Xianyu quickly asked his doubts, cold sweat dripped from his forehead, this game is an opportunity to change his destiny, if this boss is not happy, and kills himself like a fly swatter, then he will probably regret it for the rest of his life!

"The destruction of the world?" Jiang Ping, who was about to take a step, stopped, and he murmured.

You can't tell them directly that the ancient world was destroyed by yourself, right?

It seems that Xianyu's words aroused Lahil's reaction. Her green eyes flashed memories. She lived in the original world for a long time, and every creature was born with her just like them now.

The original human beings lived at her feet at first, and then gradually grew, going out and expanding, but still regarded their location as their ancestral land.

There are always sacred sacrifices in every festive season. When devouring ants sweep the world, I choose to sacrifice to Nirvana to help all races resist.

Afterwards, she fell into a permanent deep sleep, but even with such a fresh face of the nine generations of kings, even after hundreds of millions of years, the world was destroyed and reborn, she still remembered it fresh.

It's a pity that the supercontinent collapsed, and the devouring ants attacked again. This time, all races are wiped out, and this time is eternal calamity

As Lahiel felt, the whole space was full of sadness, and all the laws of the world would cry out in mourning.

Aphra, Xianyu, and the hundreds of thousands of people at the foot of the mountain suddenly felt complicated and sad.

"Are you asking something you shouldn't?"

Xianyu felt that his hair was standing on end, and he was nervous like never before. He was in Hill's big world, and if he offended La Hill, he would be unable to move an inch!

This time Jiang Ping was no longer the relaxed and casual attitude before, he solemnly said:

"Everything in the world has a definite number, and everything must have its final moment. Where there is birth, there will be destruction."

At this moment, not only Aphra and Xianyu were listening carefully, but Rahil also listened attentively. This is the supreme voice!

Others don't know his identity and are still trying to figure it out. Will Lahill not know?

"The void will also collapse, the way of heaven will also sink, and the long river of fate will come to an end one day, even the world tree that carries the world and breeds everything"

Speaking of this, Jiang Ping looked at Lahil, and Lahil also looked at him with a pair of green eyes, which were full of trust and longing.

"In the end, there will be catastrophe!"

As soon as these words came out, Afra was stunned, Xianyu also turned pale, everything will be turned into darkness?Everything will be empty?

Hearing her final fate, La Hill also signed. She felt that she was full of vitality, with a steady stream of life force, whether it was absorbing the Chaos Sea or feeding back the world, it was a perfect cycle without a trace of weakness, but since Chuang Shishen said so, he must have seen something he didn't see!

"Will the World Tree also collapse?" Xianyu's face was pale, he liked this world more than the earth!The time to stay is far longer than the earth!

"But even if there is a problem with the World Tree, it will only be after infinite years? It is estimated that even the gods will die of old age. It is useless for me to think so much now."

Xianyu immediately comforted himself again, not to be negative about life just because he heard what this traveler said!

People are doomed to die, but can't they struggle on the road and bloom their own brilliance?

Unexpectedly, Xianyu didn't speak, but Aphra suddenly said: "Will Rahil, the mother of all things, go to destruction one day? Is there any way to stop it?

According to the observations of the gods in the God Realm, the World Tree and the Chaos Sea present a perfect cycle, the world is growing vigorously, the rules are perfect, and there is no sign of weakness at all! "

After all, she is a creature in this world. Hearing that the world will eventually be destroyed, she couldn't help but want to ask if there is any way to save it!

Jiang Ping looked far away, his eyes spanned the entire atrium, passed through the barriers of the world, passed through countless leaves, and finally looked into the depths of the chaotic sea

Jiang Ping withdrew his gaze, and he swept away all the sentient beings at the foot of Yongwang Mountain.

A low-level slave is constantly moving gravel to clean up the site, and a skilled craftsman is wearing a safety rope, planning to go to Yongwang Cliff to polish and cast the statue of Gilga.

Jiang Ping looked at the three people who were looking forward to him. He looked at Rahir. People are not grass, how can they be ruthless?

Although he has the identity of the creator, he is still a human being after all, and his humanity will always exist in the depths of his soul.

"Everything is false, everything is permitted."

Jiang Ping opened his mouth, and at the same time slowly raised his right hand. In an instant, a small black box appeared in his hand. The three of them hurriedly looked at it, only to see that the black box was boxy, as big as an ordinary woman's cosmetic box, and the whole body Engraved with mysterious lines, once the eyes look at the interlaced dense lines, the whole person's mind will be attracted.

The box with cumbersome and intertwined patterns seems to contain an intoxicating magic.

Chapter 117 The Most Precious Thing in the World

Lahille is the World Tree after all, she just came back to her senses in an instant, even so, she kept looking at the black box, in this world, she is the strongest existence, borrowing the power of the World Tree itself, there is actually Something even she can't see through!

