It is Yule's most powerful artifact to replace the Holy Sword of Original Sin, and now the Deviant Sword forged by Gilga can be compared with it?

Many people didn't believe it. At this time, Gilga looked at the love sword in his hand and felt a little puzzled in his heart.

"Has the potential of the Deviation Sword really been discovered by me?"

During the Qin Aihai battle before, Gilga did completely liberate the Deviation Sword, but because of this, he felt that it was not close!

Looking at the lowest piece of blade on the body of Guaiyijian, Gilga was puzzled. At first, the three treasures represented heaven and earth respectively, and only the last black piece was unknown.

He had personally consulted many ancient books, and had discussions with many wise men of the dynasty, but he still hadn't figured out the attributes represented by the last piece of Shenzhen.

"Is there any material attribute that hasn't appeared between heaven and earth?" Gilga was puzzled, and he could only continue to heal his wounds.

Gilga healed his wounds, the Sumerian dynasty sorted out the previous war victories, and the city-state alliance suffered such a heavy blow, slowly recovering its strength while fighting for power.

For a moment, the atrium world fell into a rare calm, which made many melon-eating netizens who were afraid of chaos in the world feel bored.

However, players in this fantasy world know that peace is hard-won. In the near future, when Gilga leaves the level, there will be another bloodbath!

This is just the calm before the storm!

The big world of Hill is calm, and many netizens have nothing to do, and started discussing another game of the heavens and the world.

"Guys, I've been watching World Tree games recently. Where's Hong Huang? Is it too cold?"

This sentence reminds everyone, yes, it is not just a game, but also the heavens and worlds: the wild!There are still four prehistoric players still alive!

Netizens lamented: With a new child, forget the eldest son!

Producer, keep your eyes open, has Honghuang been forgotten by you?

ps: All book friends, keep your eyes open, vote for your recommendation, and fulfill my little wish of [-] recommendation votes, otherwise Zhu Yu will not sleep with his eyes closed at night

Chapter 95 The Forgotten "Prehistoric" (recommendation ticket requested)

Several prehistoric players who had been diving for a long time erupted.

Cute Lolita: Yes, it’s been a long time. I really miss the sisters of Honghuang. I don’t know what happened to the body in the undead volcano. After so long, it won’t become a hairless phoenix, right?I don't know if the two young masters were born or not.

Long Shao: Oh, you’re alright, at least temper your body inside the volcano. I’ve frozen myself in the deep ice. Recently, I’ve always dreamed of being dug out by someone and doing real dragon barbecue!

It makes me feel like I don't think about food and drink now, and I feel like vomiting when I encounter barbecue!I'm afraid that I will log in again and find that I am already on the grill!

Seeing the appearance of these two prehistoric players, one after another netizens began to make noise.

"Young Master Long, you don't have to worry, no, there is also a dark loli to accompany you? It is estimated that the two of you have now become a combination of dragon liver and phoenix marrow and appeared on the Jade Emperor's dinner plate!"

Cute loli: I'm bah bah, listen, is this a human language?I am an ancient phoenix clan, who would dare to eat me?My old lady can't burn him to death with a real fire!

Wutian: It’s been a long time. Ever since the World Tree game was launched, the unreliable producer seems to have forgotten the prehistoric game. I don’t know how Master has tempered my demon body now.

Ji Laojiang: Yes, according to the flow rate ratio of prehistoric time, I am really afraid of waking up.

The stars are shattered, the earth is disintegrated, and the Conferred Gods and Journey to the West are all over. In this case, we players have no advantage at all. How can we play against these old and cunning Great Desolate Gods?

The four prehistoric players expressed their worries one after another. What they said was that they wanted to enter the prehistoric game as soon as possible. Watching others play is too itchy!

Other netizens also lamented that there were [-] quotas for the game at the beginning of the game. The first test player died, and they could still grab it. As a result, there are only four surviving only seedlings left, and they can't even log in to the game!

"Could it be that you messed around last time and made the producer unhappy? After all, he said in person, "This year's players are not good"! That's why the new game World Tree uses exam papers to select players."

There was a lot of discussion on the forum, and they were all worried that the producer would shut down the Heavens and Worlds: Primordial game from now on.

Jiang Ping took a peek at the screen and slapped his head, hehe, he has been patronizing the world around La Hill recently, but he really forgot about Honghuang.


Jiang Ping took out Genesis and opened it to see how the prehistoric world has been doing recently.


Unknowingly, the prehistoric world has accumulated a lot of energy one after another, Jiang Ping is a little surprised, he likes this feeling of unknowingly increasing wealth!

Original points: 200

At this time, there is no boundless prehistoric world, Hongjun is already in harmony with the Dao of Heaven, the Zixiao Palace Conference has been held twice, and the method of cultivating the Immortal Dao has been widely publicized.

