However, he eventually changed his mind.

He can't do that. This matter is related to the life and death of others. When he tells the truth, whether Kang Haichuan believes it or not is one thing, but he can't fool others.Otherwise, what's the point of Kang Haichuan listening to his words, writing and drawing in his hands, and asking him to divination?

Knowing the truth as a fortune teller, he can't change Kang Haichuan's current dangerous situation.

So, he had to tell the truth.

"What do you mean by this hexagram?" Kang Haichuan was a little nervous. He didn't understand the first two sentences, but he could understand the last two sentences. It was definitely not a good hexagram.

"Uncle, solve the hexagram quickly." Kang Xin urged.

Li Zian uttered the hexagrams of tacit understanding.

Kang Haichuan remained silent, the tension and fear in his eyes could not be concealed.

Kang Xin was also nervous and scared: "No, this can't be true, uncle, are you kidding me? Okay, how can my dad face the choice of life and death?"

Li Zian looked down at the skeleton on the ground: "It may have something to do with it."

Both Kang Haichuan and Kang Xin's eyes fell on the bones, and both father and daughter had puzzled expressions on their faces.

Li Zian said: "Look at this skeleton, was this man or woman in life?"

Kang Xin said without thinking: "This skeleton is so tall and wearing an iron helmet, it must be a man, maybe a general."

Kang Haichuan didn't say a word, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Li Zian pointed to the skeleton and said: "The pelvis of this skeleton is very wide, which is a characteristic of women. I didn't notice it before, and I just remembered this after divination."

Kang Haichuan seemed to understand something, and looked nervous: "Xiao Li, the hexagram you mentioned is like a combination of a man and a woman. This skeleton was a woman before death. You don't mean to say..."

He dared not speak out.

But Kang Xin said it out: "Uncle, you don't mean that my father was possessed by a female ghost?"

Li Zian didn't say this, but he thought so in his heart.

Are there ghosts in this world?

Although he is a alchemist, he does not believe in the theory of ghosts and gods, but he is not an absolute materialist, nor does he oppose the views of idealists.Take the present matter as an example, has Kang Haichuan been possessed by some female ghost?From a materialistic point of view, definitely not.But from an idealistic point of view, there is faith.

"Hahaha..." Kang Haichuan suddenly smiled inexplicably.

Kang Xin said worriedly: "Dad, stop laughing, your laughter sounds scary."

In fact, she was also afraid. Her father suddenly pinched an orchid and pointed it out. With a kick of his legs, he flew away like Dongfang Bubai.

Kang Haichuan stopped laughing: "I never believed in ghosts and gods, let alone being possessed by ghosts. I'm going to that place to see, if you two are afraid, you can wait for me here, my old man is not afraid of anything , I will go alone."

Li Zian said, "We'll go with you." He picked up the skeleton on the ground, and said to Kang Xin, "Kang Xin, help me carry the toolbox."

Kang Xin responded. In fact, the alloy toolbox never left her hands.

The three of them got down from the sand dunes, and it was still Kang Haichuan who led the way.

"Uncle, you said that there is a female ghost. If you hold this skeleton, you are hugging a female ghost. How do you feel?" Kang Xin said with a smile, and there was a hint of teasing in her smile.

Li Zian smiled: "This female ghost is very good, she asked me to say hello to you."

"How do you say hello?" Kang Xin didn't believe it at all, but wanted to know what Li Zian wanted to say.

Li Zian said: "It said it was very hungry and wanted to borrow a piece of meat from you. I wonder if you would like it?"

After finishing speaking, he leaned the skull against Kang Xin's body. "Ah! Don't come here!" Kang Xin was frightened and ran away.

Kang Haichuan glanced back, but said nothing.

Li Zian didn't go after Kang Xin either, and walked at the end of the team.

Just as Kang Haichuan turned his head, Kang Xin, who was walking in the middle, turned her head again and gave Li Zian a supercilious look.

Her tits are fierce, that is the version of rich gold PLUS.

Li Zian pretended not to see, bowed his head and walked his way.

The straight-line distance is only 200 meters, and it is not far to turn it up two or three times. The three of them soon came to the foot of a huge sand dune.

This sand dune is tall and big, in the middle of a low sand dune, it is like a king.

