Smith hung up the phone and took a deep look at Rock Rumlow: "I wish you good luck." He said to the other policemen: "Close the team."

"Inspector? But this is still..."

The inspector yelled: "I said close the team!"

Locke Rumlow watched the five police cars leave, and nodded in satisfaction. It seems that the police detective is an appraiser, so he can develop it.

SCP-096 ignored everything around him, and tore the body of the cameraman on his own. The cameraman had stopped screaming a long time ago, his face was full of pain, and it was obvious that he had already been tortured to say goodbye when they were talking. The world is gone.

Locke Rumlow didn't care about the cameraman at all, and shouted at SCP-096: "You have been arrested by S.H.I.E.L.D., don't do anything to misunderstand us."

scp-096 looked at the people from S.H.I.E.L.D., covered his face and instantly appeared in front of his eyes, killing 2 people in the blink of an eye.

Locke Rumlow sees negotiations fail: "Use tranquilizer bombs."

Three bullets with drug needles were nailed to scp-096, but scp-096 continued to move forward like a normal person.

Locke Rumlow frowned, looking at the back of SCP-682, feeling as if the anesthetic hadn't worked: "Load live ammunition, kill."

The members of S.H.I.E.L.D. immediately changed the clips, and powerful firepower instantly poured on SCP-096.

What shocked everyone was that SCP-096, which had been hit by so many bullets, was still alive, with bullet holes almost covering his whole body, and no expression of pain could be seen on his face.

When the troops rushed into the S.H.I.E.L.D., Locke Rumlow was shocked and said, "What kind of creature is this? Could it be a new generation of biological weapons." If he could bring it back, he might be appreciated by that adult.

But scp-096 was not afraid of bullets at all, and instantly appeared beside the S.H.I.E.L.D. team members, and one person died when he raised his hand.

In just 3 minutes, more than half of the SHIELD personnel were dead. Finally, some SHIELD members were frightened by the undead monster scp-096, and threw away their guns and fled the battlefield. The farther scp-096 was, the faster scp-096 was, and it appeared in front of the deserters in an instant, tearing off its head.

At this time, the Nine-Tailed Fox Task Force also touched the back of SCP-096.

A Nine-Tailed Fox member said, "Captain, what should we do with this group of people?"

"They're dead. SCP-096 won't stop until it's finished killing. Everyone is wearing thermal imaging. Proceed carefully."

Captain Nine-Tailed Fox asked the Red Queen, "Has the containment device arrived?"

"Estimated to arrive in 5 minutes."

Captain Nine-Tailed Fox pondered for a while, and said, "No need to come here, send a drone to take a photo of the face of SCP-096, just in case."

One of the team members immediately took out a small white drone from his backpack, without turning on the display screen, and quietly flew directly in front of SCP-096 by visual inspection, taking [-] consecutive shots.

The scp-096 below has rushed into the troops and started slaughtering. No matter where the S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel are hiding, they can be easily found, and no one has spotted the drone above.

Captain Nine-Tailed Fox said to the Red Queen: "Send the photo back to the Foundation and ask a D-class person to look at it. Lead SCP-096 directly."

Locke Rumlow hid in a hidden corner of the surrounding buildings, nervously reporting to the base: "When will TM's support arrive? I need heavy weapons. That thing is not human at all. The team is almost wiped out."

"Received, air formation to arrive."

Suddenly, two black Apache helicopters flew low in the sky.

Locke Rumlow wanted to see how you died. He was just about to go to an empty place to get on the plane. When he turned around, he found that monster standing behind him. He could even clearly see the bullet holes on its body that were slowly healing. Muscle that is constantly regenerating. (

SCP-096 stared at him with its mouth wide open, making slurred sounds, looking extremely sad.

Cold sweat couldn't help falling from Locke Rumlow's face, and he slowly touched the pistol at his waist.

A tactical roll shot SCP-096 in the head by the way, and ran to the street without looking back. Locke Rumlow also saw the low-flying helicopter and immediately called for help.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his right arm. When he turned his head, he saw that scp-096 had reached his side at some point and tore off one of his arms.The other hand holds a bright red organ, is this the heart?

Locke Rumlow's consciousness kept falling into darkness: Did I just die like this?I am not reconciled, I still have a lot of big things to do, and I have let you down, leader.

"Tower, Falcon [-] has found the target, whether to attack or not."

"Falcon One, have you seen any other members of the quick response team?"

"It is visually estimated that all members of the quick response team were sacrificed, and the captain of the quick response team also died."

