Tested by a D-class personnel who lost both eyes.

D-class personnel cannot activate while in possession of scp-M001-12.

Experiment 1-2

Tested by a blind D-class personnel.

D-class personnel can activate after holding scp-M001-12, and cannot emit laser light scorching rays. In the end, D-class personnel concentrated a large amount of energy in their brains, causing a violent explosion.The energy of the explosion exceeds that of normal laser scorching rays (test terminated)


zombie virus

Item #: SCP-M002-01

Object Class: Extinction

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-M002-01 samples are considered a Class V extreme biohazard and all relevant protocols apply.Incineration and radiation measures are to be used in the event of zero operator or external channel communication in any given 8-hour period, power failure, political or military action that could result in the facility being dismantled.

Employees who leave the operating facility will be quarantined for four months.If violated, incineration and radiation measures will be implemented.


100% contagious.

100% lethal.

Injection of the vaccine 5 hours after being infected can clear the virus, and the injection within 5-8 hours of being infected can be cleared according to different constitutions, and the vaccine has no effect after more than 8 hours.

T virus can be transmitted through air and water

Infection is transmitted through exposed mucous membranes and all bodily fluids of an infected person.

Symptoms of infection within three hours of exposure to SCP-M002-01 include:

Flu-like symptoms, high fever, and severe dementia in later stages.

Red blood cells greatly increase their oxygen storage capacity, slow blood flow, and increase muscle endurance and strength.

Hours after total organ failure, the nervous and muscular systems remain unaffected.

Metabolism drops to extremely low levels, allowing infected individuals to survive for over a decade without nutritional intake.

The high blood viscosity causes the infected person to produce only a negligible amount of bleeding when shot, punctured, and slashed.

Conditioned behavior, motor control, and instinctive behavioral mechanisms are disrupted, and cognitive abilities are severely weakened and unstable.Excessive brain cells died and became inactive in animal experiments.

Infected individuals adapt to their damaged nervous systems, but are limited to basic physical activities, including standing up, balancing on their legs, walking, biting, snatching, and crawling.Infected will try to move towards the sights, sounds, and smells of a living human being.If an infected individual comes into physical contact with a live human, will attempt to ingest the target.

Suppressing a fully infected would require extremely severe head trauma, or destruction of the spine.

After the discovery of SCP-M2014-002 in the United States in 01, vaccine artificial rainfall was carried out on the whole city to prevent the spread of the virus.


C virus zombie "pregnant woman"

Designation: scp-M002-02 (destroyed)

Object Class: Dangerous

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-M002-02 samples are considered a Class V extreme biohazard and all relevant protocols apply.Incineration and radiation measures are to be used in the event of zero operator or external channel communication in any given 8-hour period, power failure, political or military action that could result in the facility being dismantled.

Employees who leave the operating facility will be quarantined for four months.If violated, incineration and radiation measures will be implemented.

Description: SCP-M002-02 is caused by a complex prion virus that infects individuals beyond human size.Its height is about 2 meters, and its intelligence is about a 3-year-old child. It is suspected to be infected by a human pregnant woman. It has a huge belly, accounting for 3/1 of the whole body.After opening, it can shoot out 3 tentacles, which can penetrate a 3cm steel plate. It has strong toughness and a length of about 3 meters. According to the description, it should be a mutation of human organs, and it will go crazy when the tentacles are hurt.The belly has a strong bite and digests quickly.

Research on SCP-M002-02 is highly classified and is primarily intended for preventive research.

100% contagious.

100% lethal.

The SCP-M002-02C virus is an infected person mutated from the SCP-M002-01T virus

no cure

Infection is transmitted through exposed mucous membranes and all bodily fluids of an infected person.

His Infection Status: Unknown

Suppressing a fully infected would require extremely severe cranial trauma.


Stele Portal

Stele Portal

Item #: SCP-M003-01SCP-M003-02

Object Class: Extinction

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-M003-02 is considered a Class V extreme biological hazard and all relevant protocols apply.Incineration and radiation measures are to be used in the event of zero operator or external channel communication in any given 8-hour period, power failure, political or military action that could result in the facility being dismantled.

Employees who leave the operating facility will be quarantined for four months.If violated, incineration and radiation measures will be implemented.


Under normal circumstances, nothing happens when you touch the smooth side. At a specific time, when you touch the stele, it will be swallowed by the stele. The detector fails after passing the stele. The D-class personnel who came back described SCP-M003-01 as a wasteland, and nothing changed. Like a prison.

Description: SCP-M003-02 insect swarm nest is a group of aggregates composed of insects. It has no main body and the consciousness can freely switch among the insects. It is extremely difficult to kill.The swarms are extremely vigorous and can fly.

The swarms are similar to bees but smaller, and they are extremely resistant to stress, flames, and cold waves, and are not afraid of infrasound waves and various cosmic radiations.

The swarm will look for the host, and after entering the host’s body, it will gradually transfer to the brain until it enters the brain and replaces the body to emit bioelectricity. At that time, the host’s consciousness is clear, but he has no control over the body. This process only requires 48 hours.

The swarm will lay eggs while walking as it gradually moves to the brain, and the host will be eaten up by the newly born swarm in less than a month.