"We're here, this time we can't go wrong, we'll be there after we crossed this dune." Kang Haichuan was very excited, and regardless of Li Zian and Kang Xin's reaction, he climbed up the sand dune with hands and feet as soon as he finished speaking.

Li Zian and Kang Xin followed Kang Haichuan and also climbed to the top of the sand dune. With the previous thumb incident, Li Zian learned how to behave this time. He didn't follow Kang Xin's butt, but staggered several times away from her. meter distance.

In this way, even if you slide down from the top, I am not under you, but you just roll down the sandy slope, then you can’t blame me, right?

After climbing up for a certain distance, Kang Xin looked back and saw that Li Zian was not behind her buttocks, a look of disappointment flashed in her eyes, but her posture of climbing the dunes became more stable.

The three climbed up the sand dunes, and the "basin" seen from the gap between the sand dunes appeared in front of them. Five small sand dunes tens of meters high stood on an area the size of a football field.

Five small sand dunes are pieced together, and the shape is like a plum blossom.

When I saw it before, Li Zian didn't have any special feelings, and didn't think of any flowers at all. At this moment, I suddenly thought of plum blossoms, and I felt a little strange in my heart.

Kang Haichuan pointed to the five small sand dunes in the middle of the sand dune basin and said, "That's where Huang Bo and I were to avoid the sandstorm. The broken wall was there, and the dilapidated roof was there..."

Old man Kang was very excited while talking and gesticulating.

"Dad, speak slowly, don't be so excited." Kang Xin also noticed that something was wrong with her father, and was very worried.

At this moment, Li Zian suddenly turned his head to look in the direction he came from.

The fire of the Toyota pickup truck has been extinguished, and in that direction, a black shadow is moving quickly here.

In the dark shadow that covers the sky and the moon, eight shiny things flicker and flicker, and occasionally they can penetrate the black shadow and cast a bright beam of light.

Those are headlights.

Eight headlights are four cars, isn't it the gang of prodigals who ignited the Toyota pickup truck before?

The car can be seen clearly, but what is that black shadow?

Li Zian looked carefully again, suddenly understood, and shouted: "Sandstorm!"

Kang Xin then turned her head and saw the black dust storm rolling towards this side, her eyeballs were almost protruding, and she was stunned for a second before she screamed: "Ah!"

Kang Haichuan rushed down the sand dunes.

He didn't say anything.


Chapter 218 Tofu

"Uncle, follow up quickly." Kang Xin also ran down the sand dunes.

Li Zian also ran down the sand dunes with the skeleton in his arms. He had never experienced a sandstorm, but he also knew that it was safest to hide in a sheltered place when the strong wind came.This small basin is surrounded by a large sand dune of 200 meters, which is equivalent to a natural safe haven.

Kang Haichuan got off the sand dunes and continued to run towards the five small sand dunes in the middle of the basin.

"Dad, what are you doing so fast? Wait for us!" Kang Xin said anxiously.

Kang Haichuan didn't seem to hear Kang Xin's voice, and continued to run towards the plum blossom-shaped sand dunes.

Kang Xin chased after two steps, then stopped, and turned to look at Li Zian.

Li Zian chased after him: "Follow me."

"Uncle, what happened to my dad tonight?" Kang Xin talked to Li Zian while running.

"He has a problem." Li Zian replied simply.

He had made it very clear when he explained the hexagram just now, but Kang Xin didn't want to believe it.

In fact, even he himself didn't believe that Kang Haichuan was possessed by some female ghost.

"Uncle, what if there really is a female ghost?"

"Don't be afraid, if there is a female ghost, I'll talk to her and let her get on me, not on your father and you." Li Zian joked to ease the tense atmosphere.

"That's right, my dad is an old man, and I'm also a woman. You are so handsome, the female ghost must like you more." Kang Xin really relaxed a little.

The two ran after Kang Haichuan.

The straight-line distance from the big sand dune to the five small sand dunes in the middle of the basin is only about 1000 meters. After running not far, Li Zian found something wrong again.

He looked at Kang Haichuan who was running like a young man in front of him, and couldn't help but asked in confusion, "Kangxin, does your dad often run?"

"My dad rarely runs. He has a problem with his lumbar spine. His favorite exercise is walking." Kang Xin suddenly realized something, "Yeah, why did he run so fast tonight?"

A person popped out of Li Zian's mind without warning, the late old comrade Huang Bo, an expert in archaeology.

