Description: SCP-096 is a humanoid creature approximately 2.38 meters tall.Subject has little muscle mass, and preliminary weight analysis indicates mild malnutrition.The arms are grossly disproportionate to the body, each approximately 1.5 meters long.Most of the skin is completely free of pigment, and the body surface is hairless.

The jaw opening angle of SCP-096 can be up to four (4) times the normal jaw opening angle of an average human being.Apart from the lack of pigment in the eyes, the rest of the facial features are similar to those of ordinary humans.It is unknown if SCP-096 is blind.It has not been found to have higher brain functions, nor is it thought to be sapient.

SCP-096 is generally extremely docile, with pressure detectors in the chamber showing that it spends most of the day pacing up and down the east wall.However, when someone sees SCP-096's face, either directly, on video, or even in a photograph, it will enter a state of severe grief. SCP-096 will cover its face with its hands, and begin screaming, crying, and making inarticulate sounds.Approximately one (1) to two (2) minutes after being looked at, SCP-096 will rush towards the person who sees its face (referred to as SCP-096-1 from this point forward).



Due to the potential for the object to trigger a large-scale chain reaction, including a breach of Foundation secrecy and loss of civilian life, efforts to recover the object should be considered an Alpha-level priority.

Evaluation: If the logo of Hydra is replaced with the photo of scp-096, will Hydra be wiped out in one fell swoop? (Thanos, put your head over here, I'll show you a big baby)

One one one one one one one one one (scp-096 experiment record) one one one one one one one one one

Item: scp-096 "Shy" Man (a humanoid creature that will go berserk and chase after its target when it sees its face)

Sample test record:

Issued by the commander.

Erase Test Record: Container containing SCP-096 was delivered to SCP-682's room.Staff exits and container is slightly opened.

The two parties started screaming, which lasted 27 hours, and then the noise stopped.Sonar photography shows SCP-096 wounded and huddled in the southwest corner, seemingly depressed. SCP-682 is on the northernmost side of the room, with approximately 54% of its body mass missing.The recovery team recovered both parties into their respective storage facilities.

Later in the test, SCP-096 turned his face away upon seeing SCP-682, and screamed and scratched his own face.


Experiment 1-1

Proposer: Cheng Wutian (Dad) of Class B personnel

Let scp-096 look in the mirror, will it kill itself?

Introduce scp-096 into a room full of mirrors inside. The sonar shows that scp-096 huddles with his head in his arms, screaming continuously, and breaks all the mirrors after 1-2 minutes.

The experiment is over.

Experiment 1-2 (pending approval)

Proposer: Cheng Wutian (Dad) of Class B personnel

scp-096 is a humanoid creature that will go berserk and chase after the target when it sees its face, what if it can't see its face.

Give scp-096 the snake charm, will it solve the problem after scp-096 enters invisibility?

As there is no snake charm, the proposal is temporarily shelved.


scp-682 immortal lizard (evolution)

Undead Lizard (Evolution)

Item #: SCP-682

Object Class: Keter (World Extermination Class, cannot sustain containment)

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-682 must be destroyed as soon as possible.Currently, SCP teams are unable to destroy SCP-682, other than to inflict substantial physical damage on it. SCP-682 is to be contained in a 10mx10mx10m container (enlarged due to evolutionary size), with 50cm thick reinforced acid-resistant steel lining all interior walls.The containment container is to be filled with hydrochloric acid until SCP-682 is completely submerged and rendered incapable of resistance.If SCP-682 attempts to move, speak, or breach containment procedures, it must react quickly and with all its strength, as appropriate.

To avoid provoking SCP-682, employees are prohibited from speaking with it.Any unauthorized personnel attempting to communicate with SCP-682 are to be restrained and forcibly removed.

Containment and incapacitation are difficult due to SCP-682's frequent attempts to breach containment procedures.The Foundation will use its resources to ensure that no development occurs within fifty (50) kilometers of the site.

