"As an outsider, I'm so greedy, this may be the ultimate tool in the game world! Even the most common games are extremely precious, let alone the real games of the heavens and the world!"

After lingering here for a long time, Jiang Ping patted the ashes, nodded to Rahil, and the two began to walk away gradually.

Xianyu saw why these two bosses were walking so fast, and hurried to catch up and shouted: "Master! You haven't told me my name yet?"

"The nameless traveler is just an ordinary person walking in various worlds."

The voice came from the farther and farther back.

"Are you old or ordinary? You have experienced the destruction of the world." Xianyu complained in his heart, flying at extreme speed and trying to catch up, but the distance was getting farther and farther.

"Boss, do you think I can succeed in becoming a god?" Xianyu finally asked, his biggest doubt!This is related to the fate of his life!


There was only light laughter in the distance, Jiang Ping smiled without saying a word, and didn't look back.

Under Xianyu's expectant eyes, the two figures in front of him walked further and further away, and soon disappeared between the sky and the earth

Xianyu's eyes are complicated, this time he was lucky to meet such a hidden ultimate boss who bestowed the super artifact Hill's Box, but he didn't even get a single hair!It is embarrassing just to witness this scene as a historical witness.

Beside the boulder, Aphra carefully put away the magic box. This is something that can save the world, but the risk is proportional to the benefit. If one is not good, it may be the subversion of the world!

Xianyu watched Aphra carefully put away the Hill's Box without blinking his eyes. In fact, he really wanted to ask Aphra to borrow it to study the power of this Hill's Box. When it came to his mouth, he felt embarrassed.

This treasure was given to Aphra by the ancient god himself, and he is not so thick-skinned.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Hill's Box can still be seen, Xianyu keeps taking pictures. This is the most precious treasure in the world!

Not to mention other things, this title alone will make the netizens on the earth boil with enthusiasm. If the news is leaked, Xianyu will even worry that the true god of the God Realm will force Aphra to hand over the treasure!

"Salted fish, salted fish, after all, you are still a saint and a good person. How can Aphra and you be good friends, you can't reveal such important things in order to gain fame!"

"Don't let the God Realm know that Aphra has this treasure! Otherwise, the God King will do it himself!"

Xianyu warned himself that everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty.What's more, Aphra is originally from the God Realm. If Hill's Magic Box is carefully leaked, even if she doesn't want to, the God Realm must have a way to force her to agree to surrender!

After all, Aphra was originally created by the gods, and the gods of the God Realm are in charge of her destiny!There must be a way to check and balance her!

Fortunately, when the traveler from the ancient world presented Afrasir's magic box, there were only the two of them in the field, and no other great gods noticed.

Although Xianyu leaked the news on the forum, so what if people on Earth know?Can you still jump out and tell the gods in Hill's world?The surviving players are all human beings, and he is not worried about leaking them.

However, Xianyu is a person with a strong desire to confide, otherwise it would be impossible to publish such a "book". Although it is plagiarized, he is naturally fond of telling stories.

Chi Chi

Xianyu stretched out two fingers, like a child doodling, and casually engraved a picture of a traveler's gift box on the slate on the ground.

"Sage of salted fish, who are you?" Aphra shook the hem of her white clothes, watching the salted fish's movements in puzzlement.

Xianyu chuckled, "It's just itchy hands, don't worry about it."

Then he said solemnly: "Aphra, you have such a precious thing in your body, please don't report it to the God Realm, and don't disclose any information, you don't know the dangers of human beings."

"If the gods know about the birth of Hill's Magic Box, you probably won't be free forever! This treasure that can save the great world of Hill and the World Tree will also be permanently suppressed in the deepest part of the God Realm!"

Xianyu's voice was so dignified that Afra had to pay attention to it. Although she didn't know why the gods were like this, she also believed that what Xianyu said was true.

Aphra nodded lightly. Although she came from the God Realm and was loyal to the gods, she cared more about saving the World Tree in the future!

Chapter 119 Maybe This Is Life

"Obi Yaoyao generation proud"

On the forum, Xianyu used a large summoning technique to summon other players. After all, this is no small matter.

"Everyone, the Hill's Box is not a trivial matter. If it is a game, it is estimated to be the most important plot prop to save the world. Whether it is the evil of this world or the hope of salvation, it is not yet time to be born."

"It's best to let the pure-hearted Aphra keep it. If the information is revealed, I'm afraid the gods of the God Realm will make a big move!"

Obi: "Don't worry, I also know the importance. The Hill's Box has a lot to do with it. It is indeed not the time to appear. According to common sense, only when the world sinks, the heavens are overturned, the world tree is withering, and the law dies. It's its turn! That's the best time to open the magic box!"

"I am now living in a beautiful and strange world, where all kinds of fantasy races live, and I cherish the present days very much.

