Wang Yue: "You don't need to know who we are, you just need to know that you are under my control now, you can explain to them after the red queen"

Red Queen: "These bases are used to study medical experiments. They are called T virus. T is a breakthrough in medicine. It can revive corpses and retain some memories and basic instincts, but it needs to eat non-stop. It is called a zombie. Some time ago, Spence stole the T virus and caused the T virus to leak. In order to prevent the spread of the T virus, I blocked and wiped out all personnel in the base according to the original agreement of the base. The T virus has a strong transmission ability and can be contacted through air and blood. spread, the injured person will also turn into a zombie, only a large head or broken spine can kill things”

Wang Yue: Alice is here, I only fancy you

Alice immediately looked at him with strange eyes, "Scumbag." Did he want to scumbag me?

Wang Yue: That’s not what you mean. You have great potential. We, the SCP Foundation, have always been committed to protecting the earth. This time we came here only after discovering a problem that may lead to the destruction of the world. Are you interested in joining?

Alice decisively refused.

Wang Yue: It's a pity, but I still want to give you a gift to hold her down

Alice yelled what are you going to do but it was useless. After kicking two big men, she was obediently pushed to the ground. Ryan and the others were also a little excited but they were still ruthlessly suppressed. At this time, Wang Yue took out a Needle. (It’s really a needle if you don’t blow it or be black, you have to believe me, this book will not be 404)

Thank you for your support, and rest assured, even if I become a eunuch, I will not be a eunuch, otherwise my mother will be the first person to raise a knife.Horror, I was forced to write with a knife at home (T_T)

Chapter 5 "Pregnant woman" zombies?

Alice immediately remembered that this was the T virus developed by the umbrella.Is he going to inject himself

Alice struggled frantically, but it was useless. She waited until all the T-virus injections were completed before letting her go.

Alice fell powerlessly to the ground "why?"

"You have a different physique. You are one of the few people in this world who can accept the T virus. The T virus will make you stronger. It is specially developed for you."

Alice trembled in severe pain for a while, and then felt that everything was dull.

Standing up and looking at my hands, I didn't mutate into a monster. Instead, I felt that I had endless strength all over my body, and my eyesight was greatly enhanced, and I could hear other people's heartbeats.His face was full of disbelief.

"Then why did you inject me with this, do you think you can control me now?"

"No, no, I want you to do me a favor. There is a very strong monster in the training chamber. I can't let him run to the ground. I need your help to control it so that we can contain it."

Then I saw Wang Yue appearing in front of Alice in an instant and kicking directly.Alice's pupils shrank, and before she could raise her hand, she was kicked against the wall.

"You also need to understand that you are not the only one with this ability"

Ryan and her friends next to her were stunned.It's like discovering the truth of the world

Seeing their surprised expressions, Wang Yue felt overwhelmed with a sense of accomplishment, the spell is really powerful!Looks like more spells need to be obtained.Go back and take good care of Jackie Chan

"I can promise you, but you have to make sure they can get out alive"

Wang Yue sneered and said, "I can guarantee that I won't kill them if they don't make trouble for me, but I don't know if they can survive and you have no other choice."

"Since you have the T virus, the antidote is also with you."

"Not now, I discovered that T virus in the laboratory. But the troops outside have an antidote"

The medicine is prepared for our own people. If Alice joins in, I can give it to her. Giving it to her now is a waste

Then I ignored them. Although I don't know what's in the C virus's cultivation warehouse, but now Wang Yue has an idea about it. If he can contain it, he will contain it. If he can't contain it, he will kill him to get a containment point. It's not bad.

Red Queen: Your Excellency Commander, when I pull out my mainboard, it will cause a power outage, and all zombies will escape at that time.In order to prevent this situation, I will separate out a subroutine, which can control the power supply, and it will directly start the backup power supply within 1 second after the power failure, but the backup power supply can only last for one hour.”

The staff of the special forces team next to the umbrella couldn't help being stunned. The red queen is the artificial intelligence of the umbrella company, and now it's called Commander Wang Yue. So this person in front of him is his boss?I haven't seen it.

Wang Yue and Lei Hu discussed it, killing one monster in an hour is enough time

Wang Yue: Execute it like this

The lights just flickered and everything went back to normal.

"Lei Hu, take a small team to check if any zombies have come out of the laboratory, the second team of 5 people will plant bombs in the training warehouse, and the other 5 people will follow me," Wang Yue ordered.

Looking at the group of people squatting on the ground with their hands on their heads, "you also act together. If you can get out alive, I will give you an antidote. I hope you can have some brains and don't do anything that misunderstood me." I returned it.