Description: SCP-682 is a large reptilian creature of unknown origin.It is 27 meters long and 15 meters high. Its snout is made of hard white material similar to bone, and its neck has black mane, which is extremely defensive. It shows extremely high intelligence. SCP-682 displays an aversion to all life, as evidenced by several interactions with it during containment. (See Addendum 682-B).

SCP-682 has always been observed to possess extremely high strength, speed, and quick reflexes, though the exact degree varies with its form. SCP-682's physical body grows and changes very rapidly, and through feeding or molting, SCP-682 is capable of increasing or decreasing in size. SCP-682 is capable of gaining energy from any substance it ingests, whether organic or inorganic.

Digestion of SCP-682 appears to be assisted by filter gills within the nostrils, which absorb useful substances from any solution, allowing it to continue to regenerate while contained in acid. SCP-682's ability to regenerate and adapt is astonishing, and SCP-682 can still move and communicate with 87% of its body destroyed or decayed.

682-B (Appendix) (Communication)

Wang Yue: 682, please answer why you hate all life forms.

682: (no verbal communication)

Wang Yue: It seems that you don't want to communicate. 682 This is no longer the previous universe. You have come to another universe. Maybe we can coexist peacefully.

682: ......Impossible.

Wang Yue: Then let's make a deal, you stop your growth and evolution, I guarantee you can get a rich material life, including TV dramas.

682:.......I don't trust you guys.

Wang Yue: We can try to cooperate initially to increase trust, and I can also guarantee that you will not fight with other contained objects.

682: .........Yes.

Wang Yue: Two cows are supplied every day. As long as you don't evolve, the food will not be interrupted. If you can't control yourself, you need to inform us in advance.

682: .........Yes.

(end of this call)

Conclusion: SCP-682 may have a great hatred for the previous universe, and gradually calmed down after discovering that it was not the previous universe. Whether scp-682 has the ability to cooperate remains to be seen.

One one one one one one one one one (682 experiment record) one one one one one one one one one

Since 682 tore up the agreement, the erasure experiment was initiated.

Item: scp-M005 Aretha

Sample test record:

Issued by the commander.

Termination Test Log:

Introducing scp-682 into the room where scp-M005 is located, the demon in scp-M005 seemed a little irritable, forcibly requisitioned scp-M005's body, and brought scp-682 into the inner world, and at the same time, two D-class personnel entered together.

When scp-M005 reappeared, his whole body was severely scalded. According to scp-M005, the strength of the severe damage suffered by the demon in his body dropped significantly.

SCP-682 was severely injured only in the tail, which healed quickly again.

When scp-682 appeared, he said: "The taste of darkness is still delicious!"

One D-class personnel died.

Another person was badly burned and has been rehabilitated by a prosthetic.

D-class personnel report: After scp-682 entered the inner world, a large number of strange creatures appeared in the room, and they rushed towards scp-682 crazily, ignoring the two D-class personnel at all. A large creature resembling a dragon from the west wounded SCP-682, but the dragon was also torn apart by SCP-682's claws.

Then a large number of small swarms crawled to scp-682 to bite, and the surrounding temperature rose sharply (suspected to be caused by the gradual rise in scp-682's body temperature). The swarms couldn't bear it and began to retreat, and scp-682 stuck out its tongue and began to eat.In the end, they all left the inner world.


The demon inside scp-M005 never wants to see scp-682 again.

Comment: Maybe we can't kill scp-682, but we can kill the demon inside scp-M005.

One one one one one one one one one (682 experiment record) one one one one one one one one one

Item: scp-M002-01T virus

Sample test record:

Issued by the commander.It is speculated that scp-682 will not evolve again after death, and there is a chance to completely kill scp-682.

Execution test record (this experiment is too risky)

Experiment 1-1


SCP-24 showed no noticeable change in 682 hours.

After 36 hours, SCP-682 became irritable and began to charge into the containment chamber.

After 72 hours, SCP-682's body festered and its hair fell out.

After 96 hours, SCP-682 fell into a deep sleep, and the body began to heal.

End of experiment: Presumably not enough dose.

Experiment 1-2


After 24 hours, SCP-682's appetite increased. (probably just plain hungry)

After 72 hours there was no change in SCP-682.

