Li Zian's body froze immediately.

Kang Xin shrunk down again, and buried her head in his arms.

Li Zian was depressed, and was eaten tofu just like that.But in such an environment, he couldn't let go of her, and he couldn't talk to her heart-to-heart, admonishing her to study hard and not to think about anything.If this tofu is eaten, it will be eaten. Could it be possible to eat it back?

"Uncle, I have wanted to tell you for a long time when I have the chance." Kang Xin murmured in Li Zian's arms.

"Don't talk, you will eat sand."

"I..." Kang Xin plucked up her courage, "I like you!"

Li Zian was not surprised at all, after all, she just kissed his eyes and ate his tofu.A girl eats your tofu, and then tells you that she has something to say to you, she must say something related to tofu, it is impossible to talk about carrots, right?

However, he was still embarrassed.

"Don't think about it, I have a wife and children." Li Zian said.

"I don't care, I just like you." Kang Xin hugged Li Zian tightly.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. After the sandstorm passes, we still have to find your father." Li Zian tried to divert her attention.

"When you climbed the sand dunes, you did it on purpose, didn't you?" Kang Xin said.

Li Zian: "..."

She said before that she wanted to talk to him about it, but she didn't expect it to be at such a time and under such circumstances.

The power of love is indeed great, and such a terrifying sandstorm cannot stop her from confessing her love.

Li Zian decided not to speak.

If it wasn't for this sandstorm, he would have let go of her and ran away at this moment, but there was a strong wind around him, flying sand and rocks, loose and unable to loosen, so he had to hug her.It's understandable for her to think wildly when he hugs her like this, but as a person with a wife and children, he can't think wildly.He did this, even at this moment, he didn't have any wrong thoughts, his heart was clean and pure.

But at this moment, his body froze.

There is a trick in martial arts called monkey stealing peaches.

He was hit.

Kang Xin's breathing became short of breath, her face could not be seen in the wind and sand, but she was expected to be flushed.

Li Zian became nervous again, "What are you doing?"

"Uncle, what did you do on that sand dune? I'm going to do it now. Shouldn't it be an eye for an eye?" Kang Xin said.

Li Zian let go of her, and had the idea of ​​getting up and running away.

"If you let me go, I will be swept away by the strong wind and buried in the sand. Can you bear it?" Kang Xin said.

Li Zian hugged her again.

Just now, his heart was still clean and pure, but now it is not clean anymore.

Just now he was like a jug of clear water, but classmate Kang threw a piece of toffee into the jug, how could it be so clear?

"Enough is enough, put your hands where I can see them." Li Zian said, frowning high.

"I don't." Kang Xin didn't let the uncle's thoughts go at all.

Li Zian's brows frowned into the word "Chuan", and his lips were tightly pursed, as if enduring it very hard.

Before, he gave her a thumb, and now she gave him five fingers.

The way of heaven is good for reincarnation, who will the heaven forgive?

clack clack...

The weird voice appeared again.

Li Zian's nerves suddenly tightened: "Kang Xin, listen!"

Kang Xin's hand stopped, and a gnat's head was lifted from Li Zian's arms, and she listened to the sound with her ears up.

She also heard the clicking sound.

"It's the sound made by the skeleton, it stood up!" Li Zian deliberately frightened Kang Xin.

"Ah?" Kang Xin subconsciously hugged Li Zian tightly.

Li Zian let out a long sigh of relief.

Compared with the threat of the sandstorm and the strange situation suspected to be caused by the skeleton, he was more afraid of Student Kang.

The age of 20 is the age of passion and impulsiveness. If you are impulsive, you don't care. If Kang can't control herself and do something to him in this sandstorm, it will be useless to call the police.

After all, it's all because of this face.

If he is ugly, how can there be such troubles?

clack clack...

The sound is still ringing.


Chapter 0219 Twelve Gunners

Li Zian raised his head, this time he learned to be smart, and only opened his eyes a slit.However, he still underestimated the power of the wind and sand, as soon as he poked his head out from under the bulletproof barrier, the strong wind brought the sand and drilled into his eyes.He had to close his eyes tightly and bury his head.

For a second, he saw nothing but darkness.

"Uncle, will it stand up?" Kang Xin looked very nervous.

"That, I don't know either." A picture appeared in Li Zian's mind, the skeleton stood up, the jaws of the skull kept opening and closing, and the teeth made a clicking sound, as if they were cursing.

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck...

After his head was caught by the door, he had hallucinations more frequently.

"Are there really female ghosts in this world?" Kang Xin's voice trembled.

"What do you think?" Li Zian asked back.

"No, otherwise it would have been on your body long ago, right?"

Li Zian: "..."

The clicking sound disappeared.

If the skeleton was really cursing, it probably got tired of cursing.

Nothing unusual happened, and the tense atmosphere eased a little.

"Uncle, I'm serious." Kang Xin said.

