Execution test record (this experiment is too risky)

Experiment 1-1


SCP-24 showed no noticeable change in 682 hours.

After 36 hours, SCP-682 became irritable and began to charge into the containment chamber.

After 72 hours, SCP-682's body festered and its hair fell out.

After 96 hours, SCP-682 fell into a deep sleep, and the body began to heal.

End of experiment: Presumably not enough dose.

Experiment 1-2


After 24 hours, SCP-682's appetite increased. (probably just plain hungry)

After 72 hours there was no change in SCP-682.

After 300 hours there was no change in SCP-682.

End of experiment: Presumably antibodies have evolved.

Comment: I think I need to cut off a piece of scp-682's body to develop a vaccine against the scp-M002-01T virus.

containment proposal

Proposer: Wang Yue

Build a luxurious villa for scp-682 using all vibranium-made materials.

Commander’s original words: I’m going to make you a vibrating gold scp-682 model, it’s definitely enough for you to play with.

Chapter 43 Nine-Tailed Fox Task Force

Wang Yue stretched and looked at the rising sun outside the window.

"Another day of peace!"

The red queen projected: "Commander, scp-1 will come in one hour."

"Oh! It's been such an easy time, I almost forgot."

Wang Yue immediately opened the panel.

Wang Yue

Containment point: 24500 points

Guard points: 13820 points

The next transmission time of containment scp-3035 scientific cockroach (product of evolution) is undecided.

(New Mission) Temporary Teleportation of SCP-096 (Shy Man) Containment Remaining Time 01:01:54.

There are already so many guard points, let's get some more troops out, but I still don't know anything about combat, so I need to ask professionals.

Wang Yue looked at Esdes and said, "General Esdes, what kind of troops do we need most now!"

"Of course, the higher the combat effectiveness, the better. It is best to have troops who know the characteristics of the contained objects, which can effectively avoid casualties."

Wang Yue murmured: "The combat power is quite high. If you know the characteristics of most of the contained objects, then there is only that army."

"System, I want to exchange for Nine-Tailed Fox Troops."

The guard points on the panel were immediately reduced by 10000 points.

Wang Yue yelled in shock: "The system has a bug, why is it missing 10000 points?"

A few words came to mind, "There are no relevant members of the Nine-Tailed Fox Task Force, and 10000 points are required to force the task force to be exchanged."

Wang Yue could not help but gritted his teeth and said, "You are so dark!"

The system did not give any explanation.

Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 ("Nine-TailedFox"-Nine-Tailed Fox) (10 people)

Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 is in charge of security within the SCP Foundation within the MTF.They are special ops teams deployed to Foundation sites when standard protocols fail and multiple breaches are imminent.Therefore, most actions are graded by them.

Can be replenished with three times as many guard point designated Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 ("Nine-TailedFox"-Nine-Tailed Fox) members.

seems very amazing.

Wang Yue exchanged another 300 C-level fighters to guard the Magic Star Prison.

X9: "Your Excellency, Commander."

"X9, you're here again, so scp-096 (the shy one) has arrived?"

"Yes. I'm here to pass on the file of scp-096 (the shy person). At the same time, there is another news. Since the commander has successfully established the SCP foundation, the transmission of the contents will be increased in the future."

"Okay, I see."

The Red Queen suddenly said: "Commander, I found scp-096 in Queens, New York."

Wang Yue immediately ordered: "Let the Nine-Tailed Fox Task Force deal with it. I'll see how capable they are."

"Commander, there is bad news. There is a TV station broadcasting live on the street near the place where SCP-096 descended."

Wang Yue frowned, this is not good news.

one one one one one one one one queens one one one

Clade suddenly found a 2-meter-tall man squatting on the ground naked, his body was so thin that he had almost no muscles, and even his skin looked a little pale.It is clearly marked that this person is chronically malnourished.

Clade guessed that it should be caused by being imprisoned. Immediately, he was hot-blooded and asked, "Hey! Do you need help?"

As soon as scp-096 raised his head, Clade took a few steps back in shock on the spot, what kind of face is that!With a skull like a skeleton, white eyes, and a big mouth that occupies almost half of the face, it looks like a ghost.

SCP-096 also covered its face with its hands, and began screaming, crying, and making inarticulate sounds.

The sound immediately attracted the surrounding crowd to watch.

Clade also calmed down again, and began to explain the tragic experience of the poor man to the surrounding crowd.

Clade clenched his fists excitedly and shouted: "It's all the inaction of the New York police. We should march to protest and cry out for injustice."

The surrounding crowd also responded one after another, and Clark enjoyed the feeling of overwhelming response.

Clade reached out to the crying SCP-096: "My friend, I know what happened to you, and I understand your feelings. We need to protest, and find justice with me."

SCP-096 seemed to be moved, looked up at the surrounding crowd, buried his head between his legs again and cried.

"What a wonderful child! How could he be tortured like this?"

"We just supported the parade and he was moved to tears."

"Yes! Yes! Just based on his crying, he said that I must participate in this parade."

Seeing hope, Clade immediately said: "Let me organize the parade! We will definitely find justice for this poor man."

The surrounding crowd's discussion suddenly disappeared, and they looked behind Clade in fear.

Clade turned around curiously, and it turned out that SCP-096 had stood up: "As long as you are fine, my friend, we are going to..."

