He opened his mouth to scold these lunatics, but as soon as he moved his mouth, he saw Zhang Wen's eyes sweeping over.

All the D-levels immediately lowered their heads and counted their toes, not daring to say anything, for fear that they would be the next one to choose them.

The doctor pushed his glasses and said: "My guess is correct, it is indeed 4000 degrees Celsius."

"Do you still need to experiment?"

Hearing Zhang Wen's words, the D-class personnel shuddered involuntarily, and looked at the doctor with pleading eyes.

The doctor didn't care about them at all, they were just a bunch of consumables, and Zhang Wen would order them himself if needed.

"No, I roughly figured it out.

SCP-M (Number to be determined) Golden Crow, Euclid-level anomaly, has extremely high temperature, the surrounding is 3000 degrees Celsius high temperature, every centimeter close to Golden Crow, the temperature will rise by 100 degrees Celsius, the highest is 14000 degrees Celsius, and it will emit extremely strong The light makes it impossible to see the inside clearly, and the burned object will not have a flame, but will directly vaporize. (Note: may have other properties) Immobilized by SCP-M Dangling Stones.

SCP-M (number to be determined) hanging stone, Safe-level anomaly, suspected to be an extraterrestrial meteorite from the Great Qin Dynasty, engraved with the words "The First Emperor dies and the earth divides" can make all objects within a radius of 48 meters enter a state of weightlessness. (specific data to be tested)”

The doctor recorded his conjectures one by one.

"No, there seems to be something wrong with the doctor's data." A D-level personnel pointed to the data panel and said.

The doctor frowned. Although he was uncomfortable being questioned, he did not deny that there were indeed some D-level masters in the academic world, and they might be stronger than him in the professional field.

"What is your occupation?" asked the doctor.

The D-class personnel are overjoyed. Once they are recognized by the doctor, they will have value and can reduce the number of interactions with abnormalities. They must grasp it now.

"I'm a member of NASA, with a doctorate in astronomy and material science, specializing in various celestial bodies."

The doctor put away his contempt, this kind of person is indeed qualified to communicate with him, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Just now, the spectrum showed certain fluctuations. I suspect that the anomaly may have other properties."

The doctor quickly browsed one side of the log, and sure enough, there was a slight change in the Golden Crow, and the area affected by the high temperature increased a little, reaching 42.51 meters.

This problem is a bit big!

What affects the exception?Could it be the experiment just now?

"What do you think?"

The D-class personnel quickly said: "I think that the anomaly may be able to increase its size by vaporizing objects, and it may also have a certain ability to move. After all, he will not stay here for no reason. If it can't move, why must it be here? What about here? It must be a great threat."

The doctor nodded: "Why did you come in?"

"I..." Resentment flashed in the D-class personnel's eyes when he mentioned the past: "My wife had an affair with someone, and I was with three men when I was at home. I killed them all in a fit of anger, but their family Influential, I was afraid they would retaliate against my daughter, so I killed their whole family."

Chapter 284 Cain Arrives

"Yeah." The doctor nodded, and his eyes didn't fluctuate when he heard the bloody words. After all, the number of D-classes who died in his hands was far greater than this number. He said calmly: "From now on, you will be my exclusive D-class." Right! I don't need to know your name, as long as you have a number here, it is enough."

D-class members were ecstatic: "Yes, D-5399 is willing to serve you."

"Doctor, slow down!"

"Thirsty or not! Have a sip of tea!" D-5399 graciously brought a cup of tea, and seemed to be close to hugging the doctor and licking it wildly.

The attitude of the D-class personnel changed extremely quickly, and no one present could react. Just now, he was a scholar full of intelligence, but he became a loyal licking dog in the blink of an eye.

A D-class complained: "It's really embarrassing for the D-class personnel!"

"Yeah! It would be great if it could be replaced!"


The D-class collectively turned their heads to look at the personnel, their eyes full of contempt.

"Ahem! I mean... um... I mean... let's despise him together! That's right."

That's what he said, but the envy in his eyes still couldn't betray himself.

If there is a chance, he also wants to become an exclusive D-rank!

Isn't it nice to live with a boss?

Only the pity in Zhang Wen's eyes flashed. The exclusive D-level treatment for becoming a researcher is indeed better than ordinary D-level treatment. He knows exactly what this D-level is thinking. Come down, but this is destined to be a luxury. For the whole world, once they become D-class, it means that they have become dead, and all government files are directly stamped with the seal of death.

The world has acquiesced in their death, even if it is a D-level member who has obtained a foundation star, the death penalty is only abolished and changed to life imprisonment, and he can only stay in the foundation as a D-level member for the rest of his life. get rid of.

This is the foundation's commitment to governments around the world.

So even if you become an exclusive D-rank, you will be executed, but it is changed from one month to three months. If you have other contributions, you can postpone it until he has no value.

Zhang Wen said in a deep voice: "Doctor, how do you think we should contain it now?"

The doctor shook his head and said: "That's it, don't touch it. Build a station around him, remove all surrounding objects to make a sterile room, don't participate in any experiments, don't move the meteorite on it, keep it as it is."

"Okay!" Zhang Wen nodded and said, "I'm going to apply to the headquarters to transfer the engineering team!"


Wang Yue put down the SCP-M Golden Crow file in his hand.

Brows furrowed.

Another K-class containment object appeared, and it was still a K-class containment object capable of self-expanding. It is still unknown how to eliminate it.

And it's not clear whether this Golden Crow poses a threat to other K-ranks.

Theoretically speaking, direct vaporization can solve many K-class containment objects that cause headaches for the Foundation, but Wang Yue dare not give instructions for experimental interaction.

