When SCP-M001-06 is activated, the energy of SCP-M001-06 will spread throughout the body, and the user will enter a kind of optical invisibility, leaving no shadows, and thermal imaging cannot be observed.

The energy provided by SCP-M001-06 is continuously supplied to the whole body, and objects in contact with the body will enter the invisible state together, but objects with a diameter of more than 50cm cannot be invisible.

SCP-M001-06 contains a huge amount of energy, and when it is used, it can be activated at most 1/10 at a time. It is puzzling that more energy cannot be used.It is suspected that there are other abilities that have not been developed.

Discovered in the United States in 2014, SCP-M001-06 is considered to be one of the Chinese zodiac signs, and there are 11 other animals that are the same.

Nemesis: Users of SCP-M001-06 who can be observed using energy detection glasses.

Evaluation: It is not very useful in actual combat, but it can increase the interest of life.

Experiment 1-1

Proposer: Cheng Wutian (Dad) of Class B personnel

scp-096 is a humanoid creature that will go berserk and chase after the target when it sees its face, what if it can't see its face.

Give scp-096 the snake charm, will it solve the problem after scp-096 enters invisibility?

The command is controlled by the Red Queen, a mechanical device with a snake charm inlaid inside, and the snake charm will automatically fall off when an abnormality occurs.

SCP-096 seemed curious when he saw the snake charm.

SCP-096 picked up the snake charm and successfully activated the snake charm.

Order a D-class member to enter the containment chamber.

There were no sad cries from SCP-096 in the containment room, and the D-class personnel were not in any danger of life.

The experiment was successful, and the snake charm fell off.

Red alert:

Experimental anomaly SCP-096 eats the snake charm and enters a state of invisibility.

Currently, the foundation is urgently researching how to observe the energy of the snake charm without seeing the glasses of scp-096's face.

Chapter 50 Thor

"After the red, when Ivan Vanke comes, take him through the brainwashing package first. Then let him come to me."

"Okay, Commander."

Ivan Vanke followed Lei Hu into the underground base with an expression of being number one in the world.

"The base is pretty big! Where will you take me next!"

Lei Hu took out his sunglasses and put it on, took out a metal rod and said, "Look here."


A blinding white light flashed, and Lei Hu took off his sunglasses and said, "You just joined the organization and you need to have a physical examination, it won't hurt you, sit on it."

Ivan Vanke nodded blankly.

A moment later, Lei Hu came to Wang Yue with a confused Ivan Vanke.

"What's the situation! Is this person useless?" Wang Yue looked at Ivan Vanke who was still drooling and said.

Lei Hu replied: "Commander, this is just a sequela of brainwashing, it will be fine after a while."

"Forget it, take it with you! When he recovers, let him only be in charge of weapon research and development, and the level will be C-level."


Wang Yue pondered for a moment and said, "Red Empress, how is the base construction going?"

"Commander, the main base of the magic star base has been built, and the site 001 base and site 002 base are under construction."

A flash of determination flashed in Wang Yue's eyes, it was time to expand.

"System, I want to exchange for scp team members."

A panel popped up in my mind.

Wang Yue

Containment point: 24800 points

Guard points: 22820 points


(New task) Temporary transfer of SCP-049 (Plague Doctor) containment remaining time 684:59:51.

Wang Yue frowned, and the countdown to SCP-3035 started. Did it even teleport to a base?

"In exchange for 1000 C-level fighters, 100 C-level scientific research personnel, 500 C-level logistics personnel, 300 C-level engineering personnel, and 10 Pandora squads."

The guard point on the panel immediately becomes 820 points.

"Queen Red, there are new troops coming and let them go directly to New Mexico. The Pandora team will go there together."

"Good commander, but our current funds are not enough to supply so many troops."

Wang Yue was stunned: "You mean you have no money?"

"Yes, the manufacture of guns, containment rooms and bases, and the invisibility of scp-096 require a lot of funds for research, and the remaining funds can last up to 3 months."

Wang Yue slapped his head, what should we do, should we go to the country to negotiate?

No, once the current foundation is exposed to several big countries, it will be forcibly divided immediately, and other countries will not allow another organization similar to S.H.I.E.L.D.

"How is Hanmer Industries doing now?"

"There are currently two orders, one is 600 billion US dollars from General Ross, and the other is 300 billion US dollars from the military department. The money has not yet arrived."

"Hurry them up, and mainly search for Wakanda. Let's get some gold from them first!"