"Attack permitted."

"Falcon One received."

"Falcon II received."

Falcon 230 and Falcon 096 immediately used the M30 chain cannon to shoot at SCP-1200. Each shot of the [-]mm cannon can easily tear steel and penetrate floors. With a rate of fire of [-] rounds per minute, No matter what kind of creature it is, it will be torn apart by the powerful impact.

Before scp-096 could react, the bullet had already hit its body, shattering the flesh and blood of its body, exposing the pale human skeleton.

And scp-096 didn't seem to realize it, staring at the two planes overhead.

Suddenly scp-096 disappeared in place and jumped onto the plane at a speed beyond the recognition of human eyes. After ten seconds, both helicopters crashed, and scp-096 walked out of the plane unscathed. All gone.

(scp-096 is usually extremely docile, but it also means that it also has violent moments, such as being attacked, if you have other objections, you can leave a message)

scp-096 just stayed where he was, not knowing what to do.

Captain Nine-Tailed Fox said to the Red Queen, "It's now."

Chapter 45 Containing the little shy

An empty spot on the outskirts of New York.

A huge RV is parked here. The RV compartments are all made of special alloys with extreme toughness. The interior walls and floors are filled with sensors without any windows or monitors. There is a screen on the co-pilot, which can be determined by data modeling. Monitor the movement of any creature in the car at any time.

Lei Hu pressed the headset and said, "Got it."

Bring a D-Class into the compartment and hand him a tablet.

Said to him: "Now enter the compartment and open this tablet, look at the photos inside, wait for 10 minutes, after 10 minutes your task is completed, you can advance to a C-level member."

The D-class personnel wondered: "What's inside?"

Lei Hu's face was serious: "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask. We haven't seen anything specific. It seems to be a horror photo. You will know soon. We won't close the carriage. If you have anything to do, just shout loudly. .”

The D-class personnel nodded hurriedly. Although they were a little scared at first, they thought that they brought themselves to such a remote place to execute themselves, but they did not expect such a good thing to happen to them. There are so many soldiers outside, who can beat them? Come in.You don't need to worry about your own safety at all, isn't it just a few photos!Where can terror go?

With your guts, you don't even dare to look at scary photos. Fortunately, you are still soldiers. The D-Class sneered inwardly.But thinking that I will not be a prisoner soon, I am a little excited.

Immediately entered the compartment, and was relieved to see that the members of the Foundation really did not close the doors.

Unable to wait to open the tablet, a picture popped up, a naked humanoid monster holding a black-clothed soldier in its hands, and the next few photos were of it cruelly dismembering the soldier.

The D-level personnel said to themselves: "What is this? A new generation of biological weapons? There is nothing to be afraid of. When I was in the umbrella, the people I dissected were much bloodier than this." The D-level personnel became excited, did they want to Let me study this biological weapon?This shows that the foundation needs me, as long as I am worthy, I can live a good life.

SCP-096, wandering around the battlefield, suddenly covered his face and screamed loudly.

Captain Nine-Tailed Fox said: "It should be its function. We will retreat when it leaves."

After 1-2 minutes, scp-096 stopped crying, looked up in one direction, and disappeared in place in an instant.

Captain Nine-Tailed Fox said to the Red Queen: "The target has already left the place."

"Received, you retreat immediately, someone is heading to the battlefield."


When the Nine-Tailed Fox Task Force left, they left behind a small gift, an electromagnetic pulse bomb, which can effectively destroy all electronic products within 5 kilometers.

Captain Nine-Tailed Fox looked at the sky in the distance, there were 5 small black spots, and there were also armored vehicles on the ground heading here.

"Good luck to you all!"

A burst of white smoke suddenly came out of the tablet in the D-class's hand.

The D-level personnel said: "Sure enough, it's a secret, and it was automatically destroyed." Looking at the time, it was estimated that it was almost time to go out, and when he turned around, he found the monster he saw in the photo just behind him, and screamed in fright.

With a wave of Lei Hu's hand, the scp team immediately closed the door of the carriage.

The D-class personnel originally wanted to have a chance to escape, but the sudden closure of the carriage made him fully understand that he was a decoy.

The D-class personnel leaned on the carriage in horror, not daring to breathe loudly, for fear of shocking SCP-096.

