No one or god in the world dares to call this real name, nor can it be faked!

On the forum, "Everyone! I'm sure, it is indeed Rahil! She just told Aphra to get up! She didn't deny Aphra's title!"

"It's really a world tree, my world tree can't be so cute!"

"Bah, you stinky shameless thing, what is "My World Tree"? When you say this sentence in the atrium world, you will be crushed by the thunder!"

"I'm really surprised, how did the World Tree appear in the atrium? According to Hill's calendar, she has never appeared in the world in human form!

I believe even more that Rachel can't change form, and can't move lightly!Is it an upgrade now?Can you walk around without the body? "

"Rahil's identity is a stone hammer! Instead, I'm more curious about who is this ordinary young man in gray clothes next to her? Don't you notice that Lahil seems to follow his lead and treat him very kindly?"

Yes, everyone felt that this ordinary young man was the real boss!Didn't you see that Rachel listened to his words and acted?

"Who said that this gray-clothed man was mediocre before? Why did you pout him?"

Some netizens suddenly thought of this, and couldn't help laughing, and the forum was full of joy again.

I really don't know Taishan

"It doesn't make sense. It stands to reason that the world is the most honorable and the highest ranking is the World Tree. There is no creature in the world who is older or more noble than her!

There can't even be a creature on her equal!She is the mother of all creatures in the world of Hill! "

Many people are puzzled. The World Tree is the first creature in the Chaos Sea. Its origin and history are so long that it is unimaginable. Everything in later generations is derived from her.

Obi: "Such a big event happened. I didn't notice it if I didn't read the forum. According to the Goddess of Life and Elves, something strange happened to the World Tree not long ago!

It seems that now we know the whole story!I'm going to look through the oldest historical records of the elves now!See if there were any creatures at the same level as the World Tree before the endless years! "

Netizens were happy to see this boss come out. The elves are the third ethnic group in ancient times. It is said that they are only after the gods and the Titans. The history recorded by them must be more detailed and true than that of humans!

A generation of Tianjiao also bubbled up: "Lasil has actually descended to the earth? I also know something about the change mentioned by Obi just now. The frost giant Mill of the Giant Kingdom also woke up not long ago and ran out of the world. It turned out to be In order to investigate the changes in the world tree!

It seems that something big has happened in the world without our knowing it. Now I'm going to look through the history of the dwarves to see if I can find any clues!Salted fish, keep an eye on these big guys, maybe you will have unexpected huge gains! "

These two big bosses all went to look up the information. Everyone was waiting for the answer to be revealed. Xianyu also knew that there was a big deal on the table.

He knew that every move of these two inconceivable beings must have profound meanings, and every word they said to Aphra would affect the world situation!It even affects countless years!

But Xianyu was as puzzled as everyone else, "Isn't the most honorable and greatest in the world of Hill the World Tree? La Hill? Why are there creatures of the same level as her? Looking at La Hill's demeanor, she always stares at the gray tree. From the clothes man's point of view, it seems that he is more senior than Rahil?"

Chapter 115 Traveler from the Ancient Realm

Sitting on the boulder, Jiang Ping glanced at the salted fish who kept taking pictures, thinking with his toes, the salted fish must have revealed the news on the forum again.

"Why did you appear here?" Afra raised her head and asked nervously.

Indeed, according to common sense, the world tree Lahiel cannot act rashly at all, otherwise the four worlds will be unstable, and they may return to the sea of ​​chaos, and the rules of the world will be chaotic. This is also the doubt of salted fish.

"Could it be that she is really a ray of Rahil's soul? Walking the world instead of her?" Xianyu pondered.

Lahil looked at Jiang Ping again, and said softly, "Go shopping with the master."

A simple sentence shocked the other two.

The eyes of Afra and Xianyu quickly looked at Jiang Ping, who was beside him leisurely.

Where the hell is he?Rahil actually called him his master!

At this time, Xianyu didn't dare to go offline at all, he felt that he might have encountered the biggest secret in the world!

The World Tree actually has an owner?This is nothing short of horror!

If these words of La Hill's spread, it would be enough to cause shocks in the four worlds!The king of gods will turn pale with fright, and the giant titans will also fall off the throne!

Xianyu felt that if this was really a game, he might have encountered the ultimate hidden plot now!

Aphra looked at Jiang Ping with a frown. She is a native creature in this world, so she will not be as heartless as a salted fish. Some people are suspected of insulting her mother.Can it still give you a good face?

Aphra was originally a creature with strong self-esteem, and before kneeling down, she only bowed to Rahil, the most honorable person in the world.

