Coulson: "What is it?"

Nick Fury said seriously: "Start the Tahiti project and resurrect Rock Rumlow."

Coulson was surprised: "Sir, the Tahiti plan is too cruel and inhumane."

"It's not for me to decide, it's for the council to decide."

Council decision?Coulson could only nod helplessly in response.

"Remember to arrange a good memory for him, but don't delete the memory of the previous battle." Nick Fury once again showed a row of white teeth on his face.

scp coffee shop...................

Wang Yue stood in the containment room of the scp-M-006 mind force crystal and stared at the crystal emitting mysterious blue light.

The Red Queen said: "Commander, all measures are ready."

Wang Yue nodded, and reached out to touch the Psychic Crystal without hesitation.

In an instant, an electromagnetic wave erupted from the inside of the crystal, and the Psychic Crystal also turned pink. The vines inside kept moving and waving, and the entire containment room was shaking slightly.

Wang Yue only heard a "click", something seemed to rupture in his brain, blood flowed out from his nose, and he fell into a coma.

The scp team behind him immediately carried Wang Yue into the restoration instrument.

After a while, Wang Yue opened his eyes and asked the red queen curiously, "Did it work? Why don't I feel it?"

"Commander, it has been successful. The instrument shows that your brain is in an extremely active state."

Wang Yue stared at a pen seriously, thinking to himself, get up, get up, get up quickly! ! !The pen doesn't move at all, what's the matter?I can not?Or is the time too short?

"Commander, Jackie Chan is here."

Wang Yue walked into the reception room, Jackie Chan and his little niece were sitting on the sofa.

"Jackie Chan, what are you doing here? What's the matter?"

Jackie Chan said: "Mr. Wang is like this. I found the dragon charm, but when I came back, it was snatched away by the shadow corps."

Wang Yue frowned: "Send us a message next time you find the talisman. We will escort it then."

"Okay." Jackie Chan stood up, suddenly Xiaoyu jumped up and dunked Jackie Chan's head, Jackie Chan (╬◣д◢) in pain shouted: "Xiaoyu!!!"

Xiaoyu imitated her father's tone: "There is one more thing, Holy Master."

Jackie Chan touched his head in embarrassment: "Yes, I almost forgot. When I was snatching the spell, I met shadow soldiers. They can appear directly in the shadows. They are the soldiers of the Holy Lord. The good news is that we have a new friend called Tru, he knows where the Lord is."

Wang Yue immediately became interested. He estimated that there would be many shelters for the Holy Master, so he immediately asked, "Where is it?"

"In the hands of a gang in New York, the Mafia, the leader is Wallon."

"Okay, I see, they won't be able to dance for a long time." Wang Yue was talking when he suddenly felt a heat in his nasal cavity, and blood dripped down again.

Jackie Chan said: "You have a nosebleed!"

Wang Yue touched his nose, and inserted the tissue into his nose: "It's okay, I just brought you some equipment when you come this time."

Xiaoyu immediately yelled: "I want it too, I want it too."

(╬◣д◢) "Xiaoyu!!!"

"It doesn't matter, she is also considered a reserve scp member, take something to defend herself. Lei Hu, take them to the arsenal."


Wang Yue said to the Red Queen again: "Check Walong, and then ask Mobile Task Force Omega-7 to bring back the spell and the Holy Master."

"Okay, Commander, according to Jackie Chan's description, do the containment measures for other spells need to be changed?"

"Just keep the containment room free of shadows."


New York, the top floor of a landmark building in Manhattan.

A huge figure sat there, looking down at the document in his hand.

The long silence did not bring tranquility, but it was like a deeper darkness enveloping everyone in the office.

"Is it because I have been dormant in the dark for too long that people have forgotten the meaning of the name Jin Bin?"

After a while, a deep voice came from the huge figure.

"No, your name has always been circulated in the dark, and everyone surrenders to your shadow." The man in black tights said.

"Then why, there are small gangs like the Mafia to provoke me." Although in the eyes of the media and the police, the Mafia are lawless criminals.But as the king of the criminal empire, Jin Bin, who controls nearly 40.00% of the criminal activities in New York, obviously doesn't take it seriously.

Jin Bin stood up, and his huge body was like a huge shadow cast down. The huge body size far beyond ordinary people and the clear muscle lines under the white suit made him appear dark and destructive.

He released his broad palm, revealing the contents of the document.

Mafia announcement letter: Request to hand over the spell, otherwise the night will come.

"It's just an insignificant little guy."

"No, Lester." Jin Bin said, and said in a deep voice, "Even the most insignificant guy, as long as he dares to show his minions to us, he should be destroyed, let them know clearly, What can and cannot be done. The world needs order, and gold is order."

Reaching out to pick up the crutches, Jin stepped to the edge of the huge French window behind and stood there, bowing his head and silently looking down on all this.

He enjoys this feeling, as if the whole of New York is in his hands.

The premise is that there are no vigilantes who meddle in their own business.

Haze flashed in his eyes, Jin Bing stroked his crutch, and said slowly but wildly in his deep voice.

"Only death can wash away the offense of the ignorant to the king."

John stood up and said, "They are here to look for me, so leave it to me."

Jin Bing nodded and said nothing more.

One one one one one one one one one (scp-096 experiment record) one one one one one one one one one

Item: scp-096 "Shy" Man (a humanoid creature that will go berserk and chase after its target when it sees its face)

Sample test record:

Issued by the commander.

Erase Test Record: Container containing SCP-096 was delivered to SCP-682's room.Staff exits and container is slightly opened.