"Commander, there is news from New Mexico that a hammer has been found that fell from the sky, and it is now under the control of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Wang Yue's eyes flashed: "Hammer?"

The corners of the mouth gradually turned up: "Good thing, I want it."


Coulson said to a blond man in the interrogation room: "From my experience, you are a trained fighter. Why don't you tell me where you received your training, Pakistan? Chechnya? Afghanistan?"

The blond man looked a bit decadent and said nothing.

Suddenly Coulson's cell phone rang.

"Stay where you are."

Turn around and go to the interrogation room, but another man in a suit is reflected on the wall.


Coulson answered the phone: "Director."

"The people who discovered the SCP Foundation went to New Mexico. Their target should be you. Cooperate with them. Maybe they know what the hammer is."


Coulson said to a bald agent wearing glasses, "Sitwell, get ready."

Sitwell's eyes flickered, and he realized that things were not simple. Where did the news from S.H.I.E.L.D. come from? Who wants to come?

Five Quin-jet fighters with the logo of the Foundation outside the base slowly landed.

Wang Yue and Estes walked out of the cabin.

Wang Yue pointed to the agents who were waiting in full force and said, "Colson, you don't have to be so serious when you see me!"

Coulson waved his hand to signal the agents to put away their weapons, and said with a smile, "A man broke into the base just now, so I'm on guard now."

Wang Yue quickly walked into the base: "No wonder, the black bald head should have told you all about it!"

"Yes, but you only have research rights."

Wang Yue nodded, since you can't get it anyway, it would be nice if you could touch the hammer.

Estes suddenly looked in the direction of the hammer: "There seems to be someone there."

Wang Yue and Coulson also turned their heads to look: "No!"

Estes wondered, "Maybe I'm overthinking it."

Loki tried to pull the hammer out several times, found that he couldn't move the hammer at all, and finally had to give up.

A trace of astonishment appeared on his face when his eyes inadvertently swept across Esdeth, and he murmured, "There are still frost giants here?"

Detective Sitwell came up and said, "Sir, he's here for a visit."

Wang Yue suddenly said: "Let him wait a while, I will take me to meet the person who broke in first."

Wang Yue entered the interrogation room alone, staring curiously at the person on the seat.


"who are you?"

"I'm a member of the SCP Foundation, you can understand it as the defender of this planet."

Thor lowered his head and ignored it.

Wang Yue said again: "I know about you, and I also know everything that happened to you. Due to your great destructive power, from now on you will be included in the containment of the SCP Foundation, and the level will be safe."

Thor laughed at himself: "I'm just an ordinary person now, without any power, an abandoned person."

Wang Yue said temptingly: "I can help you restore your divine power, but I have one requirement. After you recover, you must admit that you are a member of the SCP Foundation."

Thor raised his head sharply: "Can you really help me?"

"Of course, as long as you agree to the conditions, I will arrange it next."

Thor thought about it seriously, no matter how you look at this kind of transaction, he is not losing money!

"Okay, I agree."

Wang Yue walked out of the interrogation room looking a little happy. With a little more people, he could form the Women's Federation by himself.

Wang Yue said to Coulson: "I finished asking, and I didn't find any problems."

Coulson glanced suspiciously at Wang Yu and said, "Let him go and send someone to follow him."

one one one one one one one one (file) one one one one one one one


Item #: SCP-M008

Mjolnir (Quake)


Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: None

Description: SCP-M008 is an adult male approximately 1.9 meters tall, with blond hair, and a life expectancy of approximately 3000 years.

SCP-M008 is usually mild-tempered, somewhat funny, and more fond of food, no different from normal people.

SCP-M008 has extremely strong physical fitness, and its anti-strike ability can withstand a maximum of 341 tons of targeted attacks.

SCP-M008-1 is a hammer with a length of 30 cm. There are mysterious patterns engraved on both sides of the hammer, suspected to be magical engravings.Legend has it that the hammerhead is forged from the center of the dying planet, and the handle is made from the wood of the world tree.

It is not possible to move the original location without approval.


Experiment 1-1

In view of the immovability of Thor's Hammer, will it trap SCP-682 forever if Thor's Hammer is placed on SCP-682?

Ordered Thor to place Thor's hammer on the head of scp-682, and scp-682 was immediately crushed to the ground and could not move.

Order a D-Class to tease SCP-682.

In a rage, SCP-682 tore off at least half of its own head with its claws, freeing itself from Mjolnir's shackles.

D-class personnel die.

Special experiment (scp-096) (in progress)

Presenter: Dr. Amumu

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