"Who is Your Excellency? What does it have to do with my mother?" Aphra asked brazenly, as if she was not afraid of this mysterious figure's attack at all.

The salted fish next to him wiped off his sweat for Aphra, "Even if you don't agree with Lahil's address to the young man in gray, you don't have to be so direct!"


Jiang Ping shook the empty flagon, there was really no drop, Peng, he casually dropped the flagon.

He looked at Aphra who questioned himself.

"Me? I have many identities." Speaking of this, Jiang Ping paused for a while.

Xianyu almost felt that his breathing was about to stop, his eyes didn't blink, who is he?How dare you kidnap and sell the World Tree!

Afula also stared at Jiang Ping without blinking, she had never been serious before.

Jiang Ping looked into the distance, "A long time ago, someone once called me the God of Luck."

As if thinking of something, the corner of Jiang Ping's mouth slightly raised. At this moment, he remembered the little boy who was in the carriage and made bold words.

"God of luck?"

Aphra frowned again. She was born in the God Realm, but she had never heard of the God of Luck!

"It turned out to be the god of luck? I haven't heard his name among the twelve main gods."

Xianyu was so excited that his imagination was running wild, and he quickly went offline to tell netizens that he was still waiting for the rewards from Wandao Rocket and the plane!

On the forum, thousands of netizens are waiting for the first-line staff Xianyu to reveal the news, and they live up to expectations. They only feel that Xianyu has appeared again in an instant!

Salted Fish: "Here comes the big news! Rahil actually called this ordinary gray-clothed man the master!!"

"Fack! Did Rahil hit her head? That's why I call this man Master! This can also explain why she looks absent-minded!"

"Could it be that this man's identity is earth-shattering? Even the World Tree calls him the master? Unless there is only one possibility!"

"A possibility? The legendary creator god? Doesn't it look like it?!"

"Back then, the Great Tribulation of Dragon and Han was brewing to its peak, and the God of Creation descended. That demeanor looking down on the eternity still makes me tremble! The temperament of the two bosses is completely different!"

Netizens talked a lot, and couldn't believe that there was a creature in Hill's world that La Hill could call his master!The previous conjecture of the same level was completely overturned!It turned out to be a superior-subordinate relationship!

Some netizens are more willing to believe that Rachel went down to earth and broke his brain!Be fooled by this man!

Xianyu broke the news in time: "This man actually claims to be the god of luck? To be honest, I don't believe it!"

Obi: "God of Luck? I read the records of the elves. From the beginning of the world to the present, there is no such thing as God of Luck!

What's more, if it's just a god, how could it be possible for World Tree to worship it so much! "

He observed carefully from the photos, and found that Rahil looked at the man in gray with admiration and respect in his eyes.

Generation Tianjiao: "The kingdom of giants is the enemy of the gods, and the understanding of the gods is second to none. I have never heard of the god of luck, unless it is a new god! But the birth of a god is no small matter, and it will always leave behind in the world. Traces! Could it be that he is an ancient god?"

Netizens didn't understand, and started to guess wildly one by one, and finally shouted: "Salted fish, check again!"

Without the urging of everyone, Xianyu went online instantly after posting information on the forum.

At this time, Afra continued to ask, "God of luck? As far as I know, this god has never been born in the God Realm!"

"So it was a long time ago."

Jiang Ping┐ ̄ヘ ̄┌.

He looked at Rahil and continued: "I was indeed called the god of luck by everyone at that time, right, Lahil? Do you remember?"

The two pairs of eyes turned to Lahil again, and Lahil shook her head. The two green braids on her head kept shaking, as if she was constantly thinking about it.

Afra treated Rahil very respectfully. She thought about it for a while without any urging.

Xianyu only felt that Rahil's memory was so poor, could it be that the nobleman forgot too much?

After a long time, Lahil said softly: "It was indeed a long time ago. At that time, I was experiencing the last nirvana. You seem to have come to see me in person. People vaguely called you Bell, the God of Luck."

Frown, puzzled!

Aphra doesn't understand, neither does Xianyu.

"Is it really the god of luck? Both of them said that it happened a long time ago. It seems that it was really before the endless years. Could it be before the world was born? But the world was not born, so how could any creature call him lucky? God Bell?"

Xianyu kept guessing that he knew the most history among all the players, and he had never heard of any living beings in this world before the birth of the ancestor gods and the ancestor giants.

"Furthermore, various ancient books have never recorded that Lahile had ever passed into Nirvana! It seems that this mysterious man is really an ancient god!" Xianyu thought to himself!

"Could it be that you come from beyond the Chaos Sea? From the same place as the great Rahil?" Aphra's question hit the point.