The two parties started screaming, which lasted 27 hours, and then the noise stopped.Sonar photography shows SCP-096 wounded and huddled in the southwest corner, seemingly depressed. SCP-682 is on the northernmost side of the room, with approximately 54% of its body mass missing.The recovery team recovered both parties into their respective storage facilities.

Later in the test, SCP-096 turned his face away upon seeing SCP-682, and screamed and scratched his own face.


Experiment 1-1

Proposer: Cheng Wutian (Dad) of Class B personnel

Let scp-096 look in the mirror, will it kill itself?

Introduce scp-096 into a room full of mirrors inside. The sonar shows that scp-096 huddles with his head in his arms, screaming continuously, and breaks all the mirrors after 1-2 minutes.

The experiment is over.

Experiment 1-2 (pending approval)

Proposer: Cheng Wutian (Dad) of Class B personnel

scp-096 is a humanoid creature that will go berserk and chase after the target when it sees its face, what if it can't see its face.

Give scp-096 the snake charm, will it solve the problem after scp-096 enters invisibility?

As there is no snake charm, the proposal is temporarily shelved.

Chapter 47 The Dragon Charm

Inside the Mafia......

A statue of a dragon head on the wall suddenly said, "Have you found any clues to other spells?"

A young man with white hair in a green suit and a walking stick with a dragon's head said: "I didn't hear that all the charms in the [-]th district were robbed, but some time ago we found the cow charm and the snake charm."

"Okay, take it back for me. I'll give you the next message about the treasure of the Golden Rooster King."

Wa Long spread his hands: "That was discovered during the gang fight. He is in Jin Bing's hands. I can't afford to mess with him."

Suddenly a spell floated from the dragon head sculpture: "I lent you the dragon spell and the Shadow Corps, and you must get the other two spells back."

A flash of excitement flashed in Valon's eyes, and then he put the Dragon Charm in his palm, and fought against a wall. A pillar of fire burst out from his palm, smashing the wall instantly, which was somewhat more powerful than a fragmentation grenade.

"Don't worry, I have already issued a letter of war to them."

Valon shouted again: "Shadow Corps."

Numerous blood-red eyes appeared in the dark shadows of the room, and there was a chilling feeling just by looking at each other. A row of shadow soldiers in black ninja costumes came out and stared at Valon.

The funny trio said: "Our heads seem to have become stronger."


Valon was a little excited looking at the Shadow Corps, maybe the treasure of the Golden Rooster King is a little far away, but now the position of the underworld emperor will soon belong to me, he waved and said, "Let's go."

The holy master's eyes on the wall flashed a red light, counting on me! !

A landmark building in Manhattan.

Wa Long kicked open the gate, and a group of younger brothers rushed in immediately, shooting anyone they saw.

The security guards in the building also started to call for more people. The fight between the two sides was extremely fierce, and with the increasing number of people in Jinbin, the members of the Walloon Mafia seemed a bit rubbish, and they were blocked even before rushing up to the second floor. , let alone seeing Jin Bin who lived on the top floor.

Valon shouted: "A bunch of trash! Shadow Corps, come out."

Countless blood-red eyes appeared in the shadows, stretched out their hands to grab a person and dragged them into the shadows. Jin Bing's gang members were all terrified. Sometimes the unknown is more terrifying than death.

With the joining of the shadow soldiers, the situation immediately changed drastically. Everywhere the shadow soldiers passed was cleared, not even the corpses were left behind.

Valon nodded in satisfaction, he is really a perfect killing machine!

"Stay here, guard the exit, and just come and follow me."

When they walked to the fifth floor unimpeded, the body of the younger brother who was walking at the back suddenly broke in two.

Wa Long shot back with an explosive flame, but it only hit the body of his younger brother, and the younger brother beside him vomited blood and flew downstairs as if hit by a huge force.

Valon smiled and said, "Snake spell and bull spell? I've been looking for you for a long time. Shadow Corps, catch it."

A black shadow appeared on the ground, and a group of ninjas in black rose up from the ground, densely filling the entire floor.

The invisible John was lying on the ventilation duct on the roof, staring at this group of strange soldiers solemnly, and thought to himself: These things can appear from the shadows, it is a bit difficult to deal with.

Although there are many shadow soldiers, they can't find anyone, so they can only stay where they are.

Valon said: "Is it gone?"

He reached out and took out a thing with four dragon heads, one of which was facing the vent, and his eyes glowed red.

Seeing Valon pull out a strange thing, John felt something was wrong, turned around and jumped to the ground.

Immediately after leaving, a column of flames blew up the ventilation duct.

Varoon relied on the spell tracker to bomb everywhere, and didn't care if any shadow soldiers were blown away.

John could only be beaten passively, and there was a circle of shadow soldiers around Valon to protect him, without any chance of getting close.

At this time, a seven-member team in the opposite building was watching the battle there.

It was Mobile Task Force Omega-7 that was tracking Walloon.

"Captain, it seems that the snake charm and the cow charm are also here! This is good news."

The captain of Omega-7 picked up the binoculars and said, "It's good news, but I'm afraid we don't have enough people to send it."

"Then what should we do, call for backup on the first mission?"

The captain said solemnly: "Containment first, call for support! Such a good opportunity can't let them escape. And I think that thing that can locate the spell is destined for us."

A moment later, a team member said: "Backup has been called."

"Who's coming? Is it those coquettish foxes?"

"No, it's General Estes."

Captain Omega-7 smiled and said: "Then it's safe, keep an eye on it, and no one can run away."

Walong was still bombarding wildly, the invisible man was like a monkey, but he couldn't hit him: "Are you Jackie Chan? Come out and fight me head-on!" A flaming pillar hit the load-bearing pillar of the building casually, It caused the whole building to tremble.

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