"Who are you?"

"You'll know soon..." Before Esdeath finished speaking, John suddenly rushed up and punched Esdesh's delicate face, wanting to sneak attack.

However, just as the fist was stretched out in front of Esdeth, John's body suddenly froze and couldn't move. He lowered his head and found that his lower body was completely frozen with the ground, but he didn't feel anything.

John laughed grimly: "Do you think this bit of ice can stop me? You are a little naive!" He clenched his fists and slammed on the ice block. Under the blessing of the bull charm, the ice block was crushed by a huge force, but John himself also fell to the ground.

John suddenly felt something was wrong, looked at his lower body in disbelief, and shouted in horror: "Where are my legs? Where are my legs?"

Estes sat leisurely on a throne made of ice crystals, looking noble and glamorous: "The cow charm only enhances your strength, not your physical fitness. So you are actually just an ordinary person, When a person's body is frozen, if you break it, it will disappear with the ice!"

"Impossible! This is impossible! I want revenge, I want revenge." John shouted hysterically.

A flash of anger flashed in Esdeth's eyes, and he snorted softly: "I don't know what to do, but you still want to take revenge after you spare your life." An ice thorn appeared out of thin air and pierced John's chest.

Estes stood up and walked out without looking back, and ordered: "The speed is packed and go back."

John lay on the ground, allowing the Mobile Task Force to find the two charms and leave, powerless to resist.

I don't know how long it took, and Kim appeared in front of John.

"I know a doctor who can help you become stronger."

John subconsciously moved slightly, and then fell into endless darkness.


The Coiling Dragon statue hanging on the wall cursed with red eyes: "I told you to bring back the amulet and see what you did. It doesn't matter that the dragon amulet was lost, and the tracker was almost taken away."

Valon said with an aggrieved look: "I can't beat her! In fact, there is also good news."

The Holy Master was taken aback, and there was actually good news: "What good news?"

"At least we found the organization that collected the spells."

"What organization?"

Valon shook his head in a daze and said, "I don't know either."

The Holy Lord immediately cursed secretly: What kind of pig teammate did I find, if it weren't for the other people's hard control, I would have killed you long ago.

The Holy Master said: "I will arrange someone for you, he can help you."

A burly man with red hair and mustache walked in.

Valon was startled, did he come to spy on me?

He asked angrily, "Who are you?"

The strong man touched his sexy mustache and said arrogantly: "My name is Heihu Afu! You are ready to die!"

one one one one one one one one (file) one one one one one one one

cow charm

Item #: SCP-M001-02

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: It is to be placed in a 5*5*5m containment room together with other charms, and the internal 360-degree lighting must not cause shadows (to prevent theft by the Shadow Corps).Non-B-level members and above are not allowed to enter.

Description: SCP-M001-02 is a regular octagon made of unknown material, with each side measuring 1.5 cm and a height of 1 cm, with a cow engraved on the front and text written on the back.


When SCP-M001-02 is activated, SCP-M001-02 will provide a great force that can be transmitted to any part of the body.But does not provide physical enhancement.

The enormous strength provided by SCP-M001-02 is limited by physical fitness.

SCP-M001-02 contains a huge amount of energy, and when it is used, it can be activated at most 1/10 at a time. It is puzzling that more energy cannot be used.

Discovered in the United States in 2014, SCP-M001-02 is considered to be one of the Chinese zodiac signs, and there are 11 other animals that are the same.

Comments: Something that allows you to wrestle with scp-682.

Experiment 1-1

An emaciated D-1 personnel was ordered to starve for 3 days and test strength using the Bull Charm.

The D-1 personnel received a total of 3 punches.

Bare fists are: 2kg, 2kg, 1.5kg.

The cow charms used are: 654kg, 469kg, 591kg.

The Bull Charm provides 300 times that power.

Order a physically strong D-2 personnel to be in peak physical condition and test strength with the Bull Charm.

The D-2 hits 3 punches respectively.

Bare boxing is: 200kg, 214kg, 198kg.

The cow charms used are: 1540kg, 1619kg, 1650kg.

Experiment 1-2

Due to D-2 personnel requesting to fight scp-682.

Reason for application: It is rumored in the prison that SCP-682 can be defeated and escaped.


Special Procedures: The Bull Charm is to be attached to a small device, and when a D-Class is deemed to be dying, the Bull Charm will automatically flee away from SCP-682.

scp-682 left a message: This meaty tendon......

Chapter 49 Ross Joins

Wang Yue played with the two charms in his hand, nodded in satisfaction, and behind him, there were [-] black balls floating in the air strangely, forming a circle.

"Not bad, well done."

Estes said with some regret: "It's a pity that I didn't get that spell tracker."

Wang Yue said indifferently: "It's okay, it can't escape."

Suddenly it was red and projected: "Commander, we have successfully taken over the weapon part of Hammer Industries, but Ivan Vanke was detained by General Ross."

"General Ross? Send him an invitation to come over in the afternoon, and I will meet him."


General Ross is sitting in the office looking at various financial reports, feeling a little headache, why is there a shortage of money everywhere!

