The blue eyes became deeper and deeper, and the white clothes he wore were windless and automatic, like a hero who dedicated himself to righteousness, and walked forward firmly regardless of the danger ahead.

Xia Yan was stunned by Cain's heroic appearance as before.

She suddenly felt that the little fresh meat she was chasing before was some kind of thing, that she could have a bit of heroism like the person in front of her.

I will definitely give up those so-called stars now, and Cain will be the only idol in the future.

It was precisely because of this decision that Xia Yan's admiration for Cain was tested after this incident, and she was reluctantly transferred from the fortress base.

Jiang Shaozhong (the head of Mobile Task Force Hammerfall) behind the wall said to his assistant: "Let a sniper shoot!"

"Received!" The assistant chose a sniper farthest from Cain and said, "D-3366, I now ask you to aim at the target and shoot. You only have one chance, and you must hit it."

D-3366 cursed secretly when he heard the words, but there were security personnel with guns behind him, so he had to obey.

The crosshairs were also placed on Cain's forehead, calmly.

An inexplicable sense of crisis came, and the heart seemed to be quietly clenched by a big hand, so tight that it was suffocating.

Looking at the corners of Cain's slightly raised mouth, he was terrified!

The abnormality is definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface. The intuition in his heart tells him that if he shoots, he will die, and he must not shoot!

"D-3366, what are you hesitating about?"

A black muzzle rests on D-3366's temple.

Facing the security guard's questioning, D-3366 decided to express his conjecture.

"This man is terrifying, I dare not shoot!"

"You are disobeying orders!" The security guard scolded, "If you don't shoot within three seconds, you will die!"

D-3366 yelled in panic: "Wait a minute, I can feel the crisis, he is really dangerous!"

The security personnel frowned and decided to report the truth.

"Dangerous, I laughed so hard, what are you afraid of if you have a gun!" The D-class on the side laughed and said, "This is just a veteran member, and the reason why he can survive until now is because the foundation generously raised an idler!"

D-3366 ignored the newcomer at all, staring into the security personnel's eyes pleadingly, he knew very well who was in charge here.

"You should know the consequences of lying." The security personnel grabbed the sniper rifle and threw it to the D-class, saying, "D-6001, why are you laughing, come here!"

D-6001's smile suddenly froze on his face, and he gave D-3366 a vicious look: "If I come, I will come!"

As an elite ex-Marine, D-6001 would of course use a sniper rifle.

The action of shooting the gun and opening the mirror is done in one go!

But he kept an eye out and didn't aim at Cain's forehead. The crosshair shook a few times and fixed on Cain's chest.

He may not understand the rules here for the first time, but after observing the expressions of these D-class personnel, it doesn't seem like a fake, he should be really afraid of this kind of thing called containment.

That may be a real problem. Although he looks like a big horse on the surface, he is actually very thin!


A burst of flame burst out from the muzzle of the gun, and the bullet instantly tore through the space and flew towards Cain.

Just as Cain, a member of countless D-classes, was about to die, a scream came from behind him.

D-6001's chest exploded and he died tragically on the spot.

A huge hole appeared on the chest, no matter how it looks like it was shot out by a gun, only a sniper rifle can leave a 5 cm hole while keeping the whole body.

But D-6001 was the only one who fired at the scene, and there was only that sniper rifle in the audience, and no one else moved.

On the other hand, when Cain was hit by a bullet, he just stepped back a few steps and frowned.

A D-class member picks up a bullet that has fallen on the ground.

At this time, it could no longer be called a bullet, and no one knew what kind of hard object it hit. The powerful kinetic energy squeezed the bullet into a disjointed discus.

And there was a hole in Cain's clothes, leaking strong muscles.

A terrible guess appeared in the mind of the D-class personnel.

Could it be that D-6001 was killed by this blue-eyed black man?

Although this idea was outrageous, it was quickly recognized by everyone.

The older generation of D-classes know that only you can't think of it, and there is nothing you can't do without the containment.

"Does it hurt?" Xia Yan asked, reaching out to touch Cain's muscles by the way.

Not to mention the wound, the skin was not even red after being hit by a gun.

It may also be that Cain's skin is a bit dark, but Xia Yan didn't see it.

Cain nodded slightly: "It still hurts, is the experiment over?"

"It's over, your identity has been confirmed, it's an honor to meet you, Mr. Cain." Xia Yan smiled.

At this time, a blonde beauty walked up to Cain, stretched out her hand and said with a smile, "Cain, long time no see!"

Cain was stunned for a moment, then shook hands subconsciously, his brain was running at high speed, but no matter how he thought about it, he didn't think of the beautiful woman in front of him.

"You are???"

Chapter 286 Big Move

"Nine-Tailed Fox Mobile Task Force Deputy Captain, Bei Chen."

Cain squinted his eyes and carefully looked at the beautiful woman in front of him.

"Abnormally affected? Or did you undergo sex reassignment surgery?"

"Unusual." Aretha Beichen said indifferently, as if she didn't care much about this matter anymore.

Cain nodded slightly, and he wasn't surprised at all. He has recorded 9% of the contents in his head, and there are many abnormalities that can cause people to switch genders, so there is no fuss.

"Commander wants to see you, please follow me." Bei Chen smiled.

"Commander?" Cain asked curiously, "Could it be the O5-level executives? They showed up?"

"There are some differences between the system here and the original foundation. There is currently only one O5-level figure here, and you will see it soon."

Soon Cain was taken to an exclusive luxurious room.