In a cultivation room that is obviously one size larger than the others, a 2-meter-tall fat man can be seen suspended inside the box, and the tubes inserted into his body are constantly feeding in black matter.Suddenly, a spark from the power supply of the stand broke, and the black eyes opened instantly.

"Commander, a team with no abnormalities and no zombies found"

"Commander, the second team has planted a bomb and found a change in the training warehouse"

Wang Yue immediately ran into the training room. At this time, everyone was already waiting for orders. With so many people, Wang Yue was not afraid that he would not be able to beat it.

"Boom" only heard a loud bang, and the door of the training room was thrown away, and a 3 cm thick iron door immediately hit the two members of the SCP special forces team, and the two fell to the ground and seemed out of breath.

At this time, a two-meter-tall zombie walked out of the training warehouse, with a big belly that could open like a chrysanthemum.Staring at them with wide eyes, an unknown growl came out of his mouth.


Wang Yue was also shocked and shot crazily, but it had no effect at all. The bullet could only sink into the skin a little bit, then lost its kinetic energy and fell directly to the ground.

"What kind of monster is this?" Before the captain of the Umbrella Special Forces could finish his sentence, the "pregnant woman" rushed into the face and punched him. The whole upper body flew out, leaving the lower body still in place.

Lei Hu suddenly shouted "Hidden"

However, the belly of the "pregnant woman" shot out 3 tentacles, which directly pierced through 3 scp members and even one of them was hiding behind the training chamber. The two pulled back, their big stomachs were pinched lightly, and the upper body of the two people was eaten directly. It took only a few seconds and when they opened it again, they found that they had been digested.

The "pregnant woman" kept colliding, but the scp team members couldn't do effective damage, and the tentacles kept shooting out, ending one life after another.

In a cracked training warehouse next to the Umbrella Special Forces, a huge claw easily tore open the iron door, and a creeper walked out. While everyone was still fighting the "pregnant woman", they rushed into the crowd and shot an SCP flying. The team members patted Matt again with their paws, and Matt stepped back immediately, but his shoulder was still scratched with blood.The creeper's tongue pierced Karp, and immediately ate directly on the spot.

The rampaging "pregnant woman" stopped suddenly, turned around and shot 3 tentacles at the crawler, entangled the crawler's feet, and the crawler kept screaming and wanted to back up, but it didn't work. Under the powerful force, the crawler It was pulled over little by little, and then its stomach bit off the reptile's head. A generation of reptiles had just eaten human DNA and were about to evolve into predators, and thus became the nourishment of others.

Then 3 tentacles shot out again but didn't hit anyone, but the tentacles slammed and knocked 1 scp member away

Alice saw the opportunity at once, picked up a steel pipe and poked it on the tentacles, and successfully broke one of the tentacles. The "pregnant woman" screamed in pain, retracted the tentacles, and immediately rushed towards Alice.

Alice also dodged hastily, one accidentally fell to the ground, and when the "pregnant woman" was about to step on Alice

Suddenly Alice disappeared, Wang Yue hugged Alice and appeared beside her, and the "pregnant woman" stepped on the air and immediately turned to chase Alice

"You lead it to the bomb, I'll be back to pick you up then"

"Okay" Alice jumped down, took a gun and shot the "pregnant woman" blind in one eye, "the pregnant woman went crazy and chased Alice desperately again."

Wang Yue also took advantage of this time to immediately use the rabbit charm to bring the survivors out of the explosion range of the bomb.

"Leihu, after I bring Alice back, you can just detonate those bombs."

After finishing speaking, he dodged to concentrate the bombs not far from Alice.

"run here"

Alice ran and shot, and then jumped onto Wang Yue.

Wang Yue hugged Alice and stood on top of the bomb without moving

Intuition told him that the "pregnant woman" must be closer, otherwise the bomb might not have any effect.

But seeing the sweat on the heads of the zombies getting closer and closer, I kept shouting in my heart, "Hurry up, or I won't have a chance to leave"

Finally, the "pregnant woman" stepped into the bomb and slapped it with a palm. The wind blew Wang Yue's hair.

"It's now" ran to Lei Hu as if teleporting, and Lei Hu pressed the detonation button without hesitation


The whole base shook.The sealing measures in the laboratory failed, and all the sealings were opened.Rows of zombies keep pouring out

"Isn't he dead yet?" Wang Yue didn't receive the information that the storage point had received the money.

"Wait, I'll finish him" Wang Yue was stopped by Alice just as he was about to leave

"go together"

Wang Yue, Alice, Lei Hu and the remaining 4 members of the SCP Special Forces went down to check.