Suddenly, the mobile phone received a text message from no sender:

At 2 o'clock today, you are invited to...  

Rose's face lit up, and the money giver came.


"Commander, General Ross has arrived, and the cafe outside is surrounded by troops."

Wang Yue looked carefully at the street, and sure enough, the street outside had been blocked by the army.


Wang Yue walked quickly to the living room.

He smiled and said, "General Ross, I have long admired your name."

Ross said angrily, "You are the one who asked me out? Who are you?"

Wang Yue said indifferently: "Some time ago I got the weapon manufacturing industry of Hanmer, and Ivan Vanke is my chief engineer, so I want to talk to General Ross."

Ross laughed and said: "A businessman actually uses criminals, it is because of businessmen like you that the world is not peaceful."

"General Ross, I want to correct you here. Ivan Vanke is not a criminal. What I did is not illegal. We are also contributing to world peace."

Ross said with a serious face: "Joke, don't think about other ideas, let me tell you, no... maybe... possible."

It seems that this old fox wants to take advantage, otherwise he wouldn't be so shameless.But after thinking about it, Ross is very powerful in the military and has a lot of connections in Congress. Otherwise, why would Hulk be alive and kicking when things like that happen.

Wang Yue said with a smile: "Actually, we are an organization called the SCP Foundation that protects world peace. Is General Ross interested in knowing more about it?"

Ross frowned: "It doesn't matter to me what organization you are, that's what the CIA should be in charge of, I don't care and don't want to know."

"General Ross, don't worry, I know you are researching Superman serum, but since the appearance of Hulk, Congress has stopped funding, right, maybe I can help you."

Ross was not surprised at all that Wang Yue knew about the Superman project. After the appearance of the Hulk, anyone with any influence would know that he was researching Superman serum, so he frowned immediately: "How can I help?"

Wang Yue snapped his fingers, and the weapon design was projected on the desktop immediately.

"This is our newly researched weapon, an electromagnetic rifle. One shot is more powerful than a grenade. It has been tested and has not yet been put into actual combat."

Ross can naturally see the power of the electromagnetic rifle: "How do you want to do it?"

"It's simple. This weapon is extremely expensive. As long as General Ross purchases our weapons, I can give you 15% back. The premise is that you join the SCP Foundation."

Ross frowned, with a big appetite, and wanted to pull me into the organization: "I want 25%. And I can't get into the organization, I'm an American soldier."

Wang Yue hurriedly said: "General Ross, don't rush to refuse. If you join the SCP Foundation, I will provide you with a lot of convenience for your research: such as hatred."

General Ross shrank his pupils, and asked in a deep voice, "You were those people back then!" Good!I have been looking for you for a long time!

Wang Yue nodded, and said firmly: "Hate is full of destructive desires, his destructive power is too great and he must be contained."

Ross also calmed down: "The abomination is just a failure, I don't need it."

"I can also provide a person who has been injected with super soldier serum."

Rose couldn't help laughing out loud: "Don't be kidding, Captain America died a long time ago, and I don't know where the body is."

Wang Yue shook his head, and said seriously: "It's not Captain America, maybe you've heard of it, code name: Winter Soldier."

Winter Soldier: The Winter Soldier, who once killed the Stark Howards and stole the super soldier serum.Is the killer ace killer, even though there have been rumors of seeing the Winter Soldier in recent years.

Recalling the information on the Winter Project, combined with Wang Yue's serious expression, Ross asked seriously: "Can you really provide it?"

"Of course, but you must join the SCP Foundation."

Rose said without hesitation: "Okay, I'll join."

Wang Yue handed Ross a document: "This is the scp foundation's monster hierarchy and grading method. After reading it, I need to ask you a question."

The corner of Rose's mouth twitched, he still had to take the exam.

After a while, Ross put down the document with a solemn expression, and the abomination didn't even count as a K-level.

"I finished reading, you ask!"

Wang Yue nodded: "Just one question, what should you do if the containment of K-class creatures fails."

Ross thought for a while, and said seriously: "Direct nuclear explosion."

Wang Yue was stunned for a moment, what a talent!Immediately held General Ross's hand: "Congratulations on officially becoming a member of the SCP Foundation."

Ross smiled and said, "Ivan Vanke will send it over in a while."

Wang Yue took out a card.

Thaddeus E. Ross Level 3 Clearance

C-level member

Ross nodded and turned to leave.

Estes walked up and said, "This kind of person is unreliable at first glance! Why do you want him?"

Wang Yue sighed helplessly: "The U.S. government has begun to pay attention to us, and we need someone to stop us. Ross is very good. Ross will not sell us if we cooperate with him now.

It won't be long before we don't need him anymore, and that's when the scp foundation will make its official debut. "

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snake spell

Item #: SCP-M001-06

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: It is to be placed in a 5*5*5m containment room together with other charms, and the internal 360-degree lighting must not cause shadows (to prevent theft by the Shadow Corps).Non-B-level members and above are not allowed to enter.

Description: SCP-M001-06 is a regular octagon made of unknown material, with each side measuring 1.5 cm and a height of 1 cm, with a snake engraved on the front and text written on the back.


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