After Mr. Kang climbed up the sand dunes, with his highly myopic eyes, could he find the suspected temple place where he and Huang Bo escaped the sandstorm from among the countless sand dunes?

Li Zian was skeptical, just being idle was idle, and then climbed up to have a look, in case there was a flash of inspiration, he would find a breakthrough.

Suddenly, Kang Xin in front slipped and slid down from above.

Li Zian held the skeleton in his arms, and it was difficult to catch her, so he freed his right hand in desperation, and pushed it up.

Kang Xin's full moon pressed against Li Zian's hand, her body stopped sliding, and the inertial force disappeared, replaced by an upward force.She looked back, and then saw Li Zian kneeling on the sand with one knee, holding the skeleton in one hand, and holding her full moon in the other, her face turned red all of a sudden.

In ancient times, there was an overlord holding a tripod, but now there is a master holding the moon.

And the hand gesture is very special, the index finger, middle finger, ring finger, and little finger can be seen, all on the moon, but the thumb is missing, mysteriously missing.

It was this hand that changed the nature of Master Tuoyue's idiom story, making it a bit suspicious of a monkey stealing a peach.

It was this hand that made Kang Xin's face red and her expression so strange.

But Li Zian really can't be blamed for this, he never thought about driving in this desert, he just stretched out his hand out of desperation, and didn't expect there would be a pit at all.

The two of them just froze, you looked at me, I looked at you.

Kang Xin's dark eyes were about to burst into flames, and the composition of the fire was quite complicated, including surprise, reproach, shame, and an inexplicable radiance.

Li Zian was much more innocent, with only innocence in his eyes.

He really wanted to tell her that he didn't do it on purpose, but he felt embarrassed if he didn't speak, let alone speak?

Just like that, three seconds.

Li Zian was the first to lose his composure, and broke the deadly and awkward silence: "You, you climb up."

Kang Xin came back to her senses and stepped on the sand to climb up, but with this movement, her feet slipped down again, and her whole body sank again.

Li Zian bit the bullet and pushed up.

"Yeah." A strange voice came out of Kang Xin's mouth.

Li Zian's forehead suddenly burst into thick sweat.

"You, you push." ​​Kang Xin said anxiously.

Li Zian pushed up again.

This time, Kang Xin was finally pushed up.

Li Zian hurriedly withdrew his hand back.

Gifts of roses, hand left lingering fragrance.

The master held the moon, not only leaving a lingering fragrance in his hands, but also a lingering warmth.

But he didn't dare to smell it, so he put his hand under the skeleton's neck and supported the skeleton's neck.

It's still a good skeleton, and nothing will happen if you hold it.

Kang Xin climbed up a few steps, then looked back at Li Zian.

To be precise, it was a stare, and there were at least dozens of emotions gathered in those eyes, just like the red soup base of a hot pot, it was spicy enough, oily enough, numb, and salty.

Li Zi'an felt guilty and didn't dare to look at each other. He lowered his head and glanced at the skull in his arms.

I don't know why, but in the blink of an eye, he felt like the skull was laughing.

It felt like my brain was trapped by the door, and hallucinations had already begun.

Old man Kang didn't notice what happened behind him at all, let alone what happened to his little padded jacket.He climbed up the dunes and looked up.He saw the pickup truck that was still burning, but he didn't see the youths who set it on fire.

Kang Xin also climbed up the sand dune, her face was red, she looked at Li Zian who was still climbing up, and bit her cherry lips for no reason.

Li Zian also climbed up the sand dune with the skeleton in his arms, but he still didn't dare to look at Kang Xin.He didn't put the skeleton down either, holding it made him feel safe.

Kang Haichuan looked away from the burning pickup truck, looked down at the cheap compass in his hand, and then looked up to observe the terrain.

An operation is as fierce as a tiger.

Kang Xin moved to Li Zian's side and whispered, "Uncle, did you do it on purpose just now?"

Li Zian shook his head resolutely: "Why do you have such an idea, I am just helping, do you want me to watch you fall?"

"Should I trust you?"

Li Zian nodded decisively again: "Should, when has uncle lied to you? Besides, an upright person like uncle is different from those bad guys."

Kang Xin frowned, "I'll talk to you later."

Li Zian was slightly taken aback.

