However, before he got close to Zhang Jing, a silver-white sword energy that looked like lightning cut off his legs in an instant!

Sun Chengyun's pupils constricted, and with a second-level cultivation in the Profound Soul Realm, he considered himself a master!

But in front of Zhang Jing, he can only be killed instantly!

He fell to the ground with a thump, red blood pouring out from his broken leg like a blowout!

The huge pain made him howl in agony!

Zhang Jing walked to Sun Chengyun's side like a god of death!

Sun Chengyun didn't resent Zhang Jing, he cursed Chu Feng crazily in his heart, because he was plotted by Chu Feng, that's why he encountered such a horrible catastrophe!

Sun Chengyun is angry with you, hatred value +600!

Sun Chengyun is angry with you, hatred value +600!

Sun Chengyun is angry with you, hatred value +600!

Tens of kilometers away, Chu Feng sat comfortably in a cool place.

The young girls like Niu Xiaomei are putting the cut fruits into his mouth.

While enjoying it, Chu Feng reaped a steady stream of hatred points!

With such a comfortable life, he couldn't help sighing in his heart, it's so cool to be a villain!

He killed the Princess of Qin, destroyed Niutou Village, and cheated Sun Chengyun. In the end, he gained tens of thousands of hatred points and a better life!

I already have [-] hatred points in my hand, what should I exchange for?

Speaking of which, the task arranged by the system has been completed.

What will the system reward me...

Chapter 22 Opening, Heaven Swallowing Magic Art

Chu Feng was eating fruit and enjoying the soft knee pillow in the cool valley.

On the Black Wind Mountain, Sun Chengyun, who lost his legs, is suffering the torture brought by Zhang Jing!

The [-] kinds of torture were staged in turn, tortured Sun Chengyun so that life would be worse than death!

Not far away, there was a thin figure standing on the top of a tree.

Looking at the tortured Sun Chengyun, he frowned.

This person's name is Lin Jun, and he is Princess Qin Fangya's best friend!

Qin Fangya often left the royal city alone without the guards, just to have a tryst with Lin Jun!

Previously, the reason why Qin Fangya appeared near Heifeng Mountain was precisely because of an appointment with Lin Jun!

However, Lin Jun was delayed by some mundane matters and failed to make the appointment on time.

Now, when he arrived at the meeting place, he heard the sad news of Qin Fangya's murder!

Lin Jun knew Sun Chengyun. To be precise, he and Sun Chengyun were very familiar.

Lin Jun knew very well that King Jing and Zhang Jing must have led troops to avenge Qin Fangya under the order of King Qin!

However, when Zhang Jing led troops to surround Heifeng Mountain, why did he kill Sun Chengyun from Niutou Village?

Lin Jun didn't come forward to ask. After all, he knew Zhang Jing, but Zhang Jing didn't know him.

Zhang Jing, who was shrouded in anger, must not be in the mood to answer his question.

It wasn't until Zhang Jing tortured Sun Chengyun to death that he ordered the mountain to be set on fire and led his troops to evacuate. Only then did Lin Jun fall from the treetop.

He appeared beside Sun Chengyun, at this time Sun Chengyun was torn apart and soaked in a pool of blood.

Sun Chengyun is already dead, but the three souls and seven souls of those who have just died have not yet dispersed.

Lin Jun lit a piece of yellow talisman paper painted with complex runes, and quickly made a handprint, pressing it on Sun Chengyun's sunken chest!

In the next second, Sun Chengyun was suddenly awakened like a nightmare!

He suddenly opened his eyes, breathing heavily and quickly like pulling a bellows!

His face was full of horror and pain, and when he saw Lin Jun, endless surprise burst out in his eyes!

"Help me, Lin Jun, save me quickly, my Niutou village is loyal to Tianyuanzong..."

"Don't worry, I will save you!" Lin Jun nodded seriously at Sun Chengyun, "I ask you, why are you on Heifeng Mountain?"

Speaking of this matter, Sun Chengyun's blood-filled eyes burst into infinite anger!

He gritted his teeth and roared, "I was tricked, I was tricked by Chu Feng from Heifengzhai!"

"He killed my son, destroyed my cottage, and lured me to bring people to live in Heifeng Village. I don't know what he did, but my people and I became his scapegoats..."

Sun Chengyun wanted to say something, but the yellow talisman paper suspended in the air was completely burned.

At this moment, it was as if his soul had been sucked out of him, and he lost his voice in an instant, so dead that he couldn't die anymore!

Black Wind Stronghold Chu Feng?

That's it!

The questions in Lin Jun's mind were instantly answered!

At this time, Chu Feng, who was enjoying the cool air in the valley, finally heard the system's loli notification sound!

"You led the members of the Black Wind Village, and survived the wrath of King Qin!"

"Congratulations on completing the mission and getting the villain halo!"


Villain halo?

What is this ghost?

If it is the protagonist's halo, Chu Feng knows what it is!

Those who have the aura of the protagonist can pick up martial arts cheats when they fall off the cliff, and can conquer the Nine Heavens Xuannv by cooking casually!

However, what the hell is the villain's halo, shouldn't it be the opposite of the protagonist's halo?

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