The leading generals glanced at the inside of the canyon, which had almost completely changed its appearance, and sighed that King Gilga's fighting power was against the sky!

The soldiers walked silently in the dark canyon, clicking, occasionally stepping on bones. These are legendary creatures buried in the canyon of despair!

When a huge but almost falling apart dragon skeleton appeared by the roadside, not only the generals were frightened, but the bravest Sumerian soldiers felt their legs tremble constantly.

Fortunately, this group were all the most elite fighters, their scalps were tingling against the mighty dragon, and they passed by the keel.

The giant dragon belongs to the strongest fantasy group, but even though the mighty dragon is there, the skull of the giant dragon does not have a ray of soul fire!

"Cultivating plank roads in the open, and keeping Chen Cang in secret?" Jiang Ping said with emotion, "It seems that the people in the atrium are going to be unified."

Jiang Ping looked at the TV screen with both eyes, and pressed the remote control with his right hand to tune the channel.

On the other side of Qin Aihai, there was a lot of voices. Soldiers boarded the ship roaring, and bags of logistics food were escorted to the cabin. Occasionally, two legendary giant beasts could be seen carrying Gilga on patrol.

"Urgent report! Urgent report! Gilga summoned a million troops in Qin Aihai, suspected of planning to storm the federal fortress!"

A federal spy hurriedly fell from the white sky, ran all the way in the palace, and broke into the city-state assembly in an emergency.

"What? Is Gilga crazy? How can Sumerian battleships break through the city-state fortress alone!"

The city lords stood up in shock. They didn't believe why Gilga was so irrational. The most embarrassing thing was that the previous ones still swore that Gilga would not dare to attack.

As a result, in the blink of an eye, they gathered an army, prepared logistics supplies, and were near Qin Aihai, ready to attack the alliance at any time!

An old city lord with white hair and beard frowned and said, "Relying on the warships of the Sumerian dynasty. Where does Gilga have the courage?

The Sumerian navy was far inferior to the alliance navy, and with the fortress blocking it, but with those few dilapidated fishing boats, did he want to wipe out the entire army? "

This is also everyone's question. If things go wrong, there must be demons.

"Could it be that Gilga's body swelled after healed?" Many people thought to themselves.

But in any case, it is a fact that Gilga is coming fiercely, and it is a fact that he is constantly calling soldiers and supplies to the edge of the Qin Ai Sea.

After the highest resolution of the city-state assembly, a large number of soldiers were urgently transferred to the fortress, and warships were filled with soldiers and supplies, patrolling the edge of the coastline day and night, non-stop!

The city-state fortress is engraved with countless legendary magic circles, and the combined power of each other is terrifying!

Coupled with pieces of magic cannons made of precious metals, the city lords absolutely believed that the Sumerian army would return in defeat!

Such a big move by the Sumerian dynasty and the Federation made the people of every city-state worried, and they felt that the short-lived peace had disappeared again.

On the forum, netizens were also surprised by Gilga's actions.

The Sumerian navy cannot be compared with the Federation at all!Adding an offense and a defense, whether it is logistics or other aspects, as long as there is no instant breakthrough, the Sumerian dynasty will continue to bleed, and even bring down this huge dynasty!

"Could it be that Gilga's mentality swelled after she left the customs and leveled up again?"

Everyone can only guess that Gilga's personal force has increased again.

After all, in the last Qin Aihai battle, Gilga completely liberated the Deviation Sword and really scared everyone!

It also taught everyone on the planet a lesson in what it means to personally decide war.

"Probably not? In such a short period of time, Gilga's promotion to legend also relied on the Deviation Sword, although it is admitted that after he understood the path of legend, the Godslaying King Realm he created was indeed terrifying, restraining all other realms.

But I don't think he has broken through the realm again now!Because his accumulated background is not enough! "

This netizen's speech was unanimously approved by everyone. Although the King of Heroes is a demigod talent, Gilga has long since abandoned God's favor. He can't be so against the sky!

ps: The third update has arrived, and the third update will continue tomorrow. I sincerely ask readers for recommendation tickets. This book has been written for a while, and now I am finally trying to see if I can go to Sanjiang. The starting point of Sanjiang is the glory of every author. , I’ve never been on it, this is the last chance, if I can’t, this book will be put on the shelves, readers are kindly requested to vote!Fulfill my wish, thank you bow.

Three updates a day for the next 4 days of this week!no sooner said than done!

Chapter 97 A Federation That Can't Be Breaking Down by Itself (Please recommend)

"Boss Xilin, the federation is exhausted. Even if Gilga fails this time, he will definitely make a comeback in a few decades. The federation can stop it for a while, but it can't stop it for a lifetime!"