Countless acquired beings began to embark on the path of cultivation, constantly swallowing the aura of the wilderness, although the demon lord Luo Hu and Zulong could not be born in person.

But it is still possible to let the disciples of the disciples travel instead of themselves. The cultivation base of these two big brothers has become more and more profound.

Ever since the Longhan War, they had seen such an incredible existence, and they knew that the world was very big, and their little cultivation was nothing at all.

Now Luohu and Zulong have also surpassed the realm of saints, comparable to Hongjun who is in harmony.

After all, these three great gods are the winners of the last catastrophe. Although Hongjun is in charge of the jade plate of good fortune and the general trend of heaven, Luo Hu and Zulong are not bad, but they have reached their stage. In fact, a fairy, a demon, Yilong also found out.

Although I have become stronger, I am more restrained in the prehistoric world, but there is no freedom for the saints, and they themselves have become part of the great avenue of the prehistoric world!

In addition to Hongjun, Luohu, and Zulong, Jiang Ping also discovered that there are six rays of light that are the most dazzling. Stand out from the catastrophe.

The prehistoric creatures are constantly swallowing spiritual energy, and the heavenly calamity cloud is still slowly brewing, every drink and peck, there is a definite number.

"It seems to be a Lich catastrophe this time, right?"

Jiang Ping pondered, he wanted to see how the characters would have achieved if the players hadn't participated in this catastrophe.

When Genesis was closed, Jiang Ping did not intend to interfere too much with the development of the prehistoric world. It already has a fixed line, so there is no need for him to bother.

However, Jiang Ping was also surprised that the Great Desolate World was a super world where he invested a lot of money. Why hasn't there been any super life that can escape?

At the beginning of the small world, there were two creatures with full potential, Lashiel and Ant King. Why, Hongjun and others seem to be powerful now, but they seem to have a limited future, and they can go all the way in the future. See the signs that they can break the world of chaos.

"Could it be that the stronger the world, the harder it is for life to break the limit of the world and transcend dimensions?" Jiang Ping was a little puzzled. It seems that if there is a chance, he should do more experiments and create more worlds for fun.

After all, if one is not enough, if there are more, there will always be success!

The only headache is the original points.

On the forum, netizens were wailing all over the place, but Jiang Ping just pretended not to hear it. He continued to pay attention to Hill World, which was the most important thing recently.

He has high hopes for Rahil!

In the atrium world, the long-sealed door was opened, and a golden king stepped out from it. His figure was so mighty that it was brighter than the rising sun.

"Congratulations to the most holy and great king!"

Outside the gate, thousands of gold powerhouses knelt down to congratulate him on his exit.

Gilga, who reappeared, is even more awe-inspiring. It is obvious that after this retreat, his strength has improved to a higher level!


The legendary behemoth soars in the air, welcoming the reappearance of its master.

Gilga affectionately stroked the yellow mane on the male lion, and said coldly to the kneeling strong man:

"Now that the king has left the customs, he is ready to crusade against the city-state alliance!"


The voices replied in unison, the voice contained strands of excitement, the Sumerian dynasty was about to create a myth!Become the first kingdom ever to rule the entire Atrium of humans!

Within the territory of the Sumerian Dynasty, all the city-states were in operation, and the soldiers stepped up their training. If they wanted to break through the alliance, they had to vigorously develop the navy. However, this aspect was a shortcoming for the Dynasty.

Other equipment and engineering weapons are all ready, but the giant ship cannot be completed in a day or two, not to mention the last Qin Aihai war, the dynasty soldiers also saw the coalition navy.

Although the strength of the coalition forces has declined greatly since that time, a lean camel is bigger than a horse!No one dares to enter easily!

This relieved the federal city lords who were in a hurry when they heard that Gilga had left the customs.

A city lord shouted: "With the natural danger of Qin Aihai, coupled with the powerful navy of the coalition forces, we can sit back and relax! We will share the world with Gilga from now on!"

Many people in the federation immediately relaxed. The army of the Sumerian dynasty was powerful, but the navy needed technology accumulation!It can't be built overnight!

"Xilin, it's difficult for the imperial army to invade the Federation, so we don't have to worry too much." After hearing the news, Yanni ran happily and said.

Xilin shook his head helplessly, with a slightly bitter expression on his face. Looking at history, the forces that are peaceful and do not want to make progress and only want to defend will never last long.

"Although the Sumerian dynasty is now unable to attack the Federation, do you think Gilga will hold back?"

"You mean, even if the Federation can defend now, it will definitely be breached in the future?" Yanni said worriedly, his clear eyes showing worry.

Xilin nodded, and said in a deep voice: "It's all about the length of time, the collapse of the Federation is doomed."

As soon as this remark came out, Yani was startled. She glanced at Xilin worriedly, and looked down the city. Everyone in Jushi City was living and working in peace and contentment. There was laughter from time to time. The life of the people was much better than other city-states.

