A one-eyed bald man in the S.H.I.E.L.D. building looked at the report in front of him and fell into deep thought. The surveillance video in the antique shop was constantly replayed in front of him.An unknown force, a man and a woman have no information at all, and the woman is a powerful mutant.

"Natasha, there is a task for you. This is the target. It may have great power. It is initially estimated to be a level 4 mutant."

Natasha looked at the information in her hand with flickering eyes, and it was Wang Yue and Estes on it.

Chapter 3 Revised Edition

Chapter 3XProfessor

Nick Fury was a little dazed watching Natasha's leaving back.Things have been going up since Tony came back.It looks like the mutants are not being honest anymore.Immediately call Professor X to find out,

"Nick Fury, what's the matter?"

"Professor, it's been a long time. A level 4 mutant appeared in New York, robbed SHIELD and injured SHIELD agents. Let me ask if it's yours."

Professor X has a bit of a headache, SHIELD will call him whenever there is a mutant event, and he knows what it means not to be a level 4 mutant this time. The consequences of hostility are more serious.

Could it be Eric's person? "The mutant is my relative, I will go and talk to her personally"

Heiyiyan smiled knowingly, "Okay, I'll wait for your news"

With Professor X taking the lead, we can also see how powerful this organization is, and make a decision at that time.

Wang Yue, who had never been to New York before, was wandering the streets with the general. Although Estes still had a cold face, the curiosity in his eyes could not be concealed.

"Student Xiaoai, if you want to eat ice cream, go buy it, it's not that I won't give you money"

"Joke, it's just a thing made of ice, I want to make it anytime, I'm just a little surprised why it's that color"

Ten minutes later, the two were sitting in the ice cream shop, and Esther took two ice creams in his hands and licked them with satisfaction.

He didn't know when there were only two of them left in the store. Suddenly Esdeth looked up at the door, and a red-haired beauty pushed a bald man in a wheelchair to come in.

Estes whispered "that girl is strong" as frost began to cover all over the shop

Wang Yue squinted his eyes and wondered if he would be under the control of the professor, probably not, otherwise the SCP Foundation would end before it even started.

Qin also exudes telekinetic power to constantly resist the erosion of frost.But it's not Esdesh's opponent at all.The ice and snow are gradually wrapping her into a ball.

Professor X suddenly said: "Stop, we don't mean anything malicious, I'm here to invite you two to join the Zeers Academy for Geniuses, your abilities need to be controlled, otherwise you will cause great harm to yourself and your loved ones."

Wang Yue and Estes immediately had a crush on Professor X, but soon calmed down.Sure enough, Professor X's spiritual power is also effective for them.

Professor X was also secretly surprised, because the two people in front of him blocked his spiritual power.That's not something a level 4 mutant can do

"We are very clear about our own strength and don't need to worry about it." After speaking, Wang Yue pointed to Qin who was struggling to support himself in the frost package.

"You guys have great power but don't know how to use it, and we're not mutants"

"Children, Qin is different from other people, and you have been noticed by the government. If you are a mutant, we will protect you, and do you still need to be tested to find out?"

Since I didn't feel Professor X's mental attack, it means that Professor X has nothing to do with him now.

Looking at the two people's containment rewards in his brain, he secretly swallowed his saliva.

Professor X (dangerous level): 3000 containment points, guard points, 30 points/day

Qin (Mieshi): 10000 containment points, guard points, 100 points/day

"Professor X's contributions to human beings and mutants are also known to us. I won't go there if I have other things. Xiaoai, you can go with Professor X to learn how to use abilities. It's just a place for you. Leave, just come back in a week"

Wang Yue's sudden change of words stunned all three present.But seeing Wang Yue's eyes, Estes had no choice but to agree.

Although Professor X didn't understand why he changed his words suddenly, it was good to achieve his goal.naturally smiled and agreed

Of course, there is a reason why Wang Yue agreed to this matter. There are many mutants in the Zeers Academy of Talents, and there are also many mutants at level 3-4. If you turn the entire academy into your own, the points provided will be extremely huge.And when the time comes, mutants from all over the world can join the academy, which will be their biggest boost.

So first let Estes go to find out and collect their information.