Debris all over the floor, this floor was blown up, all the crawlers died before they showed their faces, and the "pregnant woman" was miserable, half of her head was rotten, her legs were blown up and she flew to nowhere, There is only one hand left, and the whole body is paralyzed there without moving.

"Looks like he's dead." Wang Yue felt a little regretful. He paid so much but got nothing

"Commander, be careful." An SCP member suddenly flew towards Wang Yue, but he himself was pierced through the head by the tentacles shot by the "pregnant woman".

Lei Hu and Alice immediately shot back and shot the "pregnant woman" in the head until she was completely smashed.

Wang Yue sat on the ground blankly at this moment, watching the team member who saved him arrive on the ground.He didn't even pay attention to the news that the containment point had arrived in his mind.

Lei Hu came over and pulled Wang Yue up

"Commander, being a member of the scp foundation is like this. Everyone in scp knows how dangerous their job is. Anyone in the entire scp foundation is willing to sacrifice if necessary. We know our goals and we know we have a burden on our shoulders. What, we don’t regret it. There will be more such things in the future, just get used to it”

Lei Hu supported Wang Yue, "It's time to leave now"

———————The dividing line (file) does not count the number of words————————————————————

zombie virus

Item #: SCP-M002-01

Object Class: Extinction

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-M002-01 samples are considered a Class V extreme biohazard and all relevant protocols apply.Incineration and radiation measures are to be used in the event of zero operator or external channel communication in any given 8-hour period, power failure, political or military action that could result in the facility being dismantled.

Employees who leave the operating facility will be quarantined for four months.If violated, incineration and radiation measures will be implemented.


100% contagious.

100% lethal.

Injection of the vaccine 5 hours after being infected can clear the virus, and the injection within 5-8 hours of being infected can be cleared according to different constitutions, and the vaccine has no effect after more than 8 hours.

T virus can be transmitted through air and water

Infection is transmitted through exposed mucous membranes and all bodily fluids of an infected person.

Symptoms of infection within three hours of exposure to SCP-M002-01 include:

Flu-like symptoms, high fever, and severe dementia in later stages.

Red blood cells greatly increase their oxygen storage capacity, slow blood flow, and increase muscle endurance and strength.

Hours after total organ failure, the nervous and muscular systems remain unaffected.

Metabolism drops to extremely low levels, allowing infected individuals to survive for over a decade without nutritional intake.

The high blood viscosity causes the infected person to produce only a negligible amount of bleeding when shot, punctured, and slashed.

Conditioned behavior, motor control, and instinctive behavioral mechanisms are disrupted, and cognitive abilities are severely weakened and unstable.Excessive brain cells died and became inactive in animal experiments.

Infected individuals adapt to their damaged nervous systems, but are limited to basic physical activities, including standing up, balancing on their legs, walking, biting, snatching, and crawling.Infected will try to move towards the sights, sounds, and smells of a living human being.If an infected individual comes into physical contact with a live human, will attempt to ingest the target.

Suppressing a fully infected would require extremely severe head trauma, or destruction of the spine.

After the discovery of SCP-M2014-002 in the United States in 01, vaccine artificial rainfall was carried out on the whole city to prevent the spread of the virus

Files are not counted as words, but files are left occasionally when there are new scp.

Chapter 6 Escape

"Okay, let me go, I'm fine"

Wang Yue felt extremely remorseful now, he shouldn't have pushed himself too hard, thinking that with the power of the Rabbit Charm, he could control the overall situation, but the reality still gave him a slap in the face, without strong physical fitness, he couldn't bear the load brought by the Rabbit Charm .What's more, as long as he is more careful, everything can be solved by bringing Esdesi directly.

Suddenly there was a gunshot in front, and two figures ran over, it was Ryan and Matt.

"We were surrounded by zombies" Ryan said to Wang Yue "and Spence ran away while we were fighting zombies"

"It's okay, Lei Hu, you lead the way and kill first. I remember that there is a passage in the host room of the Red Queen. Let's go out from there."

Everyone rushed back immediately according to Wang Yue's instructions. Sure enough, this side was far away from the laboratory, and there were a lot less zombies, and everyone's pressure was relieved at once.

"Damn it, the laser channel is activated again, do you know how to use computers?" Ryan said angrily when he saw the closed door

"Lei Hu, go and enter the password, the password is 12177"

"Commander, I suggest attracting more zombies outside the laser tunnel, so that there will be much fewer zombies in the underground tunnel"

"You still have the bomb?"

"No, but I have an MP3"

Wang Yue:? ? ?

"Give me the MP3, you go in first"

Wang Yue immediately took the MP3, and immediately widened his eyes.

"You're kidding me, what's the use of such a small MP3"

"Commander, this is a remodeled MP3, trust me"

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