In the past few months, after Xilin returned to Boulder City, he tried his best to improve the lives of the people in Boulder City. He started from small things, reclaimed wasteland, formed caravans, and he opened up business routes one by one.

Some people in the federation invited him to re-enter the parliament, but he was declined by Xilin. Now he feels that it is true to be plain and ordinary.

"My lord, there is a huge gap between the strength of our dynasty's navy and the Federation's. It may take at least 30 years to catch up with the Federation's navy!

These 30 years are still uncertain whether the Federation will strengthen the navy again. "A burly general in black-scale heavy armor reported to Gilga.

Gilga Chiguo's upper body, muscular and muscular, showed the beauty of humanity. With his right hand resting on his cheek, he listened quietly to the general's report.

"30 years? It's too long, I don't have such patience!"

Chapter 96 Canyon of Despair

"However, King, if our army really sends troops, I'm afraid we will repeat the same mistakes as the Federation!" the general said worriedly.

"Can the siren and other sea monsters of Qin Aihai win over?" Gilga asked casually.

The general thought for a while, "The sea monsters live in the depths of Qin Aihai, even if you personally come forward to form an alliance with them, it will be icing on the cake at best.

The Federation has built magic fortresses and thousands of watchtowers along the coastline. With the help of sea monsters alone, this may not affect the overall situation! "

Gilga frowned, did he really have to wait so long?In this process, I don't know what will happen again!

"Take out the atrium map!"

A huge map painted on holy-order animal skins was carefully carried out by the guards.

Gilga and several generals carefully studied the map, trying to find another road other than Qin Aihai. However, the atrium world is full of dangers, and there are countless powerful monsters. They are born powerful, inherit ancient blood, and some even participated in the war of the gods!

Among them, the best ones can compete with ordinary gods by virtue of their great strength and talent!This kind of monster, which is called a beast, is definitely not something that humans in the legendary realm can challenge!

The longer the distance, the easier it is to violate the territory of other giant beasts. If one is not good, the whole army will be wiped out, or there will be heavy casualties before fighting the enemy!

At this time, Gilga deeply felt that he was not strong enough. Although he was standing at the peak of human beings now, the world was too big, not to mention the gods and titans, and even other powerful beasts were not something he could compete with now!

Gilga once again felt that he was far away from the goal of crusade against the gods, "I am still far from the realm of the gods at this time! Even with the help of the Deviation Sword, it is useless."

Gilga frowned, the legendary path to promotion had already been explored by Xilin.

His God Killing King Realm is even more terrifying, complementing the Deviation Sword, it is born to suppress any realm!

Yet Gilga still felt that he was still some distance away from the gods!

Suddenly Gilga frowned and pointed to a certain canyon on the map.

"If you get through here, the Sumerian army will drive straight to the rear of the federation! Coupled with Qin Aihai's feint attack, wouldn't it be possible to destroy the federation in one go!"

Several generals quickly looked in the direction of their index fingers, and they trembled when they saw it. Someone reminded:

"King, this is the Canyon of Despair!"

Everyone in the arena except Gilga was stunned. The Canyon of Despair was a dangerous terrain created by the magic of the gods during the Great God War.

It is said that a titan and a true god once fell in the canyon. These two top powerhouses died together, so that the resentment persisted for thousands of years after death.

Condensed into a series of vengeful ghosts, fighting in the canyon year after year, there is even a dead monarch who fuses the fallen gods and the remnant souls of giants!

On the mainland, all living beings will retreat when they encounter the Canyon of Despair. It is said that once they approach, they will get lost in it, making people lose their way in despair and never return!Fight desperately in it forever and ever, never stop!

And the prestige of the death monarch changed the color of many powerful behemoths. Once there was a flame tyrannosaurus after the war, which inadvertently spewed fire and spread to the canyon area.

The dead monarch went out of the valley to hunt down the dragon for three days and three nights!In the end, the legendary dragon turned into Deathwing and became the mount of the Bone Lord!

"Your Majesty, there is no need to take risks like this! At most ten years, the size of the navy will begin to show, and there must be people in the federation who secretly seek refuge. At that time, the collapse of the federation will be just around the corner!" a general persuaded.

It's a pity that Gilga has always been headstrong, and even ten dragons can't pull back what he decides!

The next day, Gilga wore a golden jersey and rode the Lion King to the Canyon of Despair without anyone knowing.

This is an unknown adventure, this is a shocking challenge, no one can know what happened to the King of Heroes.

In the canyon of despair with black dead traces, there have been a lot of shocking noises in the past few days, and the frightened crows flew wildly in the sky.

However, this place was originally located in a remote place, and the gloomy and cold canyon kept other creatures far away, so no one noticed the strangeness here.

Three days later, 5 elite soldiers of the Sumerian Dynasty sneaked through the canyon. In the process, none of the federal spies noticed.

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