
Chapter 287 Meeting Begins

In the meeting room, Suzaku was clasping her fingers, waiting boredly for the meeting to start.

A group of mutants behind him were all dressed in suits, they looked like dogs, and they seemed to be social elites.

From time to time, I also took out a tablet computer to deal with the company's affairs.

A financial statement was handed to Suzaku.

"Boss, this is the revenue for this quarter, and the profit is 1.4 million US dollars."


Suzaku slapped the newspaper away and said coldly, "Don't bother me, I'm not interested in money! Ham, you can handle it yourself!"

"Okay, boss!"

Ham silently picked up the report, thinking to himself: You are not interested in money, but you are interested in spending money!I bought a street as soon as I went shopping. Fortunately, the company has enough liquidity, otherwise...

Ham had expected this outcome long ago, but his goal has already been achieved. Showing the report to Suzaku is not to let her take care of things, but to let her know how much money we have left, so don't go shopping and go bankrupt!

Storm, who was sitting next to her, keenly heard what Ham said.

Such a large sum of money in just one quarter, it's strange that Suzaku is usually so rich!

Although Storm Girl and Suzaku are two forces, they are also supporting each other.

Many people who graduated from X Academy directly went to work in Suzaku's company, and even the assistant behind Suzaku was trained by Storm herself.

Thinking of this Storm Girl felt a little bitter!

A student who worked so hard to raise her up, she turned around and joined another faction before she received the results.

No one except my father-in-law can experience this feeling. It feels like my cabbage has been beaten by a pig!

But Storm also understands the reason for all this.

The multinational group established by Suzaku is famous for its construction projects, and its infrastructure construction speed has surpassed that of the country to the east.

No matter what the project is, it must be completed within a month.

The charge is also more than three times the normal price.

The mutants who follow Suzaku are all popular now, and the mutants who choose to blend in with ordinary people have already lived a life without eating their last meal.

Who will suffer after a long time!They all ran to work for Suzaku.

Even her teacher at X Academy sometimes goes to Suzaku to earn some extra money.

Last time Iceman took over a project for an ice and snow playground!

One month later, he became a well-known local tyrant in the X Academy, and he was full of beauties with fragrant cars.

This made a group of people in Academy X envious!

I don't even want to go to class and want to go to work!

"Hey!" Storm sighed helplessly, thinking of this made her extremely tired, if only the professor was here, she was exhausted during the recent period.

Fortunately, Iceman has recently opened up and helped her teach many students to relieve some of the pressure, otherwise they would not even sleep well.

I took out a small mirror and looked at the corners of my eyes, and there were crow's feet.

and many more!

How about a puff of white smoke steaming from the top of her head?

Turn your head to look.

I saw the Iceman with a cigar in his mouth and a big gold chain, full of aristocratic aura, scattered cigarettes for Suzaku's employees everywhere.

He yelled one after another, and asked quietly: "Is there any work in the ice and snow park? Let me introduce you to my brother. The benefits will definitely be indispensable to you, and I have a few experts with special abilities here." , the ability is one-to-one.”

Storm's face darkened, she frowned, and coughed softly.

The Iceman turned his head abruptly, just in time to meet Storm's gaze.

That sharp gaze pierced into the bottom of Iceman's heart.

At this moment he realized it!

He shouldn't be, X Academy has its own dignity.

So he took out a long-preserved cigar and handed it to Storm under her puzzled eyes.

As the principal of Academy X, of course he must light the best cigarettes!

That's worthy of identity.

"Principal, let me help you!"

Storm girl was stunned for a moment, and almost couldn't help causing a lightning strike to kill her!

The child!Hopeless!

With a cold snort, he turned his head and ignored it.

But he couldn't help crying in his heart: "Professor, why don't you come back! If this continues, X Academy will be gone."

And all of this is what the Foundation and Suzaku are happy to see.

It won't be long before X Academy can only become a vassal of the Suzaku forces, and it won't be able to cause any troubles anymore.

"Ororo!" Suzaku sat next to her at some point.

Storm heard the sound and looked, and asked with a cold face: "What's the matter?"

Although she was absolutely sure that Suzaku did a good job, but the matter of poaching people from her made Storm girl not have the slightest affection for Suzaku.

"I recently took on a big project, are you interested!"

Storm's heart skipped a beat, she looked straight ahead as if she didn't hear Suzaku's words.

"It's a pity that our people are not strong enough. I'm afraid we won't be able to get this project." Suzaku said with some regret, and suddenly the topic changed: "Scp Group recently released a new beauty cream, which can be bought for only 3000 million US dollars. Do you want to go around later, the global release is limited to 100 copies, if you can't grab it, it will really be gone."

Of course Storm has heard of this rare beauty product, the effect is very good, but the price is too expensive.

Only 100 copies are issued every three years, and the black market has already hyped 5000 million US dollars, and there is still no market for the price.

Storm looked at Suzaku blankly: "Desert transformation is a good thing, maybe it can change ordinary people's attitude towards mutants! I can help!"