Many netizens have seen through the general trend of the world. After all, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, many great gods are posting on the forum.

Someone summoned Xilin, advising him to clean up his troubles as soon as possible and prepare himself for the way out.

After that shocking battle, Xilin seldom appeared on the forum. He spent most of his time with Yanni and cherished every minute they spent together.

He rarely appeared this time, but it exceeded everyone's expectations. Xilin felt that he was the lord of Boulder City. He knew every soldier here, and his lover and life circle were all here. He would not abandon the city and run away alone!

Many netizens lamented that many people laughed at him for being addicted to playing games, and he actually developed true feelings for the npc in the game.

Xilin asked back: "What is real? What is virtual? For me, the time spent in the atrium world is several times that of reality!

Every creature in it is alive. I am very fortunate to be able to enter the world of the heavens and worlds: the World Tree. This is the greatest honor of my life! "

There are still many netizens who still laugh at it. They have not set foot in it, and they don’t know the real world after all.

Xilin has quit the forum and is online again in the World Tree game.

However, there are also many people who feel the same way. After playing a game for a long time, especially when waiting for the closing server to leave, they always feel that a world has left them.

There are even girls with bright eyes, only feeling that they have not entered such a fantasy world, and it is really a lifelong regret!

The atrium world has been in constant turmoil recently, and the attack of the Sumerian dynasty has affected everyone's heart. Powerful legions rushed to the front fortresses from all over the Federation.

The huge magic circle of the fortress is ready to be activated at any time, and thousands of warships are patrolling in front of the fortress day and night.

Every day, thousands of scouts sent stacks of information, and the city-state assembly was held day and night, and everyone was noisy and finally stepped up their defenses.

But what no one in the city-state expected was that a group of more than 4 elite soldiers was looking at the federal castle ahead.

"It's been so long, I have encountered so many strange things along the way, and I have also lost some people. I finally completed the mission given by the king!"

The leading general wiped off the dirty sweat on his face, and began to borrow special magic props to issue secret security to Gilga.

The special attack team rested quietly that night, and the next day the sun rose. The soldiers of this federal border castle opened their dim eyes and looked at the dynasty soldiers who had sneaked into the city gate in bewilderment.

"Put down your weapons! Surrender and don't kill! My king is merciful, as long as you don't resist, he will treat you equally and will never kill innocent people indiscriminately!"

The general held up his long sword and shouted words of persuasion.

The elite soldiers around have picked up Senhan spears and occupied the key points of the castle.

This city is not considered a small city, and there are 90 million people in it. However, most of the elite forces have been transferred to the front line. How can the old, weak, women and children who are left behind be able to fight against these elite soldiers who have traveled through endless dangers?


The khaki federal flag fell, and the bright red Sumerian flag slowly rose, signaling the end of an old era and the advent of a new era!

One city surrendered, and several other neighboring cities also moved after hearing the news, and planted bright red Sumerian flags one after another.

The Sumerian dynasty was already famous. After the last defeat, Xilin stepped down. Many city lords in the federation fought with each other in order to fight for power and profit. As a result, the economy of many city-states declined and the lives of the people became more and more impoverished.

General Sumer was surprised to find that his task was so easy.

Three days later, the news of the fall of the rear came, and the Federation was shocked!On the forum, netizens were also shocked!

"Hey, have you heard? The [-] Sumerian army has already marched south. Not only have dozens of cities fallen, but they are almost here!"

In Wall City, the largest in the Federation, rumors are constantly spreading, and people are panicking.

In the end, the news got bigger and bigger, and it seemed that the army of the Dynasty was approaching the city in the next second!

The city-state was full of turmoil, and people were constantly packing up their belongings and trying to escape from the city with their belongings.

The faces of the city lords also changed drastically. After being protected by scouts and knowing that it was true, they also began to pack up and prepare to leave the city to seek refuge!

Even these big men are like this?What's more, the common people?

For a while, the prosperous Wall City fell into chaos, and fires rose from time to time. This is because someone took advantage of the chaos to burn and loot!

The Qinaihai Fortress on the front line, when they heard that the rear was lost, the soldiers turned pale with fright.

"Mother! Wife! Good daughter!"

Many soldiers roared sadly.


Someone threw away the spear in his hand, "If you can't even protect your own home, what's the use of running to defend such a fortress!"

This is the voice of all the soldiers. The commander of the fortress, Walker, was Xilin's right-hand man. He had been in command for decades, and he was not so pale even in the last big defeat.

At this time, his face was extremely dignified, and he was constantly patrolling the fortress with his guards. With his years of prestige, he forced himself to suppress the uneasiness of the soldiers.

