Wang Yue has black lines all over his head, well, something is better than nothing.

Curiously press the play button

"I rely on" scared Wang Yue shook his hand

Such a loud voice was no different from the speakers of the broadcasting station. The surrounding zombies immediately turned their targets to surround Wang Yue. You could even see countless black shadows rushing towards the entrance of the passage.

At this time, I saw a person walking around with a group of zombies, and there was even a BGM

"The boundless sky is my love, and the flowers are blooming at the foot of the green hills. What kind of rhythm is the most swaying?"

When the gathering was almost complete, Wang Yue put the MP3 player on a high place and hung it up, and then he teleported into the host room of Red Queen.

At this time, the call came from the tactical watch.

"Commander, the scientific research team with a protective umbrella on the ground has about 120 people and has no heavy firepower. Please give instructions."

"Use an anesthesia gun to stun them all and don't let them send out any messages. Your own safety comes first. Lethal weapons are allowed if necessary. Also, have you found Spence?"

"Spence has not been found yet, and no suspicious persons have come out of the villa"

"If you find it, kill it immediately"

After Wang Yue finished speaking, he turned around and jumped into the passage, followed by Leihu Alice.

"Alice, take the lead, I'm the queen." Wang Yue thought to himself that there were only a few of them, and if the loss continued, he would be a bare commander. Alice is not afraid that the T-virus may be a superhuman now, so it would be best for her to take the lead.

Moreover, these underground passages are sealed with wire mesh, so there is no need to worry.


Suddenly, a pair of hands stretched out from the hole next to it and pulled Ryan down the wire mesh at the hole. He opened his mouth and frantically wanted to bite Ryan's neck. Wang Yue directly took out his pistol and shot the zombie in the head.

"Go quickly, there will be more zombies in a while"

Before Wang Yue finished speaking, the steel wire mesh next to him was directly squeezed out by the huge group of zombies.And there are also hordes of zombies at the intersection ahead.They are surrounded!

Lei Hu and the 3 scp members kept shooting at the zombies in the front passage, but it didn't work. Instead, more zombies were attracted by the gunshots.And behind Alice, Wang Yue and Ryan Matt couldn't pull out their hands against the wire mesh.

Suddenly Lei Hu gave up shooting the zombie in front and ran to the back to support Wang Yue against the wire mesh. The finger stretched out by the zombie scratched Lei Hu's face.

"There are pipes above the commander, climb up"

Wang Yue didn't hesitate to turn around and jump directly onto the pipe.

With a place, Wang Yue's rabbit spell has space to use. Wang Yue appears along the pipeline on top of the zombies in front of the passage, sticks his gun into the faces of the zombies and shoots headshots one by one. After all, no matter whose marksmanship is worse than you Putting a gun in a person's face can also shoot one at a time.

"Everyone climbs up, and you can walk on it"

With Wang Yue as a "sharp shooter" clearing the passage ahead, everyone had time to climb up. Although they were all painted, at least they were still alive.Anyway, there is an antidote, scp, and everyone doesn't care about the wounds on their bodies.

"Commander, the bullets are almost out." Lei Hu checked the clips and said.

"Commander, I still have 20 rounds"

"I still have a clip"

Wang Yue listened to the number of bullets reported by them and then looked at his magazine

With a wry smile, "I only have 9 bullets, save some, I can get out"

However, when everyone continued to move forward, they didn't notice at all that because of the long-term disrepair of the pipes and the sewer pipes, the rusty screws could not bear the weight of so many people and were gradually falling off.

Lei Hu and Alice had just stepped onto the ground, and the pipe behind them couldn't bear it anymore and broke directly.Wang Yuerui'en and an SCP team member fell to the ground, and the surrounding zombies rushed up like sharks smelling blood. Wang Yue immediately activated the rabbit charm and brought the nearest Ruien up. He just wanted to turn around to save another The team members found that the screaming had stopped.

Numerous zombies frantically scrambled for the various organs of the team member's corpse, and he had been dismembered.

Seeing this scene, Wang Yue bit his mouth in anger, took out his gun and frantically shot at the zombies below.


Until all the bullets in the gun are fired.

Only then did Lei Hu say "Commander, it's time to go"

Along the way, Wang Yue kept his face down, and the others were also silent.Finally reached the platform safely.I was relieved to see the tram next to the platform.

But around the platform lay a body, blood everywhere, and it was Spence.

In fact, Spence was scratched by zombie dogs when he entered the laboratory with the Umbrella Force to resist zombie dogs. Spence had already recovered his memory when he was fighting with the "pregnant woman". He knew that there was T virus on the tram The antidote, but he dare not run when there are Wang Yue and Alice.

Because he knew that not only could he not run away from them, but he would die if he was caught. When Wang Yue and Alice went down to check whether the "pregnant woman" was alive, Spence knew his chance had come. One slipped away without paying attention.It's safe to have them attracting attention

Sure enough, I didn't see any zombies at all along the way.

Spence had to be applauded for his ingenuity.

As soon as he arrived at the platform, Spence ran to the tram to look for his black bag, feeling that the T virus was gradually eroding him.I can't hold it any longer.However, to his horror, he did not find his bag, let alone the antidote to the T virus.

Was it taken away by Wang Yue?Angry Spence yelled "Fuck"

Suddenly Spence felt something was wrong, as if there was something behind him, and when he turned around, he found a creeper in front of him, the one that was less than 10 centimeters away from each other, and before he could react, the creeper bit him on his shoulder and tore it off an arm.Spence didn't even feel pain, just endless darkness.

However, this reptile successfully ingested human DNA and officially evolved into a hunter.Its body became longer and more resilient, and its grip evolved to be sharper.It may be that after it evolved, Spence had already turned into a zombie, and felt that it was not tasty, so he turned and left.