He explained everything so clearly, why go back and discuss it?

Kang Haichuan suddenly said excitedly: "I found it, it's there!"

Li Zian looked in the direction that Old Man Kang was pointing at, and saw sand dunes of various sizes in his sight. He didn't know how many sand dunes there were in that direction, and he didn't even know which sand dune Old Man Kang was referring to.

"Dad, where is the place you mentioned?" Kang Xin asked.

Kang Haichuan said: "Did you see that some of the sand dunes over there are very large, and they form a circle. There are only a few sand dunes in the middle, and they are relatively small."

Li Zian took a closer look, and quickly confirmed the place Kang Haichuan mentioned.

That place is not far from here, about 300 meters away. About a dozen large sand dunes form a circle. The area in the middle of the circle is about four to five square kilometers, and there are several smaller sand dunes standing in the middle.

That place is actually not conspicuous among the rolling sand dunes. If it wasn't for Kang Haichuan's explanation, he wouldn't have noticed any difference, otherwise he would have noticed it when he came up before.

"I saw it too, but Dad, how are you sure that that place is where you and Huang Bo escaped from the sandstorm?" Kang Xin also saw that place, but she obviously didn't trust her old man's eyes and judgment .

Kang Haichuan raised his finger again and pointed to the row of Populus euphratica trees that he passed through when he came here. His finger moved slowly, and finally stopped on the circle formed by more than a dozen large sand dunes: "Huang Bo and I used that route back then. I ran over. At that time, there were not so many sand dunes here. We may have circled those big sand dunes tonight, and then came here. Also, the relics I saw back then have been destroyed by those sand dunes. Buried."

Li Zian glanced at the skeleton in his arms again.

A question popped up in his mind.

If the ruins were in the circle formed by the sand dunes, then how could this skeleton appear here?

Could it be that the ruins of an ancient city are hidden under this desert?

"Xiao Li, let's go over and have a look. We are very lucky tonight, maybe we will have unexpected gains." Kang Haichuan's eyes shone with excitement.

Kang Xin said: "Dad, you have to see clearly this time, don't let us go around that circle again."

"Don't worry, we can't make mistakes, let's go." Kang Haichuan was very anxious, and he was about to leave for the sand dunes.

Li Zian suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

Kang Haichuan looked back at Li Zian: "Xiao Li, do you have anything to say?"

Li Zian looked at Kang Haichuan, a gleam of green light flashed deep in his eyes.

Tonight, old man Kang was like a headless chicken, leading him and Kang Xin around the desert in a big circle.If he hadn't poured out the skeleton with a piss, I'm afraid everyone would still be wandering around in the "Dune Labyrinth".At this moment, old man Kang suddenly became shrewd. He could see the hidden terrain even he couldn't see it at a glance, and pointed out the route he and Huang Bo took more than ten years ago. The contrast is a bit too big, right? ?

Also, I still haven't figured out what happened to the series of strange things that happened when the dunes collapsed just now.

"Xiao Li, why are you silent again?" Kang Haichuan was a little anxious.

Li Zian said: "I'll give you a divination. I'll tell you whether it's good or bad. Let's go to the place you mentioned."

"Xiao Li, what time is it? What else are you divination about? Let's go now." Kang Haichuan said.

Li Zian put down the skeleton in his arms.

Kang Xin said: "Dad, uncle is a master, you can let him do a divination. I also want to see uncle's divination."

Li Zian came to Kang Haichuan, stretched out his right hand, and said indifferently: "Professor Kang, close your eyes and use one finger to draw freely in my palm. If I tell you to stop, stop."

"This..." Kang Haichuan hesitated.

Kang Xin urged: "Dad, just ask uncle to divination for you, uncle will not accept your money."

Only then did Kang Haichuan raise his hand, put a finger into Li Zian's palm, and close his eyes to write and draw.

Li Zian focused his mind, Da Lao woke up with a portable stove, and green smoke curled up.

1 minutes passed quickly.

"Stop." Li Zian said.

Kang Haichuan stopped, retracted his hands, and stared at Li Zian, his eyes full of curiosity.

Li Zian closed his eyes.

The hexagram showed that it was a woman, but she grew a man's things.


This hexagram startled Li Zian.

He has never had such a weird divination in divination.