Not talking nonsense, the gods of the God Realm should sleep well! "

Generation Tianjiao: "Hehe, only players who have entered the game of Heavens and Worlds will know whether this is the real world or a game!"

"After living in the kingdom of giants for so long, eating and living with the dwarves, communicating and researching together, I finally comprehend what the boss Wutian said back then!"

These Hill players expressed their feelings. Although people who have never entered the game world know that there are serious problems with the game, after all, they have never touched it in person, and their fixed thinking limits them.

There are still people who still can't turn the corner deep in their hearts. At the beginning, a large number of players in the prehistoric world wasted a great opportunity. Not only did others feel sorry, but now they themselves regret it.

Wutian came belatedly: "Haha, you finally understand the true meaning of the game, you live up to the world, and the world lives up to you! I still firmly believe that in a certain corner of the universe, there is another "I" that still exists. Prehistoric world!"

"At this moment, my demon body is being tempered by Master! Just wait for me to wake up and return!"

"The bosses of the two worlds have appeared. Only those of you who have entered the game of Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms can understand that we are still superficial after all! Eat lemon jpg."

"Hey, I used to be a king, and I also entered the Great Desolate Realm. I only lamented that I was young and frivolous! I didn't have any respect, and I just played like a game!"

"Who said it wasn't, if he had the mentality of Wutian, he probably wouldn't have left so early.

It turns out that all the gifts of fate have already been secretly priced!It is estimated that the rest of my life will be spent in regret! "

"I once had an opportunity to time travel in front of me, but I didn't cherish it. I regretted it when I lost it. There is nothing more painful than this in the world.

If God can give me another chance, I will say three words to that different world: I love you.If I have to add a time limit to this love, I hope it will be 1 years! "

Gradually, the first test players who had entered the prehistoric game appeared, and they said "regret" in two words.

Among them, many people who eat melons took the opportunity to ridicule.

"Hehe, it was the beginning of the world when you entered! Still thinking about overthrowing Hongjun? Really thought it was a game? Are you planning to find a bug and take the opportunity to overthrow the final boss?"

"If it were me, I would have hugged Daozu's golden thighs long ago! Serving him on the saddle, serving tea and water, and providing heavenly secret information! Maybe I can snatch the position of Haotian Boy, and maybe I can become a Heavenly Emperor in the future !"

"Stop talking!"

Beiming Youyu stood up as the biggest flood b on the forum, "Since playing the prehistoric game, I often burst into tears unconsciously in the middle of the night, and wet the entire bed sheet! Who is worse than me!"

"Isn't it a wet dream?"

Xiao Lin smiled and came out to make a joke. He was quite open to it. Although the game failed, he was finally free in reality.

"Bah, bah, bah! I regret it! Why did I not see Taishan back then? I should have knelt at the feet of the Great Immortal Yangmei! Crying and asking him to accept me as his disciple."

"Maybe this is life."

The well-known person in the forum, the game Xiao Zhang also appeared, and the wolf friends roared and roared. Xiao Zhang was originally a game reviewer, and he had entered the prehistoric game, which added a strong stroke to his resume.

Now the game Xiaozhang has made his debut, whether it is cd textbooks or books, they are all big sellers.

Such as his book: Records of the Great Desolation, about the reincarnation of a strange beast, the ordinary aptitude to achieve the strongest prehistoric, to offer blessings to the beautiful prehistoric, my Dao ancestor can't be so witty, re: the prehistoric life from scratch , as long as I have the title of the book, I can change it into a prehistoric name by just typing a word

Xiao Zhang keeps writing, and keeps publishing while the popularity is still high, not to mention, because of his influence and because this is the hottest topic in the world.

For a while, it became a bestseller all over the world, and even many official research laboratories purchased large quantities in an attempt to obtain prehistoric information through these books.

Xiao Zhang suddenly became the hottest popular writer on the earth, and his manuscript fee was calculated in the hundreds of millions of dollars. I heard that someone recently invited him to enter the film industry.

A street writer whose pen name is Zhuchuang Tingyu once broke the news with media reporters:

"He has a terrible pen, bad grammar, and an insult to the name of a writer!

But the reason why the book became popular all over the world was because he had entered a different world?It's really puzzling! "

The game Xiaozhang failed in a mess in the heavens and worlds: the prehistoric, but he didn't expect to be successful on the earth instead.

There are also many players who are greedy. They can't enter the different world anyway. They are not afraid of the express delivery. They have published books one after another. However, it turns out that it still depends on the person.

"Hmph! My mother is still in the undead volcano in the prehistoric world!" A pink loli's profile picture appeared.

Pink loli head, cursing a cow to death.The violent and dark Lolita, a famous prehistoric player, appeared.

One stone stirred up thousands of waves, and a long-renowned player boss bubbled up.

They have been diving all year round, watching the current players in different worlds with complicated eyes, but now they are blown out by the words of a generation of geniuses.