The SCP-M003-01 stele portal was discovered in the United States. At the same time, it was discovered that the SCP-M003-02 swarm was brought back by D-class personnel. After 3 days of observation, D-class personnel were dissected, and all insect eggs and mothers were successfully removed. After 20 days of observation, it was found that the D-class personnel had no abnormalities and had fully recovered.


Erase all D-class personnel who have entered SCP-M003-01.

Suggestion: Kill SCP-M003-02 at all costs, or never release it.

It's too dangerous!


Aretha (Demon Possessed)

Item #: SCP-M005

Object class: Keter (K ​​class is not the highest class for containment, the highest class is Thaumiel)

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-M005 is extremely special. It is housed in a 300-square-meter luxury apartment at the base with the adult human Aretha donor. The walls are made of 35 cm steel plates, and no less than 300 square meters must be left outside the walls. Meters of flat terrain, enough food and TV movies are provided for 3 days a day.If SCP-M005 attempts to escape, containment procedures must be compromised, and a quick response and full response, as appropriate, is required.

To avoid provoking SCP-M005, employees are prohibited from speaking with it.Any unauthorized personnel attempting to communicate with SCP-M005 are to be restrained and forcibly removed.

Since SCP-M005 is a donor demon, SCP-M005 behaves like a normal human most of the time, but when someone approaches

SCP-M005 will be bewitched by the demon in its body, trying to kill SCP-M005 desperately.

The demon sometimes snatches control of SCP-M005's body, but the demon cannot kill SCP-M005, and can only rely on other personnel to kill SCP-M005.

When the demon successfully snatched the body of SCP-M005, it entered another world (inner world) within 300 meters around it. The terrain was the same as the outside world, but it was dilapidated and there were a lot of abnormal creatures.

SCP-M005 is difficult to contain due to its unstable nature, and when the girl dies, the demon returns.

Evaluation: Is it really a demon?Still a ▇▇ creature.

Experiment 1-1

Instruct a D-Class to make a wish on the demon within SCP-M005.

D-Class Personnel: Are you really a demon?

Demon: Yes.

D-Class Personnel: Can you promise me a deal?

Devil: Sure, what do you want?

D-Class Personnel: My wish is to kill demons.


The D-class personnel were subsequently electrocuted with an electrical current loop around their necks for attempting to kill SCP-M005.

Experiment 1-2

Instruct a D-class personnel to enter the other world

D-Class disappears from the eyes of the experimenter


SCP-M005 told the experimenter that the D-class was eaten by the swarm in the other world.

end of experiment

Experiment 1-3 (pending approval)

Proposer: Dr. Mok

Objects that SCP-M005 can bring into reality after entering the other world.

Then if you bring in SCP-682, can you imprison SCP-682 permanently or kill SCP-682 mentally and completely to make it mentally handicapped.

Psychic spar

Psychic spar

Item #: SCP-M007

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: Placed in a transparent high-strength room of 20m*15m*10m, the room can isolate sound and shield electromagnetic waves.

Description: SCP-M007 is a huge spar made of unknown material, which emits blue-blue light, and makes a "woo-woo" sound at about 10 decibels every once in a while (about 30-70 minutes).

When SCP-M007 has tentacles resembling vines, which grow from the inside of the crystal to the surface of the crystal, and move, it seems to be alive.

When a C-level experimenter takes a knife and wants to get close to the vine, the crystal will emit powerful electromagnetic waves to affect the brain of the researcher. In severe cases, it will cause headaches, tinnitus, deafness and other symptoms, without significant damage.

Evaluation: This may be a good thing, you can be a magician in the future.

Experiment 1-1

After cleaning the memory of a D-class personnel, let him touch SCP-M006, SCP-M007 turns pink, the vines inside the crystal move, and accompanied by strong electromagnetic waves, SCP-M007 shakes violently, D-class personnel fall to the ground and wake up 1 minute later .

D-class personnel found that they had weak telekinesis, and their skin gradually became more resilient.

On the 7th day, D-class personnel can control objects weighing about 1 ton to move, but they always have nosebleeds from time to time when using the ability, and it is detected that the brain is extremely active.

On the 14th day, D-class personnel can fly freely at high speed, their bodies are resilient, ordinary cold weapons cannot scratch their skin, and when they use their abilities at their strongest, they can move and control objects weighing 3 tons. The brain is extremely active, and it is considered that there is still time to go. rising trend.

On the 15th day, the data is deleted.

Experiment 1-2

Order a D-class personnel to cut the crystal vines and the crystal part of the crystal.

When the D-class personnel cut off a small section of vines with a knife, the vines shrank obviously, and the crystals turned blood-red. A powerful shock wave exploded along with the electromagnetic waves. It turned into a gray powder within minutes, and the experiment was terminated.

Experiments 1-3 (unapproved)

Proposer: A Class B personnel who did not wish to be named

Arrange for SCP-M007 to come into contact with SCP-682.

What will happen to the research of SCP-682? Will it die?Or become Doctor Strange's version of SCP-682.

Due to the huge experimental risk of this proposal, it was rejected

"shy" person

"shy" person

Item #: SCP-096

Object Class: Euclid


Production of any photographs, videos, or portraits of SCP-5 without the permission of the Commander and members of the O096 Council is strictly prohibited.

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