Only you can create such a magical treasure, Lahiel thought so, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but slightly twitch.

Afula also woke up immediately, and Xianyu was the last to react.

"Is this box poisonous? Why is it so easy to sink into it after looking at it for a long time? It's like the soul is being swallowed."

Xianyu was stupefied secretly, he secretly took a picture as a souvenir, this should be some kind of supreme artifact, is it a child's play if a traveler from the ancient world makes a move?

"This is?"

"This box contains all the evils of this world!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Jiang Ping's words scared Aphra and Xianyu, only Rahil remained calm.

"The evil in this world?" Xianyu was taken aback and couldn't help but speak. Hearing the name, he was extremely filthy and evil. Why would you bring out such a bad thing?

Even if nothing happened, Xianyu began to stay away from this black box.What if you accidentally get contaminated!It is estimated that it can make my soul sink forever!

Aphra also didn't understand, she looked at the black magic box in Jiang Ping's hand, frowned and asked: "The evil in this world? What's inside? Can this small box save the world tree that has suffered disaster after countless years? "

As she spoke, she looked at Rahil, who was on the side. Aphra always felt that Rahil had too much respect for this ancient god of luck and traveler in this world.

"The box contains greed, hypocrisy, slander, jealousy, pain, plague, sorrow, disaster, love, etc., all the evils in the world." Jiang Ping explained slowly, and every word he said shocked the two of them.

Xianyu couldn't hold back anymore, he quickly asked the forum netizens for advice, trying to find out what this ancient traveler wanted to do!

Do you want to save the world, or do you want to destroy the world!

On the forum, Xianyu yelled: "Shocked! This traveler from the ancient world actually did such a thing, even the world tree is dumbfounded!"

"You guys are amazing!"

Seeing Xianyu startled again, netizens were furious, why do you make such an exaggeration every time you appear on stage?

"The UC shock department was stunned when they saw you! Is there something that surprised you? Is this mysterious person planning to destroy the world of Hill?"

"Although I am very grateful to Mr. Xianyu for the live broadcast, so that we outsiders can understand the situation of the other world, but can we not be tricky every time?"

"Shocked, the salted fish sage in Hill World turned out to be a headline party!"

Seeing that everyone was outraged, Xianyu immediately said: "Just now I boldly asked this ancient god of luck, a traveler in this world, why the ancient world was destroyed?

Whether there is an enemy of the world, he said that everything has a definite number, and the world tree will eventually fall to death! "

"Oh, it's normal for the tree to fall. Although it is the World Tree, it should be many years later. Why are you nervous?"

"I feel that what he said is very reasonable. What can last forever? Our big universe is increasing entropy every moment, and death and darkness are already doomed. A day of destruction."

Netizens who have never entered the World Tree game disagreed, but several players felt tight. They knew that this was a real world, and there were hundreds of billions of creatures in it. If the World Tree was destroyed, the world on the tree could exist ?

Under the nest, have the eggs finished?

The world tree is the foundation of all things. If it goes wrong a little bit, what awaits all living beings is death!

Yaoyao: "┭┮﹏┭┮

No, the world tree will also collapse?I have never heard of any problems with the World Tree. Even in various books, it is said that the World Tree will last forever. Even if the world is destroyed, for the World Tree, it is just giving birth to a new world. "

Obie: "Despite knowing that this must have happened in eternity, I still feel a pang of sadness when I hear this news."

Only those who have really entered the game world know that this is definitely not just a simple game server shutdown, data clearing!

Instead, all things withered and destroyed, the heavens and the earth were overturned, the world was shattered, and all living beings died!

Xianyu quickly replied: "Yes, even us players feel unwilling, not to mention Aphra, she dared to ask the mysterious traveler, is there any way to save the world tree that is about to be destroyed in the future!

Maybe it was because he and Lahier had known each other before, the ancient traveler made a move, but he unexpectedly took out a black box in the end! "


The small black box, the whole body is pitch black, covered with dense and mysterious lines, the lines are like patterns, although it is beautiful, it feels dangerous from the heart.

"The box is good. Although it looks simple, the pattern on the surface is really nice."

"Who said it looks simple? It's a child's play if it's produced by a big brother? When I look at the black box, I can already see the righteousness in it!"

One netizen commented that several people are saving quickly, intending to engrave it in reality to see if it is useful.

Xianyu quickly persuaded: "This black box is poisonous, it is really poisonous, and the mysterious traveler actually said that it carries the evil of this world! It contains the seven emotions and six desires! I don't even know what this box is for, can it save the World Tree? I'm afraid It is to poison Rachel to death!"

Everyone is silent, why is it a little different from what I imagined?What about Haoran Zhengqi, who agreed to save the World Tree?How is a box full of malice?