As soon as Wang Yue returned to the base red, he projected it immediately

"Your Excellency Commander, the T virus and the antidote have been successfully researched, and we are preparing for bioengineering research"

"It was discovered that there is a suspected spy in the hive, who is the security guard on the bright side of the umbrella named Ryan"

"Okay, keep monitoring and report to me first if you find any problems, don't report to other people in the umbrella, Ryan, leave him alone"

Wang Yue looked at his property

Containment Points: 100

Guard point: 60

It's very pitiful, I've been here for a week now, I have to speed up my progress to get some items or things of the World Extinction level, otherwise I won't be able to compete with those World Extinction monsters

Right now, he has the best chance of getting the T-virus. Based on the description of the T-virus in the movie and the future situation, the T-virus is definitely at the level of extermination, and there is a safe antidote, and there is a red queen, so it is basically guaranteed.

Now it's time to wait for the "hive" (the original umbrella base, not the Raccoon City base) to become chaotic, so we can start.

And it should start soon!I can't wait any longer.

The security guard of the hive, Spence, is actually a mercenary whose purpose is to research the umbrella. After getting the password of the research room, he immediately lurked in, and when he saw the T virus, he lost his mind for a moment.

"It's so beautiful." Even Ryan didn't want to sell it, but there was no other way. It was still worth selling for the sake of living.

Spence's plan is very simple, lurk and then steal the virus, smash one, and then the red queen will immediately block and wipe out the entire base, and then he will leave by subway.Perfect

And then he actually did

Watching a tube that exudes a mysterious blue being thrown up, Spence left without looking back.

At this time, the camera suddenly pointed at the wreckage on the ground.

"Commander, there is something important. Spence stole the T-virus and the antidote, and smashed a T-virus. Currently, the hive has been blocked, and the base security plan will be implemented according to the original agreement."

"Ask the 001 Special Forces Team to immediately gather all members to go to the hive." Wang Yue immediately realized that the opportunity had come.

This time I went by myself, the purpose is very simple

1 Containing the T virus and collecting the information it keeps in written files

2 Take back the main board of the Red Queen and bring it back to the scp base

3 Research whether Alice is special, expose the SCP Foundation if necessary, and allow Alice to join the SCP Foundation

He is almost invincible with the Rabbit Charm. Although it is not that exaggerated, there is nothing in the umbrella that threatens him.

Wang Yue waited quietly outside the building for the poison gas to dissipate.

"Red queen, send a copy of the building structure to everyone, and then locate Alice and the T-virus. Lei Hu, it's not good for you to allocate too many people. Just 20 people go in, and the rest are outside. Response"

Wang Yue remembers that the original plot was about 4 hours before Matt and the others entered the base.You have to go in early to do it, and try not to conflict with them.

Besides, they are also a good target to blame when they come here.

Because I re-watched the movie several times, I found that some of my plots and character names conflicted with the plot of the original movie, which resulted in a lot of bugs in the following chapters.Just modified the name of the personnel and the setting of the next plot.I hope everyone can understand, after all, writing novels is really brain-burning.


Chapter 4 T virus

At this time, the red queen reminded that the poisonous gas had dissipated.The mercenaries from the Umbrella Corporation have 30 minutes to arrive.

Wang Yue immediately led the team and blasted in. He was amazed when he saw Alice lying in the bathroom. He didn't expect Alice to be so beautiful in real life.But it didn't do anything other than draw a tube of her blood.

But Spence was not found in the whole room, Wang Yue frowned.

"Red Queen, where is Spence?"

"Spence didn't run up, he should be on the tram now, with the T virus beside him"

Wang Yue immediately rushed to the tram and looked at the box containing the T-virus medicine. It was really unbelievable that a century-ending item was obtained in this way.

T virus: containment point 10000 points guard point 100/day (rewards will be issued after returning to the base)

It's worth it, so worth it.

Just in case, ask someone to transport it back to the base immediately.But still kept one basket and one green, and then Wang Yue directly led the whole team to move on.

"The Red Queen immediately marked the route to the laboratory"

"Okay, the route has been marked, there is no danger at present, but there are a lot of zombies and zombie dogs in the laboratory"

As soon as I arrived at the laboratory, I saw zombies dancing in the water one by one, but fortunately, it was not a big problem for all of them to be trapped in it.

"Commander, I will open the door of the main laboratory. There are zombies and a large number of zombie dogs inside. Severely injuring the head or destroying the spine will effectively kill the zombies. The virus is extremely contagious. Do not touch it."

"Okay" Lei Hu immediately arranged a tactical position and was ready to shoot at any time

Wang Yue's hand holding the gun suddenly broke into a sweat, and he was so nervous that he was dying.Although he has more than 100 people under him, he is still a young man who has just graduated and has never seen blood.

The moment he opened the door, he saw a man standing with his back behind his back.Before he could turn around in the next second, he was blown away.A bloody mist filled the sky.