Suddenly scp-096 put his hand on his shoulder, and the D-class personnel almost collapsed from fright, and slowly stretched out his hands and squeezed out an ugly smile: "Hi!  …"

In an instant, the D-class personnel flew out and hit the carriage, and the entire carriage shook violently. The D-class personnel slowly slid to the ground, not daring to make a sound, and made a bold decision: play dead.

SCP-096 looked at the compartment curiously, but couldn't get out.Looking back at the D-class personnel, it seems that you are with me.

Lei Hu immediately turned on the screen, and the data simulated two figures on the screen, one was about 2.3 meters high, the other was about 1.58 meters high, and there was a round ball on the ground, about 0.2 meters high.

"It's scp-096, that's right."

Lei Hu said to the Red Queen: "Scp-096 has been contained and is heading to the magic star base."

Wang Yue is waiting for news in the office.

The red queen projected it down and said: "Commander, the 'shy' people of scp-096 are contained and are heading to the magic star base, and there are no casualties."

Wang Yue nodded in satisfaction: "Are there any photos or videos left at the scene?"

"The Nine-Tailed Fox Task Force used electromagnetic pulse bombs. All electronic equipment near the battlefield and surrounding areas were completely destroyed, and there were no photos left. However, there should be relevant videos of the massacre of SCP-096 broadcast on TV before."

"Those don't matter, anyway, it's fine if you don't get your face photographed."

Wang Yue looked at the panel, and the storage point has already been credited. nice!

Wang Yue

Containment point: 27500 points

Guard points: 820 points

The next transmission time of containment scp-3035 scientific cockroach (product of evolution) is undecided.

(New task) Temporarily teleport scp-049 (Plague Doctor) remaining time 360:00:00.

"Scp-096 is full of strength! Why is it Euclid level? Just give 3000."

"Commander, SCP-096 is extremely easy to contain, as long as it knows its weaknesses, any country can contain it."

Wang Yue retorted: "Then if I broadcast his picture on TV, will he be upgraded to a K-class containment object. After all, it can also lead to the end of the human world!"

Red Queen!!!∑(?Д?ノ)ノ Commander, your thinking is amazing: "Unable to analyze."

Wang Yue curled his lips and could only think about it.


Alexander Pierce arrives at Nick Fury's office.

Pierce was the first to say: "The captain of our quick response team died in battle, did you catch that monster?"

Nick Fury replied: "No, it disappeared in place, and another team was found to have dropped an electromagnetic pulse bomb. We don't even have specific photos of the monster."

Pierce shouted angrily: "What do you do? At least we need to know what that monster looks like and what kind of force it belongs to."

Nick Fury nodded: "But now there is only the back of the monster, and I have sent someone to investigate."

"I mean we need to know the specific face and specific power of that monster."

Nick Fury narrowed his eyes and thought to himself: What does this mean?He continued, "No one has seen it."

Alexander Pierce stares at Nick Fury and says, "Project TAHITI."

"But it's not good to start the Tahiti project like this!"

"This incident has a huge impact, we have to resolve it quickly. Locke Rumlow has fought against that monster, so he is the best candidate." Pierce thought to himself: If it wasn't for the person that the lord took a fancy to, I wouldn't be lazy Nevermind.

Nick Fury showed a embarrassed expression: "Okay, I'll start the plan."

When Pierce left, he also said, "As soon as possible, after the monster kills people, the corpses are gradually disappearing, so hurry up."

Nick Fury pressed the phone: "Call Coulson over here."

I finally showed my tail, what is so special about Locke Rumlow, why are you paying so much attention to him, but now you are in the clear.Nick Fury grinned sinisterly.

Coulson pushed the door open and came in: "Sir, are you looking for me?" He was shocked when he saw Nick Fury's smile, and he died!

Chapter 46 The Mafia

Nick Fury immediately restrained his smile: "Colson, how is your trip to New Mexico?"

Coulson also pretended not to see anything, and replied with a serious face: "It's very charming there."

"Tell me about it."

Coulson nodded: "The hammer cannot be moved, nor can the strongest crane used, and the soil directly under the hammer is also extremely hard. It seems to be protected by a mysterious force. The image is somewhat similar to the hand of Thor in Nordic mythology. Hammer in the

Nick Fury thought of the past and sneered. I'm afraid it's not a god, it's true that it's aliens.

"Are there any other discoveries? For example, organizations of other forces."

Coulson shook his head: "No traces of other forces were found, but yesterday New Mexico discovered an unknown energy rushing straight to the ground. When we arrived at the scene, we found traces of cars and were tracking them."

"Okay, I see, there is something I need you to do now."

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