In the uncle's arms, being held tightly by him, I'm afraid this is the best opportunity to confess in this life, and she obviously doesn't want to miss it.

Li Zian's head started to hurt again. He smiled wryly, "It's impossible for us. I have a wife and children. I love my wife and I love my children."

"It has nothing to do with me. What I like is you, not your wife and children." Kang Xin said.

Li Zian was at a loss for words for a moment, he couldn't figure out what logic this was.

"Do you know when I fell in love with you?"

Li Zian was curious, but didn't ask.

Only fools ask such things.

He made it clear that he wanted to eat his tofu. If he cooperated with the question and answer, wouldn't that mean dangling the white tofu in front of him to lure him?

Do you think my tofu is tender? Do you think my tofu is fragrant?

Ah mouth!

They came over with one bite, bit off your tofu and swallowed it into their stomachs.

But he didn't ask, Kang Xin also said to herself: "It was the night when you came to save me and my dad by yourself, the moment you walked in through the door, I realized that I fell in love with you I watched you fight with Huang Bo, everything about you is like a brand in my heart."

Li Zian suddenly had a realization.

Sure enough, a hero can't save a beauty casually, especially a hero like Pan An PLUS like him.

"Let me declare first, I don't like you because you are handsome, what I like is you, your beautiful heart." Kang Xin added.

Li Zian: "..."

I believe you are a ghost, you little girl.

"Later, you carried me down the mountain. I was so moved. At that time, I made up my mind. I must tell you that I like you." Kang Xin said.

Li Zian remained silent.

" you like me?" Kang Xin asked tentatively.

If you don't talk, it's impossible if you don't talk, if she likes it by default, you'd be an idiot.

Li Zian pondered for a while before saying: "I regard you as my younger sister, and it's only natural for my brother to protect my sister."

What an ingenious answer.

The master is as wise as a fool.

"You don't like me?" There was disappointment in Kang Xin's voice, as well as a bit of bitterness and bitterness.

Li Zian hardened his heart and said, "The liking you mentioned will never be possible."

Kang Xin was silent for a while and then said: "You don't need to like me, but you can't stop me from liking you, I will keep you in my heart."

Li Zian sighed in his heart.

Kang Xin didn't speak, but hugged the uncle tightly.She knew that if she missed this opportunity, she would never be able to hug her again.

A little hot liquid soaked through Li Zian's clothes, it was Kang Xin's tears.

Li Zian said softly: "You are still young, you will meet many people in the future, and you will also meet people who love you."

"Is it more handsome than you?" Kang Xin's voice choked up.

Li Zian nodded his head out of conscience: "Well, he's more handsome than me."

"Is it warmer than you?"

"Well, warmer than me."

"When I am in danger, will he come to save me desperately, even if it is death, will he be fearless?"

"Well, that must be, he is braver than me."

"Bah, do you treat me like a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl?"

Li Zian: "..."

"However, this is the uncle I like. You don't greedy my body. At this time, you still think about your wife and children. You are a good man. If you greedy my body and betrayed your wife and children, You are not perfect in my heart, and I will be disappointed." Kang Xin's voice was soft, and she seemed to feel better after saying these words.

Li Zian felt a little ashamed in his heart, he thought of Mu Chuntao, and Kang Xin's words made his cheeks feel a little ashamed.

However, peaches are different.

Yu Meilin is also responsible for the reason why he and Tao Zi have the current relationship, it can't be all due to him, can it?

Kang Xin became quiet, curled up in Li Zian's arms, wondering if she was thinking about something or sleeping.

Li Zian couldn't find anything to talk about, so he supported the bulletproof barrier with one hand, and put his arm around Kang Xin with the other.

After a while, the wind subsided and there was a little light in the basin.

Li Zian let go of Kang Xin's arms, and said softly, "The sandstorm is over, let's go find your father."

Only then did Kang Xin let go of Li Zian, came out of his arms, and got up with her hands on the sand.

Li Zian also stood up, holding the bulletproof shield in one hand, and looking for the skeleton on the sand.

He clearly remembered that when the sandstorm swept over, he threw the skeleton on the sand, took the alloy tool box from Kang Xin's hand, opened it, and lay down on the spot to avoid the sandstorm.But now the skeleton is gone, and the ground beside him is still sand.

"Is it gone?" Kang Xin didn't see the skeleton either.

"It might be buried in the sand." Li Zian put down the bulletproof barrier, knelt on the sand and scraped the sand with his hands.

Kang Xin also squatted down and scraped the sand with her hands.

The two dug around in all directions, but they couldn't find the skeleton.

"It didn't run away by itself, did it?" Kang Xin said something absurd to her face.

Li Zian said: "During the sandstorm, the sand is flowing. The skeleton is so light that it might have been blown up by the wind and dropped somewhere else. If it was buried by the sand, it might have slid to other places along with the sand flow."

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