However, some people wondered, "I have never seen that lord go online. I see his gray avatar stopped on the day he died in the game. Has anyone contacted him? Could it be that he has retired forever like Feng Tianqingyu?" ?”

As soon as this remark came out, many people thought of the previous influential figure, who was known as the number one player in the world tree game.

Netizens asked questions one after another, and kept calling Obi, who had the best relationship with him.

Obi replied heavily: "Don't ask, everyone, I think he must be living happily now."

Yaoyao appeared in time to save the siege: "Now Obi and Yiyi Tianjiao are far away in other worlds, only me and Xianyu are in the atrium, and it is impossible for me to spread the news about Hill's Box."

"I just don't know when I will be able to open this magic box. I guess our group of players may not be able to wait!"

Salted fish: "No matter what, hope will last forever. Even if our first batch of Hill players are wiped out, the Internet has memories, and there will always be newcomers who will open the Hill box at the right time! Release hope!"

"Big brothers, don't worry! I will inherit your legacy! World Tree will be in crisis in the end of the world in the future.

I will definitely open the Hill's Box and give the world bright hope!Complete the ultimate mission to save the world! " Jiutian Ouxian replied solemnly.

Qiangang Moli complained, "Aren't these big bosses still alive? I'm afraid that when you open the magic box in the future, what you will release is not hope, but all the evil in this world!"

There is a lot of discussion on the forum, but the ending is always beyond everyone's expectations

Chapter 120 Dynasty Experiment Warcraft

Gushu Village is located in a remote village to the east of the atrium, quite a distance from the nearest small city-state.

The Sumerian government’s catching policy was also spread here. Nearly a hundred young and strong people in the village were conscripted to Yongwang Mountain. At this time, only women, children, old and young were working on the fields at home.

However, a few strange things happened last night that made the normally peaceful Gushu Village uneasy.

"Have you heard that the ewes of the village chief's house seemed to have died in the middle of the night last night! It is said that it is too horrible to look at!" an old man said cautiously.

"Isn't it? All the young and middle-aged people in the village were taken away by the imperial army! Who would be so carefree?

Could it be that the village chief is old and strong?But it's too harsh to start, isn't it? "Another left-behind old man sighed with emotion.

The village head of Gushu Village is notoriously lustful, he often does things like kicking widows' doors at night, so that before the young and strong in the village leave, they ask the old people to pay special attention!

Gradually, the news got bigger and bigger. There were few entertainment programs in the small village, but now that such a "big event" happened, of course there was a lot of melons!

"Have you heard? The cows in Oliver's house next door are also in a mess. It is said that they are exactly the same as the old ewes in the village chief's house!

Oliver also said that she woke up in the middle of the night and saw a hunchbacked figure driving piles outside the door!She was so frightened that she quickly threw something and yelled before leaving in shock! "

"No wonder I heard the screams of so many animals last night! I thought they were calling for spring!"

People in the small village were in panic because of the strange noises last night and the strange things they found when they woke up this morning. After seeing hundreds of bloody dead hens, the panic was brewing to a peak.

Why did the nine-year-old ewe die tragically on the street?Why are hundreds of animals screaming in the middle of the night?Why are chicken farms massacred? !Why are underwear frequently stolen in the village?Who is responsible for the serial rape of cows?

The pretty widow's door is knocked every night, is it a human or a ghost?What are the unknown secrets hidden behind the accidental death of hundreds of little hens?

Behind all this, is this the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality?Is it the explosion of xg or the helplessness of hunger and thirst?

Let us follow the villagers into the inner world of the village chief

Hundreds of villagers came together with all kinds of farm tools, and the old village chief Clive, who was already worried, was even more troubled!

"Hey! What's the matter!"

It's all because he was young and frivolous back then, so that when such a big event happened now, the villagers are all relying on him, and he also has a headache!

Peng Peng!

The door was constantly being knocked, and there were constant shouts outside the door.

"Clive! You have the guts to do such a thing, why don't you have the guts to open the door?"

"Pay my cow! My son is still waiting to drink his mother's milk. Now it's over. He's dead! I'm going to the city to sue you!"

The voices of the villagers outside the door became louder and louder, and the sound of knocking on the door was even more endless.

There was no other way, the village chief Clive opened the gate forcefully.

"Everyone listen to my advice! Calm down first!"

The village chief opened his hands and comforted the agitated villagers, "I know that the weird incident last night caused everyone a lot of losses, but I am also a victim! This is not what I, Clive, did!"

"Who else could there be? Now that there are so many beasts screaming and dying in the village, there must be ghosts!" The old villager raised his hoe and shouted.

The young and strong in the village have already been conscripted away, and the labor force is insufficient. They still count on the cows and ewes to live, but now they are all gone!

The outside forest is full of dangers, and weird monsters are lurking in the dark. How can it be possible to fight with these old and young women and children?

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