Jiang Ping glanced at her in surprise, and guessed part of the truth so quickly.


Jiang Ping jumped down from the boulder, "I am indeed from Chaos Overseas. I just said that the god of luck was called by others a long time ago. Now that the ancient world has been destroyed, I am not a god of luck. Now I am Just an ordinary traveler."

Jiang Ping's casual sentence exploded in the minds of Afra and Xianyu. His words contained too much information!

"There are still worlds outside the Chaos Sea!" Aphra had always thought that only the World Tree had worlds in the Endless Chaos Sea!

"Sure enough, it's the heavens and worlds, each world is in a different time and space! At least what I know now includes the Hill World, the Great Desolate World, and the destroyed ancient world he just mentioned!"

Xianyu was dumbfounded, and felt that he had come here so rightly!

On the forum, Xianyu excitedly shared:

"It's confirmed! This gray-clothed man is from Chaos Overseas! He was in the same ancient world as Lahir a long time ago! But according to what he just said, the ancient world has long since been destroyed!"

Netizens are also excited, the heavens and worlds get the stone hammer!I don't know how many big worlds are floating in the boundless chaotic sea!

The Heavens and Myriad Realms that have already been launched on the game platform: Primordial Worlds and Heavens and Myriad Realms: World Tree prove the two great worlds!

"Haha! He is from Chaos Overseas, and it seems that he is indeed a super ancient giant! A well-deserved super boss! I just don't know if this super boss and the Creator God who appeared in the prehistoric world recognize him or not! Who is more concerned! "

Game Xiaozhang: "In this way, if we are bolder, our earth is also a member of the heavens and worlds.

Now there is just a mysterious god who has noticed the earth, so make games so that we earthlings can also communicate with other worlds! "

Xiao Zhang has been in the prehistoric world before, and now he makes a bold guess, and be careful to verify!

His words were actually recognized by many people!However, some netizens still feel sour, thinking that this is just a game!

After all, they don't want to admit that there is a higher world than the earth

Although the game looks very problematic

Chapter 116 The void will also collapse, and the way of heaven will also perish!

Obi: "The ancient world that has been destroyed? It seems that it is the original hometown of Lashiel! According to the guess of the oldest record in Hill's calendar, the seed of the world tree does come from a higher outer world!

Xianyu quickly ask him how the ancient world was destroyed!Is there any unimaginable crisis?Is it the enemy that destroys the world?Or blew himself up?In any case, we latecomers should keep in mind! "

When everyone saw Obi's speech, they all nodded. If the world is really the heavens and worlds, one after another, fantasy worlds coexist, then why did such a powerful world tree and even the ancient world of this ancient god be destroyed in the end? up?

"By the way, if the Heavens and Worlds: World Tree is really counted as a game, then it is estimated that Xianyu is now exposed to the final hidden plot of the game! The mission of saving the world!"

"Uh, in many games, our players are the chosen ones when they enter the game, and they came into the world to save the world and all living beings in the dawn. So, Xianyu is now taking on the main mission?"

The atrium, at the foot of Yongwang Mountain, was bustling with people, slaves and warriors were all discussing the feat of King Gilga, but no one paid attention to the four rock figures in one corner.

Xianyu sneaked a peek at Jiang Ping carefully. At this moment, he no longer felt that this boss was mediocre, and every subtle movement of his made Xianyu feel that there was a deep meaning in it!

Even Xianyu was still trying to think back, did the few simple actions of the boss just now contain deep meaning?Is it related to the world plot?

At first, Xianyu felt that what he saw was the most superficial first layer, but now he felt that he saw the third layer. This super "npc" was obviously preparing to send out a mission to save the world!

Aphra's eyes were deep, and she saw through the true identities of the two big men on the rock in one fell swoop. She should have seen the fourth floor.

In fact, this traveler from the ancient world should be on the fifth floor!

Jiang Ping looked at the salted fish who kept aiming at him strangely, and felt that he must have thought too much.

I just came here at will, and I didn't intend to release any rescue-level missions. It can only be regarded as an accident that Aphra found out Rahil's real body.

Seeing Jiang Ping got up, Lahil also jumped off the rock.

"You don't need to notify others, my arrival is just the simplest wandering."


Although there were many doubts, Aphra respected the mother of the world very much and dared not be rude in the slightest.

Seeing that these two super bosses were about to leave, Xianyu gritted his teeth and felt that he must not let go of such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He wanted to dig out the biggest hidden plot in this world game!He wants to take over the mission of saving the world!

"May I ask you, how did the ancient world be destroyed back then? Is there an unimaginable crisis outside the world? And will the Great Hill world repeat the same mistakes?"

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