After 300 hours there was no change in SCP-682.

End of experiment: Presumably antibodies have evolved.

Comment: I think I need to cut off a piece of scp-682's body to develop a vaccine against the scp-M002-01T virus.

containment proposal

Proposer: Wang Yue

Build a luxurious villa for scp-682 using all vibranium-made materials.

Commander’s original words: I’m going to make you a vibrating gold scp-682 model, it’s definitely enough for you to play with.

Chapter 48 The Death of John

The shadow soldiers stared at the person coming vigilantly, and Varon and John also stared at the door closely.

A beautiful woman with blue hair and white clothes walked in, and the seven-member team behind her immediately took advantage of the favorable terrain, and the frost also froze all the exits on this floor.

John became furious when he saw the equipment on the seven-member team. He was the one who attacked him at the beginning. The image of the soldier with the skull mask has long been deeply engraved in his mind, and his fate has also changed since that day.

Estes glanced at John's position contemptuously, and said, "What are you hiding, little mouse!"

John was startled in his heart, and immediately realized that he was invisible now. Maybe she was just deceiving him, but she still rolled and shifted her position.

Valon felt that he was being ignored, but it was obvious that this woman was not easy to mess with, so he suppressed his anger and said, "My friend, we probably don't know each other!"

Estes chuckled and said, "What are you? I'm just here to get the spell."

Valon was furious: "Looking for death." Raising his hand, a pillar of flame hit Esdeth.

The water vapor in the air condensed into an ice wall to block the flame impact.

Valon's face sank: "Shadow Corps, kill her."

A pair of black arms stretched out from the shadow around Esdeth, but before they touched Esdeth, they were frozen into ice sculptures and automatically shattered into a pool of black smoke.

Valon raised his hand again to plan a super attack.

With a sound of "ding", the original flame attack did not come out, but the dragon charm on the palm fell to the ground.

Valon: "?" What's the situation, how can the charm fall off automatically.

Estes smiled and said, "Don't you know that the dragon charm will fall off when it encounters water?"

Valon laughed and said: "So what, it's fine if you don't take it with you."

Then he bent down to pick up the dragon talisman, but was soon dumbfounded. The frost on the ground spread to the dragon talisman to form a round ice ball, freezing the dragon talisman in it, and rolling towards Estes.

John's eyes are also shining, if he can get the spell, he can become stronger, and at the same time his body moves quietly towards the ice puck.Just took a step, and then the whole body was frozen into ice, and a humanoid ice sculpture appeared on the ground inexplicably.

Valon hurriedly yelled: "Shadow Corps, stop it quickly." But no shadow soldiers moved. Looking back, all the shadow soldiers in the field were not moving. thin ice.

Valon finally felt a trace of fear. With such a terrifying ability, even the shadow soldiers can't do anything about it. Besides, I'm just an ordinary person. I looked at Esdesh with some unwillingness, and then gritted my teeth and said: "I admit defeat!" , so I can go, the dragon charm is already with you."

Estes was about to nod and let him go, after all, it was still useful.Suddenly, the captain of Mobile Task Force Omega-7 said, "Sir Esdes, he has something in his hand that can track spells."

"Oh?" Esdeth said to Varon lightly: "Leave something, you go!"

The plain words revealed absolute domineering, Valon felt the great pressure, clenched his fists tightly, the veins on his forehead were throbbing, obviously holding back his anger.Wa Long also finally understood that all the money and the treasure of the Golden Rooster King were all fake, and such a strong man didn't dare to say "no" standing here.

Wa Long slowly took out the spell tracker, suddenly a pair of big hands appeared in the surrounding shadows, grabbed Wa Long and dragged him back into the shadow instantly.

Estes frowned: "Looking for death."

An icicle flew into the shadows together.

"It ran pretty fast."

Estes took a few glances at the dragon charm, threw it to the mobile task force, and then looked at the human ice sculpture.

He smiled and said, "Last time you ran away, and you still made our commander very angry. Just happen to meet this time, so why don't you come with me?"

John violently used all his strength to forcefully break through the ice, but he was also bloodied by the ice.

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