Wang Yue looked at the zombie Sibans crawling towards him, and couldn't hold back his anger anymore, picked up the fire ax and slashed down wildly.

Alice was about to go forward but was stopped by Lei Hu.

"Let him blow off steam"


Lei Hu drove the tram in front, and the rest of the people spread out on the ground like salted fish.However, Ryan's face is getting paler and paler, and she may no longer be able to handle the T virus.

Wang Yue casually threw a green needle to Alice

"Give everyone an injection, 1/5 of each injection is enough"

Alice glared at Wang Yue, "You have the antidote, why didn't you take it out earlier"

"They weren't mine before, why did I use them?" Wang Yue said indifferently

"They are not now"

"Now we are comrades in arms"

Suddenly a claw scratched the wall of the tram, directly scratching Wang Yue's shoulder.

Everyone, please collect and recommend tickets.

The file about the SCP Rabbit Charm will be released together with tomorrow's chapter.

Because the danger level of the original scp containment is too high, I have to adjust it a little bit, otherwise some scp containment is invincible, such as scp001

——————————Separation line (file) —————————————

C virus zombie "pregnant woman"

Designation: scp-M002-02 (destroyed)

Object Class: Dangerous

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-M002-02 samples are considered a Class V extreme biohazard and all relevant protocols apply.Incineration and radiation measures are to be used in the event of zero operator or external channel communication in any given 8-hour period, power failure, political or military action that could result in the facility being dismantled.

Employees who leave the operating facility will be quarantined for four months.If violated, incineration and radiation measures will be implemented.

Description: SCP-M002-02 is caused by a complex prion virus that infects individuals beyond human size.Its height is about 2 meters, and its intelligence is about a 3-year-old child. It is suspected to be infected by a human pregnant woman. It has a huge belly, accounting for 3/1 of the whole body.After opening, it can shoot out 3 tentacles, which can penetrate a 3cm steel plate. It has strong toughness and a length of about 3 meters. According to the description, it should be a mutation of human organs, and it will go crazy when the tentacles are hurt.The belly has a strong bite and digests quickly.

Research on SCP-M002-02 is highly classified and is primarily intended for preventive research.

100% contagious.

100% lethal.

The SCP-M002-02C virus is an infected person mutated from the SCP-M002-01T virus

no cure

Infection is transmitted through exposed mucous membranes and all bodily fluids of an infected person.

His Infection Status: Unknown

Suppressing a fully infected would require extremely severe cranial trauma.


Files are not counted as words, but files are left occasionally when there are new scp.

Chapter 7 The Peacekeeper

Wang Yue dodged away.

The crawler kept scratching the carriage with its claws, and a carriage made of steel was no different from tofu under its claws. Everyone immediately picked up their guns and looked at all this in horror.

Wang Yue himself didn't have any strength anymore. He had completely exhausted his physical strength by using the Rabbit Charm intensively, and his body couldn't bear the load brought by the high-speed movement.

"Alice, come here"

"Wang Yue?"

"The Rabbit Charm, I'll use it for you. If something goes wrong, stop the tram and use the Rabbit Charm to take everyone out."

Alice looked at Wang Yue.

"it is good"

"The Rabbit Charm comes with extreme speed, just hold it in your hand"

Alice immediately clenched her fists, and saw that the rabbit charm was automatically embedded in the muscles.

At this time, the crawler was wrong, it should be the hunter scratched open the door of the cab with his paw, Lei Hu immediately raised his gun and shot, but it still had no effect, the hunter casually grabbed an scp team member and threw it out of the car.

Matt, another scp member immediately locked all the doors of the car.The hunter is looking everywhere

"Leave the door unlocked" Alice said to Thunder Tiger "let it in"

Lei Hu turned to look at Wang Yue.

"Listen to her..." Wang Yue had no choice but to count on Alice to show her might.

However, Lei Hu was just about to go to open the door.

With a bang, the door was knocked into the air by the hunter and hit Matt, who fell into a coma on the spot.

The Hunter finally revealed his true colors, a monster more hideous than the Creeper.

He opened his mouth and shot his tongue towards Leihu who was closest to him, but someone was faster than him.

Alice pulled out a steel pipe and nailed the hunter's tongue to the ground as if teleporting.

The hunter shook his head frantically and howled.

A gust of wind blew, and the sound stopped after just a moment. Alice activated the Rabbit Charm and used a steel pipe to impale the hunter into a hedgehog.

By the time everyone reacted, the battle was over.

Looking at the hunter whose hands and feet were nailed to the ground, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Wang Yue was also stunned, he was also a user of the Rabbit Charm, why the gap was so big.I am a younger brother in the hands of the creeper, but the hunter who is stronger than the creeper is so weak under Alice.

"It seems that you are very suitable for the Rabbit Charm, are you interested in joining the SCP Foundation?"

"No." Alice threw the rabbit charm to Wang Yue without hesitation.

Wang Yue caught the rabbit spell and said, "Don't refuse in a hurry, you have a lot of secrets, I will tell you all about joining the SCP Foundation"

"Maybe I'll come to you after I've settled my own affairs"

"Okay, I'll wait for you"

A group of people walked out of the villa with mutual support.

The entire situation outside has been controlled by the scp special forces team.

"Report, Commander, the scientific research team of the umbrella has been fully controlled, and there are no casualties on our side."

"Okay, take all the scientific researchers away and let them make the antidote for the T virus, and after the production is completed, all of them will be added as D-level personnel."

Wang Yue left Lei Hu in command, and went back to the base first to see what rewards he could give.

I heard it as soon as I stepped into the gate of the base.

There was a sound of "ding".

open list

Containment Points: 13100

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