Chapter 21 Please taste the pain

Learn the truth about the destruction of the cottage!

Sun Cheng's luck was in a hurry, and he was furious!

He got on his horse immediately and headed straight for Heifengzhai!

Chu Feng, that trash, that idiot, actually destroyed his Niutou Village!

Chu Feng dared to pretend to be stupid in front of him, and even slaughtered cows and pigs to treat him enthusiastically!

And I actually believed his evil, thinking that the destruction of Niutou Village really had nothing to do with him!

Next, I absolutely want to pull out my bones against Chu Feng, so that he can't survive or die!

I want to slaughter the Black Wind Village, and kill them for three days!

On the way, the angry Sun Chengyun thought of various tortures to deal with Chu Feng!

However, when he arrived at Heifengzhai, he found that Heifengzhai was empty!

"Bosses, why did you come back so soon?" The people stationed in Heifeng Village were very curious.

"Where's Chu Feng?" Sun Chengyun looked around with a dark face, trying to find Chu Feng's trace, "Where are the other people in the Black Wind Village?"

"They said that there was no food or meat in Heifengzhai, so the group members went down the mountain to plunder!"

After receiving such an answer, Sun Chengyun was so angry that he almost exploded on the spot!

He slammed his horsewhip at the speaker!

"You idiots, Chu Feng is running away with people, you idiots!" Sun Chengyun brandished his horsewhip, whipping the guards half to death!

After that, he turned his horse's head and planned to go down the mountain to chase Chu Feng and his party!

At this time, Jia Hongcai and his party had just arrived at Heifeng Village!

Jia Hongcai's face turned pale, as if he saw a ghost!

"Village Master, tens of thousands of officers and soldiers suddenly appeared at the foot of Heifeng Mountain. They seem to be planning to encircle and suppress Heifeng Village!"

"What?" Sun Chengyun was stunned by this incident. At this moment, he suddenly realized why Chu Feng killed cattle and pigs last night, and entertained them with good wine and meat!

Chu Feng, that trash, must know that Heifeng Mountain will be encircled and suppressed!

So, he left his group in Heifeng Mountain and let them be the scapegoats of Heifeng Village!

"Go, go!" Sun Chengyun ordered without hesitation, "Leave Heifeng Mountain quickly!"

"Master, we can't leave!" Jia Hongcai shook his head in despair, "Those officers and soldiers came prepared, and they quietly surrounded Heifeng Mountain!"

Upon learning of this, Sun Chengyun almost gritted his teeth, he is a fearsome existence in Niutou Village!

No matter what, he never expected that Chu Feng, that well-recognized trash, would play him around!

Tens of miles away from Heifengzhai, more than 100 people from Heifengzhai gathered in a shady valley to rest.

Old man Yang was explaining the reason to everyone, and he learned that there would be a catastrophe in Heifengzhai, and Sun Chengyun and his party would become the scapegoats of Heifengzhai!

At this moment, the complaints in everyone's hearts turned into admiration for Chu Feng!

"Hey, I knew that there must be a reason for the head of the family to let us leave!"

"Have you noticed that the village master seems to have become much more handsome!"

"I've decided, I want to marry the village master!"

"You can pull it down, the village master is mine!"

Several buck-tooth girls clamored to give birth to monkeys for the village master!

Chu Feng felt chills down his spine when he heard that, he stood on the top of the mountain not far away, raised the binoculars exchanged from the system mall, and observed the situation in Heifeng Village!

He saw Sun Chengyun and his party who went to Niutuzhai to investigate returned to Heifeng Mountain.

The reason for such a situation is very simple. The unlucky guy who was knocked out by Chu Feng must have been discovered by Sun Chengyun and the others!

Chu Feng also saw a general in heavy armor, commanding tens of thousands of soldiers, and quietly surrounded Heifeng Mountain!

Everything developed as Chu Feng calculated!

Although this plan is full of various uncertainties!

But Chu Feng still managed this plan perfectly to such a point!

At this moment, it feels like the snipe and the clam are fighting each other, but Chu Feng only needs to reap the benefits of the fisherman!

At the foot of Heifeng Mountain, Zhang Jing, Prince Jing of the Qin Kingdom, also had red eyes!

It doesn't take [-] troops to wipe out a small Heifeng village!

However, Heifeng Village murdered the Princess of Qin, Zhang Jing needs to represent King Qin, the entire Qin Kingdom, and himself, to express his anger to Heifeng Village and the entire Qin Kingdom!

"Send an order to surround Heifeng Mountain, I will not allow anyone to leave Heifeng Mountain!"

"Guards, follow me to the Black Wind Village!"

After giving the order, Zhang Jing, who was wearing heavy armor, led more than a dozen members of the personal guards and charged towards Heifengzhai!

Inside the Black Wind Village, Sun Chengyun asked his men to make a white flag out of a white sheet!

Jia Hong waved the white flag the first time he saw a man who looked like a general lead his troops up the Black Wind Mountain!

Sun Chengyun hastily explained to the other party, "This general, please listen to me, we are not..."

Before Sun Chengyun finished speaking, a white light flashed past Sun Chengyun's ear, and Jia Hong who was standing beside him died instantly, and the white flag in his hand was instantly dyed red!

Zhang Jing held the battle sword, and he looked at Sun Chengyun expressionlessly, "I don't accept any form of surrender, next, please taste the pain!"

Sun Chengyun wanted to surrender and tell the other party that this was Chu Feng's conspiracy!

But Zhang Jing was filled with anger and hatred, he wouldn't believe a single word Sun Chengyun said, he just wanted to hear Sun Chengyun's group cry in pain!

At this point, Sun Chengyun realized that his group had no way out, he had more than 100 people, and the other party only had a dozen people!

He gritted his teeth and planned to fight to see if he could fight his way out!

Sun Chengyun rushed towards Zhang Jing with great speed!

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