It's done!Suzaku twitched his ears and smiled softly, "Someone is here, let's chat in my office later!"

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the conference room was pushed open.

Jiang Shaozhong and Kane walked in.

The mutants immediately widened their eyes.

It's not surprising to see a lot of mutants these days, but it's the first time I've seen a mutant dog.

"What are you looking at! Have you never seen a golden retriever?"

Ganglishi said blankly: "I have seen it, but I have never seen one who can talk!"

"Hmph!" Kane glanced around, and said in a deep voice: "Is there no one from that organization? If that's the case, let's ignore them, let's start!"

An instrument is put down.

Wang Yue's three-dimensional phantom appeared on the chair.

The venue of the meeting was X College, so of course Wang Yue would not come in person.

Mutants are talked about.

I feel that the sincerity of the foundation is not enough, and I have some opinions.

Jiang Shaozhong sneered: "You ungrateful things, if the Foundation hadn't taken you in, you would have been arrested and experimented on, and now you actually have a problem with us!"

Human nature is like this, Jiang Shaozhong secretly asked a few mutants who were talking about it, and decided to wear small shoes for them if they had the opportunity.

Storm stood up and said apologetically, "They are all freshmen and don't know much about the foundation. I thank the foundation again for its help."

I couldn't help but glance at Suzaku, feeling a little envious in my heart.

Looking at the power of others, all of them are elites, their emotions are not expressed, and there is no exchange of words.

Little did they know that this was a talent that Suzaku spent a lot of money on, not only with great professional knowledge, but also as a diehard Suzaku loyalist, who could become a special task force of the Foundation at any time.

"Logan! You are now a member of the Pandora task force, go back and report to Abel, don't join in blindly!" Wang Yue said.

Chapter 288 Defeated

Logan shook the ash from the cigar, and said suspiciously: "The professor hasn't come back for so long, I think you may have a problem, and our cooperation can be terminated."

"The foundation is not a place where you can come and go if you want." Jiang Shaozhong chuckled lightly: "If you want to leave the foundation, you can, but you must perform amnestics!"

Logan stopped what he was doing, stretched out three sharp claws slowly, and gritted his teeth: "I hate memory erase the most."

"Hmph! Do you still want to do it? It depends on whether you are qualified enough."

Kane said to Jiang Shaozhong: "He is from Pandora, should I hand it over to Abel."

Hearing the word Abel, the corner of Logan's mouth twitched involuntarily, and secretly said: "Don't be that lunatic!"

"No, I'm afraid Abel will demolish this place."

Wang Yue naturally had great confidence in Jiang Shaozhong, and said with a smile, "Logan, I'll give you a chance. If you win, I'll let you go. If you lose, don't even think about leaving the Foundation."

Logan laughed disdainfully. He is a man with steel and iron bones. How could he lose? The self-healing ability alone is already invincible.

"make a deal!"

The other mutants retreated to make room for them.


Storm winked at Logan, signaling to act lightly, after all, it was the organization that helped them back then.

Logan nodded slightly, indicating that he would not kill him.

At this time Jiang Shaozhong was ready.

He took out a half-meter-long silver-white metal stick from behind, flicked his wrist lightly, and the metal stick instantly turned into a spear (cold weapon).

With a flick of the gun tip, a cold light flashed in the air, and Jiang Shaozhong waved to Logan.

"Come on! Beast!"

Jiang Shaozhong's series of operations can be described as extremely arrogant, at least in Logan's eyes.

Logan, who was originally a powder barrel, became angry at that time, and raised his hand to stab Jiang Shaozhong.

The three metal claws collided with the tip of the gun and a ball of sparks exploded. This is a special vibrating gun tip, which is no worse than Wolverine's claws.

The two were separated at the touch of a touch.

The huge force made the spear tremble, and Jiang Shaozhong opened the distance again, not giving Logan a chance to approach at all.

The tip of the gun was always facing Logan's eyes, and the body moved slowly to adjust its position.

Under the action of the light, a spot of light reflected from the tip of the gun shone on Luogen's eyes.

Logan narrowed his eyes subconsciously, and felt a breeze hit his face in the next second.

There is no time to react.

The spear was inserted into Logan's neck and guided directly to the central nervous system.

Logan's arm hangs down weakly, but only for less than a second.

The three sharp claws raised up again, and suddenly slashed at Jiang Shaozhong's arm.

Jiang Shaozhong kicked Logan away, took out his spear, and stared at Logan.

Contemptuously said: "Huh! Beast."

Even though he said that, Jiang Shaozhong was extremely serious, and he knew Logan's self-healing ability very well.

Before the tip of the gun completely left Logan's skin, Logan's self-healing ability had almost recovered himself.

This metamorphosis is even more resilient than some anomalies.

Logan didn't speak, but just gently wiped the blood from the wound, experiencing the feeling of blood running across his fingertips, and his desire to fight was gradually released.

Logan with a ferocious face shouted, regardless of the injuries on his body, he rushed straight to Jiang Shaozhong.

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