Before Clade finished speaking, a slender arm suddenly penetrated his chest and pinched his heart. Clark looked at SCP-096 in disbelief and said with difficulty: "Why?"

SCP-096 didn't seem to hear, then threw Klade away, and began to massacre its onlookers.

The people around were shocked when they saw Clade's death. By the time they realized it, their heads had already fallen to the ground, and their bodies and bloodstains gradually disappeared.

Not far away, the female reporter who was filming a program saw the crowd gather and then fled in all directions without even daring to turn her head. The female reporter's eyes lit up. Is there any time?It seems that today's news topic has.

The female reporter just arrived and saw the scene of the massacre by SCP-096. She was frightened and wanted to flee immediately, but on second thought, maybe my chance to become famous is today.

The female reporter straightened her hair and said to the camera again.

"This is Queens, New York. As far as you can see, a naked man with gray skin appeared on the street and massacred the surrounding crowd. More than 10 people have been killed so far, and the police have not yet arrived. Let us see See the true face of the murderer."

The female reporter said to the cameraman: "Go and take a picture of his face. This is our chance to get promoted and make a fortune."

Wang Yue in front of the TV suddenly sweated, and cursed: "Looking for death, is this to control the population? If the face of scp-096 is broadcast on TV, there will be few living people in the entire United States. The red queen immediately hacked this family TV station."

"Commander, the broadcast of the program has been blocked."

The crowd who were still watching TV went black in an instant, and some people immediately called the TV station and cursed.

The boss of the media was watching the rising ratings from ear to ear, and suddenly the TV screen went black, and he received a large number of complaint calls.

Media boss: "???"

At this time, scp-096 had finished killing people, crouched down with his head in his arms, and gradually calmed down.

The cameraman looked at the corpses all over the floor, and slowly moved to the front of SCP-096.

Tension and fear continued to spread in his heart, and he immediately breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that SCP-096 did not move.

Suddenly the phone rang, and the cameraman shook his hand in fright, and the camera fell to the ground without holding it steady.

When scp-096 heard the movement, he looked up and found that someone saw his face, and immediately screamed and cried.

The cameraman is confused, why?Did I scare you by being too ugly?Without the guts to pick up the camera, he turned around and ran.

one one one one one one one one (file) one one one one one one one

"shy" person

Item #: SCP-096

Object Class: Euclid


Production of any photographs, videos, or portraits of SCP-5 without the permission of the Commander and members of the O096 Council is strictly prohibited.

Description: SCP-096 is a humanoid creature approximately 2.38 meters tall.Subject has little muscle mass, and preliminary weight analysis indicates mild malnutrition.The arms are grossly disproportionate to the body, each approximately 1.5 meters long.Most of the skin is completely free of pigment, and the body surface is hairless.

The jaw opening angle of SCP-096 can be up to four (4) times the normal jaw opening angle of an average human being.Apart from the lack of pigment in the eyes, the rest of the facial features are similar to those of ordinary humans.It is unknown if SCP-096 is blind.It has not been found to have higher brain functions, nor is it thought to be sapient.

SCP-096 is generally extremely docile, with pressure detectors in the chamber showing that it spends most of the day pacing up and down the east wall.However, when someone sees SCP-096's face, either directly, on video, or even in a photograph, it will enter a state of severe grief. SCP-096 will cover its face with its hands, and begin screaming, crying, and making inarticulate sounds.Approximately one (1) to two (2) minutes after being looked at, SCP-096 will rush towards the person who sees its face (referred to as SCP-096-1 from this point forward).



Due to the potential for the object to trigger a large-scale chain reaction, including a breach of Foundation secrecy and loss of civilian life, efforts to recover the object should be considered an Alpha-level priority.

Evaluation: If the logo of Hydra is replaced with the photo of scp-096, will Hydra be wiped out in one fell swoop? (Thanos, put your head over here, I'll show you a big baby)

Chapter 44 Rock Rumlow

After running a few steps, I felt a big hand grabbing my throat, and my whole body was lifted up by a huge force.

The female reporter also ran away in fright, not daring to pay attention to the cameraman.

A siren sounded nearby, and five police cars drifted one by one, blocking the intersection.

Inspector Smith looked at the mutilated corpses on the ground and couldn't help feeling angry. He immediately pulled out his pistol and pointed at SCP-096, who was facing away from them, and shouted, "Raise your hands and put down the hostages, or I'll shoot you."

The cameraman desperately wanted to yell: "Help me, save me!!!" But he could only utter "drink, drink" when his throat was choked.

SCP-096 ignored the inspector, and concentrated on playing and tearing at the cameraman, as if admiring some work.

Suddenly, a large number of black jeeps surrounded the police car, and a group of black-clothed soldiers got out of the car.

Smith recognized at a glance that it was a gun in active service in the United States, and murmured, "Is the military here too?"

Locke Rumlow (Crossbones) walked up to the inspector, took out a certificate and flashed it: "I am the captain of the Rapid Response Special Forces of the National Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency, and now I am taking over here."

Smith: "What round? Didn't hear clearly."

"National Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency."

"Sorry, I didn't hear that. So I can't leave."

Rock Rumlow gave Smith a meaningful smile.

At this time, Smith's phone rang. Smith picked it up and saw that it was his chief.

Smith: "Director, what's the matter?"

"Come right back, someone else has taken over there."

Smith was silent for a moment, looked back at the struggling hostage, and said helplessly, "Yes."

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