"Look at what the traveler said, it shouldn't be so simple! This black box is definitely the most important prop in this game! Save the world! You must grab the salted fish!

If you get this supreme artifact, you will be the same as a crab in Hill World in the future! "

Looking at the foot of the mountain forever, the eyes of Xianyu looking at the black box gradually became fiery, and instead of avoiding, they approached slowly, trying their best to show their sense of existence!

Rahil looked at the black box in Jiang Ping's hand in puzzlement. Jiang Ping smiled and said, "It contains all evils, but the most precious thing in the world is hidden in the deepest part."


I knew it was definitely not that simple! "Salted fish is short of breath. What is the most precious thing in the world? Everyone has a different understanding, but if the boss makes a move, there must be a real thing inside!"

On the forum, everyone was also shocked. The box was full of evil, but the most precious thing in the world was bred in the deepest part?

"Is this the most evil and darkest soil sac that can give birth to the most precious and purest things in the world? It's like a lotus flower that emerges from the mud without being stained. Dog head jpg"

"I'm curious, what is the most precious thing in the world?"

"There's no need to guess. Isn't the most precious thing in the world just the dull hair on Rahil's head? It is estimated that the right to use the Holy Sword of Original Sin is hidden in the box."

Netizens talked a lot, and several players also felt a burst of excitement. They are in the world of Hill, and they know that everything is not easy!They were even more jealous that Xianyu could meet such a super god!There is even a chance to receive the "ultimate mission" to save the world.

"The most precious thing in the world?" Aphra was puzzled.

Rahil, who carries the four worlds, also opened his eyes wide, looking at Jiang Ping with the same curiosity.

Chapter 118 Hill's Box (Please recommend)

"I think the most precious thing in this world should be your top treetop." Aphra thought for a while, looked at Rahil and said softly.

"The Holy Sword of Original Sin?" Xianyu frowned. There are too many legends about this holy sword. Not to mention the creatures in this world, even the people on earth are familiar with this holy sword!

Many unscrupulous merchants sell handicrafts of the Holy Sword of Original Sin on Tianmiao. Not to mention, the sales volume is overwhelming. At least Xianyu himself bought a Holy Sword of Original Sin and put it in his house.

Jiang Ping smiled: "The Holy Sword of Original Sin is indeed the most powerful artifact in this great world. It has been tempered by thousands of laws and condensed the essence of Rachel. However, the deepest part of the box is the only one in this world that may be stronger than original sin." A precious and powerful substance."

The air seemed to stand still, and the sound of breathing stopped abruptly.

"More precious and powerful than the Holy Sword of Original Sin? How is it possible?" Xianyu yelled frantically in his heart. Naturally, he couldn't lose his composure in the atrium, so the forum was full of wailing and howling again!

"How could it be more precious than the Holy Sword of Original Sin! There is no reason!" Netizens were puzzled.

The legend of original sin, everyone knows, the beginning of all disputes, the beginning of all crimes, the prototype of all weapons in later generations!

Yaoyao: "It's hard to believe that there is anything more precious and powerful than original sin in the world of Hill! I'm getting more and more curious about this black box!"

Obi: "Indeed, the original sin is not only powerful in itself, it carries the strongest power and the strongest weapon in the world, and even because of too much foul, Rachel personally took it back!"

"What's inside?" Aphra asked. In her heart, there could be nothing stronger than original sin!


Those two simple words not only confused Afra and Xianyu.Rachel's eyes also showed a little bit of puzzlement.

Looking at the three puzzled eyes, Jiang Ping didn't explain, he gently handed the black box to Afra.

"This box is called Hill's Magic Box. Remember not to open the magic box lightly. Once the magic box is opened, the whole world will undergo earth-shaking changes. It will be the only substance that transcends the entire world, the hope of all living beings!"

"Only when it is opened in the right place at the right time, can it complete the task of saving the world, otherwise this magic box will be the most evil thing in the world." Jiang Ping's words were extremely dignified.

Aphra's body bent slightly, and she took the Hill's box tightly with both hands, "I must open it when it's time to open it, and never let the evil of this world appear in the world!"

"Hiss..." Xianyu gasped, "Sure enough, it's not my turn!"

Although it is a pity, Xianyu immediately took a screenshot of this historical moment!

Hill's Magic Box, a treasure destined to run through the entire history of the world, can witness the birth of a legend, Xianyu feels so honored!

On the forum, many people nodded. Sure enough, there is no free lunch in the world. How can such a treasure that is the best in the world be given to the players without hesitation?

"Is it Hill's Magic Box? It contains all the evil and the hope of all living beings. It's really curious! If it falls into the hands of Xianyu, it is estimated that he will open it the next day, causing chaos in the world!

 ̄ ̄"

"Hehe, it really is necessary to choose a box keeper with strong determination!"

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