However, soon the warning horns began to sound, and the patrolling warships in front continued to blow their horns. A group of warships from the coastline in the distance were slowly approaching, and the king of gold sitting on the griffin was at the forefront!

Bang bang bang!

Soldiers put down their weapons in a daze, not knowing whether their relatives were alive or dead, their hometown fell, and Gilga's invincible reputation, how could they have the slightest fighting spirit at this time?

What about a battleship that is so powerful that it is several times stronger than the opponent?What about the unbreakable invincible fortress?

When the soldiers inside lose their fighting spirit, the battleship is nothing but scrap metal, and the fortress is just a wide city gate!

The Grand Commander Walker closed his eyes in despair, and the Deputy Commander behind him asked anxiously with a pale face:

"Commander, quickly order the entire army to return to defense, activate the fortress formation, rely on the location and the cooperation of the warships, if they can't attack, we can fight again!"

The deputy commander was almost roaring as he spoke, his tiger eyes were bloodshot, and his canthus was about to burst!

The commander-in-chief Walker said hoarsely: "Let the soldiers surrender. Such a military spirit and such a situation will only increase casualties if the situation continues!"

"Big guy!"

"Grand Commander!"

The loyal subordinates roared, these generals who have survived from the battlefield like mountains of swords and seas of fire have tears in their eyes at this moment!


The commander-in-chief Walker quickly pulled out his handsome sword with his right hand, and before all his subordinates could react, he had already swiped his hands desperately along his neck!

"Leader Xilin, this subordinate is going to go first!!"


Like the collapse of Mount Tai, Walker's huge body fell heavily on the fortress!

"General! Commander!" A soldier roared with tears streaming down his face!

The commander-in-chief committed suicide, and the soldiers of the fortress and battleship looked forward to the wind. The huge khaki federal flag fell from the invincible fortress, and a bright red dynasty flag rose slowly, which was particularly eye-catching under the setting sun.

Wearing a golden battle robe, Gilga stepped down from the Griffon and set foot on the other side of the Aegean Sea for the first time. He glanced at the commander who committed suicide and the soldiers who had put down their weapons and surrendered.

Gilga stretched out his cloak and continued to patrol the invincible fortress built by the Federation with countless manpower and material resources.

"Glorious burial to General Walker!"

These words came from behind Gilga who was gone, a general was stunned for a moment, and then immediately responded:


Chapter 98 The King Does Not See the King

On the forum, many netizens were caught off guard by the rapid changes in the situation in the atrium world.

"No, isn't there still more than a million elite fighters in the alliance, as well as countless strong men, with strong soldiers and strong horses, and supplementary logistics, why did it collapse in an instant?"

"Who knows that Gilga is not arrogant, but pretending to be a fog! He actually opened up another way! Directly outflank the Federation!"

Netizens marveled at Gilga's plot. Everyone thought that Gilga was just a strong man with no force, but he was a wise and brave king!

The big scene before was just a show. The real killer is the elite soldiers behind. Occasionally, other people wondered whether the Sumerian army would come out from other routes.

After all, the Sumerian navy is indeed not strong, but after careful study, in addition to crossing the Qinai Sea, other routes almost have to make a big circle. Other routes are not only dangerous mountains, but also occupied by powerful giant beasts. Territories are very sensitive.

If you march on a large scale, you will definitely clash with giant beasts. If one is not good, the entire army will be wiped out before encountering the enemy, but who would have thought that Gilga would take the risk of opening the road to the Canyon of Despair this time!

The Lord of Death has been famous for thousands of years. He is a divine creature formed from the resentment of the corpses of gods and giant titans. How could Gilga, as a legend, challenge him?

In fact, Gilga challenged the death monarch to pay an unimaginable price. In the battle to conquer the Federation, he almost didn't make a move!

The overall situation has been decided, as long as he stands there, many city-states will look forward to it!

When the news of the fall of the frontline fort came, the city lords did not hesitate and signed the surrender letter one after another. So far, the Federation that had been associated with the Sumerian Dynasty for many years collapsed and completely fell under the command of Gilga.

The people in the atrium did not expect the situation to change so quickly, such a super alliance composed of thousands of big cities, would disintegrate in such a short period of time!

Gilga didn't remember the legendary siege before, some powerful legends, some greedy for power and the cultivation resources of the dynasty, took refuge in the Sumerian dynasty, and turned into royal powerhouses.

There is also a large part of the scruples that Gilga is domineering and alone, and began to take his disciples away from human city-states and travel around the world.

The human beings in the atrium, which have been divided for a long time and have never been unified, are finally united!The Sumerian dynasty became the first ever human kingdom!

Gilga became the first peerless king to unify all mankind!

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