hall in a blink of an eye, and the scientific cockroaches that had just raised their guns fell into the ice instantly, forming lifelike ice sculptures.

Wang Yue said helplessly: "It's better for you to come!"

Estes muttered in a low voice: "I should have let it go, I don't want to see such a disgusting creature."

A dark blue light spread from Esdeth to the ground, and the frost began to freeze to form a cavalry of ice crystals.

The ice crystal cavalry gave a military salute to Esdeth, and then attacked all the passages.

Wang Yue was stunned: "You have this ability, why didn't you use it earlier!"

Estes curled his lips: "You didn't ask! Besides, they are just a little better than ordinary people, and they are not very useful."

Thor had already run to the vicinity of the crater at this time, looking solemnly at the city wall made of ice crystals, where a soldier wearing a skull mask was constantly patrolling.

Dr. Shaweige was stunned: "How did this happen? It's really a miracle!"

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