Huang Bo stole the skeleton back then. He was just an ordinary person before, but after more than ten years, he transformed into a martial arts master. Could it be that something in that skeleton got into his body and turned him into another person? one person?

Just like it was written in fantasy, a soul crossed into the body of the waste wood, and then there were system plug-ins or something, and directly set foot on the pinnacle of life?

In the past, Li Zian didn't even think about it in this direction, but tonight Kang Haichuan is like another Huang Bo, with more and more strange features on his body, and such thoughts came naturally.

He himself is not like this, if the furnace spirit of Da Yan's portable furnace hadn't chosen him and parasitized in his brain, how could he become a master?

When these thoughts flashed through his mind, Li Zian glanced at the skeleton in his arms again.

It's still so peaceful.

Before the three of them reached the small sand dunes, the strong wind swept over with sand and dust from behind. There was still a little light in the sky, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye, and the surroundings were pitch black.

Li Zian couldn't see Kang Haichuan who was running ahead, and even Kang Xin who was following him couldn't see clearly. He only knew that there was someone by his side.


A gust of wind blows over, and countless sand and dust hit the body, making it difficult to breathe all at once. If you are standing in a mudslide, you may be buried at any time.

"Ahem..." Kang Xin choked on the dust and coughed violently.

Li Zian made a decisive decision, threw the skeleton on the ground, grabbed Kang Xin, took the alloy tool box from her hand, and then opened the mechanism. The alloy tool box opened with a clatter, turning into a bulletproof barrier.After blocking the wind and sand, he hugged Kangxin into his arms again, and after crossing the bulletproof barrier, he hugged Kangxin and curled up behind the bulletproof barrier.

"My dad...I want to find my dad!" Kang Xin was very anxious, pushing Li Zian, trying to get up.

Li Zian hugged her tightly: "Calm down, you can't see him at all, the wind and sand are so strong, you will die!"

"But, my dad..." Kang Xin was so anxious that she shed tears.

Li Zian comforted her: "Your dad once escaped a sandstorm here. He has experience, so he will be fine. When the sandstorm is a bit calmer, I will take you to find him."

Only then did Kang Xin calm down a little, and she buried her head in Li Zian's arms.Li Zian blocked the wind and sand for her. The air she breathed was full of the smell of Li Zian, sweat, earth, and a bit of sandalwood and masculinity. These smells made her feel a little overwhelmed, and her heart was in a mess. .


The strong wind kept blowing, and the bulletproof barrier blocked most of the wind and sand. Li Zian firmly grasped the bulletproof barrier, and held Kang Xin tightly with the other hand.

Kang Xin is so soft, holding her feels like holding a gentle kitten.

But the master has no distracting thoughts in his heart, only the desire to protect and the sense of responsibility.

clack clack...

The sound of moving muscles and bones reappeared.

Li Zian's heart tightened, and he poked his head out from behind the bulletproof barrier, but before he could see clearly, the gust of wind threw a handful of sand into his eyes.

"Fuck, bah bah!" Li Zian couldn't help but swear.

"Uncle, what's wrong with you?" Kang Xin asked with concern.

"It's okay, I got sand in my eyes." Li Zian said, he didn't want to tell her that he heard a strange sound, it was already scary enough, if he told her some weird things, she would be even more scared.

"I'll give you a blow." Kang Xin said.

Li Zian suddenly became nervous: "Where are you going to blow?"

"Where is it blowing, of course it is blowing your eyes." Kang Xin raised her head from Li Zian's arms, then rubbed her head up, and put her mouth in front of Li Zian's eyes, facing Li Zian's. Eyes blow.

It doesn't really do anything, it just feels better.

Li Zian was still a little ashamed in his heart. He thought of going elsewhere just now. Fortunately, his classmate Jia Kang was pure and didn't think so much.

"Huh—huh—" Kang Xin blew her left eye and right eye, "Is it better?"

"It's better, don't blow it anymore." Li Zian said, he directed two traces of true energy into his eyeballs, moved slowly, and the sand in his eyes was forced out.

Kang Xin stretched out her hand again to wipe the sand from the corners of his eyes.

Her movements are gentle.

Li Zian was very embarrassed: "I'm fine, don't need to wipe."

Suddenly, Kang Xin came over and pecked his eyes.

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