This room is not in the base, not far from the fortress wall defense line.

The main concern is that Cain will easily cause confusion when he moves in the base. After all, many files are recorded on paper. Once the oxidation reaction occurs, the consequences will be disastrous. The specialist may vomit blood.

Wang Yue has been waiting here for a long time.

He smiled and said, "Please sit down, there is no wooden furniture here, and you don't have to worry about causing damage."

"Thank you!" Cain checked the room. This is a very delicate two-storey villa. The furniture is made of special materials and has everything you expect.

Cain looked at the green lawn outside the window, and was lost in thought for a while.

"Don't you like it?" Wang Yue asked.

Cain shook his head and said: "That's not true, it's just that this beautiful natural scenery may not last long. I actually like to be in contact with nature, but my contact has brought destruction to them, so I rarely get close to it." plant."

"It's okay, I'll let someone take care of the lawn, don't worry!"

The lawn itself was used to monitor Cain's actions, how could Wang Yue make the lawn disappear!

Anyway, there are plenty of DDs, just take turns to be on duty.

"I wonder if Your Excellency the Commander has anything to say when he sees me?" Cain asked, "I remember that O5 never comes forward easily."

Wang Yue smiled and said, "Then do you know the identity of the O5 personnel?"

Cain hesitated and nodded: "I know the identities of the two O2 personnel, but I have never seen them before. One is a famous pianist in the United States, and the other is a serving soldier in China. I cannot disclose the rest. "

"Can't you say it in this world?" Wang Yue asked.

Cain shook his head: "No, I made an agreement with O5 before I came, and I can't disclose information."

"Then you also mentioned the identity of the O5 personnel?"

"The two O5s have passed away. It's time for the information to be made public. It doesn't matter."

"I want to know when this plan to transfer the containment to another world will end." Wang Yue stared into Cain's eyes and said in a deep voice, "I know you have the authority to know about this matter, and you are part of the plan. Officer, what happened there and why did you get sent here?"

Cain's expression remained the same, his eyes did not fluctuate, and he said calmly, "This plan will not stop."

"Then explain why you came here. You are the foundation's information repository. I don't believe they are so stupid to let you come here in advance. Something must have happened! Maybe we can help him."

Cain shook his head again, and said with a wry smile: "You can't help, a decisive battle is about to begin, the previous 11 O5s were killed, the Foundation has reached a critical moment, they are eliminating some containment items that may be variables , if you win, the world will restart, if you fail... you will be responsible for fighting to the end."

Wang Yue suddenly became serious: "Who are you fighting with?"

Cain lowered his head, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and it took him a long time to utter two words.


Wang Yue also had a meal for it.

Anyone who knows the foundation knows what crimson represents!

Far beyond Marvel's highest combat effectiveness.

Thanos and the Tribunal of Life are just younger brothers in front of Crimson!

"How many percent?"

"One percent!"

"Let's get used to this world first! If you have anything, you can tell the supervisor here."

After Wang Yue explained, he got up and left.

Originally, I planned to ask Cain to cooperate to see if I could solve some difficult containment objects.

I didn't expect to get such explosive news.The original foundation actually wanted to fight with Crimson.

They must have relied on something to make this decision, but what exactly did they get that made them dare to challenge Crimson.

The supreme divinity can only be dealt with by the supreme divinity!

After all, there are too few silly roe deer like stags.

After thinking about it for a long time, Wang Yue didn't understand.

It may be that they got a relatively special containment.

A [-]% success rate is already very high.

Yi: "Your Excellency Commander, the mutants are ready in the conference room and ready for the meeting."

This is a negotiation with mutants, and the Foundation needs more combat power.

After many internal negotiations, they finally set their sights on another force.


So a mobile task force plan was brought up.

And name it Mobile Task Force Apocalypse!

Mobile Task Force Tasks: Divided into three groups, Group A has strong combat effectiveness and investigation capabilities, and is mainly responsible for confronting the enemy head-on. Group B is mainly responsible for investigation, revelation, experimentation, extraction, and elimination. Group C is most responsible for manufacturing, destroying, and transporting.

Once this mobile task force is established, with their diverse abilities, it can often have unexpected effects.

And the Anzi who stayed among the mutants can also be activated.

This situation was also directly or indirectly contributed to by that shadow.

Wang Yue glanced at the news and saw that another MP's family had been killed.

"Mutants are very active now!"

"Yes, Commander!" Xi said, "After the disappearance of Magneto and Professor X, the mutants were in chaos for a while. There were three mutant factions. One was the X-Men faction headed by Storm. Developing peacefully with human beings, mutants are not human opponents. The second is the neutral faction headed by Suzaku. They do not participate in any struggles but are willing to live in peace, and even set up multiple multinational groups. The third is the new mutant forces, Received a large number of Magneto's original parties, the leader is unknown, no one has ever seen their leader, there are rumors that it is Mystique, and this incident was also caused by them."

"Mystique?" Wang Yue frowned, and murmured, "Didn't Mystique be captured? Could it be that she escaped?"

Soon Wang Yue shook his head again. If Mystique was still alive, the probability of her escaping was extremely low.

Especially Anderson is mostly a robot, it doesn't matter how you change, in the eyes of the robot, she is just a walking skeleton, it is impossible to escape.

"Could it be that Anderson also attacked the mutants?"

"Your Excellency, the meeting starts in 3 minutes." Xi said.

"Okay, I see!" Wang Yue nodded: "Let Kane and Jiang Shaozhong participate together."

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