Chu Feng lay down in the thatched hut, thinking of the scene of flying a flying sword in the sky, he was fascinated!

However, although he held more than 3 hatred points in his hand, he was not in a hurry to exchange for exercises or improve his strength!

If there is no accident, he will be able to complete the task arranged by the system tomorrow!

Chu Feng is looking forward to the reward after completing the task!

There was nothing to say all night, and it was the next day in a blink of an eye.

Chu Feng woke up just after dawn.

He ordered everyone to kill cattle and pigs again, and planned to entertain the whole group of Niutou village well!

Faced with Chu Feng's order, old man Yang burst into tears, "The head of the family can't kill any more. If we continue to kill, there will be no cattle in our village!"

Others also persuaded Chu Feng one after another, but Chu Feng ignored everyone's request!

He did it himself and harvested the cattle department in the village!

Sun Chengyun was very satisfied with Chu Feng's actions.

In his opinion, Chu Feng did this to curry favor with him.

After a hearty breakfast, Sun Chengyun left some people to garrison Heifengzhai, and he led the rest back to Niutoushan to investigate!

As soon as Sun Chengyun left with his people, Chu Feng began to mobilize everyone in Heifeng Village!

"Little ones, Uncle Sun is a distinguished guest of our Heifeng Village. It is our blessing to have him as a guest in our Heifeng Village. However, our Heifeng Village has no food or meat. In order not to delay the lunch of Uncle Sun and his party, I declare now that members of the Black Wind Village will gather and go down the mountain to plunder!"

"Grandpa Yang, don't we still have a lot of food in the warehouse in our village?" Niu Xiaomei asked Old Man Yang in great doubt, "Why did the village owner say we have no food?"

Old man Yang is not an idiot, he vaguely guessed that Chu Feng might be brewing some kind of plan!

Chu Feng is someone who dares to kill even the Princess of Qin, how could he be afraid of Sun Chengyun!

Old man Yang covered Niu Xiaomei's mouth, and ordered to Er Niu, "Hurry up and urge everyone to prepare to go down the mountain. We can take nothing, but we must bring everyone!"

Facing the assembly order issued by Chu Feng, many people in Heifeng Village cursed and cursed!

Although they didn't want to go down the mountain, they didn't disobey Chu Feng's order!

Chu Feng is not the trash he was before, he has become extremely powerful, and he also shared the precious practice method with everyone!

Everyone was cursing, but their actions were very neat. They all had the mentality of trusting Chu Feng for the time being, and wanted to see what Chu Feng was up to!

The people of Niutou Village stationed in Heifeng Village all laughed when they saw this scene.

They wished that the people from Heifengzhai would go down the mountain to plunder supplies, and then come back to support them properly.

Under their laughing gaze, members of the Black Wind Village, even three-year-old children took up weapons and went down the mountain in a mess!

After finally reaching the foot of the mountain, old man Yang couldn't hold back his curiosity. He walked quickly to Chu Feng's side and asked in a low voice, "Village Master, what is this..."

Chu Feng didn't hide anything, he quickly explained, "King Qin's vengeful army set off from the royal city last night and went straight to Heifeng Mountain!"

Knowing this, old man Yang was struck by lightning, the thing he was most worried about was about to happen, "Then, then..."

"Don't talk nonsense, if you don't want to die, we can go as far as we can!"


Old man Yang already knew about Chu Feng's plan!

At this moment, he was both nervous and excited!

He waved his long whip, urging everyone to hurry up!

Niutou village.

The fire has been extinguished.

The entire Niutou village has been turned into scorched earth!

Sun Chengyun led people into it, and they all thought that they could see charred corpses everywhere.

But they didn't expect that they didn't see a charred corpse at all along the way!

What is going on here, Sun Chengyun is a little confused.

When he saw a big hole in the center of Niutou village, there was a loud bang in his mind!

Yesterday, the fire in Niutou village was too big. Sun Chengyun didn't investigate deeply. He felt that the fire on the surface would not affect the underground treasure house!

He has hoarded countless wealth in the treasure house, as long as the wealth is still there, he can build another Niutou village anytime!

However, when Sun Chengyun jumped into that big pit, his pupils constricted, he couldn't believe it!

His underground treasure house was empty, not even a piece of silver could be found!

Who is so vicious and dares to do such a thing?

Sun Chengyun clenched his fists tightly, he had nowhere to vent his anger!

At this moment, Jia Hong quickly walked over with a terrified hapless guy, "Village Master, you guys just found a survivor from our cottage nearby!"

"Oh?" Sun Chengyun jumped up from the underground hole. He stared straight at the unlucky guy. Now he urgently needs to know the truth. "Were you in the cottage yesterday? Tell me, what happened yesterday?"

Sun Chengyun already had a great and fierce reputation, but now he is even more angry!

The unlucky guy trembled and hurriedly said everything!

"Yesterday, yesterday, the Young Master brought Chu Feng back to the village..."

"Chu Feng?" Sun Chengyun asked with a black face, "Which Chu Feng are you talking about?"

"That's right, that trash in Heifengzhai..."

Sun Chengyun and Jia Hongcai looked at each other, and they couldn't believe it!

They looked at the man, and the unlucky guy hurriedly continued, "I, I don't know what happened to the Shaodangjia and Chu Feng. The Shaodangjia suddenly gathered people and said that they were going to destroy the Heifengzhai. There was a loud noise like thunder, the ground was blasted, and many houses were bombed down..."

"Chu Feng jumped out from the ground and threw gold and silver treasures to everyone, saying that he told everyone to take the money quickly, run away and hide their names..."

Sun Chengyun couldn't take it anymore!

His eyes were red, and his face was distorted like a terrifying ghost!

It was Chu Feng, it was that trash who made him lose his son, Niutou Village, and everything!

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