The hexagrams emerge: the old insects become cocoons and turn into butterflies, the chicken skin fades away, and the childlike face is born, and you can't get what you want in your life, and the intersection of life and death is boundless.

The hexagram image is weird, and the hexagram words are also difficult to understand.

But the divination person has his own way of solving the divination.

What's more, Li Zian also has a alchemist CPU in his head, a big lazy portable furnace.

His thoughts naturally ran in one direction, and the speed of thinking and brain reaction was several times faster than before hexagrams were solved.

This hexagram will be solved soon.

The old bug refers to Kang Haichuan.

The old worm turned into a butterfly, saying that Kang Haichuan is undergoing a transformation, which is a transformation beyond life and death.In the world of insects, if an insect transforms into a butterfly from a cocoon, it is tantamount to dying first and then reborn.

This hexagram is a supplement to the first sentence. The chicken skin is his current skin. When the chicken skin fades away, the skin on his body will become smoother, and his old face will also become a childlike face. .

The combination of these two sentences has actually pointed to the series of weird things that happened before!


Chapter 0217 Sandstorm

The sand dunes collapsed for no reason, the strange sound of moving muscles and bones in the sand, the fleeting light of copper rust, and Kang Haichuan's strange reaction at that time...

None of this bodes well.

Moreover, the latter two hexagrams are more dangerous.

Nothing you can ask for in your life, this sentence seems plain, but it completely negates the good side of the old bug turning into a butterfly and rejuvenating.When something abnormal happens, there must be a demon, plus the good side is denied, isn't the rest just abnormal and demon?

There are two vast intersections at the intersection of life and death. This sentence goes along with the trend, negating the good and getting nothing. Now he is in a very dangerous situation, facing the choice of life and death. If he makes a wrong step, his black and white big head will be destroyed. The photo will hang on the wall of his house.

The hexagram was solved, but Li Zian's mood became serious.

This archaeological trip was sponsored by him. To trace the origin of the incident, Kang Haichuan was also involved because of him. If Kang Haichuan died here, it would mean that he indirectly killed Kang Haichuan.

Don't panic when something happens.

Kang Haichuan is kind-hearted, he teaches and educates people, and he has peaches and plums all over the world. No matter how you look at it, he is not a short-lived person. As long as he handles it properly, he will surely turn danger into good luck.

Thinking of this, Li Zian calmed down again. He opened his eyes and looked at Kang Haichuan.

The hexagram is a shemale, but Kang Haichuan can't see the characteristics of a shemale at all.

Could it be that Kang Haichuan hasn't "cocooned" yet?

Li Zi'an made a divination and solved the hexagram, but he didn't know how Kang Haichuan "made a cocoon", he didn't know how Kang Haichuan would turn into a butterfly, how the goose skin faded away in the end, and how the old face in front of him turned into a child. Yan.

There has never been a perfect person, perfect thing, and perfect thing in the world, so naturally there is no perfect hexagram.

Divination is actually to spy on the secrets of heaven. Since ancient times, who can really see through the secrets of heaven and know the will of heaven?

The deeper you delve into this industry, the more you feel guilty. In the end, not many of them end well. It's just that Li Zian just entered the industry not long ago, and he hasn't reached that level yet, so his feelings in this regard are not strong.

"Xiao Li, what did you get in this divination?" Kang Haichuan asked, Li Zian looked at him silently, and he felt a little flustered.

Kang Xin also looked at Li Zian, waiting for him to explain the hexagram.More than once, she heard how handsome and powerful her best friend Tang Keer was when she blew Li Zian's divination in front of her, but she had never seen Li Zian's divination, and she was full of curiosity and expectation.

Li Zian was silent for a while before saying: "Professor Kang, you drew an androgynous person in my palm, who is both a woman and a man."

"Ah?" Kang Haichuan was stunned.

Kang Xin also looked confused.

Li Zian went on to say: "Let me talk about the hexagrams again. The old insects turned into butterflies from cocoons, and the chicken skin faded away, and the childlike face was born. You can't get what you want in your life. There are two boundless intersections between life and death."

Just now, for a moment, he wanted to casually tell Kang Haichuan and Kang Xin a hexagram image and hexagram words, and then explain it blindly.Anyway, he is a master, he has the right to speak.

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