Wang Yue stared blankly, until Lei Hu came over and slapped him before realizing it, and then ran to the side and vomited wildly.

Lei Hu calmly directed the team members to continue the search, and then said, "Commander, just get used to it."

Wang Yue didn't even have time to talk now, so he didn't have time to talk to him at all.

Wang Yue didn't feel better until they finished cleaning the laboratory, but his face was still pale.However, it is worth mentioning that the No. 001 Special Forces only killed 3 zombie dogs, and did not see more hounds, and the Red Queen did not find them even under surveillance.

"Your Excellency, the Umbrella Faction's special forces have entered the hive, do you want to intercept?"

"Don't worry about them, just monitor and mark their location in real time"

At this time, Lei Hu came over with various documents

"Commander, I discovered this new type of virus C virus when sorting out the data"

Wang Yue was startled. After a closer look, it was about the detection of the C virus. Could it be that the C virus has appeared now? The C virus is mutated from the combination of the T virus and the G virus. It is the same infectivity as the T virus, but it will become smarter after infection and has an extremely fast recovery ability.But the C virus does not seem to appear in the memory.

"Red Queen, why didn't you tell me about the C virus here?"

"Your Excellency, Commander, the hive base does not contain the research C virus, but before that, a top-secret box was transferred to the hive by a high-level umbrella. I don't know what's in it. It seems that the live box is in the cultivation room."

Wang Yue thought about it, and decided not to mess with it. When he got the red queen, he came back to deal with it to prevent other variables.At that time, let Alice and the others go and there will be a few more laborers.

Meanwhile, Umbrella's Special Forces have opened the gates of the base

Alice looked at the base, and fragments of memory kept flashing in her mind

Alice; you're going to tell me what's going on here

Captain of Umbrella Special Forces: You and I are the subordinates of a boss. We work for Umbrella. Garp showed her that there was no news about the entire base when the hive was attacked before. We came to investigate the situation of the base and took back the motherboard of the Flame Queen.You are the base's security personnel responsible for protection. Your wedding with Spence was a fake marriage used to cover up the entrance of the villa, so don't worry about it.

At this moment, Ryan suddenly said: Someone came to alert

I saw bloodstains everywhere around the main laboratory, Matt stepped forward to check

"This blood has been there for a long time, and the blood is coagulated"

Alice: "Matt how are you sure"

Matt: Don't forget I'm a cop

Ryan: No, the traces of the bullets are from the previous battle. The time of the battle must have been less than 1 hour.

Suddenly, a team member was thrown to the ground by a black shadow and screamed. Ryan shot directly without hesitation, but nothing happened when he hit the zombie dog. Alice also reacted instantly and rushed forward. Kicked away, but the player has no voice.

Everyone had no time to grieve and saw 5 zombie dogs appearing in front of them and rushed towards them. Alice instinctively twisted a dog's neck with superb physical skills, and Ryan shot directly to the dog's head to end the dog. born

Ryan immediately yelled that the weak point was the head.The other team members immediately dropped the remaining three after they found out. After all, those who can come to carry out the task are still very good at marksmanship.But there are signs of dog scratches all over his body.

Ryan: What kind of monster is this? Why can't you die if you hit it?

Captain: I don’t know, it seems that we should be careful and see if he can still be saved.

Another player teammate felt to check the corpse on the ground, touched his throat, turned around and shook his head.

Then he noticed that everyone's face changed drastically, as if something terrible happened, and then he stretched his hand back.He actually touched something, how could it be that he was already dead, turned around suddenly and saw a pair of dead eyes, and then was bitten on the neck, the two exuded a breath of passion

Everyone immediately stepped forward and pulled the two of them apart. Fortunately, the wound was not serious and there would be no danger of their lives.

However, that team member has completely turned into a zombie, roaring frantically, wanting to continue biting the person holding him.

Ryan picked up the gun and shot him directly in the leg, but it was useless, and he still stood up tenaciously.

Ryan thought about it for a while and shot him directly in the head.

Ryan: I don't know what happened, but when you die, you become this monster

Captain: Go ahead, shoot if there is any movement, Ryan, don't leave, take Matt with you, the enemy is unknown, it is safer to concentrate

As soon as everyone passed through the training warehouse and reached the next floor, at least twenty guns were pointed at their heads, and they had no choice but to be disarmed.

Captain: Who are you?This is the base of the umbrella to mark your purpose

Wang Yue first lit a cigarette to suppress his shock.It's meaningless for Wang Yue to not want to talk to this dragon set

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