Let's not talk about the words in the report that it is not recommended to participate in the experiment.

Just because the Golden Crow can devour and expand is very troublesome, and a little carelessness may cause disaster.

Moreover, K-level minus K-level is not equal to zero, nor is it equal to 1, and there is a high probability that it is equal to the XK-level scenario "end of the world", where extremely serious physical disasters and global civilization collapse occur.And usually this kind of end of the world is chained in nature, because in that case it is likely to lead to a series of containment breaches, which will aggravate the disaster.

Wang Yue didn't dare to gamble. If there is no interactive experiment, the K-class will be managed by each site. Even if the containment breach is only a K-class, the Foundation can still suppress it.

If there were two, the Foundation would be at a loss for what to do.

"The site is allowed to be built, and people from the central branch are allowed to stay permanently. There is no space at the headquarters!"

Yin: "Got it."

Wang Yue let out a long sigh, got up and looked out the window.

The portal outside has already started to operate.

The turquoise energy is constantly stirring like water waves.

SCP-073 Cain is coming.

All departments are on standby.

A team of D-class personnel is escorted in by security guards.

To the shock of the D-class, the security personnel actually issued weapons to them.

Everything from machine guns and sniper rifles to RPG and infrasonic weapons.

This is a very bad signal, and there are discussions.

Only a few new D-classes were smiling, and secretly scolded the Foundation for being stupid for giving them a chance to escape.

More D-classes all looked pale, and they knew what it meant!

The Foundation rarely issues weapons to D-class personnel, but if they give weapons to D-class personnel, it means that the possibility of surviving this mission is basically zero.

The Foundation isn't afraid of their rebellion at all.

The hand holding the gun trembled slightly, and some D-Class looked at the other person.

D-3366, a D-class who participated in 7 experimental interactions without dying, is considered a veteran in this high-mortality D-class.

He used to be a detective, quick-witted, thoughtful and quite prestigious among D-class members.

"3366, do we want to..." A D-class asked secretly, although the words were not finished, the meaning was self-evident.

3366 adjusted the sniper rifle in his hand, and said calmly: "Don't think about rebellion, the foundation can't make such a mistake, this mission is more dangerous than mine, otherwise they wouldn't give the gun. "

"I think we have a chance! There are at least 6-7 special forces here, which is enough to deal with a few security guards."

A D-level armed with a bazooka replied: "Yes, these weapons are no problem, and they can indeed shoot. If there is a chance, directly hold that B-level security guard hostage, that is an officer."

Looking at the B-class members not far away, the eyes of all the D-class members were fierce.

Only D-3366 laughed disdainfully, and walked towards the corner with the sniper rifle in his mouth.

Sniper rifle!Keep a distance and find the right time to shoot to solve it. Of course, if you don't have the time, then don't shoot!

"Shut up!" B-level security guard shouted: "When you were sleeping, a miniature nano-bomb was implanted in your neck. You can only shoot after getting my order in this mission, otherwise you will be executed on the spot. , everyone stood up according to the instructions."

The D-class who originally planned to rebel immediately became obedient like sheep, and one after another followed the instructions and walked aside to arm themselves.

Behind every D-Class there is a security guard pointing a gun at his head, so that they don't dare to act rashly.

A glass barrier rose, enveloping the portal and a C-level negotiator.

This was prepared to prevent any unsuspecting D-Class from shooting without authorization.

If the Foundation confirms that SCP-073 Cain is not malicious, then all is well.

If there is malice, then immediately lower the barrier and attack with all your strength.

"The portal is about to start!" Yin's voice resounded through the base.




The energy of the portal gathered together, and the color became deeper.

At this time, a human foot stepped out of the portal first.

The sound of leather stomping on the floor made everyone tense.

Chapter 285 Friendly Talk

A dark-skinned male appeared in front of the portal.

Everyone present stared at the figure intently, and tightened their guns tightly.

Looking at the friendly smile and thin body, the D-class personnel were a little puzzled.

Is this the anomaly that makes the Foundation feel like an enemy? ? ?

It doesn't look like it!

"I feel like I can knock him down with one punch!"

Another D-class sneered: "Do you think you are a fool or the Foundation is a fool, this person must be different, I can even feel his strong aura!"

"What aura?"

"murderous look!"


Xia Yan, the negotiator in front of Cain, glanced at the potted plants aside.

The green leaves quickly turn yellow at a speed visible to the naked eye, and completely wither within a few seconds. This is true for potted plants within 20 meters.

Instead, Xia Yan breathed a sigh of relief. The person who came was indeed SCP-073 Cain. According to the description, he should be very friendly and there would be no danger.

Xia Yan smiled and said: "I am a C-level personnel of the SCP Foundation, Xia Yan."

"SCP-073 Cain."

Xia Yan was slightly nervous when she saw those blue eyes like the ocean.This person in front of him is not an ordinary containment object. It can be said that he is half of the foundation, and his authority is greater than that of ordinary A-level members, although he only has the right to know.

If there was no hostility, then the Foundation would probably resume his position, so he could be considered her boss.

"How to prove your identity?" Xia Yan asked.

"Isn't the plant you put there?"

Of course Xia Yan knew that those potted plants were prepared for Cain. This question seemed redundant, but she could use conversation to confirm Cain's attitude towards the foundation.

"A potted plant only proves that you have the ability to wither plants, it does not prove that you are SCP-073 Cain."

Cain smiled helplessly: "Then you prove it!"

Xia Yan hesitated for a moment, and said to the headset: "Lower the protective cover!"

The transparent protective glass fell to the ground, and Cain was officially exposed to countless gunpoints.

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